Historic, Archive Document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. 4<j Wrt> TITLES of COMPLETED THESES in Home Economics and Related Fields in Colleges and Universities of the United States, 1959-1960 Growth Through Agricultural Progress Agricultural Research Service UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE in cooperation with Office of Education DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PA- 435 This compilation of titles of theses pertaining to home economics and related fields has "been assembled at the request of the American Home Economics Association. The chief purpose is to aid research leaders in planning programs and in advising graduate students in the choice of theses topics. The titles indicate attention to specific research topics during the last year, and the summary counts show the relative emphasis in major fields of research and at different in- stitutions . The author index together with the list of graduates receiving master l s degrees with- out theses provides a list of persons receiving advanced degrees in specific professional fields relating to home economics. TITIES OF COMPLETED THESES IN HOME ECONOMICS AND RELATED FIELDS IN COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES OF THE UNITED STATES, 1959 - i960 Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture in Cooperation with Office of Education Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Compiled November i960 Issued January 1961 Washington, D. C. CONTENTS Page ART 1 CHILD DEVELOPMENT Preschool Child Growth and Behavior 1 Guidance of Preschool Children 3 School -Age Child Growth and Behavior 3 Guidance of School -Age Children 5 FAMILY LIFE Marriage 6 Participation in Family Life 7 CLOTHING AND TEXTILES Fibers and Faeries Properties and Qualities 8 Laundering and Detergents 10 Clothing and Household Textiles Economics and Management 11 Construction and Selection 13 FAMILY ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT Family Economics Food Economics 1^ Household Economics 15 Household Management l6 HOUSING AND EQUIPMENT Equipment and Furnishings l6 Housing for Families 17 INSTITUTION MANAGEMENT l8 NUTRITION AND FOODS Nutrition and Metabolism Energy and Fat Metabolism 20 Protein Metabolism 20 Minerals 21 B -Vitamins 22 Other Vitamins 22 Other Laboratory Studies 23 Food Habits and Nutritional Status Nutritional Status and Diet 2h Diets of Children 25 Diets of Adults and Families 25 Community Nutrition 26 Food Composition and Nutritive Value 27 Food Quality Grain Products 28 Meats and Fats 29 Vegetables 29 Food Preservation 30 ii CONTENTS Page HOME ECONOMICS EDUCATION Administration 31 Program Planning Elementary and Junior High School 32 Senior High School 33 College and Other Programs 35 Evaluation High School Program 37 Colleges 37 Other Adult Programs 38 k-E Clubs 38 Methods and Materials 38 Teacher Education , 39 AUTHOR INDEX kl MASTER'S DEGREES WITHOUT THESES iii . DISTRIBUTION OF THESES AND DEGREES BY SUBJECTS 1959-60 Theses Master's Degrees Subject ~ " I ; j -, Without Theses Master's Doctor's Totali/ Art 6 0 6 10 Child Development 38 17 55 8 Family Life 12 9 21 8 Clothing and Textiles 73 3 76 26 Family Economics and Management 19 l+ 23 0 Home Management • 0 0 0 2 Housing and Equipment IT 2 19 0 Institution Management 19 2 21 5 Nutrition and Foods 115 16 131 29 Home Economics Education 83 20 103 195 General Home Economics 0 0 0 10U Total 382 73 ^55 387 l/ Of the total number of theses reported here, all were in Schools or Departments of Home Economics except as follows: Nutrition and Foods, 18 (12 Master's, 6. Doctor's). DISTRIBUTION OF THESES AND DEGREES BY INSTITUTIONS 1959-60 Institution Master's Doctor's Without Institution Master's Doctor's Without; Theses Theses 7 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 17 Brooklyn College (N. Y.) 0 0 6 3 0 8 Columbia University, Teachers 0 0 h 0 15 32 1+ 0 1 33 8 1 0 0 7 0 3 22 University of California, Berkeley . 1+ 1 0 2 1 3 University of California, Los North Carolina College at Durham . 1+ 0 0 1 0 5 Woman's College, University of 0 0 Ik 9 0 3 2 0 11 18 3 0 2 0 0 1 0 1 3 0 0 Western Reserve University (Ohio) . 0 0 11 3 5 0 13 0 28 0 0 9 6 2 1 2 0 5 9 1 3 6 0 11 Drexel Institute of Technology .... 9 0 6 0 0 5 20 10 8 8 2 . 1 2 0 0 Iowa State University of Science 2 0 0 13 2 0 Tennessee A & I State University . 8 0 0 12 2 0 36 2 2 1 0 1 2 0 0 3 0 27 Prairie View A & M College (Tex.) . 2 0 2 1 0 3 k 0 1 5 0 7 17 3 0 0 0 9 2 0 0 0 0 2 7 0 0 9 9 33 0 0 1 6 3 16 Virginia Polytechnic Institute .... 15 0 1+ 1 0 k 12 0 0 k 0 1 3 0 0 2 0 8 8 0 11 k 0 1 0 0 6 3 0 2 25 k 19 Rutgers University (N. J.) 0 0 3 . ART (1) THE REACTIONS OF CERTAIN GROUPS OF STUDENTS TO FABRIC DESIGNS INSPIRED BY FOREIGN TEXTILES AND WORKS OF ART AND THE CORRELATION OF THESE REACTIONS WITH AGE, ART TRAINING, HOME BACKGROUND, AND CULTURAL EXPERIENCES. Martha Bowie Binch, University of Tennessee, i960. Filed at University Library, Knoxville, Tenn. Master's (2) THE RELATIONSHIP OF WEAVING TO THE ART AND ESTHETIC CONTENT OF VARIOUS CULTURES FROM PRIMITIVE TO MODERN TIMES. Helen Deegan, Texas Woman's University, i960 Filed at University Library, Denton, Tex. Master's (3) AN EXPERIMENT TO DISCOVER IF AWARENESS OF COLOR AS A PERSONALITY EXPRESSION IN THE HOME MIGHT BE INFLUENCED BY AGE, EDUCATION, AND RESIDENTIAL STATUS. Alice Jenkins, University of Tennessee, i960 . Filed at University Library, Knoxville, Tenn. Master's (k) A STUDY OF SOME FACTORS INFLUENCING COLOR FASHIONS IN THE HOME FURNISHINGS INDUSTRY. Joyce J. Kirkland, Drexel Institute of Technology, i960 . Filed at Institute Library, Philadelphia, Pa. Master's (5) THE DAWN OF THE RENAISSANCE IN BURGUNDY. Corinne Murphy, Syracuse University. i960. Filed at Slocum Library, Syracuse, N. Y. Master's A PROPOSED ARTS AND CRAFTS UNIT FOR INDUSTRIAL RECREATION. Alice Jeannine Welch, State University of Iowa, i960 . Filed at University Library, Iowa City, Iowa. Master's CHILD DEVELOPMENT Preschool Child Growth and Behavior (7) THE STRENGTH OF THE ORAL DRIVE AS RELATED TO THE AGE AND METHOD OF WEANING. Salwa Akrawi, Cornell University, i960 . Filed at Mann Library, Ithaca, N. Y. Master's (8) INTEREST AND MEMORY SCORES IN MUSIC FOR PRESCHOOL CHILDREN. Louise Touchstone Bell, University of Mississippi, i960. Filed at University Library, University, Miss. Master's - 1 - s CHILD DEVELOPMENT Preschool Child Teachers (9) INDIVIDUAL BEHAVIOR PATTERNS OF INFANTS . Dorothy F. Berezin, • College , Columbia University, i960 . Filed at College Library, New York, N. Y. Doctor's (10) RELATIONS BETWEEN DOLL PLAY BEHAVIOR AND DEPENDENCE ON TEACHERS OF NURSERY SCHOOL CHILDREN. Rohini Amritlal Doshi, University of Kentucky. 1959. Filed at University Library, Lexington, Ky. Master's (11) BEHAVIOR DURING REST AND THE EATING PATTERNS OF CHILDREN AT NURSERY SCHOOL. Afra Margaret Fernandes, Oregon State College, i960 . Filed at College Library, Corvallis, Ore. Master's (12) PRESCHOOL CHILDREN'S PERFORMANCES WITH REALISTIC AND NONREALISTIC PUZZLES. Janice Carolyn Graning, Iowa State University. 1959. Filed at University Library, Ames, Iowa. Master's (13) A STUDY OF LEVELS OF ASPIRATION IN PRESCHOOL CHILDREN. Patricia Hitchcock Hanson, Washington State University, i960 . Filed at University Library, Pullman, Wash. Master's (Ik) CHILDREN'S SENSITIVITY TO SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES IN HUMAN FACES. Eftihia Matalon, Cornell University, i960 . Filed at Mann Library, Ithaca, N. Y. Master's (15) PEER ACCEPTANCE AND STABILITY OF CHOICE AT KINDERGARTEN AND FIRST GRADE LEVELS A COMPARISON OF NURSERY SCHOOL AND NON -NURSERY SCHOOL CHILDREN. Perrylin R. McKelvie, Cornell University, i960 . Filed at Mann Library, Ithaca, N. Y. Mast (16) THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DIFFERENCES IN PARENTAL ATTITUDES TOWARD CONTROL AND ADULT AVOIDANCE BEHAVIOR IN YOUNG CHILDREN. Eleanor Payler, University of Tennessee. 1959- Filed at University Library, Knoxville, Tenn. Master's (IT) THE HOME PLAY LIFE OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE INCIDENCE OF IMAGINARY COMPANIONS CREATED BY THE CHILDREN. Patricia Pinckley, University of Tennessee. 1959- Filed at University Library, Knoxville, Tenn. Master ' (18) AGE AND SEX TRENDS IN COMPETITIVE BEHAVIOR OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN. John Elton Ranney, University of Nebraska, i960 . Filed at University Library, Lincoln, Nebr . Master's (19) THE RELATIONSHIP OF MOTOR ABILITIES AND PEER ACCEPTANCE OF MENTALLY RETARDED CHILDREN. Judith Roser, University of Minnesota. 1959. Filed at University Library, Minneapolis, Minn. Master's (20) LEADERSHIP OF CHILDREN AS RELATED TO PARENTAL ACCEPTANCE. Patricia Russell Sayed, The Pennsylvania State University, i960 . Filed at Pattee Library, University Park, Pa. Master's (21) EARLY ADJUSTMENT OF TWO- AND THREE -YEAR -OLD CHILDREN IN CHURCH NURSERIES UNDER DIFFERENT INDUCTION PROCEDURES. Ruth Towne, Oregon State College, i960 . Filed at College Library, Corvallis, Ore. Doctor ' - 2 - s CHILD DEVELOPMENT Preschool Child (22) ADULT INFLUENCE ON THE CREATIVE DRAWINGS OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN. Sara DeGroot Urban, Iowa State University, i960 . Filed at University Library, Ames, Iowa. Master's (23) SOME EFFECTS OF VARIED ATTENTIVENESS BY AN ADULT ON CHILDREN'S REACTIONS TO BEING WATCHED. Janet Marie VonHendy, Cornell University, i960 . Filed at Mann Library, Ithaca, N. Y. Master's (2k) MATERNAL ACCEPTANCE AS PERCEIVED BY CHILDREN. Grady White, The Pennsylvania State University, i960 . Filed at Pattee Library, University Park, Pa. Master ' (25) GROWTH PATTERNS AND FRUSTRATION RESPONSES OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN. Marcia Kay Wilsie, Iowa State University, i960 . Filed at University Library, Ames, Iowa. Master 1 s Guidance of Preschool Children (26) A SUGGESTED GUIDE FOR PARENTS OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN.
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