Case 1:11-cr-10286-DPW Document 129-4 Filed 06/15/12 Page 1 of 152 Exhibit 31 Case 1:11-cr-10286-DPW Document 129-4 Filed 06/15/12 Page 2 of 152 Redacted . .. ,.. ·-,1~-: _...,.-.;:.,,. ,,,.;4'?'. ,,.-. -- ;. :. ' ,.:- ' ·~ - _.,._ ..· . -~-' s---. Case 1:11-cr-10286-DPW Document 129-4 Filed 06/15/12 Page 3 of 152 Exhibit 32 Case 1:11-cr-10286-DPW Document 129-4 Filed 06/15/12 Page 4 of 152 • 1 • • FEDERAL llUREAU OF f:,;'VESTIGATION 0 l / 2 6 / 20~1=2~- ROSITA D. TAN D.M.D was telephonically interviewed at her office located at 4560 Admiralty Way, Suite 350, Marina Del Rey, CA, 90292. After being advised of the ideni:ity of the interviewing Agent and the nature of the interview, TAN provided the following information. L I' • TAR describe.d -·--''"·'-"'"-!lt;!ed_les, --~------01/26/2012 ,,· Marina Del ·Rey, CA (telephonically) ----- !l'JL: diCl>!•'1 01/26/2012 by __S_S_A_R_i_c_h_a_r_d_E_._T_e_a_h_a_n _______________________ _ 1bis dix:umcm wmairts neith~ rc.:mnmend:i.t1C11h ni;,t e-wtdui,foth l,f lhi! rDJ. lt i:s lht' prnpe.ny ol rht< FBl ;i1:1J is: ll1:it11Cd to. }~Ur a.gcn.:y: • it :i.,d ih ~mn.:n1~ ·.m: ryl)I l1, be: d!slrit-ul~ "u~l,k }'ttur J-JJctlCf. Case 1:11-cr-10286-DPW Document 129-4 Filed 06/15/12 Page 5 of 152 Exhibit 33 Case 1:11-cr-10286-DPW Document 129-4 Filed 06/15/12 Page 6 of 152 ~.. ....... - ' •. Case 1:11-cr-10286-DPW Document 129-4 Filed 06/15/12 Page 7 of 152 Yes N• CRIVEl'S LICENSE I\IYNJTO atdJwelr ~Me OF MY !!ANY. ~~PLOYER ~STA'I\J'S. NM HCM: TEL. NU. MY PI\Ol'eSSIONA1.·~ ') I --~ ,) Case 1:11-cr-10286-DPW Document 129-4 Filed 06/15/12 Page 8 of 152 • __ .:~ ,I'-• .,. ,<'!ICC SY-STI:flJ , •. ·.,._. \ti':'fo~'i'JO.N C'WtT.IPlCAT.J ~•Li. •• to• •~l',.l!J Ill~~ la oll«ll'll:lnco wlUl tho Sal11tlt"o 9':tt!,'t tr11 .rl.,nnr.Jot1 or IL'O Pns14c:i~ o1 Uio Unllc4 S~!t:< / '!.ff~ - ---­ . l "···--" • :.z,. .,.., ........ ........__, .,..,.,.,,,,_... ..,h. :t., ._....,,a... u;;.,·- --_..:.,·• ~----········-- _ .. Elg!·,..t. D .l:i." -i.r ·c ( U .1.. c11Jtz 1 fl'lff••'w.c.J J I~ be<:G dnl)' rdalffl.'<i tb.b. 2_ <147 of~1LSL.____ , ,:,. .. ·.: ~ . ! • wtn-.:.. .t ndlfrvl ' [ ~~r(lll'Loo:I DOllll'L .~---- _fh@~,.}.Jj.~f.- ' ffl•,_..., cc:.,,.~• .~•... ,~ 'T1'of11,,.c,p..... 7W l4 mlY■ llw~ord ln:ro11rJ1-..10:, &I :tU !iJGc I, r..,_ ~o1lllt&tlea llACI' C.,.av/llO roar .toc,,l Dooril oC cl>allfl0 rl IU!t!r- • ~(.."'r, ,,,. ~ l':~.!? t'l:.~tt•a-alt,. !~-11- ~ KEGUL.AR CARD No. bATII CARD EXPIIIU Case 1:11-cr-10286-DPW Document 129-4 Filed 06/15/12 Page 9 of 152 Do not l:tmiuure thi~ curd. · . l11is card is invalid if 001 signed by tho numbor holder unlcsx Cr.lot ol •Yl'S -..Blue----·--·• ~or Ol b:,ir ... 1 A!'\Jth or age prevcnrs sigri:uurc.. COl'JplCricD ____(ru.r._______ _ Ir~-1\:11& ( ,\1\1••~ ·.•. Wpropcr uso of thi.s c.lrd und/or numbc.r by the number holder 1)1.."l'.SOn i, punid1able by One, hnprisonment or both. or ~ny other w ~'tht (A 1,p1a:..1 .llD_______ 1,an, ••••••';; ; .'.. :. Socurity Adminisinrtlon u.od This c:anl is 1hepropctty ofU1c Sooinl 11Mr obdo1111 ;illJd.'?I dl::r:,c:COn:illw Chai "Ill a!.: In •~.. • • , , . mu,;1 b~ n:tumcd upon request.. tr found, TClum to: SSA-ATTN: FOUND SSN CARD None P.O. Box 17087 Baltimore Md. 21203 -·-·---·------•-..-·-----·---·-------- - CCilnC;ict your loail Sodnl Security affi.ce for lllly other m;ittt:r regarding thii card. Department of Hcetn. and Haman Senolca Soci.:>I S...'CUrily Admini:cnlrJOll Form OA-702 Cl-88) 1 ' p d J . - DENTAL AND vr,UAL, (:,'Ill; f'PMIT ~UIRSD r_. GJodt- «.,mrtu ~ ~wi;dirm, ~ JtVti:L llOVEB 1 DOU&Ld, A]UZOllTI. &H0'7 THI■ CAaD MAY 98 R&V~!Cm P'O■ DU~ C:,.UN _,T ANY TIMO: INVALID OUTSIDE c:oCHIS'E couNTV Case 1:11-cr-10286-DPW Document 129-4 Filed 06/15/12 Page 10 of 152 CIGNA Hl•aJthC.a-rc CIGNA ~munity;O!.~C? GROUP. II!>, # PCP PHllN ,PCP ~e MOP:26 MEMBER Sl;RVICES:1-800- . MecllCI.I Claims to~ P'.Q. B©)( 31649 PHO~I)(, /Ji:2 3506i•164g;c202 ARROWH&U) CHIPPING RTE, 1, Box H. WINWO.O.Q AOl!>l'TION ISl,S·BGE, ARIZONA 1''!5603 ·;:-:- ~-6 ,) 3 PHONE Case 1:11-cr-10286-DPW Document 129-4 Filed 06/15/12 Page 11 of 152 You must show yaur CIGNA Community Cholc:e and your AHCCCS ID card when getting .tefVicas from your dod0t (PCP) a specialist, or using .the hospital, phannacy or lab. The. CIGNA CQITlmUnlty. Choice IP card by ltselt does not guarantee your ellglblllfy. EMERGENCY SERVICS; In case or emergency, contsct or have someone else concact your doctor fer adllloe and Instructions, If you are hospitalized O(' need lollow up C8f8 becaoae of the emergency, CIGNA Community ctiolce must be notlfled IMth!h 12 hours. In-area --call Out-of.41ree, emergencies, eall Case 1:11-cr-10286-DPW Document 129-4 Filed 06/15/12 Page 12 of 152 Case 1:11-cr-10286-DPW Document 129-4 Filed 06/15/12 Page 13 of 152 4 I J • IDENTIRCATION CARD Name_,_ Addr.ess City --'~--'----­ Home Phone ( Work Phone { In Emergency, No.tify _ _ ____ ___ Phone _ _ _ -=~----,---,--------- 97003/249 • Case 1:11-cr-10286-DPW Document 129-4 Filed 06/15/12 Page 14 of 152 By ________;__ ..,___-;-----:,,..,c: ~- Case 1:11-cr-10286-DPW Document 129-4 Filed 06/15/12 Page 15 of 152 Exhibit 34 Case 1:11-cr-10286-DPW Document 129-4 Filed 06/15/12 Page 16 of 152 ' . - - ~~.,.... ~ :- 't,..~: . Case 1:11-cr-10286-DPW Document 129-4 Filed 06/15/12 Page 17 of 152 ';'hi.~ ~ard is the of!'ici~J verificnlion of yom S0cinl Security nrunl:(·.,·. PJ.:.,,,.e sigr. (, right away. Keq it in a sate place. Jmpl("lper 11,e of this card or numlicr by nnyone is punishable bv ii.1e, im~,d::r1;ment or hc,th ._ This cc.rd bcl1'n~ to the Social"Sl!curity Adniini~tration and you n,:.1i.t 1-ctl.. _m i: if we a,;k f~r it If you _find 11 card that isn't yours. pl<.'asc rntum it to: · Socinl Security Administr.,tion P.O: Box 170R7, 8;:Jtimorc, MD 21235 For ony.'other Social Security busi11ess/infunnation. conr:i,-;t your loc::ii S1.,ciol Secmily office. If yoJJ write to the ::bovc adch:css for tiny business <:>tiler -1ha.11 reruming a found card. ii.will take lon~!Cl' foi 1Js to• il.nswer your Iett.er. $qciDJ Securitv Adrilinistrat.fon O .. ':;, BG Ponn c;;fi1'.-3000 (4-95) 61906 '! Case 1:11-cr-10286-DPW Document 129-4 Filed 06/15/12 Page 18 of 152 Exhibit 35 Case 1:11-cr-10286-DPW Document 129-4 Filed 06/15/12 Page 19 of 152 --1 ~- !Nil' ..,a. I ' ! I Case 1:11-cr-10286-DPW Document 129-4 Filed 06/15/12 Page 20 of 152 ffc,,[ISA .,.c:mJlm - 811ft - - - - - - - - --- Case 1:11-cr-10286-DPW Document 129-4 Filed 06/15/12 Page 21 of 152 Exhibit 36 Case 1:11-cr-10286-DPW Document 129-4 Filed 06/15/12 Page 22 of 152 • nua tt1ai8f.R ttie BEl:N EIJT°A!'ILl$riEtl FOIi . ' j "' "- ..... {~-=~~~=~All. '· . ,,. ---,:\_____ ·--·- ~-. • • Case 1:11-cr-10286-DPW Document 129-4 Filed 06/15/12 Page 23 of 152 • ,;;.. - ....... ~~~·--· '" • • -;...,..... .. .. • ....... ~ --· ..,-.,. j ~ ■ ·~ ,· \ 'I!ij·, e:mt \,· 1111: offl~ial'vefme~1~n ofyoar $•1d:il:;~:.:uri1y num1i:... · ; · pk·.:rliD 1s11tu t~ ri1h1 n.wny. f--ttP. it in t'l tafe. 11h·c< ..• · ~,. ' .... lin1,roptr \IF.e of tbi,~ CIU'd or ll~1~;6er by 11.nydne b p1111ir.h11bll' by ti1~c. I : iinpris1Jnmcnt or both. ' · · :{ i This. .:;)riJ belong:-, \0 the Soc in! Security Adl'1inislr:itio~ and yM mu~: l rot11m lt if we :is~ for it. Jr )'OU fi1l~ ;i care.I thllt IBn't yo,m,, plc~a rd.urn It IO: Soci,11 Security Aumini.s:tr31ion RO. Box 11(181, B1i!ti111ort!, MU lil35 ·1 11or nny !'llhcr Soel:.il Security bu~inei.s/i~forination, cl,!llt.Cl ynu,· j Iota[ 8':leinl Secudly <lffice. tr yoll write tc; tile 11.bove llddrcu for n1w ~u~looss 01\lcr th11n retumin1fa fouNl c,1rd, ii will take lunger for 1m 10 no.~wcr your lcuer. Sc.:¼11 Security Admiltl,lxatlon l <:orm SS,\.• Jftilj) 14-'J:S) I • •• • • • Case 1:11-cr-10286-DPW Document 129-4 Filed 06/15/12 Page 24of152 -------------------'-- ---=-~ ·-. - \" " ' I, 1 United States-Department or State National Passport Cenfer 31 Rochester Avenue Portsmouth, NH 03801-2900 Official Business , Penalty for Private Use, $300 '· . ll,l,,l,:,1,/,,l,l.,t;J II · ·. i • *•n " 1 , L ·j . '~i!:f'i .. .... .. .. .... ~;ff.,! I +·r· ;•;.,:,...-.,..-.::,iw~-=/ ' l •'.· I .,, •I Case 1:11-cr-10286-DPW Document 129-4 Filed 06/15/12 Page 25 of 152 Exhibit 37 Case 1:11-cr-10286-DPW Document 129-4 Filed 06/15/12 Page 26 of 152 Venice, CA.
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