ANTHOLZ | Sat 20.01.2018 1 18

ANTHOLZ | Sat 20.01.2018 1 18

18. - 21. JAN 2018 Sa | SabANTHOLZ | Sat 20.01.2018 1 18. – 21. JAN 2018 ANTERSELVA BMW IBU WORLD CUP BIATHLON Samstag | Sabato | Saturday, 20.01.2018 HEUTE DOPPELTER BIATHLON-SPASS IN ANTHOLZ Nach den Siegen der beiden Norweger Tiril Eckhoff und Johannes Thingnes Boe im Sprint wird das spannende Wettkampfprogramm in der Südtirol Arena in Antholz heute mit den beiden Verfolgungswettkämpfen fortgesetzt. Ab 13.15 Uhr nehmen Laura Dahlmeier (Deutschland), die Tschechin Veronika Vit- kova, Darya Domracheva aus Weißrussland oder aber Lokalmatadorin Dorothea Wierer (Niederrasen) die Verfolgung von Eckhoff auf. Gespannt sein darf man auch auf den Auftritt von Tiril Eckhoff Anastasiya Kuzmina (Slowakei), mit zwei Liegend- und zwei die im roten Trikot mit 1.15 Mi- Stehendschießen um 15 Uhr. (Deutschland), Anton Shipulin nuten Rückstand auf Eckhoff in Sieger Johannes Thingnes Boe (Russland), Emilien Jacquelin das heutige Rennen gehen wird. geht mit einem Vorsprung (Frankreich) & Co. um den Ta- Weltcup-Leaderin Kaisa Mäkä- von 13 Sekunden auf Martin gessieg mitkämpfen. Die Lokal- räinen aus Finnland muss 1.33 Fourcade (Frankreich) aus dem matadoren Dominik Windisch Minuten auf Eckhoff aufholen. Start – dieses Duo liefert sich und Lukas Hofer werden am auch einen heißen Tanz um Fuße der Rieserferner-Gruppe Bei den Männern beginnt das den Gesamtweltcup. Dahinter ebenfalls noch einmal alles aus spannende Wettkampfformat möchten auch Arnd Peiffer sich herausholen. 2 Biathlon News Sa | Sab | Sat 20.01.2018 3 JOHANNES THINGNES BOE KEEPS MARTIN FOURCADE IL GIRO D‘ITALIA NEL 2019 AD ANTERSELVA? IN CHECK Non è ancora partito il Giro d´Italia del 2018 e già gli Organizzatori della RCS Sport stanno programmando l´edizione 2019. E sembra sempre più probabile, che una tappa si disputi anche ad Anterselva, un po’ come “antipasto” per i Mondiali 2020. Il Comune di Rasun-Anter- selva ha già comunicato la propria disponibilità, in que- sti giorni erano ad Anterselva anche il Direttore Generale della RCS Sport, Paolo Bel- lino, il Direttore Commerciale Matteo Mursia ed il Colonello della Finanza Vincenzo Parri- nello, per fare un sopralluogo e visitare la struttura. “Ab- biamo visto una grande or- ganizzazione. Tutta la valle lavora per questa splendida manifestazione, sarebbe vera- mente bello poter portare qui anche il Giro d´Italia,” ha af- fermato Bellino. Paolo Bellino, Vincenzo Parrinello e Matteo Mursia Martin Fourcade, Johannes Thingnes Boe and Arnd Peiffer ANTERSELVA STRINGE UNA NUOVA Norwegian biathletes continue to deliver an extraordinary show to celebrate his first podium PARTNERSHIP CON FELICETTI at the World Cup in Anterselva: 24 hours after Tiril Eckhoff’s finish in this Olympic winter. surprising victory, her compatriot Johannes Thingnes Boe won Continuano le preparazioni “personalizzata” della Coppa the men‘s Sprint. Local biathletes were only del Comitato Organizzatore del Mondo 2018 ad Anterselva. able to watch the fight for po- di Anterselva in vista dei Mon- Gli spaghetti Monograno Fe- In wonderful winter weather, of the season, because none dium places on the big screen. diali 2020, in programma pro- licetti, decorati all’esterno the 24-year-old exceptional of his competitors were able The best Italian was local ath- prio nell’impianto altoatesino. dall’immagine dell’ex biath- athlete was on top form on the to match his time, not even lete Dominik Windisch from Recentemente è stato siglato leta locale Johann Passler, in- cross-country ski tracks around French superstar Martin Four- Rasun. In tricky wind condi- un nuovo accordo con la ditta sieme ad una confezione di the Südtirol Arena Alto Adige. cade. He was 13 seconds slower tions during the first shoot- Felicetti, lo storico pastificio sugo all’arrabbiata, sono stati He missed one shots, but thanks than Boe, but with his second ing he missed four times and trentino. distribuiti a tutti gli atleti e ai to his outstanding fitness, he place he was able to defend the fell back to 99th place. Sub- giornalisti presenti duranti quickly made up for the time lead in the overall World Cup, sequently, however, he made Nella suggestiva cornice dell’A- questi giorni di Coppa del lost in the penalty circuit and immediately ahead of the Nor- no more mistakes and pushed rena Alto Adige è stata presen- Mondo. La collaborazione tra eventually crossed the finish at wegian winner of today’s stage. ahead to 17th place thanks to tata la nuova partnership, la Anterselva e Felicetti durerà 23:19.3 minutes. This should be Also on the podium the Ger- an impressive performance on quale comprende addirittura fino ai Mondiali 2020. enough for the seventh victory man Arnd Peiffer, who was able skies. una produzione di una pasta Lorenz Leitgeb ed Enrico Felicetti 4 Biathlon News Sa | Sab | Sat 20.01.2018 5 ANTHOLZ-ANTERSELVAANTHOLZ-ANTERSELVAANTHOLZ-ANTERSELVA ANTHOLZ-ANTERSELVAANTHOLZ-ANTERSELVAANTHOLZ-ANTERSELVA START LIST 18 JAN18 18- 21 JAN JAN JAN - 21- 212018 JAN JAN 2018 2018 START LIST 18 JAN18 - 2118 JAN JAN - 21 2018- 21 JAN JAN 2018 2018 Verfolgungswettkampf Frauen | Gara Inseguimento femminile Verfolgungswettkampf Männer | Gara Inseguimento maschile Pursuit Competition women 10 km Pursuit Competition men 12,5 km STARTSTARTSTART LIST LIST LIST SÜDTIROLSÜDTIROLSÜDTIROL ARENA ARENA ARENA STARTSTARTSTART LISTSTART TIME:STARTSTART LIST LIST13:15 TIME: TIME:13:1513:1513:15 SÜDTIROLSÜDTIROL SÜDTIROLARENA ARENA ARENA START TIME:STARTSTART15:00 TIME: TIME:15:0015:0015:00 WOMENWOMEN 10WOMEN KM PURSUIT 10 10 KM KM PURSUIT PURSUIT SAT 20 JANSATSAT 201820 20 JAN JAN 2018 2018 MEN 12.5MEN KMMEN 12.5PURSUIT 12.5 KM KM PURSUIT PURSUIT SAT 20 JANSATSAT 201820 20JAN JAN 2018 2018 Start behindStartStartStart behind behindbehind Start behindStartStartStart behind behindbehind Bib NameBibBibBib NameName Nat NatNat P BibP S PS NamePP BibPT PP Bib SBibSSSNameRemarksSSTNameTT RemarksRemarksRemarksNat Nat Nat P P S PS PPT PSP SSRemarksSTS TT RemarksRemarksRemarks Lane 1 LaneLaneLane 1 112 LaneLaneLane 2 223 LaneLaneLane 3 334 LaneLaneLane 4 44 Lane 1 LaneLaneLaneLane 1 2 11 LaneLaneLaneLane 2 3 22 LaneLaneLaneLane 3 4 33 LaneLaneLane 4 44 1 ECKHOFF1 11 ECKHOFFTirilECKHOFFECKHOFF Tiril TirilTiril NOR NORNOR 0:00 0:00 0:000:00 1 BOE1 Johannes11 BOEBOE BOEThingnes Johannes JohannesJohannes Thingnes ThingnesThingnesNOR NORNOR 0:00 0:00 0:000:00 2 DAHLMEIER2 22 DAHLMEIER DAHLMEIERLaura Laura Laura GER GERGER 0:12 0:12 0:120:12 2 yr FOURCADE2 yr22 FOURCADEyryr MartinFOURCADEFOURCADE Martin MartinMartinFRA FRAFRAFRA 0:13 0:13 0:130:13 3 VITKOVA3 33 VeronikaVITKOVAVITKOVAVITKOVA Veronika VeronikaVeronika CZE CZECZECZE 0:21 0:21 0:210:21 3 PEIFFER3 33ArndPEIFFERPEIFFERPEIFFER Arnd ArndArnd GER GERGER 0:42 0:42 0:420:42 4 DOMRACHEVA4 44 DOMRACHEVADOMRACHEVA Darya Darya DaryaBLR BLRBLRBLR 0:23 0:23 0:230:234 SHIPULIN4 44 AntonSHIPULINSHIPULINSHIPULIN Anton AntonAnton RUS RUSRUSRUS 0:46 0:46 0:460:46 5 BESCOND5 55 BESCOND AnaisBESCONDBESCOND Anais AnaisAnais FRA FRAFRAFRA 0:27 0:27 0:270:27 5 JACQUELIN5 55 JACQUELIN EmilienJACQUELINJACQUELIN Emilien EmilienEmilienFRA FRAFRAFRA 0:54 0:54 0:540:54 6 YURLOVA-PERCHT6 66 YURLOVA-PERCHTYURLOVA-PERCHTYURLOVA-PERCHT Ekaterina Ekaterina EkaterinaEkaterinaRUS RUSRUSRUS 0:39 0:39 0:390:39 6 BIRKELAND6 66 BIRKELAND LarsBIRKELANDBIRKELAND Helge Lars Lars LarsHelge HelgeHelgeNOR NORNOR 1:08 1:08 1:081:08 7 WIERER7 77 DorotheaWIERERWIERER Dorothea Dorothea ITA ITAITAITA 0:40 0:40 0:400:40 7 EBERHARD7 77 EBERHARD JulianEBERHARDEBERHARD Julian JulianJulian AUT AUTAUTAUT 1:22 1:22 1:221:22 8 GASPARIN8 88 GASPARIN ElisaGASPARIN Elisa Elisa SUI SUISUISUI 0:53 0:53 0:530:538 BABIKOV8 88 AntonBABIKOVBABIKOVBABIKOV Anton AntonAnton RUS RUSRUSRUS 1:28 1:28 1:281:28 9 HILDEBRAND9 99 HILDEBRANDHILDEBRANDHILDEBRAND Franziska Franziska FranziskaFranziskaGER GERGER 0:54 0:54 0:540:54 9 CHEPELIN9 99 CHEPELINVladimirCHEPELINCHEPELIN Vladimir VladimirVladimirBLR BLRBLRBLR 1:32 1:32 1:321:32 10 HERRMANN101010 HERRMANN HERRMANNDeniseHERRMANN Denise DeniseDenise GER GERGER 0:56 0:56 0:560:56 10 MORAVEC10 1010 MORAVEC OndrejMORAVEC Ondrej OndrejCZE CZECZECZE 1:35 1:35 1:351:35 11 HINZ1111 11VanessaHINZHINZHINZ Vanessa VanessaVanessa GER GERGER 0:57 0:57 0:570:57 11 DESTHIEUX11 1111 DESTHIEUX SimonDESTHIEUX Simon SimonFRA FRAFRAFRA 1:41 1:41 1:411:41 12 SIMON121212 JuliaSIMONSIMONSIMON Julia JuliaJulia FRA FRAFRAFRA 1:02 1:02 1:021:0212 SIEMAKOV12 1212 SIEMAKOV VolodymyrSIEMAKOVSIEMAKOV Volodymyr VolodymyrVolodymyrUKR UKRUKRUKR 1:42 1:42 1:421:42 13 FIALKOVA131313 FIALKOVA PaulinaFIALKOVAFIALKOVA Paulina PaulinaPaulina SVK SVKSVKSVK 1:03 1:03 1:031:03 13 DOLL13 Benedikt1313 DOLLDOLL Benedikt Benedikt GER GERGER 1:43 1:43 1:431:43 14 VISHNEVSKAYA141414 VISHNEVSKAYAVISHNEVSKAYAVISHNEVSKAYA Galina Galina GalinaGalinaKAZ KAZKAZKAZ 1:07 1:07 1:071:07 14 RASTORGUJEVS14 1414 RASTORGUJEVSRASTORGUJEVSRASTORGUJEVS Andrejs Andrejs AndrejsAndrejsLAT LATLATLAT 1:48 1:48 1:481:48 15 JISLOVA151515 JessicaJISLOVAJISLOVAJISLOVA Jessica JessicaJessica CZE CZECZECZE 1:08 1:08 1:081:08 15 LESSER15 1515 ErikLESSERLESSERLESSER Erik ErikErik GER GERGER 1:50 1:50 1:501:50 16 BENDIKA161616 BaibaBENDIKABENDIKABENDIKA Baiba BaibaBaiba LAT LATLATLAT 1:12 1:12 1:121:1216 WEGER16 1616 BenjaminWEGERWEGER Benjamin Benjamin SUI SUI SUISUI 1:53 1:53 1:531:53 17 DORIN171717 HABERTDORINDORIN Marie HABERT HABERT Marie MarieFRA FRAFRAFRA 1:12 1:12 1:121:12 17 WINDISCH17 1717 WINDISCH DominikWINDISCH Dominik DominikITA ITA ITAITA 1:56 1:56 1:561:56 18 r KUZMINA181818r r rAnastasiyaKUZMINAKUZMINAKUZMINA Anastasiya AnastasiyaAnastasiyaSVK

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