CDS Boston News The Newsletter ofthe Country Dance Society, Boston Centre Winter 2004-2005 [S-:prlVt,3 ~oosJ AnnualMeeting on Wednesday, March 23rd From the President Welcome In The Mayl My goodness!-two years have flown by, and We invite you to come "dance in" the May at a this is the last time I shall write a column for the special English Country Dance on April 30, Satur­ newsletter as president. Of course, I shall still be day, at the Concord Scout House, Concord MA. The around, kibbitzing, opining, and generally making a leader is our own Barbara Finney, with music pro­ nuisance ofmyself-but others will have a greater say vided by a new group-mth very familiar faces. than I in what goes on and how. Woodlark is Karen Axelrod on piano, Earl Gaddis I'm moderately pleased with what we've man­ on violin, and Chris Rua on assorted wind instru­ aged over this time. Judy Erickson led a push to get ments. What a "\vonderful way to welcome the com­ some policy documents written and ratified offering ing of May-with a dance to celebrate the season! guidance to camp session chairpeople, and there are The dance will start at 8:00 PM and run until a number of other documents which I hope we shall 11 :00 PM. Admission is $10 at the door. Contact for be able to put up on the website so that they are information is Frank Attanasio at (603) 878-4332 or available to whom it may concern. [email protected]. We look forward to seeing you. We now have a three-person committee to deal Frank Attanasio mth the website-heretofore it has been managed by a single person, which has proved rather lonely. With several people working together, some synergy New England Dance Committee is developing, and a new look is emerging. So to eve­ ryone who has announcements to make which Prospects for Spring should go on the website, make sure you get your The New England Dance Committee continues stuff to the Web Committee (thanks to Cortni Fre­ its First Friday Experienced Contra Dance with three cha, Mark Jones, and Christine Robb!). dates throughout the spring. March 4th recent New Of course there are many folk to thank, and I England arrival Nils Fredland calls with a brass and shall shelter behind the excuse that there are far too reeds band, Fall Elixir (Ethan Hazzard-Watkins, fid­ many to name-that will ensure that I don't forget dle; Anna Patton, clarinet; Jesse Hazzard Watkins, someone crucial! But seriously, none of the Society's trumpet, and Nils Fredland, trombone). April 1 st activities happens without people making it happen, brings the Rhythm Method String Band (Cathy Ma­ week after week, month after month, year after year. son, fiddle; Erica Weiss, guitar; Paul Boyd, fiddle, People who care help out mth our dances and work guitar; Dedo Norris, bass). Caller to be announced; as a team, cooperating, creating a wonderful spirit. check flyers. May 6th, lisa Greenleaf calls with Most of those who come to the Wednesday Honk the 1v10ose (Nat Hewitt, fiddle; Adam Broome, evening English dances know that this newsletter is guitar & citern; Seth Hous ton, piano). very much a hands-on, teamwork, volunteer thing, as The semi-annual Scout House fund raiser, it gets collated, stapled and addressed during the which CDS Boston co-sponsors, will be the first Fri­ dance. It's wonderful to see how many people take a day in June. The band will be announced. Admission few minutes out of the country dance to help the is $16. Additional contributions are always welcome From the President, COllt'd 011 page 2 Spring Contras, Cont'd 011 page 2 From the President, Cont'dfrom page 1 Camper's Week Reunion paper dance into some kind of order. But there's a lot Camper's Week people have such a great time that happens quietly behind the scenes, that nobody that, over the years, they have periodically arranged makes a fuss about-they just do it: moving furniture, to gather mid-year for a reunion. This March, from setting up sound systems, preparing a space for danc­ the 18th to the 20th, there will be a reunion at the ing and then restoring it to whatever kind of order it Senexet House in Woodstock CT. The reunion two was in before the dance, searching for new dance years ago at this retreat center, with a dance at a spaces, putting together the material for the newsletter, nearby grange, was a great success. Anyone is wel­ preparing for the Ball. All of these happen because come who has been to Camper's Week-so sign up people care to make it happen. The sessions at camp and see your old friends! For the entire weekend, take a huge amount of work to manage-there are room and board, an adult will pay $98-children 6 to budgets, timetables, hiring, all to be done many 12 half that. For information call Sue Turner, regis .. months ahead, as well as the real-time running of the trar, at (781) 894 3488. sessions themselves. -Sue Turner So how about doing something to thank people, instead of just talking about it? Well, in fact, there is something happening: there will be a "thank you" dance at the Scout House in Concord on Sunday, Spring Contras, Cont'dfrom page 1 March 20th to which all helpers are invited -if you have volunteered your time, some work, or other re­ at this precious community resource [Concord Scout sources, please come along: yes, you! Sue Rosen will House~ Inc., 74 Walden Street, P.O. Box 73, Con­ call a mixture of English and Contra dances, with mu­ cord MA 01742; (978) 369-3455]. sic by lydia ievins, Karen Axelrod, and Naomi Morse. The Occasional Sundays Series is still being You'll meet others who feel likewise about keeping our shaped. March 20th will be an evening of English dancing fresh and new at the same time as as the tra­ and Contra Dances, Sue Rosen calling, with lydia ditional roots are maintained-you may even encoun­ ievins and Naomi Morse fiddling and Karen Axelrod ter like-minded people whom you don't already knowl on piano. We're working on an Irish Sets evening, The dance will not be closed to the general public, but another evening of Mostly Squares, and perhaps a they'll have to pay, unlike you. No-Walk-Thru evening to close out the season. Perhaps it will serve as a good prelude to our An­ Two Special Friday events on April 29, a 5th nual Meeting on March 23rd-my final act will be Friday, and May 27, a 4th Friday, are in the works. chairing that meeting. I just thought: what does a Check flyers for details. One of these may have spe­ chair-person look like?-sometimes I feel like a kind of cial appeal and an invitation for younger dancers to seated centaur, with six limbs, four for sitting and two introduce their friends to contra dance. for gesticulating. It makes the meetings go better. The New England Dance Committee includes It has been a very satisfying two years (well, yes, Mark Jones (chair), Cortni Frecha, and Jeona Wat­ occasionally frustrating, too, mostly with myself). I've son. They are kindly aided by fifteen occasional vol­ very much enjoyed working with everyone-lots of unteers. As always, the most up-to-date calendar the people all interesting in different ways, weaVlIlg a the committee is at the CDS Boston web site: wonderful web ofwilling work. www.cds-boston.org/american Thank you, one and all. -Mark Jones, Chair -Julian Cole New England Dance Committee 2 Boston Centre Program Info: www.cds-boston.org or (781) 662-6710 I I I AnnualMeeting on Wednesday, March 23rd English Country Dance New England Dance Wednesdays Through June 22 Receive NEDC email announcements or snowstorm Park Avenue Congregational Church.* 7:30 to 10:30 PM. cancellation news: Sign up via email by sending a blank Helene Cornelius with Graham Christian, Barbara Fin­ email to: [email protected] or ney, Brad Foster, Robin Hayden, Leslie Lassetter, Linda sign up via the web:http://groups.yahoo.com/groupl Nelson, & Jacqueline Schwab. Music by Bare Necessi­ cdsbc-contral Further info: Mark's cell (857) 499-8907, ties (Peter Barnes, Earl Gaddis, Mary Lea, Jacqueline www.cds-boston.org/ american, [email protected]; Schwab) &others. $7 members; $9 non-members, $4 cancellation announcements, snow (617) 802-2905 students & beginners Most events: Concord Scout House.* Admission for most First Fridays for Experienced Dancers dances: $8 members; $10 non-members, $6 students. October to June First Friday Experienced Contra Dance. 8-11 PM Church of Our Saviour.* 8:15-11 PM. For dancers thor­ March 4, Nils Fredland, caller & trombone, with Fall oughly familiar with basic EngHsh Country Dance figures. All dances taught. $9; $7 CDS members Elixer (Ethan Hazzard-Watkins, fiddle; Anna Patton, clarinet; Jesse Hazzard-Watkins, trumpet; Marko March 4, Graham Christian with Jacqueline Packard, guitar, flute, sax) Schwab April 1, TBA with Rhythm Method String Band (Cathy April 1, Brad Foster with Jacqueline Schwab Mason, fiddle; Erica Weiss, guitar; Dedo Norris, bass) May 6, Leslie Lassetter with Jacqueline Schwab & guests June 3, Boston Centre Leaders with Jacqueline April 29 (5th Friday), caller & band to be announced Schwab May 6, Lisa Greenleaf with Honk the Moose (Natt 2nd and 4th Friday Harvard Square English Series Hewitt, fiddle, guitar; Adam Broome, guitar, citern; Through June 21 Seth Houston, piano) Harvard-Epworth Methodist Church, 1555 Massachu­ May 27 (4th Friday), caller & band to be announced setts Avenue in Harvard Square, Cambridge.
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