.1 Classic Films "Lifeboat," directed by Alfred Co-Rev Tonight Hitchcock In 1944. Is this week's ('o-Rec. "Sweet Po- classic film. It will be shown at Tonight's 7:30-9:45 in the 3:30 and '1:30 p.m. toda) in Con- tato Swing," PER Building cert Hull. The fllin is based on Women's Gym and contest and the nmel nritfrui by John Stein- features ii pie eating Syndi- beck. The second le is en- %le i);1 Don Baskin's band. titled 'Hy thmetic," a !immortals catatza cate, a local rock and roll film dealing n Rh numerals. SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE Vol. 52 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER IS, 1964 No. 40 TV Cameras Cover Final Performance Tonight Insights Revealed , Homecoming Parade 'Peanuts' Creator Two hours of televised coverage up the telecast and has obtained of the 1964 Homecoming parade a sponsor. will begin on KNTV, channel 11, Entries will be judged at the To Speak Friday at 1:30 p.m. Saturday. grandstand in front of the Mont- Cameras will be stationed on gomery Hotel on South First The cartoonist-creator of "Pea- Brawn and Lucy," according to Fifth and San Fernando Streets. Street. nuts," Charles M. Schulz, will Frank G. Willey, chairman pro The Radio-TV Division of the speak on campus Friday morning tempore of the College Lecture Drama Department is in charge at 10:30 in Concert Hall as a guest Committee. of production under supervision of the College Lecture Committee Schulz's popular cartoon strip And the Spartan Programs Corn- "Peanuts" appears in more than of Frank McCann, speech pro- 'Tower List' fessor. : ut ttee. 800 papers in 40 countries and in KNTV's Jess Marlow and Lu "An Hour With Charles Schulz nine different languages. Ryden will join SJS radio-TV stu- ,nd His 'Peanuts' Family" will be Two books of Schulz's cartoon Ratings Begin dent Ross McGowan in announcing t he topic. The lecture is open to are best sellers. The first one, the parade, which will feature two all students, faculty members and "Happiness Is a Warm Puppy," Tau Delta Phi, men's honorary float divisions and a novelty di- the general public. has sold almost a million copies scholastic fraternity, is scheduled vision. Brandon, Schulz "will discuss details of and has been published in three to begin distribution of IBM rating COLLEGE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRAunder gram. Featured soloists are Karen Starting at First and St. John languages. His second book, "Sec- cards Monday in classes where in- the baton of Dr. Gibson Walters, professor of piccolo and flute, and Jennifer Jones, pianist. Streets, the parade will move on Bald Mountain" urity Is a Thumb and a Blanket," structors have given their permis- music, will present the final performance of its Mussorgsky's "A Night is South on First Street, turn left Wal- has sold more than 500,000 copies. sion. current concert program tonight at 8:15 in the concert's highlight, according to Dr. on San Carlos Street, and turn includes a wide range Schulz's small estate, named The cards will be used in com- Concert Hall. The concert is free to the public. ters. The selection of use left again on Second Street. wind "Coffee Grounds," in Sebastopol, piling the spring, 1965, Tower List. Musical selections of Vivaldi, Handel, Griffes, of the entire orchestra including percussion Turning right on San Fernando Muuorgsky and Liszt are included in the pro- instruments and harp. Calif., is the location of Schulz's Street, entries will pass in front The fraternity will not be able studio, where he prepares "Pea- of television cameras, and will to contact all classes, so booths will nuts" for his estimated 90 million halt on Seventh Street where be set up on campus for students 'Vitality of Math' readers. floats will be on display through who do not fill out the cards in * * * classrooms. Hatch To Expound Sunday. Book Talk Topic According to Dick Currier, sen- Packets of rating cards and in- ior radio-TV journalism major and struction sheets will be given to "Mathematics: A Man-Made students who wish to fill them out Universe," written by Sherman Views TV coordinator for Homecoming, Prof and ASH cards will be marked to On War and Artists KNTV has been helpful in setting K. Stein, will be the subject of avoid duplication. today's book talk at 12:30 p.m. "War as Seen by Artists Through ture with slides illustrating these According to Joe Andrade, mas- Dr. in Cafeteria A and B by changes in atittude, showing the ter of records for the fraternity, Dmitri E. Thoro, associate pro- History" will be interpreted by Racial Bias same war viewed by both victor Dr. Neyman the students are not allowed to fessor of mathematics. David Hatch, assistant professor of and loser. Discrimiation against Asiatics in rate instructors whose classes they Even though the book is a text, art, at 3:30 today in Cafeteria A Before coming to SJS, Prof. California will be considered in a attend this semester. The students "it is entirely different from what and B. Hatch taught at Los Angeles State lecture by Dr. H. Brett Melendy, To Lecture will be asked to rate only the pro- a text would be like," explained The lecture is being sponsored College, Antioch College in Ohio, CHARLES M. SCHULZ head of the history department, fessors they have had during the Dr. Thoro. by the United Campus Christian State Training For Teachers in Linus and Lucy, too morning at 10:30 in Concert past two semesters. "This book grew out of a col- Ministry. this Mandalay, Burma; Iran Institute Hall. On Statistics Tau Delts will distribute 100,000 lege course designed primarily to The speaker will define man in his work and 'philosophy' together cards to the student body in Teheran, University of Oregon Dr. Jerzy Neyman, Director of rating give students in many fields an his ability to wage war and de- with revealing insights to some of The history of discrimination during the three-week distribution and Horizon Northwest Design Chinese, Japanese, Fili- the Statistical Laboratory at the appreciation of the beauty, extent scribe the cycle of changing artis- his character including Charlie against the period. School in Salem, Ore. pinos and Hindus since the days of University of California at Berke- and vitality of mathematics," Stein tic views of war throughout his- his BA. in Prof. Hatch earned the Gold Rush will be discussed. ley and known to many as the wrote in the preface. tory. He will accompany his lee- 1955, both 1951 and his MA. in Dr. Melendy will consider the areas lather of mathematical statistics, California from the University of Positive Aspects of education, labor, housing, land will give a speech today in E132 at Los Angeles. at 4:05 p.m. Hot Motor owning and citizenship rights. His topic will be "Elements of Of Grad Study A member of the SJS faculty Statistics." Dr. Lester Lange, head Fire Dr. Tiedt To Head since 1955, Dr. Melendy has written of the SJS mathematics depart- Causes several articles for historical pub- ment, which is sponsoring the An overheated ventilator fan lications and an article on John C. Discussed Tonight speech, cordially invites the public motor caught fire in the Engineer- Panel Discussion Fremont f or t he Encyclopedia to attend. ing Building last night, causing an The Graduate Division Office Britannica. Almost all that is known in the estimated $1,000 damage. At SCTA Meeting and the SJS Graduate Studies Dr. Melendy is a native of Cali- field of statistics today has been The fire was confined to the A three member panel of teach- Committee will hold a meeting fornia. He earned his RA. in Eng- contributed by Dr. Neyman. ventilator fan unit, located in the ers in the San Jose area will dis- for seniors and graduate students lish in 1946, his M.A. in education Born in Poland, Dr. Neyman "penthouse" on the west side of cuss "Helping the Educationally tonight at 7:30 in E327. in 1948 and his Ph.D. in history in t raveled throughout Europe during the building. Disadvantaged" at the Student The main purpose of the meet- 1952, all from Stanford University. the 1930's and it was then that he Smoke from the 100-horsepower California Teachers Association ing is to present to seniors a pic- In 1962 he received two research came up with the beginnings of unit was first noticed on the third (SCTA) meeting tomorrow, 3:30 ture of the opportunities and ad- grants. One from the American the science of statistics. He then floor of the building at 5:33 p.m., p.m., in ED100. vantages of graduate study. Philosophical Society and another came to the United States to de- when the alarm was first reported. Dr. Sidney Tiedt, SJS assistant Guest speakers will speak con- from SJS. velop statistics into a full fledged Six pieces of fire-fighting equip- Professor of elementary education, cerning teaching careers in the Dr. Melendy's articles on Cali- science. ment from two stations responded will be moderator. junior colleges, colleges and uni- fornia history have been published He founded and became head of to the alarm. The panel will be questioned on versities, placement in government in the California Historical Society the Department of Statistics at San Jose firemen, in an hour problems arising in preparation and industry for those with ad- Quarterly and the Pacific Histori- University of Calif ornia at and one half operation which in- and provision of special help for vanced training and degrees, and cal Review.
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