Fixed Price List • March 2015 RUSSIAN NUMISMATICS AND RELATED AREAS from the Library of Quentin Archer Kolbe & Fanning Numismatic Booksellers 141 W. Johnstown Road, Gahanna, OH 43230 (614) 414-0855 • numislit.com RUSSIAN NUMISMATICS AND RELATED AREAS from the Library of Quentin Archer 1 Abramzon, M.G. МОНЕТЫ КАК СРЕДСТВО ПРО- 7 Alef, Gustave. THE POLITICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF ПАГАНДЫ ОФИЦИАЛЬНОЙ ПОЛИТИКИ РИМСКОЙ THE INSCRIPTIONS ON MUSCOVITE COINAGE IN THE ИМПЕРИИ. Moscow, 1995. 8vo, original green leatherette let- REIGN OF VASILI II. Cambridge: Offprint fromSpeculum , tered in silver; jacket. 654 pages; 32 color plates; 54 monochrome 1959. 8vo, original printed card covers. 19, (1) pages; 11 plates of plates. Jacket a bit worn, else fine. $40 coins. Fine. $50 On the political meaning of Roman imperial coins. A well-illustrated work. 2 Akademiia Nauk SSSR. АРХЕОГРАФИЧЕСКИЙ ЕЖЕ- 8 Alekseyev, Vladimir. RARE AND UNPUBLISHED ГОДНИК. За 1958 и 1959 года. Moscow, 1960. Two volumes. COINS OF NORTHERN BLACK SEA REGION ANCIENT Tall 8vo, original brown cloth, gilt. 457, (3) + 465, (3) pages; 5 CITIES. Odessa: Polis Press, 1996. 12mo, original printed card plates, irregularly numbered; folding table in first volume. Very covers. 31, (1), (2) pages; portrait of the author; 30 plates of coin good. $50 enlargements. Fine. $30 Rarely offered. Numismatic content includes an article by Mel’nikova on the Covers coins of Tyras, Olbia, Chersonesus and Panticapaeum. systemization of the coins of Mikhail Fedorovich and an article by Spasskii on 9 money in the Russian state in the mid-17th century. Alekseyev, Vladimir. РЕДКИЕ И НЕИЗДАННЫЕ МОНЕТЫ АНТИЧНЫХ ГОРОДОВ СЕВЕРНОГО ПРИ- 3 Akademiia Nauk SSSR. НУМИЗМАТИКА И ЭПИ- ЧЕРНОМОРЬЯ. Odessa: Polis Press, 1997. 12mo, original ГРАФИКА. Vol. VIII (1970). Small 4to, original orange cloth printed card covers. 31, (1), (2) pages; portrait of the author; 30 with white lettering. 233, (3) pages; text illustrations; 13 plates of plates of coin enlargements. Fine. $30 coins. Fine. $40 The Russian edition of the above. Includes articles by Ivochkina on silver in circulation in the Jhurjhen state (the Jin state, covering northern China and part of modern far east Siberia); by 10 American Numismatic Association. SELECTIONS Mukhamadiev on clipped Tatar coins in Volga Bolgar at the end of the 14th cen- FROM THE NUMISMATIST: MODERN FOREIGN CUR- tury; by Soboleva on the coins of Vladimir Olgerdovich; by Kotlyar on a hoard of RENCY. Racine, 1961. 8vo, original dark blue cloth, gilt. 320 coins of Vladimir Olgerdovich; by Potin on korabelniks in Russia; by Melnikova $25 on the Pskov and Novgorod mints in the mid-17th century; and by Spassky on pages; illustrated. Fine. Includes articles on Russian coins by Snyderman, Rackus, Zander and others. numismatics at the Hermitage. Clain-Stefanelli 845. 11 4 Akademiia Nauk SSSR. НУМИЗМАТИКА И ЭПИ- American Numismatic Society. MUSEUM NOTES. Vol. ГРАФИКА. Vol. XIII (1980). Small 4to, original russet cloth 18. New York, 1972. 8vo, original printed card covers. (4), 175, $25 with white lettering. 142, (2) pages; text illustrations; folding ta- (1) pages; 32 plates. Fine. Includes an article by Szcześniak on the Cyrillic Deniers of Boleslav I of Poland. ble; 37 plates of coins. Fine. $40 Includes articles by Fedorov-Davydov on a hoard of silver Juchid coins from Se- 12 American Numismatic Society. MUSEUM NOTES. Vol. litrennoye, by Mel’nikova on a classification of the coins of Ivan IV and Fyodor 22. New York, 1977. 8vo, original printed card covers. iv, 310 Ivanovich, and by Durov on Ivan Pososhkov, mint master. pages; 28 plates. Near fine. $25 5 Akademiia Nauk SSSR. ВСПОМОГАТЕЛЬНЫЕ ИС- Includes an article by Noonan on a dirham hoard from Tartu in Estonia. ТОРИЧЕСКИЕ ДИСЦИПЛИНЫ. Vols. VIII and IX (1976– 13 American Numismatic Society. MUSEUM NOTES. Vol. 78). Two volumes. Small 8vo, original matching russet cloth, gilt. 30. New York, 1985. 8vo, original printed card covers. (4), 281, Near fine or better. $60 (3) pages; 52 plates. Fine. $25 A historical journal with significant numismatic content. These volumes contain Includes an article by Karras on early Bohemian coinage in light of a hoard of articles by Nosov on early numismatic evidence of the Baltic-Volga route in the Vladislav I. 8th to 10th centuries, by Spasskii on gold in Muscovy, by Sverdlov on circulation in the 12th–13th centuries, by Duriv on terminology in the 17th–18th centuries 14 Anokhin, V.A. МОНЕТНОЕ ДЕЛО ХЕРСОНЕСА. and by Spassky on the earliest books and collectors. Kiev, 1977. First edition. 8vo, original pictorial boards. 172, (4) 6 Akademiia Nauk Ukrainskoi SSR. НУМИЗМАТИКА И pages; 32 plates of coins. Jacket worn. Very good. $50 The original Russian edition of this important work. Clain-Stefanelli 2641. СФРАГИСТИКА. Vols. I and III–V. Kiev, 1963–74. 8vo, origi- Daehn 4535. nal tan or brown cloth with black lettering [last in original print- 15 Anokhin, V.A. МОНЕТЫ АНТИЧНЫХ ГОРОДОВ ed card covers]. Illustrated. Very good to fine copies. $175 A rarely offered journal on numismatics and sphragistics. Articles include works СЕВЕРО-ЗАПАДНОГО ПРИЧЕРНОМОРЬЯ. Kiev, 1989. by Sotnikova, Mets, Riabtsevich, Spasskii and others. 8vo, original black leatherette, gilt. 125, (3) pages; 31 plates of ancient coins; monogram plate. Fine. $50 A significant work on the coins of the ancient cities of the northwest Black Sea coast. Daehn 4488. Russian Numismatics Fixed Price List • March 2015 1 16 Anokhin, V.A. ИСТОРИЯ БОСПОРА КИММЕР- and numerous text illustrations of coins. Substantial English and ИЙСКОГО. Kiev, 1999. 4to, original blue leatherette, gilt. 253, (1) German summaries. Near fine. $50 pages; text illustrations of ancient coins. Fine. $65 A substantial review of Kufic dirhams and Western European coins found in ar- On the Cimmerian Bosporus. chaeological monuments in the territory of Latvia. 17 Antoshevskii, I.K. КОНСТАНТИНОВСКIЙ РУБЛЬ 26 Białkowski, Andrzej. MENNICTWO ROSJI XVII– 1825 Г. Roseville: undated reprint with translation by V. Arefiev; XVIII W. Warsaw, 1983. 8vo, original pictorial card covers. 236 volume also includes Arefiev’s translation of Baron B. von Köhne’s pages; 47 plates. Near fine. $60 1866 article on the same subject. Small 8vo, original printed card A detailed treatment. Quite rare. covers. Irregularly paginated. Near fine. [with] Spasskii, I.G. ПО 27 Bitkin, Vladimir. СВОДНЫЙ КАТАЛОГ МОНЕТ СЛЕДАМ ОДНОЙ РЕДКОЙ МОНЕТЫ. Moscow: Sovietskii ИМПЕРАТОРСКОЙ РОССИИ РЕГУЛЯРНОГО ЧЕКАНА. Khudojnik, 1964. 16mo, original printed card covers. 102, (2) pag- Kiev, 2000. 4to, original maroon leatherette, gilt. 621, (3) pages; es; illustrated. Covers a bit worn. Very good or so. $40 illustrated. Fine. $100 Two virtually unavailable publications reprinted and translated by V. Arefiev, The single-volume Russian edition, covering Peter the Great through Nicholas II. together with Spasskii’s treatment of the subject. Clain-Stefanelli 11204; Volkov Signed and numbered by the author. Volkov 1373. 320 (Spasskii). 28 Blackburn, M.A.S., and D.M. Metcalf [editors]. VI- 18 Aurea Numismatika Praha. SBÍRKA ANTONÍNA KING-AGE COINAGE IN THE NORTHERN LANDS. PROKOPA / ANTONIN PROKOP COLLECTION. Parts 1 PARTS I & II. Oxford, 1981. Two volumes. 4to, original match- and 2. Prague, Dec. 7, 2002 and May 17, 2003. Two catalogues. ing printed card covers. (10), 325, (1); (4), 329–568 pages; illus- 8vo, original pictorial wraps. 72 + 64 pages; 404 + 384 lots; il- trated. Spines a bit worn; previous owner’s label. Near fine or so. lustrated. Prices realized to Part 1 printed in Part 2. Fine or $120 nearly so. $60 BAR International Series 122 (i & ii). Important, and infrequently offered. Significant auction catalogues. 29 Brekke, B.F. THE COPPER COINAGE OF IMPERI- 19 Avstraliiskago Okruga Korpusa Imperatorskikh Armii i AL RUSSIA, 1700–1917. Malmö, 1977. 4to, original pictorial Flota. В.А. ПЕТРУШЕВСКIИ. Sidney, 1966. 12mo, original boards. 296 pages; text illustrations; price list laid in. 1987 Sup- printed card covers. Frontispiece portrait; 170, (6) pages. Ex li- plement included. Fine. $100 brary, with card and markings. Very good or so. $35 A major work. Clain-Stefanelli 11137. Mostly concerned with his poetry, though with some discussion of his numis- 30 Brekke, B.F., and Anders Berglund. DANISH DEN- matic work. NINGS. Russian Numismatic Society, 1983. 8vo, original print- 20 (Babelon, J.). LA MÉDAILLE RUSSE DE PIERRE LE ed card covers. 21, (1) pages; illustrated; folding plate. Fine. $20 GRAND À NOS JOURS. (Paris): Bibliothèque Nationale, Cab- Reprints two articles from the Journal of the Russian Numismatic Society. inet des Médailles, décembre 1950–janvier 1951. Small oblong 31 Brekke, Bernard F., and Tom Willy Bakken. THE COP- 8vo, original printed green card covers. 93 duplicated typescript PER COINAGE OF IMPERIAL RUSSIA, 1700–1917. SUP- leaves. Near fine. $100 PLEMENT 1997. INCLUDES: ERRORS, OVERDATES, A scarce exhibition catalogue, including Russian medals and coins from the col- lections of Messrs. Pernikoff, Stakhovitch, Pachkoff, Vicomte Grouvel and others. OVERSTRIKES AND FAKES. Oslo, 1997. Small 4to, original pictorial boards. 126, (2) pages; text illustrations; price list laid 21 Baliazin, V.N., V.A. Durov, and A.N. Kazakevich. САМЫЕ in. Fine. $100 ЗНАМЕНИТЫЕ: НАГРАДЫ РОССИИ. Moscow, 2000. Small Rarely offered. Not to be confused with the short, card-covered 1987 supplement. 8vo, original pictorial boards. 411, (5) pages; illustrated. Fine. $30 Volkov 1198. A popular work on Russian awards. 32 Bykov, A.A. МОНЕТЫ КИТАЯ. Leningrad: Sovetskii 22 Bank Leu. AUKTION 53. MÜNZEN: ANCIENT GREEK Khudozhnik, 1969. 8vo, original card covers. 74, (6) pages, in- AND ROMAN, ISLAMIC SPAIN AND NORTH AFRICA, cluding 23 halftone plates; additional illustrations throughout, GREECE, RUSSIA, SCHWEIZ. Zürich, 21.–22. Oktober 1991. some in color. Very good. $30 4to, original pictorial card covers. 101, (1) pages; 980 lots; 53 A scarce history of Chinese coins, by the curator of Oriental coins at the Hermit- plates. Prices realized list. Near fine. $45 age. Clain-Stefanelli 8615. Includes a strong Russian section.
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