87 ISOM News 2014 Orthomolecular Medicine Hall of Fame Inaugurated in 2004, the Orthomolecular Medicine Hall of Fame recognizes the achievements of pioneers and leaders in the advancement of Orthomolecular Medicine. On Saturday, April 26, during the Orthomolecular Medicine Today Conference, three new members were inducted, bringing the total number in the Hall of Fame to sixty. Pictured above from left to right: John Thoreson, who accepted the induction on behalf of John Ely, PhD; Patrick Holford; and Alex- ander Schauss, PhD. John T.A. Ely, PhD He began his research professorship the University of Washington in 1969. Because John Thomas Anderson Ely, Jr. was born in of his satellite cosmic ray research and in- 1923 in San Francisco, California. He received terest in the mutagenic burden of the pen- a BSc in 1952 from Eastern Washington Uni- etrating background radiation and its pos- versity, and a MSc in 1959 and PhD in Physics sible role in aging and neoplastic initiations, in 1969 from the University of Washington. he found statistically significant latitude He enlisted in the Army Air Corps in dependence in cancer mortality. The back- 1943. The military immediately recognized ground radiation decreases at low latitudes his intellectual abilities and he was assigned and cancer deaths appeared to exhibit the to training at the Pre-Meteorology Program same trend, except for a few low latitude at Amherst College, then the Communica- countries whose high mortalities violated tions Course at Yale University and Radar this expectation. From WHO data, he found Electronics Course in Boca Raton Florida. that those countries had high sugar/refined These studies were the beginning of a 25 carbohydrate consumption. Using this data year Air Force career. and two discoveries on leukocytes, he de- He went through pilot training at Ran- duced the glucose ascorbate antagonism dolph Air Force and received his wings theory (GAA). In 1973, John related to from Eddie Rickenbacker in February 1949. Linus Pauling a theoretical reason why the From 1960-1964, John was a physicist in the clinical trials of vitamin C against colds and Space Physics Lab at Air Force Cambridge cancer may have failed because of the high Research Laboratories. His rank at retire- blood sugar levels in the affluent nations. ment was Colonel. The GAA was described in over a dozen 88 Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Vol 29, No 2, 2014 John T. A. Ely Alexander G. Schauss peer reviewed publications, as well as, sev- ton, and lives near Tucson, Arizona, with eral articles in the Journal of Orthomolecular plans to continue researching the role of nu- Medicine. These articles show how GAA has trients on brain function, and foods such as relevance to infectious diseases, atheroscle- acai on immune and brain function. He pre- rosis, birth defects, cancer and aging. viously held the rank of Clinical Professor For 20 years, John contributed to the of Natural Products Research and Adjunct Well Mind Association of Seattle. He wrote Research Professor of Botanical Medicine articles for their newsletters showing how at the National College of Naturopathic various conditions and nutrients could affect Medicine in Portland, Oregon, Associate the brain. Professor of Research at the Southwest Col- lege of Naturopathic Medicine and Health Alexander G. Schauss Sciences in Tempe, Arizona; and, lecturer in biostatistics and epidemiology at Bastyr Alexander Schauss began studying nu- University in Seattle. trition and botanical medicine in 1969, the He has been a member of the NIH Of- same year he organized his first clinical trial fice of Alternative Medicine Advisory Coun- on the use of high dose oral vitamin C and cil; a member of the Ad Hoc Developmental its effects on opioid receptors in the treat- Planning Committee of the NIH Office of ment of heroin withdrawal syndrome, a Dietary Supplements, a reviewer of botani- landmark study that attracted the attention cal standards and information monographs of Dr. Linus Pauling. He earned his un- for the U.S. Pharmacopoeia Convention, to dergraduate, graduate and doctoral degrees which he currently serves on one of its Ex- at the University of New Mexico at Albu- pert Panels. In 1985, he was appointed by querque and, California Coast University in the US government to represent the United Santa Ana, respectively, completing post- States as a voting member to the WHO graduate studies and continuing education Study Group on Health Promotion. In courses at the University of New Mexico, 1991, he cofounded and in 1992 directed, the University of Washington at Seattle and Citizens For Health, a national non-profit several others. lobbying organization, which Congressional Currently, he is the Director of Natural sponsors credited with providing the historic and Medicinal Products Research, AIBMR grass roots support that led to passage of the Life Sciences, based in Puyallup, Washing- Dietary Supplement Health and Education 89 ISOM News of Abram Hoffer, President of the Interna- Patrick J. Holford tional Schizophrenia Foundation in Canada – both leaders in the field of mental health and nutrition. In 1980 he started treating mental health patients with nutritional medicine and in 1984 he founded the Institute of Optimum Nutrition (ION), a charitable and indepen- dent educational trust for the furtherance of research and education into nutrition. Li- nus Pauling became a Patron of the school, which is one of the leading training schools in the UK offering degree-accredited train- ing in nutritional therapy. Patrick retired as director of ION in 1997 to focus on writ- ing, teaching and researching. He is a regular contributor to the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine. (DSHEA) Act of 1994. In 2003 Patrick founded the Brain Schauss is the author or co-author of Bio Centre, a treatment centre pioneering 225 papers or works, including 23 books, and the optimum nutrition approach for men- a diverse range of papers in such journals as tal health, to formalize the treatment of the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemis- mental health with nutrition and to act as try, Food and Chemical Toxicology, Regulatory a research centre. Together with Prof. An- Toxicology and Pharmacology, International dre Tylee he formed the specialist group in Journal of Biochemistry, International Journal mental health and nutrition, now operating of Neurology, Nutrition Research, Toxicology, as the charitable Food for the Brain Foun- Biological Trace Element Research, the Journal dation, which owns the Brain Bio Centre. of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, He has championed the need to focus on and the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, Alzheimer’s as a preventable disease and is for which he serves as Associate Editor. currently involved in clinical research test- ing an orthomolecular approach to schizo- phrenia. Patrick J. Holford Currently Patrick lectures and conducts Patrick Holford is a pioneer in new workshops internationally for the public and approaches to health and nutrition, spe- health professionals, including several pre- cializing in the field of mental health. He sentations at the Orthomolecular Medicine is widely regarded as Britain’s best selling Today Conference, on a range of subjects. author and leading spokesman on nutrition His knowledge, personality and enthusiasm and mental health. He has written 36 books together with a strong scientific approach which are translated into 29 languages. Pat- helps him to stimulate lively debates, simpli- rick regularly appears on radio shows and fying complex issues and helping the public national television and is frequently quoted and professionals to expand their under- in national newspapers. standing of health issues. Patrick graduated with a BSc from York Patrick is an honorary fellow of the Brit- University in 1976. While completing his ish Association of Nutritional Therapy, as degree in Experimental Psychology he re- well as a member of the Complementary and searched the role of nutrition in mental ill- Natural Healthcare Council. He is Patron of ness. He became a student of Carl Pfeiffer of the South African Association of Nutrition- Princeton’s Brain Bio Centre, and a student al Therapy. 90 Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Vol 29, No 2, 2014 JCIT Seminar in Tokyo Pictured (from left): Dr. Thomas Levy; Dr. Ilyes Baghli; and Dr. Atsuo Yanagisawa The Japanese College of Intravenous oxidants.” He also mentioned the impor- Therapy, an associate member of the ISOM, tance of integrated medicine in confronting held a full-day seminar on March 23, hosted the radiation-related health risks, noting that by the president Dr. Atsuo Yanagisawa. More both Algeria and Japan face damages from than 80 doctors/dentists and paramedics radiation poisoning. During the seminar, Dr. from all over Japan attended the seminar. Yanagisawa officially announced Dr. Baghli Dr. Thomas Levy joined the Japanese as an International Board Member of JCIT. colleagues as the main speaker, discussing Members of JCIT enjoyed the border- various topics related to orthomolecular less interaction and exchange of opinions medicine: “Optimizing Vitamin C Therapy”, among medical professionals, regardless of “Death by Calcium; The Toxic Nutrient”, their nationalities or field of specialization. and “Root Canals, Heart Disease, and Can- cer.” His lectures were eye opening for many of the attendees, especially in highlighting the importance of multi-dimensional treat- ment including nutrition and dental care. Dr. Ilyes Baghli, President of Algerian Society for Nutrition and Orthomolecular Medicine, also joined the seminar as a spe- cial guest, discussing the topic “Protective effects of vitamin C and NADH on in-vitro lymphocyte function in the presence of pro-.
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