H13356 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 19, 2009 H. Res. 913: Mr. FATTAH. topher John Lee, Blaine Luetkemeyer, Tom Gingrey, Mark E. Souder, Rob Bishop, Peter H. Res. 914: Mr. MILLER of Florida, Mr. ED- Price, John Linder, Jerry Moran, Devin T. King, Rodney P. Frelinghuysen, Frank A. WARDS of Texas, Ms. DELAURO, Mr. TERRY, Nunes, Steve Buyer, Bill Shuster, Bill Posey, LoBiondo, Edward R. Royce, Thomas E. Mr. TOWNS, Mr. GRIJALVA, and Ms. FUDGE. John A. Boehner, Roy Blunt, Jo Bonner, Gus Petri, Robert J. Wittman, Anh ‘‘Joseph’’ M. Bilirakis, Joe Wilson, David G. Reichert, Cao, C. W. Bill Young, Trent Franks, Paul C. f J. Randy Forbes, K. Michael Conaway, John Broun, Bob Inglis, Michael C. Burgess, David DELETIONS OF SPONSORS FROM Boozman, John Fleming, Jeff Miller, Todd Dreier, John Shimkus, Nathan Deal, Jean PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Russell Platts, Gregg Harper, Sue Wilkins Schmidt, Jeff Fortenberry, Don Young, Myrick, Candice S. Miller, John B. Shadegg, Christopher H. Smith, Mary Fallin, George Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors Adrian Smith, John R. Carter, Harold Rog- Radanovich, Steve C. LaTourette, Vernon J. were deleted from public bills and reso- ers, Geoff Davis, Dave Camp, Ander Ehlers, Scott Garrett, Ed Whitfield, Tom lutions as follows: Crenshaw, Randy Neugebauer, Sam Johnson, Latham, Fred Upton, John J. Duncan, Jr., Mike Coffman, Lee Terry, Michael K. Simp- H.R. 3904: Mr. LOEBSACK. Patrick T. McHenry, Bill Cassidy, Kevin son, Brett Guthrie, Denny Rehberg, John McCarthy, Mike Rogers (MI), Robert B. f Campbell, Kay Granger, Rodney Alexander, Aderholt, and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen. Steve King, Jim Gerlach, Dan Burton, Frank DISCHARGE PETITIONS D. Lucas, Ginny Brown-Waite, Jim Jordan, f Under clause 2 of rule XV, the fol- Daniel E. Lungren, Charles W. Dent, Lincoln lowing discharge petitions were filed: Diaz-Balart, Mario Diaz-Balart, W. Todd AMENDMENTS Akin, Todd Tiahrt, Wally Herger, Thomas J. Under clause 8 of rule XVIII, pro- Petition 7, November 18, 2009, by Mr. PETER Rooney, Doug Lamborn, Steve Austria, HOEKSTRA on H.R. 2294, was signed by the fol- Steve Scalise, Tom Cole, Cynthia M. posed amendments were submitted as lowing Members: Peter Hoekstra, Howard P. Lummis, Erik Paulsen, Michele Bachmann, follows: ‘‘Buck’’ McKeon, Peter J. Roskam, Lynn A. John L. Mica, Kevin Brady, J. Gresham Bar- H.R. 3961 Westmoreland, Gary G. Miller, Ken Calvert, rett, Cliff Stearns, John Kline, Jeb OFFERED BY: MR. COFFMAN OF COLORADO Tom McClintock, Dana Rohrabacher, Lamar Hensarling, Jason Chaffetz, Michael R. Turn- Smith, Virginia Foxx, Howard Coble, Leon- er, Judy Biggert, Duncan Hunter, Joseph R. AMENDMENT NO. 1: Page 13, after line 3, in- ard Lance, Mary Bono Mack, Connie Mack, Pitts, Pete Sessions, Tim Murphy, Mike Rog- sert the following: Ted Poe, Elton Gallegly, Jerry Lewis, Bob ers (AL), Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Spencer SEC. 3. PAYFOR THROUGH USE OF UNUSED STIM- Goodlatte, Donald A. Manzullo, Mark Steven Bachus, David P. Roe, Marsha Blackburn, F. ULUS FUNDS. Kirk, John Abney Culberson, Ralph M. Hall, James Sensenbrenner, Jr., Frank R. Wolf, Any unobligated balances, as of the date of Louie Gohmert, Greg Walden, Charles W. Dean Heller, Thaddeus G. McCotter, Adam H. the enactment of this Act, of funds made Boustany, Jr., Mac Thornberry, Zach Wamp, Putnam, Jack Kingston, Patrick J. Tiberi, available under division A of the American Glenn Thompson, Robert E. Latta, Paul Brian P. Bilbray, Lynn Jenkins, Eric Cantor, Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Pub- Ryan, Jo Ann Emerson, Pete Olson, Chris- Vern Buchanan, Kenny Marchant, Phil lic Law 111–5) are rescinded. VerDate Nov 24 2008 06:38 Jan 30, 2010 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00088 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD09\H19NO9.REC H19NO9 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE.
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