VEHICLE TECHNOLOGIES PROGRAM EPAct Alternative Fuel Transportation Program Success Story FPL provides electricity to more than 4.5 million customers in Florida and relies on its 2-million-gallon B20 storage tank to ensure a stable supply of biodiesel. Biodiesel Drives Florida Power & Light’s A Decade of Biodiesel EPAct Alternative Compliance Strategy Success FPL provides electricity to more than 4.5 million customers in Florida, its Florida Power & Light Company certain percentage of AFVs each year fleet of 3,400 vehicles covering 27,000 (FPL)—one of the nation’s largest based on the number of light-duty square miles of service territory. In electric utilities—relies heavily on vehicles they acquire; up to 50% of this 1999, it began experimenting with B20 biodiesel to comply with the Energy acquisition requirement can be met (20% biodiesel, 80% petroleum diesel) in Policy Act of 1992 (EPAct). In the through purchase for use of biodiesel diesel vehicles in two locations. It chose process, it has become a biofuel leader, (in blends of at least 20% biodiesel). B20, in part, because it requires no reducing petroleum use and pollutant Alternative Compliance allows covered vehicle modifications. During the B20 emissions throughout Florida. fleets to obtain a waiver from the AFV- pilot program, a vendor delivered B20 acquisition requirements of Standard “We use biodiesel because it works with to the FPL fueling sites, and fuel and Compliance and instead implement our existing vehicles and infrastruc- vehicle monitoring verified the viability petroleum-reduction measures such ture and because it’s a truly renewable of B20 use in FPL vehicles. as deploying hybrid electric vehicles fuel made from U.S. feedstocks like (HEVs), increasing fleet fuel efficiency, Then the storms came. In 2004, four soy and sunflower oil,” says George increasing the use of alternative fuel major hurricanes hit Florida, disrupting Survant, FPL’s director of fleet services. blends, reducing vehicle miles trav- fuel distribution throughout the state “Biodiesel is in sync with FPL’s corpo- eled, and using alternative fuels in and spurring FPL to secure a more rate commitment to renewable energy.” AFVs, among others. Unlike Standard reliable fuel supply. As a result, FPL This strong commitment to renewable Compliance, under Alternative took out a 10-year lease on a 2-million- energy, a successful biodiesel fueling Compliance there is no cap on the gallon B20 storage tank in Miami. The infrastructure strategy, and a robust portion of requirements that can be tank provides several benefits: fuel quality–assurance program set an met through biodiesel use, nor must • Ensures a stable supply of biodiesel, example for other fleets who are seeking biodiesel be used in blends of at least which is difficult to obtain in Florida to comply with EPAct while providing 20%. and must be imported from other environmental and energy security Both compliance strategies create states benefits to their home territories. a core demand for alternative fuels Enables FPL to purchase biodiesel at and advanced vehicles and stimulate • lower bulk prices and to choose the Complying with EPAct markets for these technologies while timing of purchases to take advantage Certain fleets owned or operated reducing petroleum use in regulated of low cyclical prices by state agencies or alternative fuel fleets. Alternative Compliance is providers must comply with EPAct’s particularly attractive for fleets, such • Enables FPL to blend its own B20 alternative fuel vehicle (AFV)- as FPL’s, that use large amounts of and exercise tighter control over fuel acquisition requirements via one of biodiesel. quality. two methods. Standard Compliance requires covered fleets to acquire a The success of FPL’s biodiesel program has surpassed expectations. It now CLEAN CITIES CLEAN VEHICLE TECHNOLOGIES PROGRAM purchases more than 500,000 gallons of B100 (pure biodiesel) annually. Its FPL’s Thoughts on Key Biodiesel-Quality Parameters vehicles have accumulated more than Key ASTM Standard Criteria 60 million miles using B20 without • Water and sediment These contaminants degrade biodiesel. encountering biodiesel-related issues, • Cloud point This is the temperature at which the fuel coagulates. Be and evaluations have demonstrated no especially careful about the cloud point of recycled oils, appreciable change in fuel economy, animal fats, and palm oil. engine wear, or driver acceptance. • Acid number High acidity causes fuel system deposits and corrosion. After Hurricane Wilma struck Florida • Total glycerin High glycerin causes storage tank and fuel system filter in 2005, FPL was able to dispense plugging and engine fouling. 151,000 gallons of B20 nightly. • Oxidation stability Oxidation stability affects the stability of the fuel and acid level. Better Biodiesel Through Additional Testing Required by FPL Chemistry • KF moisture This test tracks dissolved water in fuel. In addition to FPL’s strong commitment • Cold soak filtration assay This test detects precipitants in fuel. to biodiesel, much of the company’s biodiesel success is attributed to its a result, FPL has been able to store its on renewable fuels and to lower emis- stringent fuel testing and handling treated B20 for up to 2 years. sions dramatically—at an affordable cost,” says Survant. program. Diesel vehicles operate well on “Watching the broader market experi- high-quality B20, but off-specification ence with biodiesel, it’s obvious to us More Information or degraded B20 can cause problems that the benefits of ensuring quality such as fuel filter clogging. from the producer to the final fuel For more information about FPL’s advanced transportation efforts, To prevent these issues, FPL starts by deployment have more than justified contact Patti Earley, fleet fueling opera- screening biodiesel producers, work- the investment in building the expertise tions supervisor, at [email protected] ing only with those who are BQ-9000 needed to manage fuel quality,” says or 561-904-3222. For more about bio- certified1 and prequalified via a detailed Survant. diesel, visit the Alternative Fuels checklist. It then tests fuel quality and Advanced Vehicles Data Center throughout the distribution and storage The Road Ahead (www.afdc.energy.gov/afdc/fuels/ processes: before the producer deliv- FPL plans to use Alternative biodiesel.html) and National Biodiesel ers the B100 to FPL, before the B100 is Compliance petroleum-reduction Board (www.biodiesel.org) Web sites. For blended with petroleum diesel (to pro- strategies to “green” its fleet and meet more information about the Alternative duce B20) and stored in FPL’s tank, and its EPAct obligations in 2010 and Compliance option to comply with continually during storage. The B100 beyond. One benefit of this approach EPAct requirements, visit the EPAct must meet all parameters of the ASTM is that Alternative Compliance allows Program Web site (www.eere.energy.gov/ D-6751 biodiesel standard as well as for 100% of fleet requirements to be met vehiclesandfuels/epact). FPL’s own more stringent require- through purchase and use of biodiesel. ments for acidity, glycerin content, and FPL is also reducing petroleum use oxidation stability. This includes use through acquisition of heavy-duty HEV What Is EPAct? of biocide and antioxidant additives to bucket trucks and material handlers The Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPAct) was extend the biodiesel’s shelf life. Florida’s as well as light-duty HEV sedans and passed by Congress to reduce the nation’s dependence on imported petroleum. warm, humid climate is conducive to sport-utility vehicles. The fleet currently Provisions of EPAct require certain fleets to organism growth in biodiesel, so FPL has more than 300 HEVs, mostly Toyota purchase AFVs. DOE administers these requires that producers add stabiliz- Priuses and Ford Escapes. FPL has even requirements through its Alternative Fuel ing additives at the point of origin. As converted some of its HEVs into plug-in Transportation Program, Federal Fleet Requirements, and Alternative Fuel HEVs and is testing their performance. Designation Authority. ———————————————————— 1 The voluntary National Biodiesel Accreditation “FPL’s biodiesel program, in conjunc- For more information, visit www.eere.energy. Program issues BQ-9000 certification to biodiesel tion with other measures like HEVs and gov/vehiclesandfuels/epact or contact the producers and marketers who meet a set of fuel- Regulatory Information Line at 202-586-9171 quality, testing, and fuel-management requirements. improved vehicle efficiency, has created See www.bq-9000.org for details an opportunity to operate a large fleet or [email protected]. Page 1 photo credit: Courtesy of Florida Power & Light Company/PIX17237 EERE Information Center Prepared by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) NREL is a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy 1-877-EERE-INF (1-877-337-3463) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy www.eere.energy.gov/informationcenter Operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC DOE/GO-102010-3041 • May 2010 Printed with a renewable-source ink on paper containing at least 50% wastepaper, including 10% post consumer waste..
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