Massive Stellar Clusters ASP Conference Series, Vol. XX, 2000 A. Lan¸con & C. Boily, eds. Star Clusters in Local Group Galaxies – Impact of Environment on Their Evolution and Survival Eva K. Grebel1,2 1University of Washington, Department of Astronomy, Box 351580, Seattle, WA 98195, USA 2Hubble Fellow Abstract. Star clusters are found in ∼40% of the Local Group galax- ies. Their properties are reviewed. The impact of galaxy environment on the evolution and survival of star clusters is discussed. Possible evi- dence for cluster formation triggered by galaxy interactions, gradients in cluster size, metallicity and stellar content with galactocentric radius and variations as a function of galaxy type are briefly summarized. 1. Introduction Star clusters in Local Group galaxies comprise a wide range of roughly coeval stellar agglomerates ranging from globular clusters to associations, from very metal-poor objects to clusters with solar and higher metallicity, and from ancient populations to embedded young clusters. Three basic types of such clusterings are observed: globular clusters, open clusters, and associations. 1.1. Globular Clusters Globular clusters are centrally concentrated, spherical systems with masses of 4.2 ∼< log M[M⊙] ∼< 6.6 and tidal radii ranging from ∼ 10 to ∼ 100 pc. They are bound, long-lived (∼>10 Gyr) objects whose lifetimes may extend to a Hubble arXiv:astro-ph/9912529v2 30 Dec 1999 time or beyond, though due to various efficient destruction mechanisms the presently observed globulars are likely just a lower limit of the initial number of globular clusters. Globular clusters have been observed in all known types of galaxies, but many of the less massive galaxies do not contain globular clusters. Thirteen of the 36 Local Group galaxies have globular clusters. One of the m most massive, most luminous (MV =−10. 55) globular clusters is the old, metal- rich, elliptical globular Mayall ii (or G1) in M31 (Rich et al. 1996). In contrast, m the faintest (MV ∼ 0. 2), least massive globular currently known is AM-4, a distant old Galactic halo globular cluster (Inman & Carney 1987). 1.2. Open Clusters Open clusters have masses of 3 ∼< log M[M⊙] ∼< 5 and radii of 1 to 20 pc. Most Milky Way open clusters survive for only ∼200 Myr (Janes, Tilley, & Lyng˚a1988), although there are long-lived open clusters with ages of several Gyr (Phelps, Janes, & Montgomery 1994). Loose, extended open clusters are 1 2 Grebel dominant in spiral galaxies like the Milky Way, while the Magellanic Clouds contain a large number of blue, compact, populous clusters. Open clusters were identified in ∼ 42% of the Local Group galaxies. None were found in dwarf spheroidals (dSphs), which are dominated by populations older than a few Gyr. The oldest open clusters (e.g., NGC 6791: ∼ 8 Gyr; Chaboyer, Green, & Liebert 1999) and the youngest globulars (e.g., Ter 7: ∼ 8 Gyr; Buonanno et al. 1998a) in the Local Group overlap in age. The distinction between massive open clusters and low-mass globular clusters is somewhat arbitrary and largely based on age. Bound objects that survive for more than 10 Gyr are generally called globulars even though they may resemble sparse open clusters. 1.3. Super Star Clusters Super star clusters are young populous clusters with masses exceeding several 4 10 M⊙ within a radius of 1–2 pc. They may be progenitors of globular clusters. The most massive super star clusters are found in interacting and starburst galaxies (e.g., Schweizer & Seitzer 1998, Gallagher & Smith 1999). Super star clusters are often located in giant H ii regions or as nuclear star clusters near the centers of massive galaxies. Some may be progenitors of globular clusters. Not every giant H ii region harbors a super star cluster though. Only a few, low-mass super star clusters are known in the Local Group. Giant H ii regions such as 30 Doradus in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) and NGC 3603 in the Milky Way both contain starburst clusters, which interestingly show evidence for the formation of low-mass stars (e.g., Brandl et al. 1999) despite the presence of many very massive stars such as O3 and main-sequence Wolf-Rayet stars. If the R 136 cluster in 30 Dor can remain bound over a Hubble time it will evolve into a low-mass globular cluster. Some of the populous LMC clusters might survive as well for a Hubble time (Goodwin 1997a). The Quintuplet and Arches clusters near the Galactic center (Figer et al. 1999) are examples for nuclear clusters in the Local Group. They may have formed through colliding giant molecular clouds and are expected to have a limited lifetime due to the strong tidal forces of their environment. 1.4. Associations Star formation in giant molecular clouds leads usually to the formation of asso- ciations and/or open clusters, which appear to be the major contributors to a galaxy’s field population. Associations are extended, unbound, coeval groups of stars with radii of ∼< 100 pc. They disperse on time scales of ∼100 Myr. Asso- ciations mark spiral arms in spiral galaxies. They may be located within or at the edges of shells and supershells in spirals and irregulars. Often they are em- bedded in hierarchical structures of similar age such as stellar aggregates (∼250 pc radius) and star complexes (∼600 pc radius; Efremov, Ivanov, & Nikolov 1987). It seems reasonable to assume that associations were present in all types of galaxies during and after episodes of star formation. In the Local Group associations can be found in all galaxies with current star formation. Both open clusters and associations generally have initial mass functions (IMFs) consistent with a Salpeter slope for high and intermediate-mass stars (Massey, Johnson, & DeGioia-Eastwood 1995a, Massey et al. 1995b). Star Clusters in Local Group Galaxies 3 2. Star Clusters in the Local Group The global properties of the star clusters in Local Group galaxies are summarized in Table 1. Within a zero-velocity surface of 1.2 Mpc (Courteau & van den Bergh) around the Local Group barycenter 36 galaxies are currently known. In less than half of these globular or open clusters were detected. While past surveys established that the majority of the least massive galaxies, the dSphs, do not contain star clusters, the census for more massive galaxies is still incomplete. Table 1. Global Properties of Star Clusters in the Local Group Galaxy Type MV NGC SN Ages [Fe/H] NOC Ages [Fe/H] [mag] [Gyr] [dex] [Gyr] [dex] M31 Sb i-ii –21.2 ∼600 2: ≤ 15 –2.5 – 0.4a many .004–? ? Galaxy S(B)bc i-ii –20.9 ∼160 0.7 8–15 –2.5 – 0.4 >1000 .001–9 –1.0 – 0.4 M33 Sc ii-iii –18.9 >54b 1.5: ≤ 12 –3.0 – –0.8c > 600c .004–? ? ∼ LMC Ir iii-iv –18.5 ∼13 0.5 9–15 –2.3 – –1.2d >4000 .001–4e –1.4 – –0.1f ∼ SMC Ir iv/iv-v –17.1 1 0.1 12 –1.4 >2000 .001–10 –1.4 – –0.5 ∼ IC 10 Ir iv: –16.3 0 0 — — several ? ? NGC 6822 Ir iv-v –16.0 1 0.4 ∼11 –2.0g ∼30h 2 (vii)g –1.0 (vii)g IC 1613 Ir v –15.3 0 0 — — > 6i .01–? ? WLM Ir iv-v –14.4 1 1.7 15 –1.5j ?? ? NGC 205 Sph –16.4 >14k >3.9 ? –1.9 – –1.3l ≥2m ≥.05m ? ∼ ∼ NGC 185 Sph –15.6 >8k >4.6 ? –2.5 – –1.2l somek ? ? ∼ ∼ NGC 147 Sph –15.1 ≥4n >3.6 ? –2.5 – –1.9l ?? ? ∼ Sgr dSph(t) –13.8: ≥4 ≥12.1: 8–15 –2.0 – –0.4o 0— — For dSph –13.1 5 22.8 12–15 –2.2 – –1.8p 0— — And I dSph –11.8 1 20.9 old –1.4q 0— — Notes: Galaxy types (Col. 2) and MV (Col. 3) were taken from Courteau & van den Bergh (1999). NGC and NOC (Cols. 4 & 7) denote the number of globular clusters and open clusters, respectively. All quoted ages assume an oldest a age of 15 Gyr. SN is the specific globular cluster frequency. References: Barmby et al. 2000, astro-ph/9911152; bChristian & Schommer (1988, AJ, 95, 704); Mochejska et al. 1998, AcA, 48, 455; cChandar et al. 1999, ApJ, 517, 668; dOlsen et al. 1998, MNRAS, 300, 665; eSarajedini 1998, AJ, 116, 738; f Jasniewicz & Th´evenin 1994, A&A, 282, 717; g Cohen & Blakeslee (1998, AJ, 115, 2356); hHodge (1977, ApJS, 33, 69); iWyder et al. (2000, 33rd ESLAB Symp., in press); j Hodge et al. (1999, ApJ, 521, 577); kGeisler et al. (1999, IAU Symp. 192, p. 231); lDa Costa & Mould (1988, ApJ, 334, 159); mCappellari et al. (1999, ApJ, 515, L17); nHodge (1976, AJ, 81, 25). oDa Costa & Armandroff (1995, AJ, 109, 2533); pBuonanno et al. (1998, ApJ, 501, L33); q Grebel et al. (2000a, in prep.). 3. Environmental Effects and Interactions Between Galaxies Generally, the number of globular clusters is larger in the more massive galaxies, while the few globular clusters in faint dSphs lead to high specific frequencies SN (i.e., the number of globulars, NGC , normalized by parent galaxy luminosity; 0.4(MV +15) SN = NGC · 10 , Harris & van den Bergh 1981). 3.1. Tidal Stripping The orbital decay times of globular clusters in dSph galaxies are of the order of only a few Gyr (Hernandez & Gilmore 1998). While in Sagittarius and Fornax one of the globulars lies near the projected galaxy center, both dSphs show spatially extended globular cluster systems. This as well as the puzzling present- day lack of gas suggests that they underwent significant mass loss (Oh, Lin, & 4 Grebel Richer 2000).
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