Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC April 1991 Daily Egyptian 1991 4-5-1991 The aiD ly Egyptian, April 05, 1991 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_April1991 Volume 76, Issue 129 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1991 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in April 1991 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian Southern Ill inois University at Carbondale Friday, AprilS, 1991 , Vol. 76, No. 129,20 Pages SIUC to honor top students year, with about 526,000 given at Schools, colleges to award scholarships, the Honors Day ceremony. "We're really proud to be able to recognize academic accomplishments help hard working students," Beggs By Natalie Boehme year also will be recognized. said. "Ten years ago the college StalfWriter A combined reception, hosle<! by only had $750 to give away ror SIUC President John C. Guyon, schoIarships. " SIUC's top academic under­ will roIInw the ccrcmonies from 2 John Jackson, College or Liberal graduate students will be recog­ to 4:30 p.m. in the Student Ccnler Arts dean, said COLA will give nized at Hcnars Day ceremonies ballrooms. about SI5.ooo in schoIarships. Sunday. "Honors Day plays a role in "It's a very ~ice occasion to be About 1,300 SlUdents, averaging indicating we are an academic able to honor ""r hard-working a 3.5 or higher GPA on a 4.0 scaIc institution," Guyon said. "This students," JacIo.on said. for 211 college work, will be gives attention to students who Juh Wah Chen, College of honored in ceremonies held by have a:hieved." Engi-nng and Technology dean, individual colleges and schooIs. Donald Beggs, College of said Honors Day not only Students who received scholar­ Education dean, said COE will ships and other awards in the past give $50,000 in scholarships this Test tampering brings fine to mine owners WASHINGmN (UPI) - Labor tampering or air filters used in this is tampering," Lawson said. Secretary Lynn Martin said machines that test mines' air " We just don't really know what Thursday that owners or about half quality. wc're dealing with." the nation's underground coal Those air quality tests deu:nnine He said the alleged tampering mines have been fmed S5 million if miners are exposed to coal dust was "a phenomena that we don't ror tampering with air-«uaIity tests levels above rederal standards, understand" and called ror an used to dclermine a miner's risk or which could cause black lung independent investigation to see getting black lung disease. disease. exactly what happened and how. Kentucky led th e list or fines But National Coal Association He said only 3 percent or the with 301. Illinois appeared sixth President Richard Lawson later 92,000 air samples tested by the with 20. disputed the government's government in its probe proved to Martin said the fmes culminated tampering charges. be suspicious. a lO-month inveaiptiaa"by the Based on conversations he had Lawson also suggested that Lab<w Deponmcnt \hat began aI\cr Thundly with officials or sevaaI miners, who have to wear the a worker in the agency 's Mine of the cited coat companies, seven-pound air monitoring Sarety and Health Administration Lawson said that most, ir not all, ma:hincs. might have had more noticed during routine inspections will fight the fines. wh at she thought mi ght be " We rrankly can't believe that See MINES, Page 7 Yeltsin granted more power _Photo by DougIas_ MOSCOW (UPI) - The Yeltsin 's request ror more power Yeltsin was given the same broad Chained Uberty Russian Federation's legislature and the preliminary approval or a powers granted Soviet President tentatively approved legislation measure authorizing him to issue Mikhail Gorbachev, his art:h-rival, A 15O-iJound cast a1tmloom replica 01 the Statue 01 Uberty Thur.;day that would permit Boris "decrees that will have the power last year by the USSR congress. made In MexIco Is chained to the SIde of Ken's ReproductIOns Yelts in to rule by decree in the or law on the cntire territory or the Yeltsin has accused Gorbachev or in De Solo. Marl< CIeI1<, employee of the antique reproduCtiOn Soviet Union's dominant republic, Russian republic" came as a regressing toward authoritarian store, said 20 of the statues are sold a week at $550 apIeCe to a boost ror the populist leader in surprise on the seventh day or a rule. buyers !rot" New YOI\< CIty. his challenge to th e central special session of th e Russian governmenL Congress or People's Deputies. See VElTSlN , Page 7 CP department roofs damaged by rain Rai n Wednesday night and receive a new roor this summer, " Leaking ceilings Th ur sday caused more roor said Ph ysical Plant supcrv ising Gus Bode damage and leaking in the art:hilCCt Al lcn Haake. to cost $380,000 depanment , said Comm unications Funds to replace the roof wi ll _ ~ ____ ~ Building custodian James Ray. come rrom S380,OOO allocated ~~ for replacernent Ray said the roor th roughout the th rough th e state Capi tal By Amy Cooper building always has leaked on and Development Board, Haake said. Staff W,ner off, but the worst area was the CP David Gilmore, chairman or the depan men t, which has about 10 CP department, said the leak in g Studenls laking cover in the rooms with damaged ceil ings. Thursday was onl y in the hallway Communications Buildin g 's "There's hard ly any ceiling ti le and had minimal errcel left," he sa id. 'The ceiling tile gcts But Icaks are a continual Cin cma and Photography Gus says lately, the Idea 01 Department wi ll find little shelter likeoatmcal and it ral ls down." problem and, in the paSL, the leaks state-ol-the-art rools in a storm . A port ion or th e building, includi ng thc CP departmen ~ will See lEAKS, Page 7 doesn't hold much water. Los Angeles police chief forced to take leave LOS ANGELES (UP1) - The door rnceting by the commission to commission ror stopping short or downtown, many officers openly ci ty's civilian Police Commiss ion dceide his rate. immediately removing the chier expressed disgruntlement and ror1:cd Chier Dary l Gates to take an Gates' attornc)', Jay Grodin, said while othcrs said the decision anger. In protest, a number or in voluntary leave or absence he and the chier would be in COWl appeared politically motivated . officers placed black bands over Thursday in a dram atic crescendo Friday to seek a reversal of the Mayor Tom Brndlcy, who called their badges, similar to those u.<cd in the furor over th e videotaped decision, which was errective on Gates to resign earlier this week, during times or mourning. beating or Rodney King. immediately. was in Sacramento when the "We reel this is politic< and the "I reel that I have been disgrnccd The commission named commission's decision was first step in the death of the and offended. It is a tragic injustice Assistant Chief David DOLSon announced but was scheduled to department, .. said narcotics that will not heal the wounds or acting ~Ii ce chief. issue a Statcrncnt upon his rerum. Dcux:tiye Sam Nelson. this city," Gates declared on Reaction to the decision was As news or the decision spread "The puppets strings have been emerging rrom a special closed- mixed, with criticism leveled al the .• through police headquarters pulled: ~ 8IIOIl!o:r. dcleCti\(C said. Page 20 April 5, 1991 Sports n.II" I ~plr.Jn So uthern IIlIom .. { nlH'r'lh a t ( arhondale Softball team begins Salukis face Bradley battle for Gateway title By Cyndl Oberle Dawgs are disappointed, but are Leading the Salukis is freshman By Cyndl Oberle resuh of the cancelled games StalfWriter not leaing !his gellhem down. Dan Epslin. Epslin has a .396 StalfWriter against Austin Peay on March 27. IIradley is SIUC's secood learn baning average and has slugged The two games were awarded to The SIUC baseball learn has to play in the conference. The out six doubles, three triples and Even Ihough Ihe softball learn'S SIUC as a resull of Austin Peay's been beaten, rained on and Salukis met wilh disasIer in their two home runs this season. He reca-d so far Ihis sea;on is 19-3, its forfeiL disappoinlild. BUI it is not ready 10 first conference games of the also leads the team wilh 14 RBI. reca-d in the Galeway Conference "Austin Peay has been scheduled give up. season March 29 through 30 Epslin is currently on a eight­ is still ().{). to play here Ihe last lWO years, but The ream will break out of rbe against Soulhwest Missouri Slate. game hiuing Streak. The Salukis will play Iheir fIrst hasn'l come," Brercbelsbauer said. bullpen with a renewed The !leas defeaed .be Dawgs " This is a very important cooferencc game, a double header "We tried to reschedule after they vengeance when it £aces Bradley tIwee out of fOO' games. weekend for us," Head Coach against Western D1inois University, didn't show last week, bul it wasn'l Saturday and Sunday in a four­ So far this season Ihe Braves Sam Riggleman said. " I cannot at 3 p.m. today at the lAW Softball feasible. I don't like forfeits, bUI game 9Cries Slating • 12 pm.
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