10 CENTS P E R COPY AND THE NEPTUNE TIMES VOL. XCIII, No. 49 OCEAN GROVE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUN E, JERSEY, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1968 T E N CENTS Fiircillo-MuIIiken Nuptials Nov. 29 is Krushchka Weds C. S. Goodman Award Contract Asks Republicans Mail Earlier, Nominate Case Use Zip’Codes For Revaluation OCEAN GROVE — Postmas­ County Board Orders Fk$r N. J. Governor ter Byron Holmes wishes to re-; Township to Reassess wmwM W'Smm. mind the patrons of:, tlte; Ocean Real Property for 1970 TRENTON—Monmouth Coun­ Grove Post. Office to obtain 6c ty Republican Assemblyman Jo­ Christmas stamps early as the NEPTUNE TWP. — Under or­ seph Azzolina has called for ihe supply is limited./5c, stamps der of the Monmouth County nomination and election of U.S. WM are not acceptable on Chris­ Board of Taxation, the Neptune Senator Clifford P. Case (R-N.J.) tmas cards this year. | t is also Township municipal committee as the state’s next governor. CT'Va ■ important to mail easier than has . provided for the revalua­ “Senator Case is the one man usual this year. Uslnj the Zip tion of real property in the com­ with the proven ability to unite code will assist in the prompt munity, to be completed by Oc­ the citizens of New Jersey be- handling and deliveryjof Chris-? tober 1, 1969, and placed on the h Je d an administration which tmas mail. Zip code itj reqi *red assessment rolls for the tax year ' must move us out of the dol­ ’’ on fcll parcel, post. [ 1970: . drums,” the Middletown legisla­ Postmaster Holme^ also re­ The revaluation ordinance was tor declared, adding: quests, patrons to/jf separate ; adopted on final reading Tues­ “The Senator is a proven win­ day night. Realty Appraisal Co. • Ocean Grove mail |from all ner because he is a proven lead­ of West New York, lowest of Please Rafael ; and er, His record of public service, four bidders, was awarded the ti6 each , bundle wltfya “Local'' ,is outstanding. .It is this great­ contract for $91,750. ness,which is needed desperately or “Out of TowrV^ la^ei attach­ Nearly all Monmouth County by New Jersey if we are to move ed. A basket or large-receptacle municipalities received the same away from mediocrity and take placed near your miil box will, county order. The county board bur rightful place as one of tho assist the carrier In^the deliv­ declares that there is a rapidly ;,leading and most progressive ery of Christm'as m^H. declining ratio of assessed to states in the nation.” , The post office will be open true value of real property in Noting that Senator Case has 8:30 A.M. to 5 P.Mi weekdays these municipalities. Neptune ncSSruled out the possibility of ■and on Saturday v December Township contended that “lib­ entering the gubernatorial race, 14th. • •.: :' era! appraising by government Assemblyrjjan Azzolina issued a appraisers and liberal financ­ ’ call to ' Republicans, Independ ing by the federal government ents and Democrats throughout has resulted in unrealistic the state :• prices being paid for homes’’ in . “If you want to see New. Jer- Our certain sections of the communi- ' : sey move but in front, I urge ty. The'township asked that a- . you to write or; w i r e Senator sales study for the ..years 1970- . Case at the Old Senate Office 1971 be made before revalua­ Building, Washington, and voice tion, but this request was de­ your support, not only of his nied. candidacy, but of his leadership In other business Tuesday , as our next governor.” night, the municipal committee Sent to Washington initially in granted a variance to American 1954. Senator Case was re-elect­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stuart Goodman Legion Post 348 to construes a e d ^ ' 1960, and 1966 piling up a Mrs. Eonald Muliiken (the. former Victoria Fnrcillo) ■ Army Private First Class David Proviso West High School, 1963, 49- by 55-foot addition to its post half - million vote purality in Neptune — Mr, and Mrs. Philip tals and pearls. She carried a and Knox College, Goiesburg, Ohio, home on Gully Road. " : his latest race. LONG BRANCH — Miss Vic- E. Matson, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Kruschka, 783 Wayside Rd., an­ crescent shaped bouquet of ste- A 50-. by 100-ft. iot in Shark Assemblyman Azzolina defeat­ toria Jane Furdllo and Ronald Warren Matson, 74 Laird Ave., nounce the marriage of their class ot 1967, with a B.A. degree phonatis and phaieonspsis. River Hills wat purchased by ed the only Democrat incumbent V. Muaiiken were • wed last Fri-. Neptune City, was assigned Oct. daughter, Phyllis Nuller, to Charles in Sociology. Attendants were Miss Jo Anne Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Martone who lost in 1865 to gain his first day iri Our Lady Star of the'S ea 20 to the 1st Calvary Division (Air­ Stuart Goodman, son of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Goodman are both Furcillo, Wanamassa, cousin of for $3,425. The vacant property term in t h e. State Legislature. Roman Catholic Church, here. mobile) in Vietnam, Mrs. N ate. Gooclman, of Bellwood, candidates for a Master's Degree the bride, and of the groom, and adjoins their home. Spirited bid­ After reapportionment forced The Reverend Thomas O’Conner His wife, Paula, lives Illinois. in'Marketing Research at the Uni­ Mrs. Daniel Lee, Wanamassa. ding at p u b I i c sale nearly ... him to seek re-election from what officiated at tlie double-ring Ave., Ocean Grove. Mrs. Goodman is a graduate of versity of Michigan, Ann ' Arbor, John-Mulliken Jr.,. was best doubled the purchase price from was considered a "marginal1 trStethonyjii.'**'- -"•—•» ~-.--rU Neptune High School, class of 1983 Michigan, -where they are in. resi­ man for his brother. Ushers its $1,750 appraisal. district, the Middletown Republi­ The bride, a former resident and Miami University, Oxford, Ohio dence. were Stanley Parratt, Bradley ■ ' ■■ * — — ■ can, was swept back into office of Ocean Grove and Long' of 1967, with a B.S. degree The couple will be feted , at a Beach, and Michael Mecca, Bank Declares Dividends with nearly 6,000 votes to spare. Branch, is the daughter of Mrs. in .Economics. • . supper dance, Oec .28 at the VFW * :------- Victor C. Furcillo, 82 Gables Passaic. A reception was -held a t the Mr. Goodman is a graduate of Baiiding, here. FREEHOLD — Robert B. B ar­ Bond for First '69 Baby Apartments, Neptune, and , the Barcley, Belmar, and immedi­ low, president of- The . Central late ’ Mr. Furcillo, long time ately following the couple left for Jersey Ban! and Trust Com­ OCEAN GROVE — The first Ocean; Grover. Library Dates Yule; Program For baby born of Ocean Grove par­ Norman, Oklahoma, pany announced that at a meet­ The bridegroom’s, parents are The bride is a graduate ol Nep­ ing • of the Board of Directors en ts in the new 1969 year will be John Muliiken, 81 Gables Apart- For Storv Hours Home Auxiliary honored by tlie Ocean Grove tune High School, has attended he!d November 29-, .they de­ ments, Neptune,.and Mrs. Betty Murray University in Kentucky; i ■ ----------- clared a .regular semi-annual parents in the new 1969 year Lou DeMorjian of Fox, Okla. NEPTUNE — The Story Hour OCEAN GROVE - The Chris­ will, be honored ,by the. Occan Monmouth College, Long Branch, dividend of 20c per share to TJie bride .was escorted by. Dr. and is a graduate of the Moti- scheduled for Neptune Town- tmas program of the Methodist stockholders ol record -it t h e Ciw-Sihnial Committee, according Library has just been post: Homo Auxiliary was held in St. to. Donald R. Newman, general Willard R. Dill of Prestonburg, mouth Medical Center School of close' of business December 20, Ky. She was attired in’ f> prin­ Nursing. Until recently she has ed, according to Mrs. John Paul’s Church, -Nov, 25, as the 1968 payable January 1,., 1969. chairman, Th^ committee plans Northup, librarian. Miss Mary December meeting would come to award a U.S. Savings Bond to cess line gown of white- satin been employed., on the. psychia­ They also declared a 4',; stock with Chantilly lace appliques. tric unit at Monmouth Medical Calletto, Children’s Librarian at during the holidays. “A Christmas dividend (o stockholders of rec­ the Centennial baby', ' Commissaryman Third Class Don- The gown was long-sleeved with Center. Monmouth County Library, or Tapestry" written by, Mr.s. Alice' ord at close of business Decem­ V ------------------- a scooped neck-line and an at­ The bridegroom is a graduate aid C. Cottrell, USN, 19, son of Mr, one of her assistants, will be at gear! was read by Mrs. J. W. Hahn; ber 31, 1968 payable January 15, Brownies Sing tached chapel length train. Her of Neptune High School and is a David C. Cottrell Sr., 172 Sylvania the Neptune Library from 3:30 Mi.ss A’.mira Sipler toid a Christmas 1969. This will make the total veil was of English silk illusion, student at the University of Ok­ Ave., Neptune City, was advanced to 4:15 P.M. on the following Story,. "Ishmael, the Came! Driver’s cash payments for the year o£ At Nursing Home held in place by a cloche of crys­ lahoma. to his present rate aboard the anti­ Fridays: Dee 13, Jan. 10, Feb Nephew:", Mrs. Bean read a poem 40c per share. submarine aircraft carrier USS 7,M arch 14, April 18 .and May WHat Makes A Christmas?" and OCEAN GROVE — The Girl Hornet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.' 23. I Mrs. Ivan -Kail gave the commeh- Scout Brownie Troops 219, 449, and Commander Ike Sehlossbacli Says Jlis advancement was based on Any child from Kindergarten iary cm ."Charlie Brown's Chris­ Arts Assn.
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