Old Girtonians’ Association Annual Newsletter President: Clare Lourie 2005 Calendar of Events nd ‘Montrose’ 22 February OGA Bendigo meeting, Alumni Centre 2974 Pyramid Hill – Yarraberb Road Raywood 3570 th Phone: 03 5436 1378 19 March OGA Annual Reunion Dinner, All Seasons International, McIvor Road, Bendigo Secretary: 3rd May OGA Melbourne Branch Basket Luncheon at Lauraine Osborne ‘Kamarooka Estate’ the home of Elaine Harty Tennyson Road Via Raywood 3570 Phone: 03 5436 9227 th 10 May OGA Bendigo meeting, venue to be decided Treasurer: 23rd July OGA Melbourne Branch “Christmas in July” Rosemary Rogers 4 Marshall Crescent at The Wren’s Nest Bendigo 3550 Phone: 03 5443 9116 th 13 September Bendigo meeting, Alumni Centre 8th October OGA Melbourne Branch Annual General Meeting th Old Girtonians’ 28 November OGA Annual General Meeting and Christmas Association Contact Party, Christopher J Morey Building, Bendigo Details The Secretary President’s Report Old Girtonians’ Association C/o Girton Grammar School Hello to all Old Girtonians. An open invitation is extended to you all to attend 105 MacKenzie Street Bendigo VIC 3550 functions listed on our Calender of Events Australia especially our Reunion Dinner on 19th March 2005 Alumni Centre: 57 Wattle Street Bendigo Office Bearers 2005 Telephone: 54 417 974 President: Clare Lourie (Hay) School Telephone: +61 (3) 5441 3114 Vice President: Sue Ludeman (Arblaster) School Facsimile: +61 (3) 5442 Secretary: Lauraine Osborne (Mudie) 3176 Treasurer: Rosemary Rogers (Ward) Email: [email protected] Website: www.girton.vic.edu.au Highlights of 2004 wonderful tribute to Fay. Her family made In March we organised the Annual Dinner and at comment about how much Girton meant to our May meeting we decided to have an evening meal her. We will miss Fay at our Annual Reunion out and then did a tour of the Visitor's Centre which Dinners, and also her valuable friendship. is located at the Old Post Office in Pall Mall. This My sincere thanks to Lauraine Osborne proved to be a very enjoyable evening and we hope to our very capable secretary and Rosemary do something similar in 2005. Our September Rogers who has kept our books in order. meeting was held at 105 Mackenzie St., when Clare Lourie Clayton Jones spoke to us and outlined the future President direction of the wider school community and the Old Girtonians' Association. We realise we will need the School's support in the near future for the Old Girtonians' Association to continue and grow. Some members enjoyed a look around the premises and brought back memories of their boarding days at Girton. Also at this meeting, we decided not to have our usual Variety Christmas Stall at the Girton Fair but just have a raffle and memorabilia stall. We were sorry this had to happen because we had been running the stall for many years and would have raised a lot of money for Girton and the Old Girtonians' Association. The raffle and memorabilia stall proved to be very successful, thanks to members who made donations for the raffle and worked on the day. Once again, the Annual Reunion Dinner was a Assembly 1980s – Across two columns highlight of the year. Over one hundred attended. The various Alumni Groups enjoyed catching up with Does the President’s Report change much some girls coming from New South Wales, Darwin, from year to year? Here, for comparison, is Queensland, and Western Australia and also there a report from the Archives, for the OGA were four mother/daughter and mother/son pairs at 1918, the fourth year of the Association’s the dinner. existence. Another highlight of the year is the Valedictory I have pleasure in presenting the Fourth Dinner when Rosemary Rogers and I are invited to Annual Report of the Old Girtonians’ attend and present Life Membership certificates and Association. badges to the forty new Old Girtonians who had This year, we had the good fortune to have joined before the Dinner. This is the greatest number a most interested, energetic President in Mrs we have had so far. Then we presented all students Gill, who has done valuable work during her with a mug with the school crest as a memento of year of office, and we all deeply regret her their time at Girton. Rosemary spoke to the students inability to continue as President. and parents outlining the objectives of the OGA and By the suggestion of Mrs Gill, a series of encouraging students to join. Part of Rosemary's dances were held during the two school speech will be in The Girtonian 2004. vacations, which proved successful both from Committee members also attended the a social and monetary stand point. Some of Foundation Service in May, the Carol Services and the proceeds of the dances were devoted to Speech Night when, as usual, we donated $600 repairing the hall of the residential portion of towards Speech Night Awards. the school, painting one of the rooms, and In our Newsletter last year, we asked if Jean helping to pay for the instalment of three Watson (Cahill) who is 92 years old was the oldest electric lights in the school rooms. living Old Girtonian. Since then, we have found out The first reunion was held in May, Miss that Verna Perryman (Pook) is 94. De Ravin, lately returned from England, where The Alumni Centre is now at 57 Wattle St., after she worked as a VAD, being Guest of Honour. moving twice during the year because of Girton A musical programme was also arranged. In Grammar's building projects. With the help of some June, Mrs Crookston gave an interesting talk Girton Staff Members, Betty, Sally and friends, the on Palestine. The reunion in July took the Alumni Centre is looking great so if you are visiting form of a Dickens evening, at which, owing to Bendigo it is definitely worth a visit. unfavourable weather conditions, there was On a sad note one of our Honorary Life only a poor attendance. In August, the present Members, Fay Hall, passed away. Fay had a long Girtonians gave a dramatic evening at which a involvement with Girton as a teacher and parent, and number of old girls acted as sweet sellers and then with the Old Girtonians'. I had the pleasure of ushers. In September, the Old Linen evening attending her funeral service at St. Paul's and it was a was quite the most successful reunion, and resulted in The Annual General Meeting, in October, a large quantity of linen being sent to the ANA Hall. was held at the home of Judy Appleton, Jean Papers were read by the Misses Vahland and Bisset. Townsend’s daughter. It was a lovely day In October, a garden fete was held in the school with much laughter and stories shared. Our grounds, the present girls undertaking several stalls guest speaker, writer Louise Zaetta, and giving splendid cooperation. It has been decided encouraged us to record our stories of Girton. to devote the proceeds of the fete towards repairing In a few short minutes we had several stories, the tennis court. which could be part of a future anthology. It was suggested during the year that a Cheryl Payne is the champion of this task, and committee of Old Girtonians should be formed to now that she has been relieved of her duties as collect old linen, and thus connect the Association Secretary, she may have more time to devote with some patriotic enterprise of this organisation. to this labour of love. Mrs Rymer was elected President and Miss De Ravin Cheryl has given much to the OGA Secretary. The plan has worked with much success (Melbourne Branch). We thank her for her and Miss De Ravin’s efforts have resulted in a large generosity of time and spirit. Lee Renfree is amount of old linen being donated to the campaign. the newly elected Secretary, assisting the Subscriptions are coming in slowly but steadily. newly re-elected President, Jenny Rutherford, It is hoped before the end of the year that this recently elected Vice President, Dorothy important item will not be overlooked by the members Anderson and Treasurer Sue Fairbairn. Hilary as the scholarship amount is still many pounds short. Salmon is the Assistant Secretary, and a It was decided by the committee that this deficiency welcome is extended to new committee should be met by drawing the balance from a sum in member, Mardi Spencer. Please note dates for the Savings Bank, which represents the part proceeds the 2005 functions as listed in the Calendar on of the September dances. Page One. If you require further information about these events, please contact Lee Renfree OGA (Melbourne Branch) email [email protected] or Phone (03) 9527 4771. Report Lee Renfree The Melbourne Branch of the OGA has had a Secretary: OGA Melbourne Branch. great year. Once again, our two major functions were well supported. At the Basket Luncheon, which was held in May, our special guests were the Headmaster, The OGA warmly welcomes forty students Clayton Jones, and the Deputy Head, Robyn from Year Twelve 2004 who have taken up MacCulloch. Both spoke of the growth of the school Life Memberships with the Association. and the very rosy future ahead, and the recent real Rafik Asaid, Kirsty Belfrage, Robert estate acquisitions which will make it possible for Campbell, Sarah Carr, Rachel Dale, Helen Girton to expand. All this will ensure a robust Dyett, Adam Eaton, Matthew Elliott, Mitchell environment for the future. Special thanks to Elaine Ferguson, Catherine Fricker, Shelley Friesen, Harty who opened her home as the venue for our Lauren Germany, Kye Greenwell, Melanie luncheon.
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