t t GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH DEPARTMENT OF MINES & GEOLOGY -0O0- From To D.Nagaraju, M.Sc., M/sA.P.M.D.C Ltd.j Dy. Director of Mines & Gedogy, 6-2-915, H MWSSB Premises, Kadapa Region, KADAPA. Rear Block, 3^ Floor, Khalratabad, HYDERABAD -500 004. Sir, Sub:- Mines and Quarrfes - Submission of draft mining Plan for approval - Applied by M/s APMDC Limited prepared by 9i L. Sudhakar, RQP, Regd NO: RQP/DMG/AP/18/2035 pertaining grant of mining lease for grey Barytes & Black Shale along with Dolomite over an extent of 114,140 Hec, in Sy.No. 38,39, 40,41 etc,, Mangampeta village, Obnlavarlpalli mandal, and Sy.no. 490/1 of Govintfampaltl village and Sy, No, 1661/1 of Anantarajupeta village of Railway Kodur mandal, Kadapa District - Regarding - Approved -Reg. Ref:- 1} Proc.No.28594/RQP/2001, dt:08.02.2016 of the DMG, Hyderabad. 2) Letter dt;27,li,2015, along with draft mining plan from the applicant 3) G,O.Ms.No,56 of Ind & Com (Mines-Il) Dept., dt:30,(M.2016. , 4) Lr.No:345/MP/KDP/20l6, dated: 13.05,2016 of the Dy.DMG, Kadapa. 5) Ljr.No.APMDC/M.Pet/DOL/2015-16/497, dt:23.05.2D16 along with six sets of fair copies of mining plan from M/s A.P.M.D.C Ltd., I * # * # , In exerdse of the powers conferred, the Government Issued Memo No,7674/MIne£JII(l)/20l4, Dated: 03.02.2016 of Ind. & Com., (ME) Dept., and Procgs.No.28594/RQP/2001, dt:08.02.2016 of the Director of Mines and Geology, Hyderabad and as pa* tine amendments issued to the A.P.M.M-C Rules, 1966 vide G.O.Ms.No.56 of IndB Com (Mlnes-II) Dept., dt30.04.2016, I hereby approve the Mining Plan of M/s A.P.M.D.C Ltd., prepared by Sri, LSudhakar, R.Q.P for Grey Barytes, Black Shale and Dotomlte over an extent of 114.1400 Hectare in In Sy.No. 38,39, 40, 41 etc., Mangampeta village, Obolavaripalli mandal, and Sy.no. 490/1 of Govindsmpalll village and Sy. No. 1661/1 of Anantarajupeta village of Railway Kodur mandal, Kadapa Dtetrtct This approval Is subject to the following conditions/ 1) This Mining Plan ( Including Progressive Mine Closure Plan } is approved without prejudice to any other laws applicable to the mine area from time to time whether made by the Central Government, State Government or any other authority. 2} it is dan'fied that this approval of the mining plan does not In any way imply the approval of the Government in terms of any other provisions of the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Amendment Act, 2015 and any other laws induding the Forest Conservation Act, 1930. 3} The approval authority does not owe responsibility with regard to recovery factor of mineral and assessment of reserves, any erroneous certification made by the R.Q.P. if any, since the evaluation is done on random basis. 4) The Mining Plan is approved subject to strictly adhering to the relevant Regulations of MMRf 1961 and obtaining prior permission from the Director General Mines Safety whenever and wherever it is required. 5} The applicant/.lessen shaii safeguard the structures, public buildings, roads, railway line, eiectric line and water bodies exists!f any aS^rreyOfmnns-teg&PS? ofMMR, 6) Provisions of the Mines Act, 1952 and Rule and Regulations made there under induing submission of notice of opening, appointment of Manager and other statutory officials as required by the Mines Act, 1952 shall be compiled wRh. Contd.,2 I 1- 7) Gearance/Consent/No otrfection from Ministry of Ertvlronment & Forest, Centra/ Pollution Control Board, State Pollution Control Board as applicable in this case should be obtain. A Cbpy of the same should be submitted to this office with a period of one month from the date of approval, failing which the approval shall be deemed to have withdrawn. 8) In case the Mining Lease falls within a radius of 10 Kms of Nadonal Park / sanctuary, recommendations of NBWL have to be obtained as per the Order of Honble Supreme Court of in LA No.460/2004. 9} The approval authority does not owe responsibility with regard to erroneous cerhficatfon made by the R.Q.P if any and approval is tentative subject to modification of new findings at a later date as per the previsions of Rules rnfbrce, since the evaluation is done on random basis. 10) If anything is found to be concealed as required by the Mines Act in the contents of the approved Mining Plan / Scheme and the proposal lor rectification has not been made or if at later stage the information furnished in the document to be incorrect or misrepresentation of facts, the approval shafi be revoked with immediate effect End: (2 copies of A.M,P.} 1) TTie Director of Mines & Geology, Hyderabad for favour of kind information. 2) Ttie Zonal Joint Director of Mines and Geology, Kadapa for favour of kind infomnadon 3) Hie Regional Contrdler of Mines, IBM, Sultan Bazar, Hyderabad for information. 4) The Director of Mines Safety, Hyderabad for favour of tend Information. Copy to the Asst. Director of Mines & Geology, Kadapa along with A.M.P. Copy to SriLSudhakar, R.Q.P., Hyderabad for information. mining ptmm s FOR ■. .1 - i. i KEY BARYTES, BLACK SHALE «i DOLOMIT LMJ {Undftr Hure 7 A 01) OF A.P.M,I1C t1u^1{f6e) 3!; For an extent of 3.14.14 Ha In 5v*Hoi.3M4|4tyH- m W Ohulavarlpany Handal and Sy.No^4dO/i of pall m . i. SykNoFlfi61/l of Anentat^fupet* ylBago af fdni^^n . i.j! VSR Kadapa Dtotrlcb Andfira Pradittfi sr ■ t ., i\-- ■- _ i i-jafi . / j □ - i-: ..'lr- ■ ■ w siLv^miK ■ ihi" i ■■■ n 1 m ■MS' H'.V.. I W m .. WaVi M . "■A I . , . I 3as~> Sf-' ii II My*:■ ■■.. L9J E ANDHRA PRADESH MINERAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Ltd I7'-' H HlJ: *-2-91s' Jrd Fkmf-j f ...r Rear Block, ■ HydArabad Hetropolitan Water Supply & Sewerage Board 't I1KVV.H; ^ ' fHHWSSB Building] )(h^:^n:7bad, Hyderabad - SOO 004 r»P:' r 1 M l|] ■ ■ h.'.[jj7i ^ .j . GEO SPARK (i SOLUTIONS The jpoufid realllle^. MINING PLAN FOR GREY BARYTES, BLACK SHALE & DOLOMITE MINE For an eKCftnt of 114.14 Ha In Sy.Noa.38,39,4(1,41 etc-, of Mansampet village, Obulavar)pally Hendal and SVnND,490/l of Govlndampalll village ft Sy.Nt). iftfii / l qf Anantarajupeta village of railway Koduru Handal YSR Kadapa District, Andhra Pradesh MECHANIZED OPEN CAST MINE (JA' CATEGORY) (Under Rule 7 A{ll) OF A.P.M.MX Rules.1966) a THE ANOHRA PRADESH MINERAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Ltd M.No: 6-^315, 3rd Floor, Rear Block, Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply & Sewerage Board (HMWSSH Building) Khairthabad, Hyderabad - BOB 004 At \ ■v CEO SPARK \ '** i 4 Q SOLUTIONS '! 5 C r The ground realities - ■- V1 r 7*7" 1 HMO.3-16 18 i fl . Shakti Sa\ Nagar.MaNapur Ha bfiiguOa rHycJer^ bad ■ 500 076 PH:99S9034763 Mining Htm for Gfley Bsfytes# B/scA Sfrate afcrtg mff? Dpfom/te Mtpeof Mfy. AFAfDC L/m/tad CERTIFICATE-I It is certified that the Progressive Mine Closure Plan of Grey Barytes & Black Shale along with Dolomite Mine of M/$ APMDC LIMtTED, located over an extent of 114.1 hectares in survey number 36.33,40,41 etc., of Mangampeta village. Obdavaripalli Mandat and survey nijmbeM90/1 of Govirtdarnpalli village and survey number-1661/1 of Anantarajupeta village of railway KoduruMartfat, VSR Kadapa district, Andhra Pradesh, compiles with all statutory rules. Regulations, Orders made by the Central or State Government, Statutory organisations, Court etc.. which have been taken Into consideration and wherever any specific permission is required the lessee will approach the concerned authorities. The information furnished in the Progressive Mine Closure Plan is true and correct to the best of our knowledge and records. For Mys APMDC Limited (Nominated Place; Hyderabad Date: 1:' jm jo V / K/v/ '^4 ''' kQEf>\tO/A 0™ Spark Jlpivtiuftf;, /f/divahru! for Grvy QaryMsS 3£xA SAafeafctf® mth Petprn/fe Atin^of M&. ARM DC L imttdd CERTIFICATE - II The provisions of Mines Act, Rules and Regulations made there under have been observed In Grey B&rytes & Black Shale atong with Dolomite Mine of Mte APMDC LIMITED, located over an extent of 114,14hectares In survey number 38,39,40.41010, of Mangampeta village. ObuLavaripalli Mandal and survey numiier-490/1 of Govindampalli village and survey number-1661/1 of Anantarajupeta village of railway Koduru Mandal, YSR Kadapa district Andhra Pradesh where specrftc permissions are required, the applicant will approachf the D.G^M.S. Further, Standards Pre son bed by DGMS In respect of Miners Health will be strictly implemented. The information furnished In the mining Plan is true and correct to the best of our knowledge- ForM/s ARM PC Llmlie< (Nam IneteaO^nwV^ Place: Hyderabad Date; pwfi i 15 i"- 'J V ■ ' Paste RQpm\tGfA rnmoi* ij<teSpAt\ Sahilmitx, iiydtTdhifii Minirsg Pt&n fof Grey BsnTssA B/acA S/rsfe skxtg wrfh Do/omtfe Mtrtso/ kifs. APMQC Limsief} CERTIFICATE-III Thra is to certify that the provisions of Mineral Conservation and Devstopmenit Rules. 1983, have been observed in Grey Barytes & Black Shale along with Dolomite Mine of M/$ ARMDC LIMITED, located over an extent of 114,14hectare5 In survey number 38,39,40,41010.. of Mangsmpeta village, Obiiavaripalli Mandal and survey number-490/1 of Govindampalli village and survey number-l 661 of Anantarajupeta village of railway Koduru MandaL VSR Kadapa district, Andhra Pradesh and wherever specific permissions are required, the applicant will approach One concerned authorities of D.D.M&G, Kadapa for granting the permissione.
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