February 27, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 2137 rights movement, who inspired ordi- cases against discrimination, would be the holiday recess, December 22 to De- nary African Americans to demand pleased to see my colleague from Illi- cember 31, 2005. The trip included stops equal rights as American citizens. nois—the son of a Kenyan father and in Brussels, Belgium; Tallinn, Estonia; Their recent deaths remind us, during Kansan mother—serving in the U.S. Amman, Jordan; Baghdad, Iraq; Tel this month in particular, to take the Senate. I think he would have smiled Aviv, Israel and Frankfurt, Germany. time to reflect on the vital heritage in sad approval as he saw Rosa Parks This trip enabled me to learn about and important contributions of African lay in honor in the rotunda of the U.S. the important transformations coun- Americans. Capitol—one of the highest honors we tries in Eastern and Western Europe This year also marks what would can accord a person and one she so are making as we enter the 20th cen- have been Dr. Martin Luther King, rightly deserved. I think Mr. Houston tury and away from the Cold War era. Jr.’s 77th birthday, and it is important would be pleased that at least one of Additionally, my travels through the that we continue to honor the values of the murderers of James Chaney, Mi- Mideast provided me tremendous in- faith, compassion, courage, truth, and chael Schwerner, and Andrew Goodman sight into the evolving political struc- justice that guided his dream for Amer- has finally been convicted of that hor- ture of the region as well as the United ica. We have made great progress, espe- rible deed. Dr. King would also approve States’ progress on the war on terror. cially in the area of racial justice, but of the fact that the U.S. Senate finally, Prior to my departure many inter- we still haven’t reached the Promised finally last year, condemned lynching. esting and significant events occurred Land. If he were alive today, what I think another civil rights leader, which helped shape the focus of my would Dr. King, leader of the civil John Jones, the first African American travels including: the eventual exten- rights movement and the Poor People’s to hold elective office in Illinois, would sion of the PATRIOT Act, the success- Campaign, say about the fact that one also approve of the fact that 81 percent ful elections in Iraq, the New York in five American children are living in of African Americans aged 25 and older Times disclosure of domestic eaves- poverty today? What would he say had at least a high school diploma, an dropping and the tight fiscal budget about the fact that here, in the increase from less than 1 in 5 in the constraints placed on the Fiscal Year wealthiest Nation on Earth, 45 million 1950s. Today, African Americans own 2006 appropriations process. The broad- people have no health insurance and 1.2 million businesses that generate er implications of these events were millions more are underinsured? $69.8 billion or about $735,586 per firm. issues which I frequently encountered What would Asa Philip Randolph, the Mr. Jones would also be proud to hear in my travels. labor leader who organized the Pull- that 60 percent of African Americans man car porters and fought against dis- age 18 and older voted in the 2004 Presi- The first full day of my trip, Decem- crimination and segregation in the dential election, which equaled 14 mil- ber 23, 2005, began in Brussels, Belgium Armed Forces, say about the growing lion voters. where I met with a number of members income inequality in America and the Yes, African Americans have made of two of the three U.S. Missions in fact that corporate profits have in- great achievements, but Dr. King Belgium: the U.S. Mission to the Euro- creased 50 percent in the last 5 years— would also remind us that we have fur- pean Union, and officials from the U.S. but low wage workers haven’t had a ther to go. One example is Georgia’s Embassy in Belgium. The briefing was raise in 7 years because the Congress of new voter-identification law, which provided by: Will Imbrie, DCM; Ted An- the United States refuses to raise the was approved over the objections of drews, POL; Mike McKinley, Deputy minimum wage? A parent who works 40 noncareer lawyers at the Department Head of the U.S. Mission to the E.U.; hours a week, 52 weeks a year for min- of Justice who warned that the plan Lee Litzenberger, Political Minister imum wage today doesn’t even earn would unfairly disenfranchise minority Counselor—U.S. Mission to the E.U.; enough to lift herself and her child out voters. Therefore, in the spirit of Dr. and Dale Bendler, Special Adviser to of poverty. Would Asa Randolph call King’s message of equality and racial the Ambassador. The discussions fo- that progress? Would he call that jus- justice, we need to reauthorize and cused on a number of issues including tice? strengthen the Voting Rights Act— the war on terror, war crimes, NATO What would Fannie Lou Hamer, a with all of its sections—this year. and perceptions of President Bush by civil rights activist who fought for low- Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, those Belgians. Ambassador Korologus’s staff income housing, school desegregation, in the civil rights movement worked to briefed me on his efforts to build a and daycare, have said if she had seen secure basic civil rights and voting strong transatlantic relationship be- the pictures of people stranded on roof- rights in statute. The cost for those in tween the United States, the European tops in New Orleans and left homeless the movement was high: church burn- Union, Belgium and NATO. I found it by Katrina in Biloxi, Pearl River, and ings, bombings, shootings, and beat- interesting that Belgium is the 14th so many other communities through- ings. I walked in those same footsteps largest trade partner of the United out the gulf coast? I suspect she would during my recent pilgrimage with U.S. States and that the country is making ask the same questions we all asked: Representative John Lewis to Selma a substantial contribution to the war How could this happen in America? In and Montgomery, AL. It is important on terror financially. I support Ambas- 2005? that we recognize the contributions of sador Korologus’s efforts and look for- This year, America lost Rosa Parks, these extraordinary people because the ward to working with him and his staff the mother of the civil rights move- legacy they left behind is an expression in the future. ment. Many others of those who of important American values—equal- Mike McKinley informed me that marched and worked with her have ity, nondiscrimination, fairness, and Belgians are unhappy with the war in passed on as well. How do those of us ensuring the full participation of ev- Iraq and that they see a difference with who believe in their dream keep it eryone in our society. Therefore, I cele- the war waged in Afghanistan. It is alive? We keep it alive by continuing brate this month with pride and reflec- perceived that the United Nations sup- the fight begun by them and by remem- tion, knowing that although we have port of the war in Afghanistan, as op- bering and acting on what Dr. King come a long way, we still have a great posed to Iraq, is the reason the country said: America has no second- or third- distance to go in order to fulfill our has sent troops to Afghanistan as well class citizens. We should all have an Nation’s ideals of equality and equal as the horrendous acts of terrorism on equal voice, and an equal chance to opportunity. 9/11. Mr. McKinley also informed me succeed. f that the European countries, through Yes, we have made progress in some the EU, will make significant contribu- areas. I think Charles Hamilton Hous- REPORT ON FOREIGN TRAVEL tions to the rebuilding of Afghani- ton, civil rights attorney who as a fac- Mr. SPECTER. Mr. President, I have stan—5 billion euros over a 5-year pe- ulty member at Howard University pre- sought recognition to report on a trip I riod. Mr. Imbrie stated that the percep- pared Thurgood Marshall to argue made to Europe and the Mideast during tion of President Bush in Belgium has VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:06 Mar 13, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BR27FE06.DAT BR27FE06 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE 2138 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE February 27, 2006 improved not as a result of his most re- Estonian government is seeking an ag- expressed the view that the inter- cent speeches, but because of the clear gressive strategy to reverse this de- national community as a whole needs success of elections in Iraq. cline. Specifically, the government is develop a plan to address the issue. Mr. McKinley also briefed me on the offering parents 15 months of paid ma- I brought up the recent Judiciary strong relationship the European ternity leave—a rate not to exceed Hearing I held to examine Saudi Ara- Union has with the North Atlantic three times the national average sal- bia’s promotion of radical Islam. The Treaty Organization, with 19 members ary. Additionally, the employer is re- King said that the difference comes of the E.U.
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