
iSithtn Vol. 51. No. 8 South Amhoy, N. J., May 22, 1931 Price Four Cents REPUBLICAN WOMEN MARTIN ATTENDS PAVING ACTION MEET IN SOUTH AMIJOY FAREWELL LUNCHEON WOMAN'S CLUB AT —o— The new Liberty Unit of 'the So. St. Mary's Church Welcomes Diocese Director, William H. Martin, of First street, Amboy Republican women entertain- was among those in atendancc. at the FINAL MEETING IS NOW OPPOSED testimonial luncheon to F. A. Von —o— ed the Middlesex County Council of Republican women, sit the home oT Moschzisker, Cieneral Agent of the Mrs. A. .1. Fenzi'l, President, Council Receives Counter-Peti- .Mrs. .Mary J. Haste-do, of Portia St, Heal Estate Department of Pennsyl- tion on Henry Street Im- Bishop McMahon, of Trenton, at First Official vania liailroad, held at the Governor 1'resents Year's Heport—To at an all day session on Friday last. ' pro vein en t. The j>roi'eediJ3/,rs were under the di- Clinton Hotel in New York City last Resume Activities in Fall. 0 —o— leetion of ilie County President, Friday. The luncheon was tendered in Because of the Primary Election Mrs. Kutli Dmham. The entertain- commemoration of Air. Von Aloschzis- The last meeting of the sesison of falling on the regular meeting night ment furnished by the local unit was ker's retirement from active service the Smith Amboy Woman's Club held Visitation and Confirmation Since Consecration on June 1st. He entered the employ ol' yesterday afternoon at the City of the Common Council, the usual much enjoyed, and .Mrs. liastedo pre- bi-weekly session of that body was sented the oip,ani/.iition with si beau- the railroad in 11)05, and is well Hall, was one of the most interest- postponed to Wednesday night of lifui fern. Practically every unit of An event of singular importance tion. The Pastor presented to him the of what-would be expected of them af- known throughout this section. Mr. ng of the searon. It was in the form this week. And when held the ses- the county was represented in the not only to St. Mary's Parish but to Crucifix, which, kneeling down, he ter they had been strenKthonc-d Martin has been employed in Mr. f a covered dish luncheon. Al- sion was rather devoid of interest attendance. the citizens of South Amboy, was the kissed, to indicate thsit he was mere- through the descent of the Holy Von Moschzisker's department for the though no set program was arrang- and lasted only a quarter of un first Canonical Visitation of the lit ly the agent of Jesus Christ, who Ghost. past twenty-six years. Mr. Von Mos-ed, it was one of the most enthusias- hour. Of that time more minutes Rev. J. McMahon, Bishop of Trenton alone was to be adored. He then re- After this the Bishop returned to ch/iskcr will be succeeded by C. W. tic of the present club calendar. Dur- were devoted to the residing of a Rotary Plans Aid for Bishop McMahon confirmed a clas* ceived Holy Water from the Pastor, the altar steps and there began vest- Meyers. ng the luncheon, yearly reports of long list of hills ready for payment of over three nundred children and and after blessing himself, sprinkled ing for the administration of the the department chairmen were read than to any other item on the calen- adults at St. Mary's Church last night the congregation with the sanctified Sacrament of Confirmation It was an and many amusing stunts were per- dar. City's Crippled Children and paid his first official Visitation ti. water. He was then incensed, as a inspiring sitflit to witness the orderly War Vete7ans~Will formed by the members. Henry street and the paving pos- the Parish, since his consecration as mark of respect, by the Pastor of the and graceful procession of the three A business session followed tho Bishop of the Trenton Diocese. Church. sibilities came before the Council, Joseph G. Buch of State Com- hundred and forty candidates for con- luncheon, in which yearly reports of but this time in the form of a peti- A procession of distinguished pre- The Procession then moved on to firmation aa they approached the Honor Dead Sunday the various chairmen and president tion objectioning to the improvement. mission Tells of Twelve Cases lates, priests and laymen and those the Sanctuary where the Bishop knelt Sanctuary, vntercil within its gates were given, and reports of the dele- The objectors were residents and in South Amboy. confirmed, with their sponsors, pro- before the altar while the Right Rev. and passed behind the High Altar Legion and V.~F7W. Will Hold gates to the annual convention in Pastor, in a sequence of prayers with joining their pponsors, who presented property owners of the street section —o-— ceeded from the Guild Hall and mar- Services Here, Ernston and Atlantic City viete read by tho dele- east of the railroad and practically Twelve cases of cripled children ched out through Church Street, along responses from the Choir, culled upon them to the Bishop, who sat upon the gates, Mrs. A. J. Fenzel and Mrs. C. all of the property owners are said living in South Amboy have been re- Stevens Avenue, to Augusta Street, Heaven to pour its blessings upon, platform of the High Altar to receive Cheesequake. Leon Cozzens. Mrs. Herman Eulner to have been represented among the ported to and examined by represent- thence to the nisiin entrance of the and preserve the Shepherd of the dock iliose to be confirmed as they knelt nnd Mrs. Howard Bergen were un- Next Sunday members of Luke A. signatures. Chief among the speci- atives of the New Jersey Crippled Church. Among those in line were: in the Church. Following this, tin before him and received the Cross of animouslv elected members of the fic reasons for the objections were Right Rev. Bishop mounted flu; altar the Christ of Salvation upon their Lovely Post of the American Legion Children's Commission, according to lit Rev. Joseph McOrath, Sayreville; 1 club. 1 steps nnd gave liis Episcopal blessing foreheads, nnd the imposition of his and Daniel F. Shurkcy Post of th. the uncertainty ;is to what the rail- its chairman, Joseph G. Uuch, ol lit. Hev. Joseph Urbnn, Perth Amboy; By a vote of the club members, road plans may be in the way of elc- to the congregation, after which hi hands, which brought down upon them Veterans of Foreign Wars will unite Trenton, speaking before members of Rt. Rev. Peter J. Hart, New Bruns- tho following department chftirmen .vation or depression of tracks the Rotary Club in session sit Cady's wick; Rt. Rev. Michael Dalton, Supt. sung an sintiphon honoring our MOHS the Holy fihost, the Spirit of Truth in memorial services lit Christ Churc'i through this city with its attendant ed Lady as the Patroness of this anil Sanctif'ier of Souls. yard nnd at the cemeteries at Ern- we-re given special praise for the Tuesday noon. Of this number, sever- of Schools, Hope-well; Rev. Edward splendid work they had accomplished affect upon a large part of the pro- al have applied for re-cxsiminiitioii, Cahill, Perth Amboy; Rev. Colombian Church, under the title of the "Im- itun and Cheesequako. h C i" After thi' administration of the At noon a service will be conducted during the past year: Mrs, H. G. perty in question; and the doubt as one was reported incurable, one in (ialassi, Perth Amboy; Rev. Zemin Concept ion." Sacrament, preparations were made to the present being Iho most advis- in Christ Churchyard where the mem- iloffmnn, civic chairman; Mrs. H. W. need of vocational guidance, and one Lesniowski, South Amboy; Row. John His Excellency then, accompaniep d for the Uishop to open the Taber- able time to undertake- such an im now being employed. The above twelve orial rituals of the two organizations Dillon, program chairman; and Mrs. Foley, Metuchen; Rev. Thomas J. by Urn Pastor, madde u tour of iinspec lutcle where the Blessed Sacrament is C. Leon Cozzens, music chairman. provement. were between the ages of birth nnd Kearney, Keansbui'ir; Rev. Burke, will be rend with Rev. Charles E. tion of the Sanctuary, the Sacristy, reserved. This is a very solemn part Kennedy and the choir assisting in Mrs. A. ,1. Fenzcl, president, gava Councilman Stanton settled the eighteen years. Kcyport; ReV. Cornelius Uegau, Fords of the Visitation. After the Bishop thi! Baptistry and the Confessionals the services. the following report: matter for the .time, being with the Mr. Buch in a very interesting ad- Rev. John O'Farrell, Woodbridgc; Lo nee that the furnishings and ap- had examined the sacred contents, of dress, gave a brief outline of the his- Rev. Francis Qiiinn, Highland Park; In the afternoon at one thirty, "My duties us your president havu announcement that the matter of pointments were as prescribed by the the nold vessels, ho adored the Bless- ben so.pleasant and enjoyable that Henry street had been thoroughly tory of the commission, its members Rev. Francis Yunger, New Bruns- itual of tho Catholic Church and the annual memorial service will be ed Sacrament, and then covering the it hardly, seems possible that a whole discussed at the business meeting and what had been accomplished Ciborium with a veil, he elevated it held at the Cheesequnkc Methodist wick, Rev. Win. J. Lnnnary, High Junon Law. Episcopal Church. Members of tho year has passed since I assumed of- Friday night.
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