DELAWARE INdiAN NEWS THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE DELAWARE TRIBE OF INDIANS Lënapeí Pampil April 2014 ▪ Volume 37, Issue No. II times, which is not conducive to Message from the Chief maintaining attention on matters before the Tribal Council. Chief Paula Pechonick Just before the holidays, I had to make a hard decision not to ëlikishku! Spring is here! ulations! This is the highest your continue a contract with two con- WI hope this issue of the popularity will ever be.” I made sultants, but I did not feel the con- DIN finds you well. As we close the decision early on—I would tract was in the Tribe’s best inter- the second quarter of my fourth not let the inevitable stress get est to continue under the terms. A year in office I find it hard to be- to me. This mindset has worked split vote left the Council some- lieve time goes so fast. I want to well for moving forward, though what fractionated for quite some get a few things out of the way some days don’t go as I hoped, time; this was compounded by before I tell you how we’ve we’ve come a long way! the extended absence of Nathan been since the last issue. This I am happy to announce that Young due to knee surgery just time, four years ago, I had no I purchased the center spread of after Christmas. We move for- thoughts of running for Chief. this issue of the DIN to announce ward, nonetheless. Inclement I heard talk of others running; my campaign for re-election. I weather and the extended ill- I talked to two former Chiefs have once again asked Janifer nesses of several employees, as Lenape Gourd Dance Society in 1994 (see page 10). to hear they were not going to Brown and Jenifer Pechonick well as intermittent winter sinus/ run. As I prayed to the Creator to serve with me. (Verna had respiratory issues for each of our have been working closely with States Senator Jerry Moran of to help our Tribe I asked who already told me she planned to Councilwomen, has slowed prog- the BIA and the Cherokee Nation Kansas when he visited Caney was supposed to be our next run.) I have had a good Council ress of our second quarter goals to smoothly separate our monies. March 18. I spoke at the Ameri- Chief and was quite surprised and we have made much prog- of hiring additional support staff, We have been meeting regularly can Indian Chamber of Com- when He told me – the next ress. We don’t always agree and the launch of a comprehensive with Cherokee Nation Secretary merce in Tulsa to continue efforts Chief was supposed to be me! spend more time by far in work- community-wide survey of Tribal of State Chuck Hoskin, Jr. to dis- for the Tribe to be better known. “Oh no… I said, I’m not doing shops and meetings than any members everywhere, and plans cuss any concerns and resolve any We continue to keep the web site this alone,” and conceded that I other modern-day Council. The of aggressive efforts to reunite issues. updated and find ways to keep would run if He would stay by complicated relationship of the with those tribal members on the One success of these meetings tribal members informed. my side. (And He has, through- Trust Board and Tribal Council, missing list. is that our Housing money was I hope to see you at the pow- out my administration.) I asked compounded with Chet Brooks Nevertheless, spring is here! I released in February for FY2014, wow Memorial Day weekend. In Janifer Brown if she would run serving on both the Tribal Coun- look forward to the nicer weather and in the future our HUD money the very near future you will re- with me. The campaign season cil and as Trust Board Chair and bringing abundant health to of- no longer pass through the Chero- ceive a comprehensive needs sur- wasn’t too rough on us. After the Verna Crawford as secretary of ficials and employees as well kee Nation. vey to assist us in putting together votes were counted, Dale Lewis both Tribal Council and the Trust as tribal members and foster a We started language classes on a Tribal strategic plan. When you came to me and said, “Congrat- Board, creates an atmosphere, at productive spirit. Don’t get me Sunday afternoons and traditional receive it, please take some time wrong—we are still moving clothing class Tuesday evenings to fill it out and return this survey. INDEX mountains!! at the Tribal Center. All are wel- You will be able to return by mail Message from the Chief ..........................................1 Ruthe Blalock Jones ..............................................10 Here are some of the highlights come. I attended a program to or complete online. Tribal Manager Curtis Zunigha ...............................2 Lenape Gourd Dance Society ...............................10 since the last DIN. We have been Council Member Nate Young .................................2 Scholarship Recipients ..........................................11 honor a tribal member, artist and Please keep letting us know Council Member Jenifer Pechonick ........................2 Delaware Tribe Housing Program ........................11 working with the Department professor Ruthe Blalock Jones, in how the Tribe can better serve Community .............................................................3 Artifacts from Frank Speck Collection .................11 Delaware Tribe Historic Preservation Office ..........4 Obituaries ..............................................................14 of Commerce in Kansas on de- Tulsa. We continue to work on a you and your family. Together Enrollment Department ...........................................4 Minutes of the Tribal Council ...............................16 velopment of the acreage near Delawares and Cherokees Housing Agreement ......5 Education Assistance ............................................18 638 program jurisdiction in Kan- we can build a better future. LIHEAP ..................................................................5 Community Services Program ..............................18 Lawrence and economic devel- sas. We are working with federal Delaware Tribe Environmental Program ................6 Minutes of the Trust Board ...................................19 Choose to Lose Program .........................................7 Editorials ...............................................................23 opment. We went to the annual offices in Washington, DC for ju- Wanishi, Wellness Center.......................................................7 Cultural Resources ................................................24 BIA budget meeting in Musk- Language Preservation Project ...............................8 From the Tribal Archives ......................................24 risdiction of other programs in Chief Pechonick■ Child Support Services ...........................................9 NMAI Historians Visit ..........................................24 ogee, OK to make sure the Tribe Kansas. We visited with United is included on future budgets. We Page 2 Lënapeí Pampil (Delaware Indian News) April 2014 From the Office of the Tribal Manager, From the Desk of Council Member Nate Young Curtis Zunigha total knee replacement, ac- ship. All of our employees have t’s been quite a demanding A cidents that have slowed kept the tribe moving forward, Iwinter season here in Oklaho- my recovery, and the bad weath- even through tough times. They ma including being shut down for er have limited my involvement often do more with less. In ad- several days due to snow and ice. in Council activities the past dition, every member of the We’ve done our best to continue few months. Thankfully, some Council has worked diligently services and provide for the needs Council and Trust Board mem- for a better and brighter future of our community. Maintaining bers, along with several of our for our Tribe. We do not always 117 units of tribal housing in 4 tribal members, have kept me agree on every issue, but every counties has been a challenge, informed of the latest devel- Council member has given his but one that we’ve met through sales to tribal members will be opments at the tribe. Assistant or her best. the good work of our housing donated to the tribe’s non-profit Chief Chet Brooks and Council John F. Kennedy said, “The staff and maintenance company. foundation. If you are in Bartles- Secretary Verna Crawford have very word ‘secrecy’ is repug- We have also accomplished some ville and like Mexican food, stop always been available to share nant in a free and open society; goals in our relationship with by and enjoy the meal and the information. Another that has and we are as a people inher- cussion on tribal scholarships, Cherokee Nation and the Bureau tribal benefit. always been helpful is Execu- ently and historically opposed to stated we need more account- of Indian Affairs. As a US Air Force veteran I tive Assistant Sandra Jamison. secret societies, to secret oaths, ability on the use of our funds. In January we signed an imple- am proud to announce the new During my absences, I discov- and to secret proceedings.” Ron- She is correct in the need for ac- mentation agreement with Chero- Veterans Committee that recently ered that Tribal Council member ald Reagan stated, “Trust, but countability in government. Our kee Nation that transfers control formed. In addition to perform- Jenifer Pechonick has devoted verify.” Should not a Delaware accountability is to our 10,000 of a $576,436 federal housing ing ceremonial duties with the a lot of time and energy on our tribal member have the same tribal members. grant to the Delaware Tribe. Lenape Color Guard, the new service area expansion. Glow- rights they have as an American Finally, I would like to make Then we reached a settlement group will assist veterans with ing reports from Kansas offi- citizen, an Oklahoman, Texan, an appeal for any assistance with the BIA to receive $262,893 filing VA claims and addressing cials show the results of her hard etc.? The issue of open records we can give to the Delaware in claims for mismanagement of national issues like funding for work. and a tribal open meeting law War Mothers. Both my late fa- trust funds.
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