Recent Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences 11 ,- Diego Mufioz..Torrero Diego Halo .Loan Van/U

Recent Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences 11 ,- Diego Mufioz..Torrero Diego Halo .Loan Van/U

Recent Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences 11 ,- DIego Mufioz..Torrero DIego HalO .loan van/u Reca1 M.Iar1a3s in A1arrrBceutical Sder03S 11 Fl&sta:JlCllmissim, FooJtydR a¡¡ay, l.ii1.usity ct B!Iaikra, Sp¡in .blnValles Tran5Y¡Drld l\e5earch Noo'lOri<, T.L. 3715S1 (2), Fort P.O., Trlvandl'Um-595 023 Kerala, Indla Published by Transworld RBsearch Nstwork 2012; ~Ifis ~ Tl<ir'SOOIId F&;¡;¿¡j I N!IMalI T.e. 371ffi1{2}, Fat P.o., T~023, K8f3a lrúa E·rwiIIDs:Drir@SltilltHXliI\ g:p:ar@I! ~a:m~I.(XIll 'Mbsites: ~JI\Willl]·.IJl.(XIll I'tlp:1fwM1r.lJmls.o:rn I'tlp:1fwM1r.;uras wa1lmq:usj/s..IB I'tlp:1fwM1r.sigl,. 1St"'" d< Editors ll8¡;pMiic2-TcmlfO ll8¡;pIIilro JiBlvalils Mwlging El:5tor &GRnl<&!i Publicalion Managl!l' AG8y.ilYi TI<irl!MaId Rssaaj I N!IMa1I a"d1he Edtcrs assl.I1'B rD r""JO ,l!iiilily trhq:irioos a"d mm r",1Is~ l:r,t l'l1artna=ltical .de""",, are more ond mote condDcled in a muJtidjociplitwy fasllion, "",ldn~ lO _!he iJlte~...iOll '" a brood ....S" of....,.. of kno""d¡, Ilw Iocuo 011 all fae", '" drus. ond ~ id<ntif",a/ioo .00 oontrol of <:qanWn< c....inS human dio<.... food oc.."""" .. "",,11 .. publio 1lId ""ironm<otaJ I><alth, "ith lb< uJrimale of improvins <ociety'......Ith 1lId qo>ality '" lif,. To «pedite th< ociti",,,,,,,'" af I."e I>e.mlll, ~ ",ieoce, hm, lO oonfronl ="' maja" """""""0.00 social chaLLenS"" mch '" d<cre:ned """""""" h reo<arch, i""",a.«<! reSuJllttIry ""ose""ie<. oye"Y oostly .00 incre:ninlly more oomp'« drus _ekJpm<nl proc.... 01' .sein~ J>Ol"1l""""' ...."ilborc!I_chronic di"""""..... througIl !he impl<""'''''-tion of cuttios..-:lse inoovati.. Tbio &0001< Ó"",rib<. """" iooomi,.., inlegrnte<! "'><Mch 'i'"""ioB !he eOO" '1""1nlrn '"",,,",ir,,, di.dpli...'"~olocience< "d by iote"","oo:oIly """B"iRd reo<arch B"'"P' '" lb< p"",lty of l'lwtnacy of 1.. Uni.<n.ily of 11""",100.. wtUch oontio",,-, lO ..wnWo, "odetdIip po<ition oroorIS <he diff"'nI focuJtie< of th< """,i.tenriy ronked f"'l re>HJ'Ch 1l1livenily '" Spajn. The E·boo:>I: oon>i<t, of 12 cha¡lten, whicl1 e""","!"",, oontriburiom in """" wcl1 '" boW1y, ~, phol ptIy<ioklgy, outrition ar.ol food ocience, p"""entiY< m<dici.. .00 pub1"=, ..00 lICieoce ",,1 agricultnral c"'mi"". OI'gaoio c"nti"", ptIy.icol ohemistry, microbioklgy. p>ta.,itoioJy, pharmacy .00 ptwmacem;col ""'_"BY (biop/utmacy >lid pharm>.ooId"lic.)• .00 pby"jology.<r 1 repom """'" «amp\<' of mrf:oce-a<llOCialeod microor¡;",iun .."'mIlli«, """"itntin~ <he <o>-c:oIled biofil...., .. "",,11 '" th<ir regui>rory """,lw1i"", >lid Ib<ir role in <he d<¡;rod.>tion of cultunl hetilaB" oil« .00 """'" methodo u.<ed io lb< <tl>ily of th<ir JIl stnICtIlre lO manas' and P""""'" UlICOfltrolled ooloni7.llioo Ch.p'''' 2 deab with !he ioyolye"""" of <>-Jun N· Id...... (J""') io ~ and P''''''' t/Ii. lliBJlalinS pa!h""y .. a uy taIJ" lO pr<"'" «iI _ fOl' th< ef'F.c1eo1 rnanage""'nI of """"",~""""'iY<di"""". CIupt<r J 1"""'0" lb< <ro5II-"&W"'ion;¡ ~ poly.mi..., ."." hormon< palb".y. anol "'O<1i,.., 0"l'gen 'l""ieo '¡~naJins that oor.dition """" ,ign:o!ioS in pi""" and lb< ,i",,""iOll of!he moIeCIlJ ... m<cIwlWrn respon<i!>le fOl' lb< prot<cti,.., .ff<el of poIy.mi....gajn<t """, in plant>o In Chapter 4, nUll'itiorul ~""""ic< are highlighted .. a 00,..,1 _k ttu< imprm... lb< knowled¡e of th< inte,.."'iOll' bet"""" diet 1lUIIient< and ~""""" in both he:oIth and di",,,,,, <t...,~ tbeteby <howioS promi", '" • tool lO improl'< ¡dIle "'>lt1L r.rtioulariy, th< IIlOl<cuIar "",e/unjo"" ttu< are b<hind !he o""""'I"""enriye ,ff<el' of food poIyp"'nob in <he cont<>;1 of oanc... ~m<'" are di«=.«d l'haptet 3 reviews the epidemiology oí comlUUtlit)'-acquired pneumollia (CAP) and a~esse~ !he effeclivelles~ of Ihe 23-vale.n1 l:meumococcal poly~accJ¡aride vaccine in pIevelllillg CAP requiring ho~pitalizatioll iJl Ihe eld.erly lO determine tbe need for vaccillation programs. Chapter 6 repol1~ 011 the environme;J]lal impact, ecoroxidl}' and potellliaJ biodegradability of iotúc liquid.s as a new generatioll of chemlcal.~ wi!h palemia! lO enbance me greelllles.s of ehemical processe~ of ¡lIteresl for !he pbamlaceuti.eal indmtry_ In Chapler 7, orgaLlocatalysis aoo organOoCascade reactiolls are prese.flted a~ emergillg powerful approadJes for the. syntbesis of eIlantiopure drugs Ihrough envirollmentally fri.elldlr processe~ Íll as much as !he}' a1Jow a reduc.tion of reaction times, chemical wa.~le :md avoid Ihe of metal~. Cbaptel' & describes bicel es as lIove.! bighly \'el'sati.!e lipid nanostructu:re.s of intereS! for skin applications, a~ they may modi:fy skill biopbysical parameten ¡bereby enhanci ng drug penetratiOll 01' t!:ley can incOll'orate a number of drugs ¡har can be carried tltrough lIJe ski Ll layers, Chapter 9 reports 011 biosurfactanl produdllg micmorganisms a.~ well as on Iheir en.irollmentai and eo~t-effective pbamlaceulieal, biomedica.1, eosmetic and food indus1J)' application~. Chapter 10 pIesents envimllmental parasitology a.~ an itlterdiscipLillary fjeld Ihat hlvoJve~ Imowledge from toxicology, elwi.rolllUelltal c.hemistry and parasitology, highl.ightingtbe role of para.<;i'tes as potential indicatol',s of en.ironmental qualjty. Particularly, tbe use of inte~tinal parasite~ of different groups of vertelIrates lO assess nea.'Y metal polJution in terreslrial nOIl-urban habitats is lheJ'eill discnssed. Cbapte.r 11 descri.bes the pharmacokilletic modeHng accordillg to the poplllatioll pbamlacoldnellc approach wilh tbe non-lineal' mix.ed effect~ model.s as a powerfuJ 100.1 10 deterlUiJle tite rel atiOllLShips be.tween the doses of Ihe pl'odrug mycopbellOlate mofetil and the exposnre of ¡he active componellt mrcophenolic. aci.d, commonl}' used in immunosuppres.s:l.I1t regimens after real trallsplalltation. Cbapter 12 discus~s tbe effects of feeding a isomeric mixture of colljugated l.illoleic add (ClA) during ge~tationT mclding aJld early iufaney on the srstemic and mueo~ immune responses of Wisíar rats ar differe;JJt Jife times, which suppan a lUodulatOlY effect of CLA on immune srstelll deyelopmellt durillg earJ}' Jife and a .!ong·term effect on tite specific hnmone. respome in tite adult age. Thus, this E-book tries to addres~ tlle ·considerable heterogeu.idty of pharlllaceulical ¡¡dellces through diverse appl'oaches wilh a common tinal aim, me improyement of society' ~ healtb a11d well-being. JI i~ worth mentioning, jn addltioll, Ibat this mllltidiscipl.illary fOCllS and reach of pharm.:leeutical ~ieJ.lce~ make~ mooy of Iheir oolluibutiOllS a1so valuable in otlter research tields, sucn as "asic biofogical or che.fllkal ,sdences. Diego uñoz-Torrero Diegn Haro .roan nlle..~ Contents Chlipbir 1 Birmlm~ rm me"" 1 ,IJ"riona llernehuJez-Marin! and Mm.,ca Roldém MoJi1fil Chlipti..... 2 Role uf JN1{ ln ncuruckf"na-ati '''' & =~ 15 Pélix JWl'j'em, •.to Verdaguer, J<IJHI.le Puleh, Carla, BeaR-Zarnte Mod Paill.., Ccm1!l! Aukrtklland Amani Ca",ifl" Cbapbir 3 PoIyumine rnebLboli~m aTld ~ignalin¡¡: irn phmt amotk =,~S pmt.ectiun 29 RuMn Aleñv:rr, Mana Bitrián, Xn",er Z:"<ra and Amoflio F. TIlJurcin OIiáph;r 4 Nutriti<mal senumie•. A."",. "J'P'1lllCh in n~lJiti.on Te",,,,,,b 49 CeJrlma OIeaga, Carlos 1. CillJ1ad, Vo6nic" No! afld Ma.fÚ1 Izquierdo-Pulido Chapler S T~ lbe. 23-valcnt pmeumocuocuJ pol)'mooharide \'3D!.:ine IlSefuJ irn prevmliTlg oommunity-aoquircd pneumonia1 Cimehita hquürdo, Ú/is Sa11zra< afld Ange:la. Dmn(flguez Ch"Pter 6 G...,.,n cbcm;'Ir)" Ecntmicit>' aTld b.i"dc¡¡:r.....alnlirt>' {lf i<mic liqwd8 lJte:¡;a1fil Perie, .mer M"rt{, lardi Sierra, Robert CnIaiia" and M. Afltan,a (~araJ' Chliptl.>r 7 SlTlll:csie~' for lbe s)'ntl=i, ofcmmtiopUR: compoondll fucused 0Il orgmtoClLlnIyxi, 115 Carlos An'moz ,mdCarmen E<roltm" Chilpt.r S Bicelle.: New 1IImo 'ystelm f"," skill "PI'licaliOll8 13.~ l."qanna B.a,ho:sa·l1amM, Gele" Rodrísuer.. Men:ede.s C/kera l.a.iJ:l Rubia, Jaan f"tdrid,. Alfonso tÚ! la M.aza and Olga lópe;; Chiípt.r 1) AdHn= in lite ""~.".rch 01' ney¡ bio,,,ñ.u<:tlL1ll' ILlld their potClltíal u,e in Ibe bimnodicILI ¡mJ phllJ1lLllCculiclLl industrv 151 CéRar lJursaR·Df.a'(" Nnria Piqué, Áns"le., Ma,rr:'ra and Ana .w~ Marqué.• Chiípt.r 10 HeIL')' melllllLCcumulllti<m b)'mh:~tirnil bclmintb, uf vme~, 169 JartIi rOn'e.., Catmilla Era, lordi Miquel Carla< PeJiu Chiípt.rU CLinicu:i phurrnllDCJlinetic¡; 01' m~'copbcno.lic iiclJ ¡md im mdnboLit... in ""lid 0fll.IltI trun"Phml rn"¡picnls 18:.'\ HelLna Calam. Nu,ia l1oberoR. A"", Caldb. Pume A'ldre", Jaan ra'><1s Pede.rieo Oppenlreimer, Jaime Salld,et-PllUl1etI, Migu"[ A. Ge,rtil Dirlr R. KuyperR. Me""élJnmet, lli!l,riJ< FJ:herg alld Ja.'.e¡> M. Grinyó Ch~.r12 TmmunomoJulirtion by conjugllk:d Iinoleicu.cid (CLA) in ellily Iif., 203 Pere;; Calla, Camli'Ja·$tmtana, Ma,sarida Ca<tdl emana Ca<.tel1ote Angel< Pranrh Transworld Research Network 37/661 (2), Fort P.O. Trivandrum-695 023 Kerala, India Recent Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences II, 2012: 1-13 ISBN: 978-81-7895-569-8 Editors: Diego Muñoz-Torrero, Diego Haro and Joan Vallès 1. Biofilms on rocks Mariona Hernandez-Mariné́ 1 and Mónica Roldán Molina2 1Unitat de Botànica. Facultat de Farmàcia. Universitat de Barcelona. Av. Joan XXIII s/n. E-08028 Barcelona, Spain; 2Servei de Microscopia.̀ Universitat Autonomà de Barcelona. Edifici C, Facultat de Ciencies.̀ E-08193, Bellaterra, Spain Abstract.

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