University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 11-29-2010 Central Florida Future, Vol. 42 No. 75, November 29, 2010 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 42 No. 75, November 29, 2010" (2010). Central Florida Future. 2348. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/2348 SGA-approve Title town, Fla. Students aim to have With win, UCF will host C-USA new bike co-op running title game this Saturday -SEESPORTS,A8 by spring - SEE NEWS,A2 Service I WHOYAGONNACALL AFTER A GRE improvement underway HANGOVER New test to go into effect August 2011 Your head aches, you're hungry and CHRISTY PHILLIPS Kaplan Test Prep survey To vote on apoll your house is littered with sticky Contributing Writer plastic cups. Who ya gonna call? released earlier this about this article: Hangover Helpers.Two University of month. www.UCFNews.com Colorado graduates are marketing a As students prepare to The release of the new business by that name in graduate from UCF this results of the Kaplan sur­ ferent format, anew scor­ Boulder, home of CU's main campus. semester, various options vey follow a recent ing system and should bet­ They'll bring in breakfast burritos await them, one of them announcement from the ter reveal astudent's likely and Gatorade the morning after a being grad school. Graduate Record Exam success in graduate party - and dean up the mess. But for those who want regarding changes to the school, according to the Marc Simons started deaning party to e~end their time with­ test required for entrance website of the Educational houses about ayear ago for extra in the walls of aclassroom, into most graduate .school Test Service, the adminis­ cash and realized he'd found aniche , the competition just got programs expected to go trator of the GRE. despite the bad economy. He that much more intense - into effect next August. Patricia Bishop, the teamed up with high school friend or at least it's expected The revised test will LILYMAXWELL /C ENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE Alex Vere-Nicoll and started to- according to a new have new questions, adif- PLEASE SEE ONA5 UCF alum Josh Bousfield and Amanda Niepert, who is applying to grad school at Hangover Helpers.They charge $15 APPLICANTS UCF,study their GMAT guides Nov. 22 at the University Technology Center. mmate. I Prof. finds inmates feign Breaking news on mental ilhtess la your cell Faking illness involves perks Get UCF news sent to your cell phone. Just text the keyword JENNIFER PRITCHARD UCFNEWS to 44636. ContributingWr iter The mentally ill population imprisoned in AROUND CAMPUS,A2 the U.S. is the highest it has ever been, but some inmates aren't being entirely honest about their RESEARCH EVENT symptoms. Dr. Andrew Nanton, assistant professor of SENDS STUDENTS psychiatry at the UCF College of Medicine has OFF-CAMPUS recently discovered that inmates are feigning Hosted in the Student Union, mental illnesses in an effort to gain advantages the research event will invite while serving out their sentences. students to attend institutions "It's a small but important number who are within the US and overseas for feigning their symptoms," Nanton said research purposes.The research The most common motives to pretend period runs during the summer. among inmates were not what Nanton had expected. Rather than to avoid criminal conse­ quences, more common reasons included obtaining prescription drugs or getting better LOCAL &STATE, A2 housing arrangements. Sophomore psychology major Lee Fouche is BURGLAR MADE not surprised that some inmates are choosing to BROWNIES,SURFED feign mental illnesses. WEB, STOLE GUN "People fighting drug addictions in prison Authorities are searching for a PLEASESEE STU DY ON A4 burglar they say broke into a Jacksonville home, baked brownies, surfed the Internet and took anap before fleeing Video games help with the homeowner's gun. Fructose corn syrup students stay active ELDERLY MAN gains national attention ELYSSA SCHWARTZ ACCUSED OF ASHLEY SI KAND Forcommentson ContributingW riter Contributing Writer this artide, see: The video gamers' familiar sound of clicks ATTACKING DEPUTY • www.UCFNews.com and taps from their Xbox or PlayStation con­ Authorities say an irate 84-year­ In the lab, researchers troller is being replaced by the sound of afast­ old man hit adeputy in the dressed in white coats sur­ to fuel their growth, this is paced "ba-bum-ba-bum-ba-bum''- an increased stomach with his cane when rounded two petri dishes the first time a link has heart rate. the officer warned him to leave following the carbon­ been shown between fruc­ The video game industry has been consistent aclinic where he had been labeled sugars in the cells, tose and cancer prolifera­ MCT CAMPUS in coming out with products that get gamers off cursing at an office manager. to determine what exactly tion," Dr. Anthony Heaney, Modified genetically, corn is used in the couch and use they were being used for an associate professor of everything from food to batteries. their bodies as the For more photos and how. medicine and neuro­ controllers. Dance .G onthisstory,see: University of California surgery, aJonsson Cancer sugar). Dance Revolution 0 www.UCFNews.com INDEX TODAY'S at Los Angeles' Jonsson Center researcher and It is also an ingredient was one of the first Around Campus 21 WEATHER Cancer Center said it was senior author of the study derived from corn. followed by the N°IDtendo Wri Fit and the newest Weather 2 ,. glucose and fructose that said ''It is important to know of them all: The Xbox Kinect. Local &State 2 triggered this rapid prolif­ Fructose· was intro­ that the UCLA study and Assistant professor of medical education and Sports Sj ,, eration in the cells -can­ duced into the United all other scientific nutrition Dr. Susan J. Hewlings said these types of Opinion 10 cer cells that is. States in the late 1970s as a research that has been video games create interactive learning and has Classifieds 11 EVENING '½!though it's widely liquid sweetener that done does not show that so far shown to be effective. Sudoku 11 SHOWERS known that cancers use could be used as an alter­ ''I think it's another learning tooi another way glucose-a simple sugar- native to sucrose (table PLEASE SEE KEY ON A7 to get information out there. It's away to address Crossword 11 80° 65° the screen users in an interactiveway to promote I HIGH IDW PLEASE SEESTUDENTS ON A6 • $1.00PETTOYS 1,---- S[>end--- • and up! • .Jll!!IJ ·elry6Slm Spray Snow Paper Towels Glasses ffiillcegreat : ~5 Christmas Gifts! $1.99 $1.00 GIFT BAGS Boxof10 IBEEIR :anageta Sbirlingat hristmas Cards P<> N C:i $1.00 $1.00 $12.99 Christmas - as Candy'~~~ - 'FREE Garland St.arting at Lil]?)~ e $1.00&3.99 $1.00 $1 :·------Pr~ 1~ 1~ct A2 www.CentralF/oridaFuture.com Nov. 29, 2010• (tntral :.fforiba :futu" AROUNDCAMPUS (entral News and notices for the UCF communi.ty Off-campus research sends jforiba students around the world Students who join the program will be eligible to research at universities The1uture Student Newspaper at UCF since 1968 and institutions outside of UCF. Institutes, such as November 29, 2010 the National Institutes of Vol 42, Issue 75 • 12 Pages Health, are also included. The Centro/ Florido Funx, Is the independent. student­ Previous UCF stu­ wnrten newspaper at the Univellity of Central Ronda. Opinions in the Future are those of thei ndividual dents have researched at columnist and notnece<>lrtly those of the editonal ru,ff Harvard, Yale and Van­ or the Univer;ity administration. Allconten tis property derbilt. of the Central Florido Future and may not be reprim.d in The event, held on part or in whole without permissionfrom thepublisher. Tuesday, will run from 1 to 2:30 p.m. in Room 218A NEWSROOM of the Student Union. All 407-447-4558? students are welcome to Editor-in-Chief Emre Kelly x2P attend. UCF's registered student organization dedicated to all things bicyde, Spokescouncil has helped to develop the new cooperative. CFF.editor@gmailcom Apollo community to host memory-sharpening event News Editors With final exams Brandi Broxson x213 approaching, the Apollo Katie Kustura x213 community will be host­ [email protected] ing an event for all stu­ Online News Editor Meghan Lindner x213 dents. Changing gears Online.CFF@gmailcom It will be designed to help in information reten­ Spokescouncil cooperative seeks place on-campus Opinions Editor tion for students who Adrienne Cutway x213 need to study for finals. BRITTANY BLACKSHEAR has been working with the Stu­ campus and a'hub' for bike cul­ Opinions.CFF@gmailcom The event will be held Contributing Writer dent Union to secure aspace ture." from 6to 7p.m. on Tues­ close to the heart of campus. Bagnell wrote that the reso­ Sports Editors day in the Apollo commu­ The biggest news in UCF "We've picked a site and lution passed by senate would Danny Aiello x215 nity. For further informa­ bike culture should manifest everyone seems excited about help the club in making strides Mike Balducci x215 tion, students can visit itself somewhere on campus the project, however I think to speed up the construction of [email protected] www.sarc.sdes.ucf.edu.
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