76th Year, No. 36-Frlday, September 30, 1983-Sanford, Florida 32771 Evening Herald—(USPS 481-280)—Price 20 Cents Lake Mary OKs Record Budget; Tax Bills To Be Lower Lake Mary property owners will find their tax bills n the purchase this year on the grounds that buying the He called the Item "Innovative bookkeeping" which In beyond the 400 customers It had at the time of the loan. bit lower next year as the result of a tax rate decrease equipment later when other fire department trucks are effect subsidizes the water department from property The city Is currently serving nearly 1,000 homes and included In a record $1 million-plus budget which has older could result In a reduced rate to city residents for tax and other tax revenues when the wnler system has pledged to serve another 500 within the next few been adopted by the Lake Mary City Commission. fin; Insurance. doesn't serve the entire city. months. Commissioner Ray Fox Thursday made one last Fox has contended that the city should wait a year to "There Is no sense In the total populncc subsidizing Somehow, the $7,500 pledge was translated Into unsuccessful effort to remove the proposed purchase of n purchase the truck to hold down the city's Indebtedness. something used by only a portion of the populace," * *Vx hydrant rental over the years and paid to the water $100,000 fire pumper truck from the allocations. Fox also pointed out that the city over the past eight said. Some residents have their own water well. department from the general fund. years has been paying the water department $7,500 Mayor Walter Sorenson and City Treasurer Madeleine Commissioner Kenneth King Joined with Fox In trying The $4.10 per $1,000 assessed property valutlon tax annuall from city general funds "for fire hydrant rental" Minns explained that when the city got a loan from the to delete the first annual payment of about $12,000 from rale Included In the budget Is a 5-ccnt reduction over the when the city's general operating accounts bought the U.S. Fanners Home Administration In 1978 to finance the budget for the 1.250-gallon-pcr-mlnutc pumper current fiscal year. The budget Is the largest In the city's expansion of the water system, franchise fees totaling truck. hydrants In the first place. 10-year history and the first time an annual budget has lie said he wasn't asking that the budget be changed $7,500 had to be pledged to repay the loan. Voting In favor of the purchase were Commissioners topped the $1 million mark. to remove that payment from the utility department The pledge was necessitated by tlje federal agency's Hurt Pcrinchlef, Charles Lytic and Russ Mcgonegal. accounts this year. He said he only wanted the refusal to consider that the water system's potential The budget as adopted totals $1,025,953 with Prior to the 3-2 vote in favor of the budget, King noted commission to keep the Item In mind and to find a way growth would be sufficient to repay the loan without $777,828 for the general operation of the city and that former Fire Chief Ralph Abel, now employed by the of returning to the general fund the money transferred additional pledges, they said. $248,115 for the water and sewer utility system.— fire department at the Kennedy Space Center, opposes to the utility department over the years. Sorenson said the system lias actually grown far Donna Estes. [ Volunteer A c c u s e d Fire Chief Lake Mary Mayor Under Fire For 'Breach of Trust' By Donna Estes prior to the meeting after hand Herald Staff Writer delivering the document to each Gets His Nine-year veteran Lake Mary of Ills colleagues. "I gave him one Mayor Waller Sorenson has been last chance to resign," Fox said. charged with a "breach of the In Ills memorandum lo the city public trust," by lame-duck City commission, dated Wednesday. Own Day Commissioner Ray Fox. Fox said that over the last year Fox leveled nine charges he has passed on various pieces Monday, Oct. 10 has been officially against the mayor nt his last of Information to the commission proclaimed "Jim Orioles Day” In Lake official city commission meeting regarding the mayor's acts. Mary*, honoring the city's volunteer Thursday night. "These actions were taken fire chief. Fox didn’t run for re-election without the knowledge or con­ The Lake Mary City Commission earlier this month and Is officially sent of the commission. This officially proclaimed the special day to slated lo leave ofllcc Monday memorandum will serve to con­ begin fire prevention week In tbe city. ufternoon. solidate the Information." the Firefighter Dennis Smathcrs re­ He charged Sorenson with Im­ memo said. commended the special recognition to propriety In his use of l city The charges arc: "...use of the the man who has served as a vehicle, city hall telephones for city-owned vehicle for personal volunteer firefighter for the past nine long distance calls and city office purposes; purchase of Items of years. Joining the department within space for personal business. furniture, specifically prohibited months of moving Into the city. A two-member committee was In the 1982-83 budget; re­ appointed by the city com­ finishing of the above-mentioned mission to Investigate the furniture at city expense: failure ■ < ’I - m M 'Jim will be Jim Orioles charges. to Inform past city councils and Sorenson eat silently as City the present commission about .............. completely Attorney Robert Pctree. given the known discrepancies In a city October of the same year. He was promoted to superintendent list of charges by Fox earlier In em ployee's Job application; W alter Sorenson surprised.' the week, gave a lengthy dis­ granting of time ofT and subse­ shortly afterwards. m ‘is tearing my guts ...nothing to aay 'at this sertation on actions the com­ quent salary advance of $451.25 Orioles was not present as he tim e.' mission could take. to a city employee who had been He worked his way up In the usually Is at commission meetings to After hearing Peirce say that After the meeting. Fox said In tills employ less than 90 days; constitute "a breach of the public" organization to chief, a post to which hear the board vote unanimously lo Sorenson has the right to answer that he didn't want to hurt l-ukc hosting of a breakfast for real trust. In my opinion, should the he wus elected by the volunteers In extend the honor. the charges or not as he secs fit. Mary. Sorenson or Ills family and estate developers at city expense commission not take appropriate Junr. 1979. after serving for six Smothers said Orioles Is out of town Sorenson was asked by Commis­ this "Is tearing my gulsoot:" of $50; use of city phones for action. It could be construed as months as assistant chief. visiting an III parent. sioner Charles Lytle If he had any lie said he had brought many personal long-distance calls: use sanctioning the mayor's con­ Orioles is also the city's public "Jim will be completely surprised." comment. Sorenson replied he of the Items to the attention of of city office space to conduct duct." works superintendent, lie was first Smathcrs said. had nothing to say 'at tilts time.' the city commission during past personal business: failure to In­ Commissioner Kenneth King employed by Lake Mary In July. 1980 Orioles. 34. and Ills wife Shclda are He added that It would not lie meetings and Individually. form the commission when city called on Peirce for his advice. as a part time grader o|>erator and the parents of five children—Donna appropriate to say what hr "Hut no one would do any­ funded facilities are being used Going over the list. Pctree dis­ became a full time employee In Estes thought should tic done with the thing." he said. Fox said lie gave Improperly. missed the Items concerning the charges. Sorenson a copy of the charges "Fox's memo said the acts Old County Nursing Home Eyed Mental Health Center Seeks To Escape Crushing Rent $60,000 a year I thought we could exploratory stages. We don't have “ We’re looking to sec where most Water Management District have property on the market. By Mlchesl Behs Rose said the county has other Herald Staff Writer save money on leases and spend it any agreements, we haven't even of the needs and referrals are from." also expressed an Interest tn the property It may be willing to sell. Seminole County Mental Health on programs.” said Berko, who look talked with out landlord uboul he said. A large number of the building, according to Rose. The Center. Inc., officials arc Interested over as head of the menial health moving out of Crane's Roost," said agency's referrals arc from Sanford, group's board of directors has Negotiations arc underway with In acquiring an old nursing home center about two months ago. Berko. he said. talked In the past few months about Florida Hospltal-Altamonte to sell Berko said the nursing home relocating Its offices from Palatku. adjacent lo the Seminole County The agency has been plagued The old nursing home has about an old mental health clinic adjacent could be an Ideal location for the Services Building, formerly over the last two years with funding 9.000 square feet of usable space New Tribes Mission had been to that hospital.
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