THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY qiRCVLATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY Enured a» Second Clusa Matter YEAR—No. 46 Poat Oftlce, Weetflelil, N. J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1953 Published Every Thuradny 28 Page*—5 Cent* Fails To. Accepts New Position School Addition Feather f Naming of New Postmaster For 1st Class Mail Rate Increases Seen As w Attendance Plans Approved Westfield Seen Unlikely Till Fall Service Changed Water Problem Solution Playgrounds By Boro Architect The possibility that the post- Nestor and Clerk Edwin H. Lake. mastership may be filled perma- When the test rankings of the By Post Office nently hero prior to late fall ap- •emnining candidates are issued Don't Forget Your Ipoosevelt Heads Central Ave. School pears doubtful as the Civil Serv- 'rom Washington they will go Officials Meet ice ratings of eight candidates 'through channels" to New Jer- Citizens Urged To Date Monday [Six Play Areas To Be Enlarged By still fall to come from the bu- iey Senators Hobert C. Hendrick- Install Mail Slots (In Registration Ten Classrooms reau's Washington offices. With son and H. Alexander Smith, Rep. The Bloodmobile !• iched- In Conference both houses of Congress aiming Clifford P. Case, County GOP Or Rent Boxes uled to viait Weatfield Mon- Chairman Charles P. Beardsley filtration and daily attend- MOUNTAINSIDE — Seymour at early August adjournments, day at the Preibylerian pariih likelihood of a decision hore and nd then to tho Town Republican The Westfield Post Office will Lasting Remedy Said continue to increase as the Williams, architectural supervisor Committee. no longer hold first class mail in- home from 1 to 6:30 p.m. round season completed its for the Department of Education, federal approval is becoming re- New Water Source The town committee'ss wishes definitely for residents who are Appointment* may still be ,'rth week of activity. Registra- visited the Central avenue School mote, observers say. 1 will have an important ultimate away on vacation unless they rent now stand! at 1,328; daily at- last week and gave verbal ap- The eight candidates who took made by calling WE 2-7090. A rate increase will probably be effect on the eventual appoint- a box, it was announced Monday Jance at 11.168. This year'B proval of preliminary plans for the Civil Service examination sev- Baby litter* will be provided one of the major factors in the ment, but the body will be re- by Assistant Postmaster William irca are running way ahead of tho proposed 10-classroom addi- eral weeks ago are Mrs. Bettc and transportation to and elimination of low water pressure Schafer, Paul E. Davis, Council- stricted, of course, to the field of Nestor. iriotis years. Despite hot weath- tion and auxiliary space, Wallace from the lite of the day. n Westfield and the surrounding man Herbert R. Welch, Everett E: eight remaining. Mr. Nestor urged persons who and the lack of shelter, shade Depp, chairman of the building plan to leave town for 10 days or area. This was seen Monday by facilities at some playgrounds, committee, reported to the Board Thomas, Bcrnal O. Bodkin and The load quota U 150 pinti. local and county officials who at- three postal employes, Acting more to either rent a box at .tho h-cn continue to flock to West- of Education at their meeting re- office or make other arrangements tended a conference in Trenton on 's ilx play ireas. Latest tabu- ANTHONV D. FERRANTE cently. Postmaster Vincent G. Noonan, Rotarians View service shortages by the Plain- Assistant Postmaster William C. for receiving mail. He suggested ions show Eoosevelt registering Working drawings will be ready having mail left with a neighbor Newcomers Set field-Union Water Co. largest number of children, for submission to Mr. Williams in State in Color or having a mail slot installed in Mayor Francis A. Pittman and Lincoln 297, Wilson 275, about two months, he said. ' the door of the house. Borough Attorney George Kidder jnt 207, McKinley 112 and' Tony Ferrante International Parcel of Roaelle, Mayor Ronald F. Rib- The Board of Education reject- The office will continue to hold Luncheon Date umbus 100. Since registration let of Fanwood, Mayor Joseph A. ed two bids submitted for the Post Rates Increase Telephone Company second and third class mail until ontlnuous throughout the eight C. Komich of Mountainside and Resigns Y Post 1350,000 bond issue for the pro- residents return, Mr. Nestor stated. ek period enrollment is expected Echo Lake Scene officials from Plainfield, North posed addition because they were Effective Aug.' 1, the basic in Speaker Narrates The ruling on first class mail reach beyond 1600. Plainfield and Watchung were considered too high. They will be tcrnational surface parcel post calls for returning mail with re- Of Card Parties tarry Kitchell, of Grant pla'y- Leaves For Job present at the conference, arrang- rcadvertised at a later date. rate will be 45 cents'for the first At the Tuesday meeting of the turn addresaes to the sender mnd, defeated the champions ed by the New Jersey Water Four contracts for the coming pound and 22 cents for each addi- Rotary Club of Westfield the sub- within five days and transferring The Newcomers Club will hold all Westfield's playgrounds in In Morristown Policy and Supply Council. Of- year were approved as follows: tional pound or fraction of a ject "Know Your State" was pre- of that without return addresses to its summer luncheon and card 1-shooting by dropping 17 out Charles Wadas, superintendent of ficials of the water company and Anthony D. Ferrante, for the pound, it was announced this week sented through the courtesy of the the dead letter office at the end party at the Echo Lake Country 26 shots at Lincoln playground schools, $7,300; Mrs. Grace Lee, the Public Utilities Commission , past two years associate physical by Acting Postmaster Vincent G. Bell Telephone Co. The speaker of 10 days, Mr. Nestor said. Club Tuesday, Aug. 4, All New- irsd«y. Playgrounds champions remedial reading instructor, four also were present. director and assistant membership Noonan. Based on an order of was Michael E. McCabe of the Mail cannot be left in mailboxes comers, former Newcomers and ipetlng against Kitchell were days a week, $2,640; Donald Max- The municipal officials declined secretary at the Westfield YMCA, the PostmaBter General the sur- public relations department who, when no one is home even if there friends, are invited to attend this n Dick of McKinley, 12 for 26 j well, district clerk, $1,800; and to be quoted directly until after has resigned his position to accept face parcel post rates to all for- assisted by Frank T. Middleton at is a lock on the.box, the post of- event, as it highlights the group's ;e Fiscale cf Columlus, 9 for Mrs. Maxwell, assistant clerk they report to their respective gov- the post of physical director of the eign countries will be increased by the projector, presented a series fice official emphasized. The only summer activities. ; Francis Cagnassola of Lincoln, $400. adding to the present rate scale erning bodies, but collectively YMCA in Morristown, according of color slides accompanied by a way to continue to reccivo letters So that even the newest New- 'or 26; and J. Waiz of Roose- an additional charge of 31 cents voiced a general impression that t, 9 for 26. to Raymond S. Grant, general sec- running commentary depicting the at home is to install a mail slot, co'mer will feel at home, members for the first pound and 8 cents for he added. the company it aiming' at ft rate retary of the local association. The historical and legendary back, of the board and the social com- rise which, it was intimated, would Special events next week will each additonal pound or fraction. This action Is not unique in mittee, will act as hostesses, and resignation becomes effective Aug. Club Enters 4th ground, agricultural importance, result in the installation of new the town checker tournament, 7. • Westfield and reflects the general will introduce them to other isure hunts at all playground's, industrial value and recreational and better pumping edulpnwnt Since joining the local staff, Mr. Post Office policy, Mr. Nestor said. guests, arrange for their seating d the handicraft unit of bamboo facilities of New Jersey. and the development of new Ferrante has had charge of eve- Week of Travel' at luncheon tables and form bridge iding. Children of all play- Scout Jamboree "While our state only ranks urces. ning boys and adult gymnasium and canasta groups after the lunds will complete belts, brace- 45th in size," said Mr. McCabe, William H. Speer of Morris- classes, varsity basketball and vol- luncheon. i, and necklaces of bamboo Membership Now "it is Cth in the value of its man- Boroites Form town, company president, pointed leyball teams and the house bas- Thrill of Lifetime ids, decorative plates, hot-pad ufactured products. Widely known If anyone planning to go alone out during the general discussion ketball and volleyball leagues. liters and comb cases made from Totals 528 Children as the Garden State, it is one of to the party would like someone to that the company has not had "a " During the summer he has been per platei. These will be painted the top producers of vegetables, Civic Association accompany her, arrangements rate boost in more than 20 yean." in charge of the high school soft- Local Boys, Leaders bright tempta colors and shel- The "Travel the World" Read- fruits, berries and poultry prod- may be made by calling Mrs.
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