The electronic version of this text has been created as a part of the "Publishing in Irish America: 1820-1922" project that is being undertaken by the CUNY Institute for Irish- American Studies. Projcct: Publishing in IA Datc Crcatcd: 5/17/06 Object 10; 000000080 Objcct Name: Ireland-Thc Pcoplc's History Volume \I Author: John F. Finerty Date Publishcd; 1904 Publisher: P.F. Collier & Son: New York Donor: Gcrry Lee IRELAND THE PEOPLE'S HISTORY OF IRELAND BY JOHN F. FINERTY I'RESIDENT OF THE UNITED IRISH LEAGUE m' AMERICA Illustrated IN N.'" TORI[ AN THE CO-OPERATIVE PU ; 1_1 i- j{ ,\ d 1,'"< HISTORY OF IRELAND VOLUME TWO Ireland-A CONTENTS BOOK VIII BEGINNINGWITH THE STRUGGLEOF HENRY GRATTANAND HIS SUP- PORTERSFORTHE INDEPENDENCEOF THE IRISH PARLIAMENT,AND CONCLUDINGWITH THE DEPARTUREOF THEOBALDWOLFE TONE, ORGANIZEROF THE UNITED IRISH SOCIETY,FROM IRELANDTO AMERICA ,.' , , .. ' , 469 CHAPTER I The Struggle for Parliamentary Independence-Perpetual Mutiny Bill-The Volunteer Convention-Declaration of Dungannon- Grattan's Eloquence , , , 471 CHAPTER II Irish Independence Conceded by England-Grattan ;\ddresses "a Free People" -Ireland's Reward to Her Patriot-Odious Acts Repealed .'"",., ... , .. " .... , .... ,."",.", .... """ 479 CHAPTER III Grattan and Flood Clash-England's Act of Renunciation-Parlia- mentary Reform-Second Dungannon Convention ... "" ... , .. 483 CHAPTER IV The Rotunda Convention, I783-F1ood in the Ascendant-The Earl of Bristol-Treachery of Charlemont-Failure of Reform and Decline of Volunteer :\Iovement.",." .... ,.,., . , . , . ' .. , , . , ., 480 CHAPTER V Anglo-Irish Commercial Propositions-John Philpot Curran, Ora- tor and '.vit-Insanity of George III-the Regency Ql1estion- Ireland Offends Pitt." ' , ' , .. , . , , 49.:; CHAPTER \'1 Famons :'lien Enter Trish Parliament-\Vellington One of Thelll; Lord Castlereagh Another-Catholic and Protestant Reformers -Sen'ices of Irish Emigrants in the American \Var for Inde- pendence ,,' ', , , 50! (iii) IV Contents CHAPTER VII The "Place Bill"-Ulterior Results Thereof--:-The Ca!holics B~s~ir Themselves for Reform-Call on the Kmg-Rehef PromIsed and Given, After a Fashion-United Irish Society Founded .... 506 CHAPTER VIII Principles of the United Iri~h~en Expounded, by their rou~der- Tragical Fate of Rev. WIlham Jackson-\\ol~e Ton~ s Narrow Escape-He Sails to America with his FamIly-HIs Eyes on France 5[5 BOOK IX TREATING OF AFFAIRS IN IRELAND FROM THE VICEROYALTY OF EARL FrrZWILLIAM AND HIS RECALL TO THE DEFEAT OF THE UNITED IRIsHMEN OF ULSTER, 1795-1798 523 CHAPTER I Hopes of Catholics Raised by Earl Fitzwilliam's Appointment as Viceroy-Ireland Votes Money and England Recalls the Popu- . lar Lord Lieutenant-The People Depressed and Disgusted- Lord Camden's Advent ...............•....... " '" 525 CHAPTER II Catholic Emancipation Bill Defeated-Patriot Members Leave Par- liament in Disgust-An Atrocious Military !\Iob Let Loose on the People-Sir Ralph Abercrombie's Rebuke of Army 532 CHAPTER III Literary Ireland in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries- Long Roll of Poets, Orators, Playwrights, Satirists, Philos- ophers, Scientists, and Leaders of Human Thought 535 CHAPTER IV Wolfe Tone in F~ance-Friendship of General Hoche-French As- SHance PromIsed .Irish Revolutionists-Failure of Bantry Bay and !'exel ExpeditIons-Death of Hoche-Ireland Bitterly Dis- appo1l1ted-Camperdown 546 CHAPTER V Tri,h Rei~n (!f Terror Be.gins-Execution of William Orr-The Cllartyr, Name Cllade\\atchword of United Irishmen-~lurders .md Outrages by the Cllllnary-A Terrible State of Affairs .... 556 Con~nU v CHAPTER VI The Government Strikes Hard-United Irish Leaders Arrested while in Council-Lord Edward Fitzgerald Escapes-He is Finally Captured, after a Fierce Resistance-Dies of his \Vounds in Prison-Loss Irreparable 562 CHAPTER VII Outbreak of the Insurrection-Kildare, Carlow, and Other Counties Contiguous to Dublin Spring to Arms-Outnumbered and Out- manceuvred, the People are Quickly Subdued-j\Iassacre at the Curragh , 569 CHAPTER VIII The "Rising" of \Vexford-Father John Murphy Calls on the Peo- ple to Defend Themselves-They Defeat the Yeoman Cavalry at Camolin, and Annihilate a r-lilitia Regiment at Oulart Hill .. 573 CHAPTER IX Furthcr Insurgent Victories-Father Murphy, after Desperate Fighting, Storms Enniscorthy-Carthaginian Strategy Wins the Town-Royalists Defeated at Three Rocks and Driven from the Town of Wexford , , .. , " 58r CHAPTER X Insurgcnt Army Forms Scveral Encampments-Rcpulscd at New- town Barry-Hagenal Han'ey Commander-in-Chid-Bloody Battle of New Ross-Scullaboguc Barn Horror 586 CHAPTER XI :\Iassacre of Wounded Insurgents at Ncw Ross-1Ir. Frizellc's Statement-Harvey Resigns Command-Father Roche Succeed, Him-Tndecisin Battle of Arklow 592 CHAPTER XII Battle of Vinegar Hill-Insurgents Fight Gallantly, but are Finally Defeated-Retreat with Small Loss-Mutual :\Iurders in \Vex- ford Town-Retaken by Royalists , " ., 598 CHAPTER XIII Insurgent Army Divides into Two Columns-Fitzgerald and Ayl- mer March Toward \Vicklow and Kildare-Father :\Iurphy :\Iarches on Carlow and Kilkenny-His Capture and Death- End of Revolt in Leinster 60-1- CHAPTER XIV Ulster's Ljprising'-Presbytcrians of Antrim and Down in Arms- Battlcs of ,\ntrim and Ballinahinch-Insurgcnts Finally Dc- feated-Leaders Executed (H2 VI Contents BOOK X TRE.\TINGOF THEPERIODBETWEENTHE FRENCHINVASIONOF CON- NAUGHT(17gB) TOTHE RECO:'oiMENCEMENTOF THE XAPOLEONIC WARSWITHENGLAND(1803) 617 CHAPTER I French Invasion of Connaught-General Humbert Lands at Killala -He Marches on Castlebar and Routs a Much Larger British Force-Celebrates Victory by Giving a Public BaiL ..... " .... 619 CHAPTER II Humbert Leaves Castlebar and Marches Toward Longford-He is Hemmed in at Ballinamuck by Enormous British Force and Compelled to Surrender-Irish Allies Mercilessly Put to Death by Cornwallis's Order 627 CHAPTER III Admiral Bompart's Irish Expedition-\Volfe Tone P.ccompanies it -Battle of Lough Swilly-The Hoche. Overpowered. Slrikes its Colors-Wolfe Tone Betrayed and Captured-His Trial, Con- demnation, and Death in Prison 632 CHAPTER IV Demoralization Following Suppression of the Rebellion-Legisla- tive Union with Great Britain Advocated-Virtually Defeated in ,rish House of Commons '" 641 CHAPTER V l:nion Propositions Defeated in the Irish Parliament. I799-1\1r. Ponsonby's Decisive Resolution Rendered Negative by Speaker Foster's Technicality-Daniel O'Connell's First Speech Against the Union " '" 651 CHAPTER VI A.D. 1800 the Fatal Year of Union with Great Britain-Fierce Debate Over the Measure in Irish Commons-Government Tri- ul11phs-Opposition to Act in British Parliament. 657 CHAPTER VII Fin~l Agony of the Iri,o Parliament-Eno-Iand Confirms Act of {'nion. which went into Effect Jan\1~ry I. I801-Shamef\11 Drihery of Irish 1Iembers 6fJ6 CHAPTER VITI The. t'nionist Catholics Disappointed in the Hope of Emancipa- ~.'nn-:-Ge~rgcHI SIts Down on the Proposition-Pitt Ostensibly ReslRus -;\'\,\,ngtf)l1, Succeeo' Him-Peace of Amiens-Re- newal of \\ ar WIth I' rance " 672 Contents VII BOOK XI TREATINGOF PERIODBETWEENTHE BEGINNINGOF ROBERTE~[;\IET'S COl'iNECTIONWITH IRISH REVOLDTIO!>ARYAFFAIRSTO THE RISE OF DANIEL O'CONl'iELL,1802-1810"""", 679 CHAPTER I Irish Prosperity Declines-Robert Emmet's Early Career-Cruel Execution of Colonel Despard , ..•........ , GSI CHAPTER Il Daring Conspiracy of Robert Emmet-His Plans Upset by an Ac- cident-A Prey to Spies and Traitors-Failure of his Attempt at Insurrection-Murder of Lord Kilwarden G88 CHAPTER III \Vhat Emmet had Hoped to Accomplish-Disappointed at Every Turn-His Return to Dublin after Escaping to \Vicklo\V- Heroic Devotion of his Servant, Anne Devlin '" 702 CHAPTER IV Arrest of the "Rebel" Chief-His Imprisonment and Trial-His Defiance of Norbury and Barbaric Execution 71J CHAPTER V Kapoleon Gives Ireland Fresh Hope, but the Disaster to the French Fleet at Trafalgar l'dars his Plans-Irish and Continental Policy of Charles James Fox 720 CHAPTER VI Increase of Irish Debt-Administration of the Duke of Bedford- Catholic Petitions-King George's Bigotry-The Duke of Rich- mond and Orange Ascendency. " , , 72~ CHAPTER VII Orange Violence-Formation of a New Catholic Committee- O'Connell Rises Rapidly to Leadership-Agitation to Repeal the Union , , 731 BOOK XII DE.\LING WITH THE PERIODFRO~1THE DOWNFALLOFTHE GREATX,\- POLEO!>TO THE ACCESS!01oiOF \VILLL\M IV 7J7 CHAPTER I Grattan's Last \Vork for the Catholics-Downfall of the Great Xa- poleon-O'Connell's Characteristics as an Orator and Statcs- man-Gcof!!"e IV's Irish Visit. , 739 V 111 Contents CHAPTER II :\lonstrous Debt Piled upon Ireland by Great Britain-Suicide of Castlereagh-Attempt on the Part of Goyernment to Pension the Catholic Priesthood-The Bribe Rejected with Scorn 747 CHAPTER III Crisis of the Struggle for Catholic Emancipation-O'Connel! Stands for County Clare and Enters Parliament-Peel and \Vellington Yield for Fear of Civil War-Emancipation Won , 754 CHAPTER IV Irish Peasant Voters Disfranchised-Singular Apathy of O'Connell -George IV Passes Away and William IV Succeeds-"Na- tional" School System-The Irish Leader and the Whigs 765 BOOK XIII DEALING WITH THE PERIOD BETWEEN THE PASSAGE OF THE REFORlI{ BILL TO THE FALL OF O'CONNELL AND DEFEAT OF "YOUNG IRE- LAND," 1832-1845-1848 771 CHAPTER I Accession of Victoria-"Deadliest Reign Since Elizabeth"-O'Con- nell Coquettes with the Whigs-Agitation for Repeal of the lJnion Renewed-Some Mistakes of the Great Leader 773 CHAPTER II Famous Monster Meeting at the Rath of Mullaghmast-O'Connell's Versatile Eloquence-He
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