1940 Supplement To Mason's Minnesota Statutes 1927 (1927 to 1940) (Superseding Mason s 1931, 1934, 1936 and 1938 Supplements) Containing the text of the acts of the 1929, 1931, 1933, 1935, 1937 and 1939 General Sessions, and the 1933-34,1935-36, 1936 and 1937 Special Sessions of the Legislature, both new and amendatory, and notes showing repeals, together with annotations from the various courts, state and federal, and the opinions of the Attorney General, construing the constitution, statutes, charters and court rules of Minnesota together with digest of all common law decisions. Edited by William H. Mason Assisted by The Publisher's Editorial Staff MASON PUBLISHING CO. SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1940 CH. 64—PLATS §8249 street on a street plat made by and adopted by the plat, or any officer, department, board or bureau of commission. The city council may, however, accept the municipality, may present to the district court a any street not shown on or not corresponding with a petition, duly verified, setting forth that such decision street on an approved subdivision plat or an approved is illegal, in whole or in part, specifying the grounds street plat, provided the ordinance accepting such of the Illegality. Such petition must be presented to street be first submitted to the planning commission the court within thirty days after the filing of the deci- for its approval and, if approved by the commission, sion in the office of the planning commission. be enacted or passed by not less than a majority of Upon the presentation of such petition, the court the entire membership of the council, or, if disapproved may allow a writ of certiorari directed to the planning by the commission, be enacted or passed by not less commission to review such decision of the planning than two-thirds of the entire membership of the city commission and shall prescribe therein the time within council. (Act Mar. 20, 1933, c. 93, §9.) which a return thereto must be made and served upon the relator's attorney, which shall not be less than 8246-11. Building restrictions.—From and after ten days and may be extended by the court. The al- " the time when the planning commission shall have lowance of the writ shall stay proceedings upon the adopted a major street plan of the territory within its decision appealed from. subdivision jurisdiction or part thereof, no building shall be erected on any lot within such territory or The planning commission shall not be required to part, nor shall a building permit be Issued therefor return the original papers acted upon by It, but It unless the street giving access to the lot upon which shall be sufficient to return certified or sworn copies such building Is proposed to be placed (a) shall have thereof or of such portions thereof as may be called been accepted or opened as or shall otherwise have for by such writ. The return must concisely set forth received the legal status of a public street prior to such other facts as may be pertinent and material to that time, or unless such street (b) corresponds with show the grounds of the decision appealed from and a street shown on the city plan or with a street on a must be verified. subdivision plat approved by the planning commission If, upon the hearing, it shall appear to the court or with a street accepted by the city council, after that testimony Is necessary for the proper Disposition submission to the planning commission, by the favor- of the matter, It may take evidence or appoint a referee able vote required In Section 9 of this act. Any build- to take such evidence as it may direct and report the ing erected in violation of this section shall be deem- same to the court with his findings of fact and conclu- ed an unlawful structure, and the building inspector sions of law, which shall constitute a part of the pro- or other appropriate official may cause it to be vacated ceedings upon which the determination of the court and have it removed. (Act Mar. 20, 1933, c. 93, §10.) shall be made. The court may reverse or affirm, wholly 8246-12. Inconsistent acts repealed.—Platting con- or partly, or may modify the decision brought up for trol by the planning commission, as provided in this review. act, shall be exclusive within the territory under Its Costs shall not be allowed against the commission, jurisdiction, and all statutory control over plata or unless it shall appear to the court that it acted with subdivision of land granted by other statutes, insofar gross negligence or in bad faith or with malice In as inconsistent with the provision of this act, are nere- making the decision appealed from. by repealed. (Act Mar. 20, 1933, c. 93, §11.) All issues in any proceeding under this section shall have preference over all other clvfl actions and pro- 8246-13. May appeal to District Court.—Any per- ceedings. (Act Mar. 20, 1933, c. 93, §12.) son or persons jointly or severally aggrieved by any Sec. 13 of Act Mar. 20, 1933, cited, provides'that the decision of the planning commission concerning such act shall take effect from its passage. • • • CHAPTER 65 Registration of Title REGISTRATION First—The person or persons who singly or col- lectively own the land. Tenants In common shall 8247. Registration. Adverse possession. 171M410, 214NW271. join in the application. Torrens' system of land title registration. !9MinnLaw Second—The person or persons who singly or col- Rev519. lectively have the power of disposing of the land. 8248. Registered land—Adverse possession. Third—Infants and other persons under disability, One obtaining new certificate under Torrens Act after by their guardian duly appointed by the proper pro- purchase at mechanic's lien foreclosure had good title as against parties In possession who were not made bate court in this state. defendants though they were claiming under unrecorded Fourth—A corporation, by Its proper officer, or by transfer from the record owner and his transferee; and a judgment in an action to which the mechanic's lien an agent duly authorized by the board of directors. claimant or his successor was not made a party and of which the records contained no notice did not affect the Fifth—Any executor or administrator duly ap- title. 174M22. 218NW246. pointed by the proper probate court in this state. The Torrens Law intends that all titles registered Sixth—A municipal corporation, by Ita mayor and thereunder shall be free from all unregistered rights or claims except those specifically 'named, and unregis- city clerk, in the case of a city, after a resolution duly tered deeds or contracts do not affect such titles nor passed by its common council so directing, and by the create any interest in the land. 178M55, 226NW201. county auditor and chairman of the county board, The act abrogates the doctrine of constructive notice, in the case of a county, after a resolution passed by except as to matters noted on the certificate of title, but not the effect to be given to actual notice of unregis- its county board so directing. tered conveyances. 178M55, 226NW201. Seventh—Any person may make application when Possession is not notice of rights held or claimed by the occupant. 178M55. 226NW201. for at least 15 years the land has been in the adverse Attachments and judgments properly registered take possession of the applicant or those through whom precedence over unregistered conveyances of which the he claims title. (As amended Mar. 31, 1939, c. 100, creditor had no actual notice. 178M55. 226NW201. 51.) 8249. Application—Who may make.—An applica- Credit unions are corporations which can legally reg- ister property under torrens system, which it has ac- tion for registration may be made by any of the fol- quired through foreclosure or otherwise. Op. Atty. Oen. lowing persons: (53b), May 7. 1936. ; 1343 §8250 CH. 65—REGISTRATION OF TITLE 8250. Titles which may be registered.—No lesser heretofore entered for any such land without the State estate than a fee simple, and no mortgage, lien or of Minnesota having been joined and served with sum- other charge upon land, shall be registered, unless mons, it shall be deemed that title had heretofore the estate in fee simple therein is registered; but passed to the applicant by reliction or accretion. (R. the fact that the estate or interest of the applicant L. '05, §338a; G. S. '13, §6882; Apr. 8, 1933, c. 164.) Is subject to any outstanding lesser estate or to a mortgage, or other charge or lien, shall not prevent 8262. Form of summons— service. — The summons Its registration, and whenever a dock or harbor line shall be subscribed by the clerk, and shall be directed has been established by Federal authority, the estate to the defendants, and require them to appear and and interest of a riparian proprietor in the sub- answer the application of the applicant, within twenty merged lands lying between the original shore line days after the service of the summons, exclusive of and such established dock line may be registered un- the day of such service. It shall be served in the man- der this act, subject, however, to the rights of the ner now provided by law for the service of a sum- state of Minnesota in its sovereign capacity in the mons in civil actions In the district court, except as same, and such registration shall not in any manner herein otherwise provided. It shall be served upon affect or change the rights of the state with respect the state by "delivering a copy thereof to the attorney to such lands.
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