Seurat, Paintings and Drawings

Seurat, Paintings and Drawings

SEURAT Paintings and Drawings S E U RAT Paintings and Drawing·s ED I TED BY DAI\IEL CATTOi'\ R I CJL \VITI! AN ES~AY 0~ SEURAT'S DR AW I NGS IJY ROBERT L. HERBERT The Art lnstitulc of Clticago January 16 · March 7, 1958 1'lte .lluseum of Modern Art, Neu: York March 24 · May 11, 1958 PUBLISHED BY THE ART INSTITUTE OF CH1 CAGO Fron#spiece: 101 A Sllnday AftemOOII on the Island of La Grande }atte. The Art Institute of Chicago. Helen Birch Bartlett Collectiott On the cover: Detail from the above Trustees of The Art Institute of Chicago Everett D. Graff, President; P ercy B. Eckhart, Senior Vice President; Leigh B. Bl ock, Vice President; Arthur M. Wood, Vice President; George B. Young, Vice President; Homer J. Livingston, Treasurer; James W. Alsdorf, Lester Armour, Cushman B. Bissell, William McCor.mick Blair, Mrs. Leigh B. Block, Avery Brundage, Marshall Field, Jr., Frank B. Hu.bachek, Earle Ludgin, Samuel A. Marx, Brooks McCormick, Fowler McCormick, Andrew McNally Ill, Walter P. Paepcke, Daniel Catton Rich, Edward Byron SmiJ.h, Frank H.. Woods Honorary TrU.UuJ Robert Allerton, Honorary President; Russell Tysori, Honorary Vi ce President; Mrs. Ti.lfany Blake, Harold H. Swift Ex Officio Richard J. Daley, Mayor of the City of Chicago; Carl H. Chatters, Comptroller of the City of Chicago; James H. Gately, President, Ch icago Park District; Wilson W. Lampert, Treasurer, Chicago Park District Trustees of The Museum of Modem Art, New York Nelson A. Rockefeller, Chairman of the Board; Henry Allen Moe, Vice-Chairman; William A. M. Burden, President; Mrs. David M. Levy, Vice-President; Alfred H. Barr, Jr.; Mrs. Robert Woods Bliss; Stephen C. Clark; Ralph F. Colin; *Mrs. W. Murray Crane; Rene d'Harnoncou.rt; Mrs. Edsel B. Ford; Philip L. Goodwin; A. Conger Goodyear; *Mrs. Simon Guggenheim; Wallace K. Harrison; Mrs. Walter Hochschild; *James W. Husted; Mrs. Albert D. Lasker; Mrs. Henry R. Luce; Porter A. McCray; Ranald H. Macdonald; Mrs. Samuel A. Marx; Mrs. G. Macculloch Miller; WilliamS. Paley; Mrs. E. B. Parkinson; Mrs. Charles S. Payson; *Duncan Phillips; David Rockefeller; Mrs. John D. Rockefeller 3rd; *Beardsley Rum!; *Paul J. Sachs; John L. Senior, Jr.; James Thrall Soby; Edward M. M. Warburg; Monroe Wheeler; John Hay Whitney *Honorary Trustee Copyright 1958 by Tlte Art Institute of Chicago Printed in the United States of America by R. R. DMnelley & Sons Company, The Lakeskle Press, Chicago Design: Suzelle Morton Zurcher Lenders to the Seurat Exhibition Mr. Wall er C. Baker, 0'' York Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Sachs, New York Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Bernhard, New York ~lr. and Mr . R. J. ainsbury, London 1r. and Mr . Leigh B. Block, Chicago Mr. and Mrs. Germain eligman, New York Emile Biihrle Colll'ction, Zurich llt>nry D. "harpe, Providence, R. L Mr. and Mrs. William . \I. Burden, ~ewY ork Mr. and ~Irs. Sidney imon, C\\ York ~lme Ginell<> Cachin· ignac, Paris Mr. Loui !! E. ~tl.'rn, 'ew York Printcss Marguerite Cat>tani, Rome Mr. V. W. van Gogh, La ren, Holland Mr. ' tcphcn C. Clark, lew York Miss Edith Wr tmore, New York Mrs. Alan Cunningham, Brookline, Mass. Ambassador and Mrs. John Hay Whitney, ·Mmc D. Oavid-Weill, London cuill y-sur-Scine, Fran ce .Mr. Dunitl Wildcnstein, New York Miss Adelaide Mill on de Groot, ew York M. A. Dunoyer de cgonzae, PMis Mr . W. Feilchenfelcll, Zurich The Albright rt Callery, Buffalo Mmc Jean Follain, Pari California Palace of the Legion of Honor, Mr. A. Conger Goodyear, Old We. tbury, L.I. an Francisco Mr. T. P. Grange, London City Art ~luseum of t. Louis ~lr. T. Ed"ard Hanley, Bradford, Penn. The Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Governor and Mrs. Averell llarriman, Albany Collection, Wa hington, D.C. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hillman, 'Jc" York The Fogg Art Museum, Harvard Uni vcr ity, Mr. and Mrs. E. Powis Jones, ew York Cambridge Mrs. Francis Kettaneh, 1ew York The olomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Or. J. Koerfer, Bolligen (Berne), Switzerland Jew York Mrs. icgfricd Kramarsky, ew York Home Hou e ociety, CourtauJd Institute of \1.r. Sydney J. Lamon, New York Art, London Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lehman, ~e,w York KnoedJer Art Galleries, New York Dr. and Mrs. David M. Levy, ew York The Louvre, Paris M. Pierre Levy, Troycs, France The .\1auhiescn Gallery, London Mr. and Mrs. Alex Lewyl, New York The Metropolitan Museum of Art, ew York Miss AdeJe Marie, New York The Minn eapolis Institute of Arts Mrnc Albert Marquet, Paris Musee des Beaux-Arts, Tournai, Belgium Or. and Mrs. John J. Mayers, Bronxvi lle, 1.Y. Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of De- Mr. Henry P. Mcrt henn y, Philadelphia sign, Provitlr nce Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mellon, Upperville, Virgi nia The Museum of Io dern Art, New York Signor Giorgio Morandi, Bologna relson CaJir ry-Atkins Museum, Kansas City \lr. and Mrs. lavros 'iarcho , Athens, Greece Philadelphia Museum of Art Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. ~iLZe, Washington, D.C. The Phillip Collection, Washington, D.C. Estate of Pauline K. Palmer, Chicago llijksmu eu m Krollcr-~fiillcr, Ollerlo, Holland Mr. and Mrs. Charles . Payson, PauJ Rosenberg and Co., 1'\cw York Manha set, 'ew York Smith College Museum of Art, M. Georges Renand, Paris Northampton, Mass. ~lr. and Mrs. John Rewald, ew York Stadtischcs Museum, Wuppertal, Germany Mr. and Mrs. David Rockefeller, 1ew York The Trustees of the Tate Gallery, London Mr. rthur Sachs, Paris ami C\\ York Wildenstcin and Co., Inc., 'Xcw York 5 Acknowledgentents Thitt. the first ex ten!> h c· c•xhibition ofSeurat's "ork to lw lwld in any muM.' Um has bt'ell made pussible only I hrough the generous and cooperati vr 0\\ltt'rt. of his " or!... Bdieving that th t' famous (a nrl rare) post-impressioojst should be slwwn at last in an 1\mcrienn rt· trospccti ve, they ha ve:' lent their greatest examples to our t\\ tl (•ities for over a p<'riod of' six months. Without th em the exhibiti on would havr lwt·u impossiulc; to them I must lirfl l cnn vcy apprcl'iat inn. My debt to the rruw y "ri wrs 0 11 Seural and i o parlirular to Joh 11 Rt'" aid, Rnbcrt Hey ami Robrrt Cold,, atN is obvious ami happily ackno"lt•dgcd. \1 r. Rcwald's customary thnrougluwss in gat ht•ring sourer material, as sho" n in hi;, mo;,t n•cen t \'O iurnc, Post- lmprc•. ~ionism from Van Gogh to Gauguin, Tbe )flusc um of lodrrn rl. \ . Y. ( 1957), ha~ mari e tlw printing of a bibliography unnecessary "llile hi;, carer ully t•sHtblislwd l'hronology ha:. been follm\(•J througboul. On the personal siJc I must tate my gratitude to CPsar dC' llauk1•. Paris. John ll c·· "aid, l\c·w York and Rubert L. ll<'rbert, Yale Universit y, fu r f•·ce and most ht'lpful usc uf th\·ir document;, and for many suggestions regarding O\\fl!'rS of Scurat's wnrl.., a:. \\('11 as invaluabl<' assistarwe in procuring loan . .\lr. HcrbC'rt ha:. not nnly contributed tlw ('s~ay on curat's dra"in~ bu t has been largely respon;,ible for the dating of the clra\\ in£,<S in the exhibition. In addition to Lhe unsclfi~>h lcndt'r li ted on page 5, I cordially thank the foll<ming - for their h<'lp in scc·uring loans from museums: Mr. Cordon M. Smith, Director. Tbe Albright Art Cull1•ry, Bull'alu ; Mr. Thoma~ C. Jl owe, Director, California Palace of the Lrgion of' Hon or, San francisco; M1·. Charles agel. Director, and Mr. William 1• l::isrndrath, Jr.. Assistant Di- rector, Cit y Art Musl'um of St. Lows; Mr. Henri Dorra. Assistant Director, Tlw Corcoran Callery of Arl, Washington. D. C.: Mr. An thony Rlunt. Director. Tht' C:ourtauld In titul<' of Art. London; Mr. John Thach<'r. Oir<'C tor. The Dum- barton Oak Research Library and CoUection, Wu hington. D.C.; r\1r. John Coolidg<'. Dirrctor, and "'iss Agne Mongan, Curator of Dra,dng-. Thl.' Fogg rt Museum. Harvard nivt'rsity; Mr. )am<.'S Johm.on • \\CCile). Director. Tlw Solomon R. Guggenhrim Mu eum. Ne'' York: M. Ct'orge:. A. SaJi c:-, formerly Oircrtor. The Louvre and the ~ational Museum of Frant<'. and I. Germain Bazin. Curator of Paint ing, and )IJ. Charlc Sterling, Consenralor, The LouHr; Vlme Jacquelin<' Boul·hnt· aupique. Curator. Cabinet de:- Dt>. ~ins, Tlw Louvre; 6 \lr. James J. Rorim <'r, DirE'tlor. and Mr. Tht'odorC' RousM.•au. Jr., Curator of Paiutings. The Metropol itan Mu cum of rt. \r" Yorl..: \Jr. Ri chard •. Davis. Oirrctor, Thr liuncapolis Institute of Arts: M. Leone<' Pion. Director. Mu-ee 1les Rl'aux-Arts. Tournai. Belgium; ~Jr. John \taxon, Dir<'rtor. The \luscum of Art, Rhode I land • ('hool of Design, Pro,·idencc: Mr. Rt>nf tl'llarnnncourt, Direc· ICir, and \Jr. A. lfrcd 11. Barr. Jr .. Director of the \1u t>um Coll t'l'tinn . The \lusf'um of \lodcrn rt. e" York; ir Philip Hend). DirN·tor. Tit <' \otional Galler). Lomlon; \1 r. Laurenc·e ickman. Director. The \ el on Gallt•r) <\ \1 u:.cum. Kan-.a!> Ci t); ~Jr. llenri ~1arceau. Direetor. and Mr. Carl Zigro,.~l'r, Curator of Priu ts. The Philaddphia ~1useum of Art; \1 r. Oum·an Phillip:-. Director. The Phillips Collect ion. Washington. D. C.: \lr. \II. W. J. llammachcr, Director. Hijksmusc·um Kroll('r-Miiller, Otterlo. Holland ; .Mr. Rohrrt 0. Park • Dirrctor. Smi th College luseum of Art, 1 orthampton, Mass.: Dr.

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