Property•*• ' J of the Watertown Historical Society ! • -' watertownhistoricalsociety.org A WEEKLY PAPER DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF A LIVE AND GROWING TOWN VOL. IX. NO. 17. WATERTOWN, CONNECTICUT FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1934 Single Oofjr 5 Omti IAFT SCHOOL ATHLETES CONSTABLE ALLEH VI0TOB8 IN TWO LINES AT WATEBBUBY HOSPITAL MSWBx NOTES Local News from Hie Law Enforcement Column j Pawlfng SehoofBeatni at Basket Constables Wm. E. Allen was WATERTOWJT SCHOOLS Ball and Yale freshmen at £. W. Wheeler is in New York removed to the Waterbury Hos- on a business trip. In the present erieia the call of puiriotliun that comes to eaeh Wrestling. pital Wednesday morning by Dr. •Jails of two Intelligible iniwen i . _ . "~ ' Firal. "I will obey toe law and aar all njr inilaenee to hare the E. G. Reade, suffering from an On Friday evening the W. H. 8. The Taft School Athletic re- injury he recieved while attend- Owing to the storm on Wednes- law ••foned and obeyed." presentatives were victors in two hi. d, i . j. i . h, boys basket ball team met the day the Public schools closed at Second i "Tbe ••orifice ia too great. Let the country go to the lines of sports Saturday after- ing his duties as janitor at the!stJ.01Ig Thomaston H. S. team on noon. ,' I an fring* to have my liquor," noon, the basketball team defeat- Polk School. About a week ago;tho local.court Although the., - All other anawera come from the Iwlaied logic of hoaeat people ing'the Pawling school of Pawl- a transomlat the school fell, strik- ; Watertown boys played a hard J. D. McGowan of MahvStreet o Tnr «elf«aaeeption or intentional •nb.terluge. ing Mr. Allen on the side of the: the Thomaston quintet is still confined to his home by. «•"•» System for the Enforcement Service Our Host Import. ing, N.~ Y. five by,,a 44-^9 score game, and the Taft wrestling team de- ineck causujg much pain. When jhri fa ti,roUgh the ice and scored>illness. j ant Reform. feating the_ Yale Freshmen team .the sprain refused to respond several baskets .in the last few —.. HYPOCRISY going'to destroy the fabric of, by a ll-'J score. to treatment it was deemed ad-:mjnute8 to piay.f gaining a lead) Harold Bassford of Wheeler What queer excuses we find American liberty. Somehow th» The Taft basket ball five dis- visable to have him removed * to jto o Rreat to j,e overcome. The street is confined to his home by the Waterbury Hospital where !8core %vas \y. H. S. 12, T. H. S. illness. for hot doing the right people were not fooled. They had played wonderful form and com- not the slightest fear that pletely outclassed their rivals, X ray pictures of the injury will, 14 tlie right thing involves the sac- who came here with a groat rep- be taken. At this time results of ' Arrangemens are being made rifice ot our pleasures and iintli- j_Aliniliain Lincoln.was aiming t.: the pictures were not obtainable, In the preliminary game W. H. by the Civic Union to conduct a nations. We met a man th«M,ther , |>...-I,!HI' a tyrant and they saw utation, as a basket ball team. lIllv w said tliat he coul(| tli: t!lt; onl me n who were The Pawling team had in but Mr. Allen was resting quite S. girls met and defeated the Smoker in the near future »° ""' " y . their lineup as center, the comfortably at the hospital. T. H. S. girls. The game was . — stand hypocrites. He had deiVml-: .tremendously excited over this center who played on = the | hotly contested throughout. It "Walter Hodges has acccpted^a— e^l-himself-to his wife and daiv_'h- i t.rrrible attack on our liberties Passaic, N. J. High School THE WORST STORM. ~ was any oTfe's game until the last position as substitute at the local tfrs for not signing the law en-j. were the men who were willing team of last year. This Passaic BUT ROADS KEPT OPEN I few minutes of play, when the W. postoffice, f'U-oement card on the ground i that the entire government team which is known as the won- ' li. S. maidens came to the front that some of those who hnd sign- should go to pieces rather than der team, winning 134 straight The snow storm of Tuesday with several foul shots and a Mr. and Mrs. Frank Larkin of el were hypocrites. He knew in that one of our precious privil- games would have to have'better evening proved to be the worst so f^ goal which puput;t themsafelthem safelyy Derby were recent visitors in the ease of these men that they eges should be relinquished for had not obeyed the law or cared 1111 interval.; players on their team, than the far this season and traveling, on on the victorious side by a sco*5 town. layout its enforcement. Whether So now, the American people form the Pawlins.' oenter display- roads "off of the state roads is io f 12 to 9. s' ed, if they were to oppose any wry difficult. The state roads! ' —— Theadore Lilley has returned !»'-' had taken the pains'to find over a good part of the country after being in New York on a out that they still were of the have made up their minds that first class high school team. 1 a!)out town are in very good The Freshmen, Sophomore and B»& .A > " . " *4_ ^.1 __^1_ -3 I— ^^ » u. > X * _i i^ ilka dl....' 4 '- - . ^. ^^ _f • - - j— ... 4 —h *^ ^3 I Ah ^^.^ ^B m^^± .AAdk Blake, center on the Taft team shape the state highway gang Junior Classes gave a party to business trip. siime mind and had hypocritically ; this Amendment and law are go- played an excellent game, play- having been kept on the job the the seniors, in the Community joined the movement, we do not j ing.to be put through. ( It will ing rings around hi-t highly tout- Paul F. Rahn, who is still con- i ^ But what a qqueer reason l>e a slow business in the wet sec- entire night. The snow plough Building Saturday evening, Feb-. i d ii i d dd it ed Passaic wonder, caging 7 Ims been on the go for the past rtiary 16 in honor of the Senior fined to the Waterbury Hospital, fur refusing to do a patriotic • timis and must depend, we quite field ;ioals and holding his oppo- *>4 hours and succeeded in keep- Class. The hall was effectively is greatly improved and a speedy duty. On that theory no man freely admit, on the growth of nent, scoreless. ing the state roads free of snow, decorated by the under-class com- recovery is looked forward to. would have joined the. anti-slav- j .-in intelligent public opinion The Yale Freshmen "Wrestling This year is the first time that mittce under the leadership of _ . ery movement ho man could {based on a realization of thc also received a big surprise when >he state department have kept M>'- Beers. Orange and white Miss Mary Farrell who has j"'i» the church. There would .dreadful demoradization of the "('hick*' Lawson's pupils pulled 1 :-rang of men quartered in town were the leading colors. Dancing been spending the past twoweeks be difficulty even about join- jnvsent situation and the equally the unexpected and won out over •>'ad the results of having a state was enjoyed through out the visiting relatives in Bridgeport ing a political party. Chris- < lear realization that the only has returned to her home on tiahity never could have begun, way out is through law enforce- their college rivals by a 11-9 score •ruck here have been very good, evening. Refreshments were serv- for Judas was there at the be-ment. The friends of law and Castle of Taft received the only Otlier years Watertown has had "I and greatly enjoyed by all. 'herry Avenue. 1 — • t ginning, and the hypocrites order are not a whit, behind the fall (if tin match, throwing his to wait for men from the sur- Mrs. Swift. Mrs. Cook, Miss Hit- rest of their fellow citizens in he practically assured bis tenm a miinrling towns where a state '"hcock, Miss Whiteside and Miss Mrs. Mary Moore of Cheshire /mast have multiplied enormous- was a recent visitor at the homV'y lit number through the ages their love for Anglo-Saxon in- man/after 4 minutes of hard •nick is kept, to clean off the Turner were" patronesses, stitutions and the safeguards of work. By securing this fail flate roads but this venr sh» has her sister Mrs. John Virtue of «s Christianity began to grow been able to do for herself. The Remington,-' Underwood Warrenway. j powerful. liberty, but they cannot get ex- victory. Both games were at- Koyal Typewriter Compan- i-iied, as perhaps they should, tended by o^ large number of s e1 j We mention it only as a pecu- PLEA8ING MUSICAL ''" °f' ' i>w<irds to persons typ' The locals stores and factor- lar and comical alibi. Is not the when the friends of free liquor local townspeople and also the or I(J an 15 •M into spasms over, the thought AT METHODIST CHURCH >"" ? & minutes with •.es will not observe the holiday man fooling himself and to that whole membership of the school. that we are all to be enslaved five or less errors, first award 'mt will continue on their regu- extent playing the hypocrite in , pretending to himself that there wli<>n some official three thou- FIBE DISTRICT There was a very pleasing mus- initial certificates 25 and 30 '>ir schedule.
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