![Arxiv:1703.07468V1 [Cond-Mat.Str-El] 21 Mar 2017 Generating Spin Ice and Its Emergent Magnetic Monopoles Tion Metal fluoride Pyrochlores](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Single-ion properties of the Seff = 1/2 XY antiferromagnetic pyrochlores, 0 0 2+ 2+ NaA Co2F7 (A = Ca , Sr ) K.A. Ross,1, 2 J.M. Brown,1 R.J. Cava,3 J.W. Krizan,3 S. E. Nagler,4 J.A. Rodriguez-Rivera,5, 6 and M. B. Stone4 1Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, 80523, USA 2Quantum Materials Program, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1Z8, Canada∗ 3Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544, USA 4Quantum Condensed Matter Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831, USA 5NIST Center for Neutron Research, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899, USA 6Materials Science and Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA (Dated: March 23, 2017) The antiferromagnetic pyrochlore material NaCaCo2F7 is a thermal spin liquid over a broad 2+ temperature range (≈ 140 K down to TF = 2:4K), in which magnetic correlations between Co dipole moments explore a continuous manifold of antiferromagnetic XY states.1 The thermal spin liquid is interrupted by spin freezing at a temperature that is ∼ 2 % of the mean field interaction strength, leading to short range static XY clusters with distinctive relaxation dynamics. Here we report the low energy inelastic neutron scattering response from the related compound NaSrCo2F7, confirming that it hosts the same static and dynamic spin correlations as NaCaCo2F7. We then present the single-ion levels of Co2+ in these materials as measured by inelastic neutron scattering. An intermediate spin orbit coupling model applied to an ensemble of trigonally distorted octahedral crystal fields accounts for the observed transitions. The single-ion ground state of Co2+ is a Kramers doublet with a strongly XY-like g-tensor (gxy=gz ∼ 3). The local disorder inherent from the mixed pyrochlore A sites (Na+/Ca2+ and Na+/Sr2+) is evident in these measurements as exaggerated broadening of some of the levels. A simple model that reproduces the salient features of the single- ion spectrum produces approximately 8.4% and 4.1% variation in the z and xy components of the g-tensor, respectively. This study confirms that an Seff = 1=2 model with XY antiferromagnetic exchange and weak exchange disorder serves as a basic starting point in understanding the low temperature magnetic behavior of these strongly frustrated magnets. 16,17 I. INTRODUCTION ical disorder, as has been observed in Yb2Ti2O7 and 18 Tb2Ti2O7. The recently discovered 3d transition metal pyrochlore Magnetism on the pyrochlore lattice is a rich field of fluoride NaCaCo F (NCCF) has previously been sug- study that encompasses many unusual magnetic phenom- 2 7 gested as a strongly interacting version of the antifer- ena such as spin ice, spin liquids, and Order by Disorder romagnetic (AFM) XY pyrochlore model,1 potentially (ObD).2 Experimental access to these phenomena has allowing for a detailed investigation of this model and been granted mainly by rare earth oxide pyrochlore mate- its variations at lower effective temperatures. The XY rials. These have the general chemical formula A B O , 2 2 7 anisotropy of effective spin 1/2 (S = 1=2) magnetic mo- with A a magnetic trivalent rare earth cation and B a eff ments in NCCF and the related compound NaSrCo F non-magnetic tetravalent cation such as Ti, Sn, Zr, Ge 2 7 (NSCF) are confirmed here through the modeling of Co2+ or Pt.2{5 Both the A and B sites independently form a single-ion levels by fitting to inelastic neutron scattering pyrochlore-type sublattice, a highly-frustrated three di- measurements. Furthermore, both materials are shown mensional network composed of corner-sharing tetrahe- to have nearly identical spin correlations in their spin dra (Figure 1 a). The anisotropic nature of the rare earth frozen states, consisting of short range ordered XY clus- magnetic moments, arising due to strong spin-orbit cou- ters and associated dynamics, despite differences in the pling (SOC) combined with crystal electric field (CEF) strength of chemical disorder. effects, has offered fascinating variations of magnetic be- havior. For instance, local Ising anisotropy is required for NCCF and NSCF belong to a family of 3d transi- 19{22 arXiv:1703.07468v1 [cond-mat.str-el] 21 Mar 2017 generating spin ice and its emergent magnetic monopoles tion metal fluoride pyrochlores. The chemical for- 6 in Ho2Ti2O7 and Dy2Ti2O7, while XY anisotropy can mula and structure are similar to the rare earth ox- 7{9 lead to ObD, as suggested for the pyrochlore ma- ide pyrochlores, taking the form A2B2F7, where A is 10{15 + 0 0 2+ 2+ terial Er2Ti2O7. However, the 4f electrons which a split site of Na /A (A = Ca , Sr ) and B is are responsible for this magnetism have weak interaction six-fold coordinated Co2+, Ni2+, Fe2+ or Mn2+ (Fig- strengths on the order of 1 K, requiring experiments to be ure 1). Unlike the previously studied fluoride-pyrochlore 23 done at millikelvin temperatures in order to access their CsNiCrF6, the magnetic B-site is chemically uniform, magnetic correlations. This can limit the exploration of hosting just one magnetic species. The average struc- the lowest temperature states in these frustrated systems. tures of these compounds as measured by x-ray diffrac- Furthermore, the ground states selected by these inter- tion show well-ordered pyrochlores (space group F d3¯m), actions can be quite sensitive to small amounts of chem- consistent with random distribution of cations on the A 2 2+ a) Co tetrahedra b) CoF6 octahedra oride pyrochlores. This is due to the quenching of or- bital angular momentum expected for most octahedrally + 2+ Na /A’ a coordinated 3d transition metals. This means that phe- Na+/A’ 2+ c E=[0.2, 5.0] meV, T=14 K nomenology like spinE=[0.2,5] ice meV, orT=[13,15] ObD K will likely not pertain to c) 70 b 4 most members of this series. The60 exceptions to this are the Co2+ compounds2 which we study50 here: NCCF and Co-F-Co bond 2+ 7 40 4 NSCF. The free0 ion Co (3d ) forms a F ground term angle variation 30 [H,0,0] with S = 3=2[00L] (r.l.u.) and L = 3, and when placed in a octahe- c) d) -2 20 10 Intensity (counts/mon=7.5e4) dral coordination-4 the CEF and SOC conspire to form an 0 26,27 Seff = 1=2 single-ion-3 -2 -1 ground0 1 2 3 state. A distorted oc- !2 !3 tahedral environment,[HH0][0,K,K] such (r.l.u.) as the average environment z = [111] of NCCF and NSCF, will lead to single-ion anisotropy 27{29 in the Seff = 1=2 states (Fig. 1 c). At tempera- y x tures low enough that the ground doublet states are the g-tensor only relevant degrees of freedom, it is then possible model the interactions between effective spin 1/2 operators, in which the single-ion anisotropy encoded by the g-tensor is FIG. 1. a) Depiction of the two cation sublattices in 28,30{32 02+ + projected into the effective exchange interactions. NaCaCo2F7 and NaSrCo2F7. The A = A /Na split site forms a pyrochlore sublattice (connectivity not shown here). Thus, it seems that NCCF and NSCF could serve as The nearest neighbor bonds in the B =Co2+ pyrochlore sub- new \high temperature" examples in which this success- lattice are depicted. b) Relationship between the A and B ful method, well-developed for the rare earth oxide series, sites and the average atomic positions. The A site cations re- could be used.12,31,33 side in the open hexagons of the B site pyrochlore structure, The static and dynamic spin correlations in as viewed from the h111i body diagonals. The Co-F bonds NCCF were previously measured by inelastic neu- are represented as rods. The yellow and blue lines illustrate tron scattering.1 It was found that below the freezing potential Co-F-Co bond angle variation with A cation occu- temperature (T = 2:4 K), short range order (SRO) pation at the central site. c) Illustration of the average local F CoF octahedra, which are trigonally distorted along the lo- of the spins develops with a correlation length of 16 6 ˚ cal h111i directions that point into the center of a pyrochlore A, corresponding to XY AFM configurations from the tetrahedron. The g-tensor is XY-like due to this environment. Γ5 irreducible representation of the tetrahedral point d) The two basis states forming the Γ5 manifold, from which group. This manifold is spanned by two basis states the static and dynamic correlations are selected in NaSrCo2F7 called 2 and 3, shown in Figure 1 d). In the XY and NaCaCo2F7. AFM pyrochlore model, the q = 0 long range ordered (LRO) magnetic structures based on these two states are accidentally degenerate,7{9,34 and either one can site. Despite the materials being well-ordered on average, be selected by various ObD mechanisms, as has been the local structure near the B cations will be distorted discussed at length in the context of Er2Ti2O7. The away from the average trigonal D3d point group due to observed selection of the non-coplanar 2 state in that the A site disorder, leading to variations in exchange pa- material35 has been argued to occur either via quantum rameters and single-ion anisotropy (Figure 1 b). In light and thermal fluctuations (ObD),10{13 or from a non- of this, perhaps it is not surprising that all of the mate- ObD mechanism involving virtual excitations to higher rials in this series eventually display spin freezing tran- crystal field levels.36 Quenched disorder in the form sitions.
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