MAINBOARD User's Manual Rev: 1.00 Date: April - 2000 * All other product names are trademarks or copyrights of their respective owners. * Specifications and information contained in this manual are subject to change without notice. FCC & DoC Compliance Statement This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules, operation is subject to the following two conditions. 1. This device may not cause harmful interference and, 2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in residential installations. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interface to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause interference to radio or television equipment reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: , Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. , Move the equipment away from the receiver. , Plug the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. , Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for additional suggestions. The FCC requires the user to be notified that any change or modifications to the equipment by the user not expressly approved by the grantee or manufacturer could void the user's authority to operate such equipment. The use of shielded cables for connection of the monitor to the graphics card is required to assure compliance with FCC regulations. 2 Package Checklist Your mainboard package should include the items listed below. Damaged or missing items should be reported to your vendor. þ þ The mainboard Support CD-ROM containing the þ following support software: Floppy disk ribbon cable for (The latest drivers can always be found 3.5” floppy drive at their respective web sites.) þ § 80 pin IDE ribbon cable for VIAâ PCI Bridge driver, internal ATA66 or ATA33 § IDE drive (Note: The 80pin VIA VxD driver, ribbon cable is designed http://www.via.com.tw/drivers with a 40pin connector.) § þ Support software for updating the This User’s Manual FLASH BIOS § Trendâ PC-cillin Anti-Virus software http://www.antivirus.com 3 Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION .........................................................................6 1.1 P rod uct D esc rip tio n...............................................................................6 1.2 F eat ure s & Speci fic ati ons .....................................................................7 1.3 B oar d Lev el Fe atu re...............................................................................8 1.3 .1 Bo ard L eve l Par t Def ini tio ns........................................................9 1.4 C omp reh ens ive M ain boa rd Vie w ......................................................10 2. HARDWARE INSTALLATION .................................................11 2.1 J ump er Se tti ng ......................................................................................11 2.1 .1 Sett ing t he Ju mpe rs ......................................................................11 2.1 .2 Keyb oar d Power -on J ump er .......................................................12 2.1 .3 Flas h BIO S Write Pr ote ct/ Ena ble .............................................12 2.1 .4 Cl ear C MOS..................................................................................13 2.1 .5 SUS Power ....................................................................................13 2.1 .6 AC97 /MC 97 Mode S ele cti on Jump er ......................................14 2.2 C onn ect ion s..........................................................................................15 2.2 .1 In sta lli ng th e CPU ........................................................................15 2.2 .2 Co oli ng Fan...................................................................................16 2.2 .3 In sta lli ng th e Mem ory M odu les ( DIMM).................................1 7 2.2 .4 Flop py, ID E Har d and C D-ROMs Driv es .................................18 2.2 .5 Power LE D Conne cti ons ............................................................1 9 2.2 .6 Power Su ppl y Con nec tor ............................................................20 2.2.7 IrDA-Compliant Infrared Module Connector..........................20 2.2 .8 LA N Wake-up C onn ect or............................................................21 2.2 .9 Mode m Wake-up F unc tio n..........................................................21 2.2 .10 E xte rna l Con nec tor s...................................................................2 2 2.2 .11 Instal lin g an AG P Car d ..............................................................24 2.2 .12 I nstal lin g an AM R Car d .............................................................24 3. MAINBOARD BIOS SETUP....................................................25 3.1 A bou t the B IOS ....................................................................................25 3.2 M ain M enu ............................................................................................27 3.3 S tan dar d CMOS Feat ure s ...................................................................28 3.4 A dva nce d BIO S Featu res ....................................................................32 3.5 A dva nce d Chi pset Fe atu res ................................................................35 3.6 I nte gra ted P eri phe ral s ........................................................................38 4 User's Manual 3.7 P ower Ma nag eme nt Se tup ..................................................................38 3.8 P nP/PC I Con fig ura tio ns .....................................................................47 3.9 P C Hea lth S tat us ..................................................................................50 3.1 0 Frequ enc y / Voltage Co ntr ol ............................................................51 3.11 Loa d Fai l-S afe D efa ult s....................................................................52 3.1 2 Loa d Optim ize d Def aul ts..................................................................52 3.13 Supervisor Password and User Password Setting.........................52 3.1 4 Sav e & Exi t Set up / Ex it Witho ut Sa vin g .......................................53 3.1 5 PCI Dev ice L istin g ............................................................................54 4. BUILT-IN SYMBIOS SCSI BIOS.............................................55 5. FLASH BIOS PROGRAMMING UTILITY...............................62 6. DMI UTILITY..............................................................................64 7. INSTANTLY AVAILABLE PC...................................................65 7.1 W hat i s an In stant ly Availa ble P C? ...................................................65 7.2 C ore Te chn olo gy Suspen d to RA M (S3) ..........................................65 7.3 T he Ke y Ing red ien ts ............................................................................66 7.4 I nstal lat ion ............................................................................................67 7.5 U sin g Suspend t o RAM .......................................................................68 7.6 R ela ted D ocu men ts..............................................................................69 8. SOFTWARE INSTALLATION.......................................................70 8.1 I nstal l Via PC I Bri dge D riv er .............................................................72 8.2 I nstal l Via Vx d Drive r .........................................................................73 8.3 Install Sound Chip Driver (for On-Board Audio Only)..................74 8.4 Tren d PC-Ci lli n Anti- Viru s Softw are ...............................................75 8.5 I nstal l Via Bu s Maste r IDE Dri ver .....................................................77 8.6 I nstal l Via Mi ni- por t Dri ver ...............................................................78 8.7 H ard Ware Moni tor ing U til ity.............................................................79 8.8 I nstal lAD OBE Acr oba t Rea der V 4.0 ................................................80 User's Manual 5 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Product Description his mainboard represents the highest level of technology available in PC Mainboards today. Designed as a flexible, high-performance and cost- Teffective solution for System Integrators and End Users alike, this mainboard provides the power and expandability to meet the requirements of the most advanced operating systems and software applications. This mainboard feature "SLOT A" architecture, a modular design that supports the latest high performance AMD Althon K7 (FSB 100/133MHz) system board that utilizes the VIA Apollo KX133 chipset on ATX Platform. Leading edge AGP 2X/4X graphic capability is provided for the full range of graphic intensive games and programs. The ATX form factore design allows for more efficient system assembly with built-in mouse, serial and parallel port connectors. This
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