THE SUXDAT OREGOXTAX PORTLAND. FEBRUARY 21, 1915. student, MiS3 Vivian Pallet, and Mrs. the First Unitarian Church; Harry Rose Coursen Reed will present a vocal Wembridge, who has sung many times student, Miss Madeline Stone. All these at the vesper services at Reed Colle students will perform to orchestral ac- and Will Graham. The accompanist companiments. will be Miss Sue Kenney, organist at This concert is a notable one and Piedmont Presbyterian Church. worthy of public support. It is from such young: orchestral performers that Mrs. Alice Brown Marshall announces some day musicians of our professional the opening of the Rose City Branch symphony orchestra ranks may be School of Music by a concert at Rose graduated. City Park Clubhouse Saturday night The programme: "Ballet Music" from at 8:15 o'clock, assisted by Mrs. Fay "Rosamunde" (Schubert). orchestra M. Huntington, mezzo-contralt- o, and violin. 'Concerto In B Flat Major, Sec Dr. Frederick E. Chapman's Rose City ond Movement" (Mozart), Roxanna Park School orchestra. The students ; songs, who take part in this recital are Wommelsdorf "Woodland 6ere Honor Youngson, Gertrude Houk. Helen nade" (Mascheroni). "Fairy Tales' Campbell, (Thomas), Madeline Stone; piano, "Con Griggs Carlton, Dorothy certo. First Movement" (Schumann), Phillips, Gertrude A. Speer,. Thelma Vivian Pallett; "Prelude From Second Witmer and Mildred Raymond. Orchestral Suite, M. S." (Earl C. Sharp) Rev. Frank W. Gorman, tenor, and orchestra; violin, "Romanza in G" (Bee. pastor thoven), Roxanna Wommelsdorf of Atkinson Memorial Church, East Twenty-nint- h aud Everett streets, "Parislenne Suite" (Bizet), orchestra. and who has become known as "the i singing clergyman of Portland," will STMPHOSrr CONCERT MARCH 14. be heard in concert In the church au- The fifth concert of the Portland ditorium Friday night, March 5. Mr. Symphony Orchestra will take place Gorman1 will sing, by request, for an at the Heilig- Theater Sunday afternoon. opening number the beautiful recita- March 14. The -- was originally set Pianola date tive "Deeper Stroud and aria. and Deeper for March 7, but postponement became Still." and "Waft Her Angels to the necessary, owing to other attractions Skies." from "Jepthah." His other so- having- - been booked for the theater on los will Includo the cycle "Eltland" that date. (Von Fielitz). Miss R. Wommelsdorf, $575 It is probable, however, that the or- nuimiBi, wui assist. chestra will give a concert at Salem Convenient Terms if Desired March 7, Mrs. B. E. Tait, business man- The third Invitation recital to school Your Present Piano Taken in Exchange ager, having taken up the matter with cniidren. teachers and parents, given the music loving people of Salem. by the Oregon Chapter of the American J The Stroud is one of the five PIANOLA PIANOS made M. Christensen will conduct the or Guild of Organists, will take place at chestra at this concert, which, by the me LoiuniDia xneater, sixth streot, by the Aeolian Company. way, is next to the last for the fourth taturaay morning, 6, 9:30 March at I -- season, and an exceptionally attractive o clock. A group of organ solos will IThe STROUD PIANOLA contains the wonJcrful ME programme will be presented. It will oe puuyea Dy Frederick W. Goodrich the device for controlling tempo and imparting begin with Massenet's overture, "Phe-dre- " alter which will be shown, bv films, ROSTYLE. to Racine's famous tragedy, which the opera of "Robin Hood" (De Koven). interpretation. The device consists of a red line marked with Haydn's symphony No. 2 in D The music of the opera will be played on the roll and a movable pointer on the instrument. 1 he marling major, will form the first part. This un me pipe organ during the showing composition should be symphony Is rather short, though in of the pictures by Frederick Scholl. or. was made by a master musician as the the customary four movements, and ganlst of the theater. The admission played. Simply follow the red line with the Mclrostylc pointer this makes it possible to include' with to the theater will be bv invitation selection is played with the correct it in the first half the overture. and, measure by measure, the The second part of the programme tempo and the proper interpretation. will open with Richard Wagner's beau- The Choral Society and th oiMrinii tiful "Siegfried Idyll," which affords of the Behnke-Walk- er Business College CI The STROUD PIANOLA has other superior devices the exceptional possibilities for the strings will give a concert, under the lender. the melody or snip or THEMODIST, which automatically brings out limn ilnna, at the college hall the February 26. The chorus wpi be as- 'theme clear above the accompanying harmonies Also sisted by these soloists: Miss M Rn-r- . ACCOMPANIMENT, the AUTOMATIC MUSICIANS ACTIVE IN Crtl-RK- AT a.na contralto; A. E. David GRADUATED COMMENT. son, Dass; Walter A. Bacon, vintlni.t SUSTAINING PEDAL and a score of other exclusive patents and a Madame Louise Homer, prima trio consisting of C. E. Patter-- and improvements. ton, trustave H. Cramer and A. E. Da donna contralto. Metropolitan vidson. Grand Onera-Hous- e, New York J The STROUD PIANOLA possesses an exceptionally full City, talks of the training of melodious tone, a quick and correct action; the case of ma- children. MVSIC NOTES. and Miss Kathryn' Eraey, soprano A meeting of the farrio .Tai-n- xin-n- hogany or oak is the very latest design. Boloist at first concert of the musical jiut was held February 13 at the residence of Jennie BoDIne, 1048 Madrigal Club, Multnomah Hotel Rodney avenue. ballroom, Tuesday night. Margaret Patricia Neilan and William Wallace Graham is di- Barrow are new members. A r!Nur business meeting was held, followed rector of the first concert of the by a music programme, participated Portland Orchestral Amateur As- by in sociation, Masonic Temple audi- active and associate members as- torium, Thursday night. sisted by Helen O'Day, Louise Odell & Go. and Mrs. Carrie R. Beaumont, accom- Sherman.Jplay Frederick Preston Search, the panist. noted American composer-'cellis- t, Those who took part In the programme were: Hazel Mary Rice, will play at two recitals, Multno- Nina O'Day, STEINWAT. WEBER AND OTHER PIANOS. 1'lAN'Ot.A Hotel ballroom, Wednesday Mary Lou Moser, Mary E. TI1M RECOUPS. mah Harney, Etelka and Imboden Parrish, VICTROLAS AND ALL night and Thursday afternoon. O'Day, Miss Maori Egbert and Mrs. Cecilia Catharine Bcnhaur, Morrison Street at Sixth, Opposite Postof fice Margaret Hoibrook, Jennie BoDine, Julia Helena Swenson, two solo- Helen O'Day part mual-ea- le and Patricia Neilan. ists, who took in the The Apollo Music Club. Chicago's February 12 at the Portland principal Woman's Club. mixed voice singing organiza- Miss Clara Casten, 11 years old, tion, has decided to sing at the Pan ama-Pacif- ic DIRWTORV. 444 Eleventh street, shows so International Exposition, which look place last Friday nlk'l't at Mt'llCAt. proficiency play- ai can francisco. it is hoped to raise ballroom, was re- much in violin the necessary expenses of this trip by Multnomah Hotel ing that Efrem Zlmballst has giving by viewed at length in The Oregonian of give les- concerts en route, advertis Members or tnis promised to her violin ing, subscriptions from friends, and last Wednesday. Madame sons next season, in New York the sale of a chorus are: Mrs. Percy W. Lewis, Mrs. City. book entitled "The Choral Rodney Herrick, Mrs. Edward PettlK, Pilgrimage." now In progress of pub- Sirs. It. II. Mrs. Alice B. Marshall, pianist, lication. A fund, of J300 is asked for Mrs. deorge D. Williams. and Mrs. Fay M. Huntingdon, Initial expense. Tucker, Mrs. J. K. Boubriptht. Mrs. Lucie Valair contralto, take part in recital at W. A. Viggers. Mrs. John F. ltiwley. who has omo hero from l'm-c- Rose City clubhouse, Satur- Miss Elizabeth Johnson, Miss Florence ) Park Dr. Clement B. Shaw lectured last lin IndiTM-int-n- t of nu n ii day night at 8:15 o'clock. V. Hammond. Miss K. 'Van Leu wen, the rt night on the opera "Travinta" (Verdi). L, Eugeiu Ysaye it nil Alfred Hon Inr Miss Christine Denholm,' so- The attendance at the series of opera Mrs. James W. Morris, Mrs. Joseph uhroiid and lr N w York. At I""-deb- prano, one of the soloists who Stafford. Mrs. R. F. Feemstur. Mrs. lioi o with 1 lie i irplii'iis 'tnl llio evenings, which Dr. Shaw and M. A. - re- - Abbett, 11k- f.;imo are to sing at the students' Oondnnnsrh Tiava bppir pivinp- h-- j in John Waldron, Mrs. Eva Wells wrre nil of nilnlifi Albert, e. J. Mir a flrfl rlunn und Im cital dirested by Mrs. Rose Cour- creased past the 160 'for hi"- - Jane Burns ilrs. that hiIII r mark each Lucy M. an iiniiMiittl nmooiliiicww mH brautr sen Reed, at the Helllg Theater, performance. On account, Smith. Helen J. Case, tase. arwiliic-- 4 this here MIks Lrsi-h- . ilcc, the r'!iill of rirrcc tnnr March 22. after the presentations will take place ilaud K. Hatfield. Harriet Ion. Vor.-i-l Mtml'-n- l in Iho i kI Imvo sopranos; Mrs. n i ti-- Mrs. Nancy Beals Van Dyke, at the young Men's Christian Associa- Miss Marguerite Moore, hi-f- lh of nn ninny fako h soprano, and Miss June Shea, tion Hall, Friday nights. Friday night Barlli G. Skulason, Mrs. Nettie F. from Kurnpo dui-tnt- n--- nl contralto, soloists at the reception- Martha (Flotow) will be given. The t'ourter, Mrs. Frank J. Kupper, Mrs. that when ii well r.tiMmenlcl rtUI, -dinner Mary .i.t .
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