!["" Iul1fllif]1Riajs ~ NEWSLETTER : IFIJ~Mj1)~1Fia1s :!: the SOCIETY of ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIANS ~ Lid~Illlluislms ~ Vos · •~O · S\1~ DECEMBER 1976 VOL](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Cl:t.C HIT E C TU R4c- "" IUl1fllif]1riAJS ~ NEWSLETTER : IFIJ~mJ1)~1fiA1S :!: THE SOCIETY OF ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIANS ~ liD~illllUISlMS ~ vos · •~o · s\1~ DECEMBER 1976 VOL. XX NO.6 PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY OF ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIANS 1700 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103 • Marian C. Donnelly, President • Editor: Thomas M. Slade, 3901 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20008 • Associate Editor: Dora P. Crouch, School of Architecture RPI, Troy, New York 12181 • Assistant Editor: Richard Guy Wilson, 1318 Oxford Place, Charlottesville, Virginia 22901. SAH NOTICES phia, Pa. 19103) for an application blank. The application should be completed (attaching a vita and one or more 1977 Annual Meeting, Los Angeles-February 2-6. AdolfK. departmental recommendations) and returned to the SAH Placzek, Columbia University, is general chairman and David office by February 15, 1977. A scholarship review com­ Gebhard, University of California, Santa Barbara, is local mittee will be appointed by President Donnelly to make chairman. the awards, and notification will be sent to all applicants Preregistration for the meeting closes January 10, 1977. Mem­ by April 15, 1977. bers are reminded that no tickets for the annual luncheon­ business meeting (Friday, February 4) may be purchased after 1977· Foreign Tour-Sicily (Ancient, Medieval and Thursday noon , February 3. Hotel reservation cards should be Baroque)-June 10-28. Spiro Kostof, University of California, sent to the Biltmore Hotel as soon as possible; reservations Berkeley, and Henry Millon, American Academy in Rome, will received after January 19, 1977 will be taken on a space­ serve as co-chairmen. availability basis only. Flight Information. The Society has been informed by the 1977 Special Tour-Newfoundland (July 24-30). DouglasS. Women's Caucus for Art that they were unable to arrange char­ Richardson, University of Toronto, will serve as chairman of the ter flights to Los Angeles from Chicago and Philadelphia. How­ tour. He will be assisted by Shane O'Dea and George T. Kapelos. ever, the WCA is now planning affinity flights on regularly scheduled airlines from Chicago (roundtrip $199, subject to SAH Placement Service Bulletin No. 4, December 1976 is change by the airlines; 40 and above participants needed) and enclosed with this issue of the Newsletter. The next Bulletin will from Philadelphia (roundtrip $257, conditions the same as for the appear with the February 1977 issue. Deadline: position­ Chicago flight) . Since these flights are not sponsored by the available and member-applicant listings must reach the SAH SAH, for full information interested persons should contact Mrs. central office (address above) no later than January 10, 1977. Diana Rudkin directly (403 Forrest Avenue, Elkins Park, We urge prospective employers to remember this deadline Pennsylvania 19117 ; telephone: 215-886-8908). and to submit listings of positions open (under categories of Academic, Business and Professions, Government, and 1978 Annual Meeting, San Antonio-April 5-10. Adolf K. Other), which will be published free of charge. Placzek, Columbia University, will be general chairman of the meeting. O'Neil Ford of Ford, Powell and Carson will be honor­ Finance Committee. Marian C. Donnelly, President of the ary local chairman, and Mary Carolyn Jutson will act as local SAH, announces the appointment of a newly constituted Fi ­ chairman. nance Committee. James H . Halpin of New York City is serving as chairman, and he is assisted by Paul B. Henderson of Chicago, 1977 Annual Tour-Upper Hudson Valley (Troy-Albany­ Hyman Myers of Merion Station, Pa., Buford L. Pickens of St. Schenectady-Saratoga Springs and vicinity)-August Louis, and by Robert W. Jorgensen of Winnetka, Illinois, 24-28. A. Donald Emerich will serve as chairman. Announce­ Treasurer of the Society, and Edwin P. Rome of Philadelphia, ment of the tour will reach the SAH membership by April 15 , Honorable Counsel of the Society. 1977. SAH Historian. Alan K. Laing, Professor Emeritus of the Uni­ Student Scholarships-Upper Hudson Tour. Again in versity of Illinois, has been appointed official historian of the 1977, the Society will hold a competition for student Society by President Donnelly. Members wishing to provide scholarships, to enable outstanding students to partici­ information are encouraged to write to Professor Laing ( 1406 pate on the Upper Hudson tour. The 10% surcharge on Hillcrest, Urbana, Illinois 61801). non-student participants' registrations will be applied to­ ward two or three tour scholarships, which will defray NEWS OF MEMBERS wholly or in large part the cost of the tour itself, the hotel accommodations and air or train fare (depending upon the JOHN F. HARTRA Y has been elected to the board of directors travel distance involved). of the National Architectural Accrediting Board ... Improved To be eligible, a student must be engaged in graduate energy efficiency in the AlA's Washington headquarters is the work in architecture or architectural history, city planning object of a task force on which ROBERT A. BURLEY is serving or urban history, landscape or the history of landscape ... PAUL E. SPRAGUE who designed and administered the design. Interested student members should write the SAH Illinois Historic Structures Survey was instrumental in the pas­ central office (1700 Walnut Street, Room 716, Philadel- sage recently of the Illinois Historic Preservation Act, providing for a State Register and for a 15-member council of whom three dependent research in residence at the Smithsonian Institution are to be architects or architectural historians . .. Second recip­ using the collections, facilities , and laboratories and pertaining to ient of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts' Furness Award research interests of the Smithsonian research staff. Proposals is ADA LOUISE HUXTABLE, architecture critic of the New for research may be offered in the fields in which the Institution York Times ... JERRYLL HABEGGER has received a grant has research strength. Research areas include: from theN ational Endowment for the Arts to develop a reference American History and Material Culture: Political, military, and guidebook American Architectural Guide 1850-Today; he has cultural history, including the resources of the Eisenhower Insti­ previously published Europe: Architectural Guide 1860-Today tute for Historical Research, and the history of musical instru­ ... Word has been received of the death ofMRS. DARWIN R. ments. JAMES, 3d, a benefactor of the Society ... A new series of Anthropology: Archeology, ethnology, ethno-history, physical books on antiques will be edited by BRENDA GILCHRIST and anthropology, and carbon-14 dating. published jointly by Cooper-Hewitt Museum of Design and the History of Art: American art particularly of the 19th and 20th Book-of-the-Month-Club. (Cooper-Hewitt, under the direction centuries, modern painting and sculpture, and Oriental art. of Lisa S. Taylor, reopened in October in the Carnegie Mansion History of Science and Technology: History of mathematics, on Fifth Avenue and 91st Street, New York City.) ... New physical sciences, medicine and pharmacy, meclranical and civil member of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (a engineering, electrical technology, and the history of science in cabinet-level group) is THOMAS B. MUTHS ofJackson, Wyo., America. an architect who has served on the boards of the National Trust Smithsonian Fellowships, supported by a stipend of $10,000 for Historic Preservation and the Historic American Buildings per annum and research allowances, may be granted to postdoc­ Survey . .. "Architecture: The Art We Live In" a lecture series toral scholars to pursue further training in research. Smithsonian for the Memorial Art Gallery of the University of Rochester, Predoctoral Fellowships, supported by a stipend of $5,000 and took place during the fall of 1976 and included talks by research allowances, may be granted to doctoral candidates to LEONARD EATON, JOHN MAASS, and JEAN R. FRANCE. conduct research for their dissertations with the approval of their university departments. Applications are due by January 15, CONFERENCES 1977. For more information and application forms please write: Office of Academic Studies, Smithsonian Institution, The first international conference on the history of urban and Washington, D.C. 20560. Please indicate the particular area in regional planning will be held in London, England, September which you propose to conduct research and give the dates of 14-18 , 1977, at Bedford College. Conference sessions will be degrees received or expected. complemented by excursions, films, and exhibitions, and publi­ cation of the proceedings is planned. For further information, HEW Fellows Program. Persons interested in a fellowship pro­ write: Anthony Sutcliffe, Dept. of Economic and Social History, gram with HEW may write for information to: The Director, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, SIO 2TN, England, to whom HEW Fellows Program, 330 Independence Avenue, S.W., offers of papers should also be sent. Washington, D.C. 20201. Sixth annual conference of the Maryland Historical Trust was HEW Institutes for Teaching in the Humanities. The Endow­ held November 6-7 at Annapolis, Maryland. ment's Humanities Institutes program invites applications from college faculty to sponsor summer or year-round institutes at The Newberry Library (60 W. Walton Street, Chicago) will hold which faculty from a number of colleges and universities may its annual
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