w w w ^ ^ i c vvalley.com- a - 6 3 30(0632 12/15/2002 SMI J IM PARIRKE ^ 3 6 2 7 n -•YANDELL ' □ TX 7 9'9 9 0 3 lieln nne$S ' ; • • • • T w in Falls^ Idi[dalio/97th year, N o.0o . 1 3 1 3■ ■ ■Sutitilrchiy. May 1 1. 20C G o o d m o3RNING r X T ! W l-Xl'HKR V , Dll'leling , J.--'-., Todaylay: Sunny to ' - i % - f p a rrtly tlj cloudy, J L , *tt-^Jl||u breerfezyand ^iipi as P'AREiNT,0 Dei^ms m ildeIder. High M j 62, loilow 38. PageA2 H ^ Candle m lik e n s , M a c j k ; V a l. Ll l - Y / Grading our studentsfits: T he lat* a . B lin k e est ro u n d of s ta te testest scores , for Magic Valley stuctudents are in. 1 carped: c b a ^ e r Page Cl Q I By lulic Pcnccic e Tlmes-NewsI wwrI riter ^ Court nev ■ ■ f ' j f L Today’sM> M agic f i TVVIN I-AI.lAI.I.S - Moi.ev si..iii Valley reprei o rt 'M fie s i>o\vi-rr. ,i,111.1 .Man Hliiikcn, ^fcoutt ^ includesiS inew s fl DennicralK'K' ((M iu lid air loi III..' .U.S, S en ate, nm akes no api>logii's J | H \rec o ^ fromMinj[inidoka HH j f l for having pier mm Mm C ountyr cccourts. But ise Page C7 Sneddon, whovlu) is also running on ■ WM ■ the Democra tickri for Ihe ■ W ■ . Senaic in theth e .May 2H p rim ary . M o n k y said Kliiikeii’s.•n’s money laiiiis him m as a carpetbagbagger who lliinks 1il- No floor? For th o sectecond con* ||Q can' Just bu> secutive day, stockss Ufailed to S B h is w av iriK hold their gains from ^ Idaho politics, Wednesday’s run-up.>P- S n e (I d I) i: Page D2 H I ® | said the mort. |nH people reali/L m he is running."lg, !»' »' the more theyIPIhey ^ u A uu M. eoauto/tta ttann,, R k i . i g i o n reali/e lhal A Christieitle Wood spends a lot of time' ch:chasing after her 2-year-old son,so Sasha. Wood Is a full-tlmoImo student at tho College of•fSouthorn Si Idaho Who takes • B l i n k e n adventsntage the day care center In orde)rderto attend classes. doesn't stand fo r Id aS h o i i M Y , issues. AlDn Bllnkon I 1 ^ 0 Blinken II mulls waays to helfp studentsts with yoi)ung familiIIC 'O admits he’s an outsider who li By Robertrt rMayer o n , w ilh becau se ilitjiIieri' ari' lectures lhal belterI accommodate thaiI imriio.i] >■’ Tlme»-Newaw s wrtter_______________ 10 time ymi just c.m’im’l iiiakL- she said, (if( the student body, anii a c li.in ' ' “ ■■'Jy , Jesus Day: Christiansm s will M l E s L ^ l o ’a lee fft fo r ••Thill'';,, (lis;lisailvania^L' I face.*' Itemi on CSI’s proposed st.srralc'cic ‘'I"' 'I'f ociiili/iiiK, K'li lu.-rjII sii ii)‘»iles. W ood, |plan for 2002-2006 atten.m p ls l» Dili- ■gather for a march to t h e p a rk . T W INi FALLS - Working ▼ 1 5 1 0 1 1 a collcgc degree is •‘I d o n ’t w ho iispiiusus to law school, .said ‘•dc\ elop opportunitiesiforslu. f loi'iiii-i; s.,1,1 J... b e ilo e s j>lan Page E l 'i l Z Uing enougli. Tho Gorogo ol Souihoin ,et tn sleep she’s cr.iii'fii■fill uir CSI’s cliild care denis( ;\iih young families,' Bbt forr a s in ^ e p aren t juggling Idaho plots Ms luturc inn o n th e c e n te r ii. tak<-t;i call.' of her son ••'Miai uuis to th e heartri ot Ihc »“!"■ sch o o l an<3nd raising a child, the /eekeiuls, w Iu Jl- -iltc' attendsii classes and ' jiistituti'in,j ibal ue reallyJy cry ti. S P ( ) R i > ; task con be daunting, indeed. I d o n ’t K‘‘l doeshoiiifw•w.)il<, i makei: this tolally acces^rssihie,” 1 ‘ Democratic >phomore Christie Wood, to catch up on things likeke M nmijl _ Hut the ccicen ter is lim ited to 53 saids CSI President i i c Davo Snoddon I Out of action: c s r s bi ^ Party to help s a constant balancing act stu d en ts g et lo do," Worn:■nd Siiid. • chiiilren ■erpor semester, Tl|e wait- Meyeiiioeffer.I' ■ f'- season cam e to an cAtendfiiday ■viis'Sg.j.y, Moreover, Snsha seemsns to have inn lisi yrowows. taking up ii> two The chief goal is to expapanel lliL- rc-o n cT cisf: il. But he also said ^>'ear4 ld S asha and pur* ouis'ider, he brings w hen th e G olden Eag.agles lost suing herr associatea d eg ree in psy- ’the uncanny ability to> only( net years bcl'or(in- a slot opens up, childc care facility. DenialLi .l l .a s to Dbde in the Distric sick on the days Wood hashi a tost. Meanwhik-,J, thei niimher of sinule longIi since ou.tpated the 117-ve ir- o bjectivity to tthe stale. And the rict 18 chologyr ;at the College of : lat jum]>ed out al liim tournament. SouthernrtIdaho. I< ,i. she said. parents aiieilending dasses comin- oklo center’s ability to caieirc-, ii.'all tiM Him,: lhal ; "It’s really difficuli11 when I uestoincicM'cMse. w h en h e deci<ecidetl lo make his Page B l SI.Q dQcledicates her days to hesaid. is tliai hlaiio scnoolwork3rk and her niglus to her Ihave to miss days oft> class 'riius, as, a a concerted effort lo Pleaso see CSI,l,PageA2 I home here, he ^ M needs m ore jobj()bs wilh bfiiiT pay, H "There’s morenio people in this | N a t i o n - suite per capiajJiia with multiple jobs than anyny olheri slale in the _____ Tor»rt claim alLlieges impproper quelestioning^ of^ smden nalion,” he saisaid, Idaho also has ihe lowest paypaj for women and Ilf th e p a re n ts o f tw o Killii claim s, but he ci>uldn'Int com- si>ends ther leastle. on economic D i d jjudge u ask them ababout their sex li\1\ us. siiulents. nieiiin even, if he had. , development,ll, B y Sandy Millermi (Gooding County School)1 District "Basically.ly. I can ’t ci>inmenc at "ll wouldn’t be appropri; "But howca■ can you draw good ■ Tlmc»N9Wiw iw ftter________________ ^231, llustiine,’ JaiJam es said. nme to comment on someoiuIIIL (.lse s jobs to this Slatstale when you irv lo i(* lo th e tort tliiinis. Sill litigationli or planned lilig: ^M ^^ The first tort claim wasw filed Accordini'i bring busines:■less to th e s ia u -.b v * f l Gissiily said. G O O D>ING I^ - A magistrate IMay 1, and the sccond was filed District Magiagistraie Judge Kevin C lhal Idaho has ,i low ow ed up at the .school According to the docuilun.-nis advertising iha ju d g e wa:vas given a room at 'Tuesday. A tort claim is; a precur- Cassidy show ’ h esaid . still under April 22 aftiifter finding a letter thetl judge was providedJ 'wilh a wigc base?" be P r e s id e n t G ooding; HHigh School where he £sor to suing. T he case is sti giires the cunneciion-- ^fli^B Working on a plan: P n iwsuit hns "’i»<--h rcfcrrerretl to his daughter, a roomr at the school wheI,ere h e , ‘ w as allowwed e to interrogate stu* >investigation a n d no law; lie made ass aian ambassador lu B ush w an ts m o re w elf dents about3ut th eir sex lives, accord- Ibeen filed, said Joseph Jai[ames, the indent at :hethe school. recipients to find jobs'OS. ing to two0 t<tort claim s filed against rattorney who filed the torort claims Cassidy %aiilsail he hadn’t seen the Please see TORT,r, PageA2f Pleaseese se^ e BLINKEN, Paije A2 Page A3 , _ C o M i N c : S d nNDAY i ■ ■ urch o f^N^ativity Standoff5 fen d s Q What’s next?: T h e fanfamilies ditional site of Jesus’ birthplace l i t t l e w ho b rin g ho m e Simpin p lo t pay* H m m WWI Buildingngsuft'crs Israeli troops masass paved the ua;way for an Israeli. checks face an uncert£irtain HHnK - D5 iroOp pullbackick from llethleheni iient dam iif^c on Gaza boundary - fu tu re. iiv permant Friday evening, ing. elfeclivi'ly (.'lid _ Tho Associateated Pross____________ emergeda wilh little permiiianciil iiiB ' ' 1^ 'i'i'i;»lary ii offensive Isi a d (Idam age. l a u n c h e d NtaiMarch J‘J againsi fl fl ^ ^ 9 HBTIILI-IIl-HI-M, West Bank - Thirteen militiamen wlivh.i had I'iiicM iiiian iiiilimilitias in the \V>.-si ■ ■ p u lUlied its troops and beenb holed up inside wererc n.i.vM of Heihlehem Friday. intoii European exile, a n d 26 idmorning. had h-l'i iIii-ibuM 'ti.
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