Dr.Dr . StéphaneSt ép ha ne DESRUELLESDE SR UE LL ES BornBo rn ono n 27/02/197727 /0 2/ 19 77 (Lille,( Li ll e, France)Fr an ce ) DepartmentDe pa rt me nt ofo f GeographyGe og ra ph y andan d PlanningPl an ni ng SorbonneSo rb on ne UniversityU ni ve rs it y ParisPa ri s [email protected] ep ha ne de sr ueuellesll es @g ma il .c om +336+3 36 63 060 6 88 0 Current Professional Position x Associate Professor in Physical Geography , Sorbonne University Paris and Laboratory Médiations - sciences des lieux, sciences des liens x Associate Researcher at USR 3141 CEFREPA (Centre Français de Recherche de la Péninsule Arabique ) x Chair of the Association pour le Développement des Recherches et de l’Enseignement sur l’Environnement , Barenton-Bugny (France) Employment History Associate Professor. Department of Geography and Planning at Sorbonne University Pari s, and Since 2014 Department of Geography and Urban Planning at Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) 2008 - 2014 Associate Professor . University of Picardie - Jules Verne (Amiens, France) Cartographer . Faculty of Letters and Humanities, University Paris 12-Val de Marne (Créteil, 2007 - 2008 France) Geomorphologist . Association L'homme retrouvé, Préhistoire et expérimentation (Les Mureaux, September 2006 France) Geographic Information Systems analyst. French School at Athens (Greece) and Mission April & June 2006 archéologique franco-albanaise du bassin de Korçë (Albania) January - Geographer. Sales management, Air Liquide Santé France (Paris, France) April 2006 November - Geomorphologist. Service municipal d'Archéologie , City council of Chartres (France) December 2005 Research and Teaching assistant. Department of Geography, University Paris 12-Val de Marne 2003 - 2005 (Créteil, France) Research fellow and Teaching assistant. Department of Geography and Planning, Paris- 2000 - 2003 Sorbonne University (Paris, France) Education PhD in Geography, Paris-Sorbonne University. Honorable distinction with unanimous congratulations from the jury x Title : L’eau dans l’ensemble insulaire cristallin méditerranéen Mykonos-Délos-Rhénée (Cy- clades, Grèce) et sa gestion dans la ville antique de Délos x Supervisor : J.-P. Peulvast (Professor at Paris-Sorbonne). Co-supervisor: É. Fouache (Profes- sor at University Paris 12-Val de Marne) x Committee members : M. Hotyat (Chair – Professor at Paris-Sorbonne), M. Brunet (Director of Studies at the French School at Athens), C. Cosandey (Senior researcher at CNRS), R. Dalon- 2000 – 2004 geville (Senior researcher at CNRS), É. Fouache (Professor at University Paris 12-Val de Marne) et J.-P. Peulvast (Professor at Paris-Sorbonne) x Date of defense: 26 th November 2004 x Main affiliation : laboratory FRE 2545 BIOGEO (CNRS/ENS LSH Lyon ). Secondary affilia- tions : laboratory UMR 8591 LGP (CNRS/University Paris 1), laboratory EA 2579 DEPAM (Paris-Sorbonne University) and laboratory EA 435 Géonat (University Paris 12-Val de Marne) x Funding : Doctoral contract of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research (2000- 2003) and grants of the French School at Athens (October 2000 and May 2001) 1 1999 - 2000 x Master 2 ETES (Environnement : Temps, Espaces, Sociétés ). University of Orléans and Paris-Sorbonne University. High Honor 1998 - 1999 x Master 1 in Physical Geography, Paris-Sorbonne University. High Honoror 1995 - 1998 x Bachelor in Geography, Paris-Sorbonne University. Teaching Interests x Physical Geography x Risks & Distasters Management x Field trip x Geomorphology x Methodology and tools of geography x territorial assessment x Geoarchaeology & Palaeoenvironments x Geographic Information System (Workshops) Research Interests x Geoarchaeology x Geographic Information System x Quaternary x Water Resources Management x Past Risks and Disasters x Holocene x Sea-Level Changes x Human adaptation to environmental change Scientific Programs Coordination Co-investigator, program ‘Sea, Desert, Environment’ at USR 3141 CEFREPA (Centre Français Since 2019 de Recherche de la Péninsule Arabique ) Principal investigator, research program conducted in the Sultanate of Oman for the project 2014 - 2018 ‘Sea, Desert, Environment’ directed by E. Fouache and supported by the Advisory commission on archaeological research abroad of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (France) Project leader, program GAHTI (Géoarchéologie des Aménagement Hydrauliques du Territoire 2017 - 2018 d’Igîlîz, Maroc) , supported by the Observatoire des patrimoines de Sorbonne Université (France) Project leader, program LittOman (Evolution holocène des paysages et de l’anthropisation du 2015 - 2016 littoral omanais entre Sur et Quriyat ) supported by the project "SATS-SU : MH@SU“ ("Museum of Man", Paris) Project leader, program PaléoportRue (Paléogéographie et évolution du port médiéval de Rue, 2011 - 2014 Somme ) supported by the Picardy Regional Council Project leader, program program EauMaghreb (L’eau dans les villes de l’Afrique du Nord romaine 2007 - 2012 et leur territoires) supported by The French National Research Agency Services x Graduate Program Coordination Head of the apprenticeship Master ‘3D geomatics and sustainable development’ (Sorbonne Since 2019 University Paris) Since 2014 Head of the Double bachelor in Archaeology and Geography (Sorbonne University Paris) Member of the Monitoring Committee of the Master Erasmus+ ‘Mediterranean Environmental Since 2019 Change Management. Master Study and Ecosystem building’ for Sorbonne University Paris Preparation for French teachers’ contest for the Ministry of National education Coordinator 2016 - 2019 for the Department of Geography and Planning, Sorbonne University Paris) 2012 - 2014 Head of the Bachelor Program in Geography and Planning (University of Picardie-Jules Verne) Coordinator of the design of the master Dynamiques et Géographie des Territoires (open since 2010 - 2012 Septemb er 2012). Université de Picardie - Jules Verne x Services to Sorbonne University Paris Since 2019 Elected Member of the Department of Geography and Planning Council 2 Since 2017 Elected Member of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Council 2016 - 2017 Elected member of the University Paris-Sorbonne Management Board 2016 - 2019 Deputy Head of the Department of Geography and Planning Since 2020 Elected Member of the Laboratory Médiations Board 2015-2019 Elected Member of the Laboratory Espaces, Nature et Culture Board 2021 Member of the 4EU+ European University Alliance Flagship 4 projects Evaluation Committee 2019 - 2020 Member of the Working Group on the scientific project for the Ocean Institute creation Member of Monitoring Committees: 2014 - 2016 x SATS-SU ‘Museum of Mankind’ x ‘Demain le Climat‘ Operation 2020 Member of the Selection Committee for the Ocean Institute PhD Fellowships Member of Recruitment Committees : x Assistant Professor (MCF n°129) ‘ Formation initiale et continue des enseignants du premier degré et du second degré en géographie ’ in 2021 Since 2017 x Assistant Professor (MCF n°4368 ‘ Géographie et aménagement : formation continue ’ (Univer- sity Paris-Sorbonne) in 2017 x Research and Teaching assistants in Geography Since 2017 Member of the Ad Hoc Promotion Committee of Associate Professors at Sorbonne University x Services to other Universities Head of the Department of Geography and the Bachelor Program in Geography and Plan- 2012 - 2014 ning (University of Picardie-Jules Verne, Amiens) Elected member of the Faculty of History and Geography Council (University of Picardie -Jules 2013 - 2014 Verne, Amiens) External reviewer for applications for PhD projects funding , ‘Continuum Terre-Mer’. Nor- 2018 - 2020 mandy University (France) Member of the Recruitment Committees : x Assistant Professor (MCF n°4162) ‘Géographie humaine générale et géographie des territoires ’ (University of Picardie – Jules Verne) in 2013 2008 - 2014 x Associate Professor (PRAG n°1030) ‘Géographie ’ (University of Picardie - Jules Verne) in 2011 x Research and Teaching assistants in Geography (University of Picardie – Jules Verne) x Assistant Professor (MCF n°709) ‘Approches méthodologiques des environnements ’ (Rouen University) in 2010 x Student Supervisions Co-Supervision for the PhD of Tara Beuzen-Waller (dissertation title: ‘ Interactions entre dyna- 2013 - 2020 miques paléoenvironnementales et occupations humaines du paléolithique à l’Âge du Bronze dans les piémonts de la Montagne omanaise ’), Sorbonne University Member of the Thesis Advisory Committee of Mariou de Vals (dissertation title : ‘ Emploi de la Since 2020 pierre autour du Golfe de Corinthe ’), Sorbonne University Since 2006 Supervision of 23 Master 1 theses and 20 Master 2 theses x Thesis Committees External PhD Examiner for Dr Sarah Davidoux (dissertation title: ‘ La Falémé au cours du Qua- 2021 ternaire récent. Analyse paléoenvironnementale d’un espace soudanien riche en vestiges archéo- logiques en Afrique de l’Ouest ’), Université Paris Est Créteil External PhD examiner for Dr Alessio Rovere (European PhD label) (dissertation title ‘Rocky 2011 coasts in the Ligurian Sea: morphology, evolution and management aspects’), Università degli Studi di Genova (Italy) 3 x Peer Review Since 2019 Member of Editorial Board , Revue de Géographie Historique x Peer review referee for the books: - Ghilardi M. (Ed.), 2016. Géoarchéologie des îles de Méditerranée, CNRS ed. (1 article), - Cohen M., Desruelles S., Giusti C., Gramond D., Mercier D. (Eds.), forthcoming, 2017. Cli- mats, territoires, environnements , Presses Universitaires de Paris-Sorbonne (2) x Peer review
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