Masthead Publisher: Landestalsperrenverwaltung des Freistaates Sachsen Bahnhofstraße 14, 01796 Pirna, Germany Internet: www.talsperren-sachsen.de Tel.: +49 (0) 3501 796 – 0, Fax: +49 (0) 3501 796-116 E-mail: [email protected] Editors: Press and Public Relations Copy Deadline: February 2007 Photographs: Landestalsperrenverwaltung des Freistaates Sachsen, Kirsten J. Lassig, www.photocase.com Circulation: 1,000 copies Design: Heimrich & Hannot GmbH Printing: Druckfabrik Dresden GmbH Paper: 100 % chlorine free bleached THE STATE RESERVOIR (No access for electronically signed as well as for encrypted electronic documents) ADMINIstrATION OF SAXONY Note This informational brochure is published by the Saxon State Government in the scope of its public relations work. It may not be used by parties or campaign Function – Organization – Projects aids for the purpose of election advertising. This is valid for all elections. CONTENts 4 10 12 14 18 24 FOREWORD ORGANIZATION OF THE THE NERVE CENTER ON-SITE EXPERTISE: Zwickauer Mulde/ FLOOD PROTECTION AND STATE RESERVOIR OF THE STATE RESERVOIR THE REGIONAL WORKS Obere Weiße Elster DRINKING WATER SUPPLy – 5 ADMINISTRATION OF SAXONY ADMINISTRATION OF SAXONY: TWO EXAMPLES STEWARDSHIP HEADQUARTERS IN PIRNA 14 20 OF SAXony’S WATERS Oberes Elbtal Spree/Neiße 24 Function of the State Reservoir Comprehensive flood protection Administration of Saxony 16 22 for the city of Torgau Freiberger Mulde/ Elbaue/Mulde/ Zschopau Untere Weiße Elster 26 Complex overhaul of the Klingenberg dam 2 CONTENTS 3 FOREWORD The first water reservoirs in Saxony were built as Saxony was founded in 1992 as the first public early as 500 years ago. The mining industry was enterprise in Saxony. Since 1994 the State booming. Man-made trenches supplied the mines Reservoir Administration of Saxony has also with water, where it was primarily used for washing overseen maintenance of the state’s rivers, ore and in hammer mills. This led to such things streams and flood protection dykes. as the water storage network for mining (Revier- wasserlaufanstalt) in Freiberg and the Galgenteich Since the flood of August 2002, flood protection reservoir system in Altenberg. in Saxony has enjoyed an especially high priority. After the flood, the State Reservoir Administration Industrialization came to Saxony at the end of the of Saxony was faced with the challenge of repairing 19th century. The population grew – and with it 18,000 cases of damage to more than 3,000 kilome- the need for water. Many dams arose from this ters of Order I watercourses and 12,000 kilometers demand. Building development became especially of Order II watercourses as well as about 130 levee concentrated in the river valleys, forcing people breaches. This enormous project is well into the STEWARDSHIP OF SAXONY’S WATErs more and more to protect themselves and their advanced stages. Concurrently, flood protection Function of the State Reservoir Administration of Saxony property from floods. Such things as flood control concepts are being implemented. This is a job that reservoirs were constructed for this purpose. will surely span across two decades to be continued by the following generation. Next to North Rhine-Westphalia, Saxony has the The State Reservoir Administration of Saxony was Administration of Saxony are defined in the Saxon most dams in Germany. Its 23 drinking water dams founded in 1992 as the first public enterprise in the Water Ordinance. The State Reservoir Administration are able to bridge extended dry periods. Saxony also Free State of Saxony. It is a part of the Saxon State of Saxony is provided a budget by the Saxon state has 33 process water dams as well as more than Ministry for Environment and Agriculture and carries government to perform these duties. Income from 80 additional reservoirs. In order to ensure effective out numerous sovereign duties. These include raw the regional water suppliers covers the costs for operation and management of the Free State’s Ulrich Kraus water supply, watercourse maintenance and flood raw water supply. The State Reservoir Administration facilities, the State Reservoir Administration of Managing Director protection. The duties of the State Reservoir of Saxony employs around 700 people. 4 FOREWORD FUNCTION 5 WORKS OBERES ELBTAL WORKS ELBAUE/MULDE/UNTERE WEISSE ELSTER 20-1 TS Gottleuba 60-1 TS Schömbach 20-2 TS Klingenberg 60-2 TS Windischleuba 60-6 20-3 TS Lehnmühle 60-3 SP Lobstädt Lausitzer Neis 20-4 TS Malter 60-4 SP Witznitz 60-10 20-5 TS Nauleis 60-5 SP Rötha se 60-18 20-6 TS Wallroda 60-6 TS Trossin Spree 20-7 SP Altenberg 60-7 SP Borna Hoyerswerda 20-8 SP Großer Galgenteich 60-8 HRB Regis-Serbitz 70-4 70-5 Weiße Elster 20-9 SP Radeburg I 60-9 HRB Stöhna Wurzen 20-10 SP Radeburg II 60-10 TS Schadebach II 70-3 20-11 TS Kauscha 60-11 TS Döllnitzsee LEIPZIG Mulde arze Elster Riesa 20-10 70-2 20-12 SP Staucha 60-12 HRB Amselgrundbach 60-11 Schw 20-13 HRB Buschbach 60-13 HRB Baderitz/Lüttewitz 60-9 20-12 20-5 20-14 HRB Friedrichswalde/Ottendorf 60-14 HRB Kiebitz-Obersteina 70-6 60-5 60-19 20-9 70-1 20-15 HRB Glashütte 60-15 HRB Möbertitz 60-14 60-20 Bautzen 60-4 60-17 P 60-13 Elbe 70-7 Görlitz 20-16 HRB Liebstadt 60-16 HRB Mochau leiße 60-A 60-15 Meissen 60-3 60-16 70-8 20-17 HRB Mordgrundbach 60-17 HRB Noschkowitz 60-7 60-12 DRESDEN 20-6 WORKS20-18 OBERES HRB Lauenstei ELBTnAL WORKS60-18 ELBAUE/MULDE/UNTER SP Großer Teich Torgau E WEISSE ELSTER 60-8 Freiberger 20-120-19 TS HRB Gottleuba Reinhardtsgrimma 60-160-19 TS HRB Schömbac Schrebitzh 60-2 20-11 in Planung 20-2 TS Klingenberg 60-260-20 TS HRB Windischleuba Zschochau M Freital ulde Pirna 60-6 WORKS20-3 FREIBERGER TS Lehnmühle MULDE/ZSCHOPAU 60-3 SP Lobstädt 60-1 20-4 20-2 Lausitzer Neis 20-430-1 TSTS MalterCranzahl WORKS60-4 SPREE/NEI SP Witznitz SSE Freiberg üglitz 60-10 20-19 M 20-14 Zittau 20-530-2 TSTS NauleiEinsiedels 60-570-1 SPTS RöthaBautzen 30-12 30-11 se 60-18 20-630-3 TSTS WaLichtenbergllroda WORKS OBERES60-670-2 TSTS ELBT TrNebelschützossiALn WORKS ELBAUE/MULDE/UNTERE WEISSE ELSTER Zwickauer Mulde 30-10 30-16 20-1 Spree 20-A 20-16 20-7 SP Altenberg 20-1 TS60-7 Gottleuba SP Borna 60-1 TS Schömbach CHEMNITZ 30-17 20-15 30-4 TS Neunzehnhain I 70-3 TS Quitzdorf 40-15 30-B 20-3 20-13Hoyerswerda 30-2 30-13 30-3 20-17 20-830-5 SPTS GroßerNeunzehnhain Galgenteic II h 20-2 TS60-8 70-4Klingenberg HRBSP Knappenrode Regis-Serbitz 60-2 TS Windischleuba 30-14 70-4 30-D 60-6 70-5 20-3 TS Lehnmühle 60-3 SP Lobstädt Weiße Elster 40-7 30-C30-15 20-7 20-18 20-930-6 SPTS RadeburgRauschenbach I 60-970-5 HRBSP Lohsa Stöhna I 20-8 Lausitzer Neis 20-4 TS Malter 60-4 SP Witznitz Zwickau Wurzen 30-4 30-A 20-1030-7 TSSP SaidenbachRadeburg II 60-1070-6 HRBTS Schadebach Goeda II 30-7 30-6 60-10 20-5 TS Nauleis 60-5 SP Rötha 30-9 se 20-1130-8 RWTS AKauscha Dittmannsdorfer Teich 60-1170-7 HRBTS Döllnitzsee Karlsdorf Werdau 40-12 30-5 60-18 70-3 WORKS OBERES ELBTAL STAWORKSTE RE20-6 S ELBAUE/MULDE/UNTERTSE WaRVOIllrodaR ADMINIstrAE TWEISSEION OF ELSTE SAXONYR 60-6 TS Trossin LEIPZIG Mulde 30-8 arze Elster Spree STATE RESERVOIR ADMINI40-1 strATION 20-1230-9 RWSP AStaucha Dörnthaler Teich 60-1270-8 HRB SchmöllnAmselgrundbach Riesa 20-10 70-2 20-1 TS Gottleuba 20-760-1 SP TS Altenberg Schömbach 60-7 SP Borna 60-11 Schw Hoyerswerda 20-13 HRB Buschbach 60-13 HRB Baderitz/Lüttewitz 40-6 20-2 TS30-10 Klingenberg RWA Erzengler Teich 20-860-2 SP TS HRBGroßer Windischleuba Rennersdorf Galgenteich (planned) 60-8 HRB Regis-Serbitz 60-9 70-4 70-5 OF SAXONY 40-14 Aue Annaberg-20-12 20-1430-11 HRBRWA Friedrichswalde/Ottendor Hüttenteich f 20-9 SP60-14 Radeburg HRB I Kiebitz-Obersteina 60-9 HRB Stöhna 20-5 Weiße Elster 20-3 TS Lehnmühle 60-3 SP Lobstädt 40-10 40-A 60-6 60-19 20-9 70-6 70-1 60-5 Buchholz Wurzen WORKS OBERES ELBT20-1530-12 HRBRWALA Glashütte Konstantinteich WORKS ELBAUE/MULDE/UNTER20-10 SP60-15 Radeburg HRB IIMöbertitzE WEISSE ELSTER 60-10 TS Schadebach II 60-14 60-20 Bautzen 20-4 TS Malter 60-4 SP Witznitz Lausitzer Neis 20-1 TS Gottleuba 60-1 TS 20-11Schömbac TS Kauschah 60-11 TS Döllnitzsee P 60-440-4 60-17 70-7 Görlitz 70-3 20-1630-13 HRBRWA Liebstadt Mittlerer Großhartmannsdorfer Teich 60-16 HRB Mochau le60-10 60-13 Meissen Elbe LEIPZIG Mulde arze Elster WORKS OBERES ELBTAL 20-5 TS Nauleis WORKS ELBAUE/MULDE/UNTERE WEISSE60-5 SP ELSTE RöthaR Plauen iße 60-40-11A 60-15 20-2 TS Klingenberg 60-2 TS 20-12Windischleuba SP Staucha 60-12 HRB Amselgrundbach 40-5 60-3 60-16 70-8 Riesa se 20-10 70-2 20-1 TS Gottleuba 20-1730-14 HRBRWA Mordgrundbac Oberer Großhartmannsdorferh Te60-1ich TS Schömbach 60-17 HRB Noschkowitz 40-13 60-7 60-1830-1 60-11 Schw 20-6 TS Wallroda 60-6 TS Trossin 60-12 20-6 Spree 20-3 TS Lehnmühle 60-3 SP 20-13Lobstädt HRB Buschbach 60-13 HRB Baderitz/Lüttewitz 60-6 DRESDEN 60-9 20-2 TS Klingenberg 20-1830-15 HRBRWA Lauenstei Obersaidaern Teich 60-2 TS Windischleuba 60-18 SP Großer Teich Torgau Freiberger 20-12 20-7 SP Altenberg 20-1460-7 HRB SP Friedrichswalde/OttendorBorna f 60-14 HRB Kiebitz-Obersteina 40-9 60-8 20-5 20-4 TS Malter 60-4 SP Witznitz W 60-6 Hoyerswerda 60-19Lausitzer Neis 20-9 70-6 70-1 20-3 TS Lehnmühle 20-1930-16 HRBRWA Reinhardtsgrimma Rothbächer Teich 60-3 SP Lobstädt 60-19 HRB Schrebitz ei 60-5 20-8 SP Großer Galgenteich 20-1560-8 HRB HRB Glashütte Regis-Serbitz 60-15 HRB Möbertitz ß 40-2 60-14 60-20 Overview of theBautze dams,n reservoirs and flood control reservoirs e 60-10 40-8 70-4 Lausitzer Neis 20-4 TS Malter 20-5 TS Nauleis 60-4 SP Witznitz 60-5 SP Rötha Elster 20-11 60-4 70-5 60-17 in Planung 30-17 RWA Unterer Großhartmannsdorfer
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