Map 19 Raetia Compiled by H. Bender, 1997 with the assistance of G. Moosbauer and M. Puhane Introduction The map covers the central Alps at their widest extent, spanning about 160 miles from Cambodunum to Verona. Almost all the notable rivers flow either to the north or east, to the Rhine and Danube respectively, or south to the Po. Only one river, the Aenus (Inn), crosses the entire region from south-west to north-east. A number of large lakes at the foot of the Alps on both its north and south sides played an important role in the development of trade. The climate varies considerably. It ranges from the Mediterranean and temperate to permafrost in the high Alps. On the north side the soil is relatively poor and stony, but in the plain of the R. Padus (Po) there is productive arable land. Under Roman rule, this part of the Alps was opened up by a few central routes, although large numbers of mountain tracks were already in use. The rich mineral and salt deposits, which in prehistoric times had played a major role, became less vital in the Roman period since these resources could now be imported from elsewhere. From a very early stage, however, the Romans showed interest in the high-grade iron from Noricum as well as in Tauern gold; they also appreciated wine and cheese from Raetia, and exploited the timber trade. Ancient geographical sources for the region reflect a growing degree of knowledge, which improves as the Romans advance and consolidate their hold in the north. Today’s division into a total of six countries (Austria, Germany, Italy, Slovenia, and Switzerland with Liechtenstein) has not exactly encouraged collaborative research, so that general historical and archaeological overviews are lacking. Note, however, the comprehensive account by van Berchem (1980). Olshausen (1991) assembles significant preparatory material. Pauli (1980) provides a general overview on the basis of the archaeological evidence, while Bätzing (1991) investigates aspects of cultural history from earliest times to the present. Inventories for Italian territory, Carinthia (AUS), Swabia (GER) and Slovenia have been published. For Upper Bavaria (GER), it is possible to refer to the excellent documentation of the Bayerisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege; for the Salzburg (AUS) region, information furnished by archaeologists active there proved most useful. Otherwise, the handbooks Römer Schweiz (1988), Römer Baden-Württemberg (1986), and Römer Bayern (1995) are valuable for reference. It should be recognized that in some areas (around Teurnia, for example, or west of Iuvavum) the density of ancient settlement was greater than can practicably be represented at this scale. More generally, in Late Antiquity the settlement pattern changed significantly. Primarily in the eastern Alps, but also in the upper valley of the R. Aenus and elsewhere, hilltop fortifications became the norm (Ciglenečki 1987, map 163) because of the prevailing insecurity. In view of the timespan of the map, only the early phases of this new pattern are represented. MAP 19 RAETIA 273 Directory All place names are in Austria unless otherwise noted Abbreviations Aquileia romana M. Buora and F. Maselli Scotti (eds.), Aquileia romana, vita pubblica e privata, Venice, 1991 CAV I L. Capuis, G. Leonardi, S. Pesavento Mattioli and G. Rosada (eds.), Carta archeologica del Veneto I, Modena, 1988 Römer Baden-Württemberg P. Filtzinger, D. Planck and B. Cämmerer (eds.), Die Römer in Baden-Württemberg,3rd ed., Stuttgart and Aalen, 1986 Römer Bayern W. Czysz et al. (eds.), Die Römer in Bayern, Stuttgart and Aalen, 1995 Römer Schweiz W. Drack and R. Fellmann, Die Römer in der Schweiz, Stuttgart, 1988 TIR Mediolanum Tabula Imperii Romani L 32, Mediolanum–Aventicum–Brigantium, Rome, 1966 TIR Tergeste Tabula Imperii Romani L 33, Tergeste, Rome, 1961 Names Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location Reference C2 Abodiacum RL Epfach GER Römer Bayern 439-41 D4 Acelum ITL See Map 40 A2 Acronus L. Untersee GER / SWI Reinecke 1924, 41-42 E4 Ad Cerasias ITL See Map 40 B3 Addua fl. ITL See Map 39 E4 Ad XII/ ITL See Map 40 Meduacus Maior D4 Ad Finem ITL See Map 40 A2 Ad Fines RL Pfyn SWI Römer Schweiz 470-71 C4 Ad Flexum/ ITL See Map 39 Sermione Mansio F4 *Ad Fornulos SVN See Map 20 G4 Ad Malum SVN See Map 20 C1 Ad Novas RL? on road between Augusta Reinecke 1924, 36; Walser 1983, 34 Vindelicum and Abodiacum GER D4 Ad Palatium ITL See Map 40 Ad Pirum = In Alpe Iulia B2 Ad Rhenum RL Rheineck? SWI TIR Mediolanum 20; Overbeck 1982, 229 E4 Ad Sanos ITL See Map 40 F3 Ad Silanos RL Artegna? ITL Bosio 1991, 163-65 F3 Ad Trice(n)simum RL Tricesimo? ITL Bosio 1991, 160-61 § ‘Viam Belloio’ F4 Ad Undecimum 1 RL Chiarisacco? ITL Bosio 1991, 80 F4 Ad Undecimum 2 RL Gradisca? ITL Bosio 1991, 203 F4 Aegida SVN See Map 20 B3 Aenus fl. AUS / GER See Map 12 F3 Aesontius fl. RL Isonzo / Soča ITL / SVN Vedaldi Iasbez 1994, 109-13 § Isontius fl. E3 Aguntum RL Dölsach / Karwiese 1975, 39-40 Nussdorf-Debant A2 Alamanni GER See Map 12 E2 Alaunoi R N Chiemsee GER RE; TIR Tergeste 22 E2 *Albianum RL Ebbs? Walser 1983, 37 F3 Alpes Carnicae part of Julian Alps ITL / Vedaldi Iasbez 1994, 70-71 SVN F3 Alpes Iuliae CRO / SVN See Map 20 B3 Alpes M. See Map 1 A3 Alpes Raeticae from valley of Rhine to RE Alpes, col. 1603 Brenner Pass D3 Alpes Tridentinae Dolomites ITL RE Alpes, col. 1604 F4 Alsa fl. Aussa ITL Vedaldi Iasbez 1994, 116-18 274 MAP 19 RAETIA Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location Reference A2 Altenburg-Rheinau HR GER / SWI Bittel 1981, 290-96 C2 Altenstadt L GER Römer Bayern 378 E4 Altinum ITL See Map 40 F3 Ambidrauoi R around Teurnia TIR Tergeste 23 E3 Ambilikoi R valley of R. Gail TIR Tergeste 23 E2 Ambisontes R upper R. Salzach Pauli 1980, 36-37, 54-55 B2 Amden R Stralegg SWI Römer Schweiz 320-21 D2 Ampass L Sydow 1990, 29 D3 Anaunion RL Nanno ITL TIR Mediolanum 24 § Anauni B3 Aneuniates R N Lago di Como ITL TIR Mediolanum 25 F2 *Anisus RL Anif?, near Altenmarkt RE Anisus; Heger 1974, 60; Winkler 1985, 26 F2 Anisus fl. See Map 12 E4 ‘Apicilia’ RL Latisanotta ITL Bosio 1991, 80 D3 [Appianum] RL Appiano? ITL TIR Mediolanum 25; Lippert 1985, 554-56 C3 Aquae Bormiae RL Bormio ITL Pauli 1973, 105-20 F4 Aquileia HRL ITL Aquileia romana; NPauly 1 B3 Arbedo CH SWI Pauli 1980, 16-17 B2 Arbor Felix RL Arbon SWI Römer Schweiz 322-23 F4 Argao fl. SVN See Map 20 F3 [Artenia] RL Artegna? ITL Bierbrauer 1987, 27; Bosio 1991, 168 E2 Artobriga RL on road from *Bedaium to Winkler 1985, 25 Iuvavum; Traunstein? GER D4 Astagus fl. ITL See Map 40 C3 At(h)esis fl. ITL See Map 40 B2 Auf Krüppel L LIE Römer Schweiz 500-501 D4 Auraei ITL See Map 40 B4 Ausuciates ITL See Map 39 D3 Ausucum RL Borgo di Valsugana ITL Bosio 1991, 146 F4 Avesica RL Zolla? Basovizza? ITL Vedaldi Iasbez 1994, 440-42 D2 Baio(u)arii L GER RGermAlt 1, 601-27 C2 Baisweil RL GER Römer Bayern 427-28 F3 Baldersdorf RL Piccottini 1989, 25 (no. 20) B2 Balzers HRL LIE Overbeck 1982, 95-100; Bill 1985, 54-65 D3 [Bauzanum] L Bolzano / Bozen-Gries RE Bauxere; Menis 1991, 154 ITL E2 *Bedaium RL Seebruck GER Römer Bayern 515-16 G3 Beliandrum RL Altenmarkt Piccottini 1989, 23 E3 Bellunum HRL Belluno ITL Bosio 1991, 148-50 C4 Benacenses ITL See Map 39 C4 Benacus L. ITL See Map 39 B3 Bergalei R Val Bregaglia / Bergell TIR Mediolanum 33 ITL / SWI B4 Bergomum ITL See Map 39 E2 Biberg H Franz 1965, 146 B3 Bilitio RL Bellinzona SWI TIR Mediolanum 35 Bellinzona; Römer Schweiz 361 B2 Bludenz HRL Overbeck 1982, 50-52 B3 Bonaduz L SWI Römer Schweiz 370 D1 Bratananium GER See Map 12 C4 [Bremtonicum] ITL See Map 39 D3 Bressanone HR ITL von Uslar 1991, 313-14 D2 Breuni RL S Veldidena Anreiter 1997, 8-9, 173; Wolff 1999, 29-31 B2 Brigantinus L. Bodensee GER / SWI Reinecke 1924, 41-42 §Ven(non)etusL. B2 Brigantium RL Bregenz Römer Schweiz 374; Wolff 1999, 29-31 §Brigantii A2 *Brigobannis RL Hüfingen GER Römer Baden-Württemberg 337-44 D4 Brinta? fl. ITL See Map 40 D3 Brixenetes? R around Bressanone ITL TIR Mediolanum 40 MAP 19 RAETIA 275 Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location Reference C4 Brixia ITL See Map 39 D3 Burrus fl. L Rienza ITL TIR Mediolanum 42 D4 Cadianum ITL See Map 40 E3 Calalzo HRL ITL CAV I, 64-65 (no. 26) B3 Calucones R around Chur SWI Pauli 1980, 54-55; Wolff 1999, 29-31 C2 Cambodunum HRL Kempten GER Römer Bayern 463-68 C4 Camunni ITL See Map 39 F4 ‘Capris’/ SVN See Map 20 Iustinopolis F3 Carni HR between Tergeste and Vedaldi Iasbez 1994, 229-39 Santicum F4 Castellum Pucinum R possibly Prosecco ITL Bosio 1991, 218; Vedaldi Iasbez 1994, 391-93; Fontanot 1996 E3 Castelraimondo HRL ITL Santoro Bianchi 1995 B3 Castiel L SWI Römer Schweiz 379-80 Castra = Fluvio Frigido D3 [Castrum Cimbra] HRL Cembra? ITL TIR Mediolanum 50 F4 Catali ITL / SVN See Map 20 E3 Catubrini R Cadore ITL Vedaldi Iasbez 1994, 242-43 B3 Ceresius L. ITL See Map 39 D3 Cesio Maggiore RL ITL TIR Mediolanum 52 C4 *Civitas Camunnorum ITL See Map 39 B3 Clavenna RL Chiavenna? ITL TIR Mediolanum 55 B2 Clunia RL Altenstadt? TIR Mediolanum 55; Overbeck 1982, 53-58 B4 Comum ITL See Map 39 B2 Constantia RL Konstanz GER Römer Baden-Württemberg 374-75 D2 Cosuanetes R Anreiter 1997, 9 D2 Coveliacae? RL Moosberg GER Römer Bayern 481 F2 Cucullae RL Kuchl Heger 1974, 60, 157-61; Winkler 1985, 26 B3 *Cunus Aureus RL Splügen Pass? SWI Römer Schweiz 513-14 Splügen B3 Curia RL Chur SWI TIR Mediolanum 59; Römer Schweiz 380-84 C2 Damasia R Auerberg GER Römer Bayern 417-19 F3 Danielsberg R Piccottini 1989, 26 (no.
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