were no(t Injured. It was GIRL BAREFOOTED, Astor Plan ti) Sell B°MBING PLANES INJURED :2Srw,M RAILS LACK 152,034 CARS. land at Realty NHEN FORCED TO LAND Napoleon, Mo.rthirty°inlle» ent car is the In WORKED IN SNOW, . FOUND from Kansas City. Thn nthpr shortage.ISiSVEta*largest NINESTILLS the announced FLIGHTOFBARON Railway Age a at Troy, Mc 180 mile away t _ around J ni»>on AVER Gotham Dealers ArnVf Machines on Way Front The planes were on tie wavtoKfllv last night, basing the statement NEIGHBORS n advance hnmh reports received by the oar service Surprises . Field for use in th tlio Associated Press. isngley Field to Texas Have inK school conduct.ed bv "ha Arrnv division of the American Railway By sociation on October 15, which show ' _ Occupants of the which land- AsDlane CHICAGO. November a net cars. The U. S. HIDDENINGARAGE Engine Trouble. eA at Napoleon w ere I.leut F B deficit of 152.034 GRIEVES TOWN saw \ of neighbors that they4..Testimony Disposal of Propert ° 1 3. Hodge and two larS«t previous shortage was reB nineteen-year-old Mary D^wan, ANSAS CITT. Mo.. November 4. ported on September 1, 1920, when and chopping wood, in the Would Stampede Mat Tw <> large Army bombing planes en The bomber forctid down at Troy 145.070 cars were said to be lacking. barefooted ' D. C. Woman's Eviction Suit Two Men Arrested and Thou A j0 te from Langley Field, Va, to was In charge of Capt. L. Harvey and "For th« flrat ttme ,r> lta history," winter snows, and that she was made a bip vn jfT. The the Railway Age said, "the country ket Claim. Kel Field, Tex., were severely dam- machine to live In the basement of her They 1 Bv \« ly ^edhS was in charge of ts confronted at the very beginning Against British Peer home, was heard by Municipalparents* sands of Bottles Seized d when forced by engine trouble First Lieut. D. H. Ilunton and Lieut. ot a period of business revival not held land, In Missouri, according to a p. v. Qaftney. only with s« shortage of transporta- Judge Ehler, who yesterday the >rt brought by passengers In a tlon. but the most acute car short Tor loss. mother to the grand Jury on a charge in Raid. , married of Naturalized Briton i d plane, which landed here safely that ever existed There Is only aire cruelty, preferred by the Humane at Richards Field. The the coldest month In one ar.'l Society. The girl is only four and _____ yesterday July Is Ecuador, remedy for this situation, one-half feet tall. tends to I jpants of the two planes were The motor bus Is 1rapidly supplanting this la the expansion of railroad A policewoman Pre«». Transfer ^1 bruised and scratched, but the ricksha men in G China. cilitles." to The Star. fm 1 nrl Vi.it* hiHimr In a ." hlclfnn pnnn the Ajm-Utad htly faanton, Special Dispatch "V* '""'"O vuvp. By ;/r MORKISToWN. N. J November 4.. "Mother did not like me because CLEVELAND, Ohio., November Wealth From V. S. This villa-je has lost its most I am so small," the girl testified. agents raided a Wes4.ProhlMtlon resident. | picturesque Side garage, arrested two men am1 Frederic k tleorge Colvin Eden, sixth seized thousands of dollars' wortlfi By the Annociated Presa. Baron Auckland; his wife, two chil- of raw and finished product and dis NEW YORK, November 4..Real r Washington's Greatest Real Estate Organization dren. manservant, maidservant, gov- L!111 np apparatus. Nine stills, flv e tate experts, familiar with the vast em ess. golf sticks and swanky Brit- of which were In operation, occuplei3 estate holding of the Astor famllj J factoryMtoll .. i»h have floor of the this city, expressed doubt that Maj. J luggage departed. the basement "distillery. Jacob Astor meant that he was clo This developed late yesterday, when On shelves lining the walls wer e out his real estate holdings here,.f'henv the local bailiffs, armed with an thousands of bottles ready for label he said in London that he was remo ^^^^^^BSj^BBf|||»pfl^^^H writ from the court, went' to the and filling with the finisheij his wealth from this country to England. ejectment 4 ling If there was a selling in ^^HH^|DRw|^^H general pretentious mansion in the suburbs product. Twenty cases labeled "Alco ment of New York real estate by uvethe ^HHHnpf^^KY^I^H Fine Residenitial Sites in which had housed the baron, his nowjujmbers hoi Rub" were found. Prohibltioii Astor family or any part of it the family and belongings. He owed two agents said this was to be dumpei3 estate market would be demoralized, one ^ WJj^J^BBkP^K;whHm^I S. Jones Miss Frances Aragonne Dies real estate man said. It' was poi:nted months' rent, ami Miss Helen Into the stills and converted Inti out that while the Astor family has sold j^BBBBS^^^^HB^PBreBMBMBB^^ leiytiii^^^^lj^Kiii^^^HfflBH of Washington. Morristown and New alcohol. Outside the building wene more than 120,000,000 worth of real of in to in York, owner of the establishment, Injuries Struggle forty-two more cases of the samif\ tate the past three or four v Best C'base Section to have him evicted. But when brand of "rub." In addition, th B other large holdings had been acqu EBBBBHB sued in that period and members of the A "tor Chevy "rub" bot the hai! iffs arrived there was no one agents found 6.300 empty MAJ. JOHN JACOB ASTOR. Escape Trap. ties. family were constantly buying and in the house. a subterranean extend _ ing real estate. his to a In passage No indication that Astor sellgarding reply campaign Astound> <i by the news, the residents lng under the sidewalk was a com Ma.J. ler that "' am transferring my wealth By the Associated Presa. laboratory, outflted with glass proceeding to convert his New 1 heckfork of the vill g. today were all a-twitter plete into cash had been from America to this said: at a t realty noticed it country," Low tes I, Priced NEW November 4..The retorts, Vei YORK, and funnels, for further news of the baron. Their copper was ry bottles o f asserted, although several valuable "It Is no new In It is Figure fourth victim of the fierce fire which tubes, government gauges, statement; fact. _ in <hicf regri t is that t li :i* main caramel coloring, rye flavoring ex parcels lower Manhattan had no neWR- * was to afternoon an of him in the jars s!rnP'y referring my n r» a live "r Irish nobleman,attraction.yesterday destroyed tracts and a capping machine. disposed by past few y< should ha \ lo on eompelled to leave. East 13th street celluloid died N<». information could be gained at the PaRt Policy for the last si* years." Here we are the most desirable factory Thirty gallons of finished product Astor is a candidate for member offering unquiestionably Mo far as their was con- oftices of the Astor estate here and an MaJ. sympathy early today. She was Miss Frances 150 alcohol containers and two botesj In the elections. ici in.-'. > i c : -.\ 1; :i in uui ui\ and j inquiries were referred to Maj. Asto r in parliament coming who was with of fake whisky labels allege) The heckler, whose forth residential sites in Chase.the real Chase, 1V2 an«l his family Aragonne. trapped counterfeit government stamps wer e London. query brought Chevy Chevy eleven other women on the the statement as to transfer nf wealth, .>«kl>-ll unlink Doulitcil. young also seized. Nothing Nfw, S171 Astor. had inquired of the major whether he blocks west of Connecticut avenue.a locality of fine homes "Do the a third floor of the burning building. The agents say they found Wesle:Y DOVER, England, November 4..] was to his own to you think lord will hunt act of th e MaJ. going expose fortune job. too?" was tin* favorite query Two women fell to their death S. Taylor In the dumping John Jacob Astor, interviewed here re- British taxation. and close to alcohol "rub" Into a still and in an the highest point in D. C. when it was stated that he was the fire and a third died last "house In New York." duringother part of the "distillery" foum3 hunting; But a who ad there was a tone of in the night in hospital. Albert 'Wells, alias Gordon, regret of th e and the hope was expressedsuggestion.^Four others were still in the mitted he was the proprietor KEOKUK si rm that: this w >uld b-» unnecessary and in a serious condition today and "garage." 7«t 70 hospitalThe men were held in $6,000 eaelh TO" TIT TO" that his remittances from England another was convalescing at her of 11 X ~'gT at.' A I6S.' I T6' *ro* ] [ To1 .1 would continue t<> come. home. Three escaped unhurt. pending a hearing on charges \ V**1 NStfiuKt ClKnow M-UBC i_ Baron \uckland. somewhere in While the blaze started in the legal manufacture. Illegal possessioi x6 »E New York. was inaccessible to factory, on the second floor,celluloidof intoxicating liquor and possessio: \{S\ \ cilleries. I'ntil the eviction .til of the casualties were among of equipmet for the manufacture oi e Illicit An were instituted on the liquor. Ide:al Morristownproceedings third floor, where employes Home x\ L knew the baron only as a member of Mars had an embroidery Solonon 30 31 ZZ S3 33 J4 lj h the British peerage.
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