Rajinikanth's Tweets On

Rajinikanth's Tweets On

K M "$# ' '#$ ('""(#'$!%"$" ""# $ "#$#$ Y ( ###(#'"") %" %&%"% "##"% "#$( C JAMMU, TUESDAY, MARCH 24 , 2020 VOL. 36 | NO.82 | REGD. NO. : JM/JK 118/15 /17 | E-mail : [email protected] |www.glimpsesoffuture.com | Price : Rs. 2.00 COVID-19: Cases rise to 415; most of India under lockdown Cops deployed in strength to Authorities in Kashmir enforce lockdown in Jammu enforce lockdown ))0- -%*#-- $;85/1<1>?;::18C1->5:39-?7?C1>101<8;E105:?@>1:3@4 -/>;??-99A>135;:;:!;:0-E@;1:2;>/1-8;/70;C:@; A@4;>5@51?5:-?495>;:!;:0-E?@->@101:2;>/5:3- /;A:@1> @41 ?<>1-0 ;2 :;B18 /;>;:-B5>A? 5: @41 ):5;: 8;/70;C:@;418</41/7@41?<>1-0;2/;>;:-B5>A?5:@41B-8 (1>>5@;>E;2-99A-:0-?495> 81E$;85/1B145/81?25@@10C5@4<A.85/-00>1???E?@19?C1:@ ->;A:0>1?501:@5-8->1-?5:@41/5@E-:018?1C41>15:@41B-881E (41?4A@0;C:/-915:@;1221/@2>;9<9;:'A:0-E-:0 1->8E5:@419;>:5:3@;-::;A:/1@4-@>1?@>5/@5;:?A:01> C588>19-5:5:2;>/1@588<9;:!->/4 C5@4;:8E<1;<81 >$'1/@5;: .->>5:3-??19.8E;2<1;<814-0.11:59 -??;/5-@10C5@4 1??1:@5-8?1>B5/1?5:/8A05:341-8@4/->1 <;?10$1;<81C1>1>1=A1?@10@;?@-E5:0;;>?-:0:;@B1:@A>1 1D19<@102>;9@41>1?@>5/@5;:? ;A@A::1/1??->58E(41A:5;:@1>>5@;>E-095:5?@>-@5;:5: !-:E>;-0?5:@41/5@E-:018?1C41>1C1>1.8;/710.E 'A:0-E-::;A:/10-8;/70;C:-/>;??-99A-:0-?495> .->.10C5>1@;>1?@>5/@@419;B191:@;2@41<1;<81-?<;85/1 !!0/$+-%/%!.+*,#! 91:C1:@->;A:08;/-85@51?5:@415>B145/81?25@@10C5@4<A. 85/-00>1???E?@19C->:5:3@41>1?501:@?;2?@>5/@-/@5;:52 @41E@>E@;B5;8-@1>$'1/@5;: @4-@4-?.11:<>;9A83-@ 10-/>;??@41>135;: One of the busiest Indira Chowk looks deserted during lockdown due to spread coronavirus Ladakh imposes lockdown $81-?1/;;<1>-@1C5@4@41-095:5?@>-@5;:-:[email protected]/7 epidemic in Jammu on Monday. 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