u ?- Eat More Home of the Peach Ridge Fruits Sparta Foundry Co. Highest Quaiiiv Orown World's I arftsl Producers Anywhere in Michigan of Piston Ring Castings Sentinel-Leader f VOLUME 34—ESTABLISHED 1876 SPARTA. MICH., FRIDAY. APRIL 14, 1933 NUMBER 15 GARDEN CU B OF CANADA SPARTA LITERARY CORNERS MET THURSDAY 1 n HOLLAND BEET SUGAR MILL The Country Garden Club met with The Easter Bonnet Mrs. J. H. Bennett Thursday. Mrs 1J CLUB ENJOYS ART Maude Vaughn being assistant hostess. As each guest arrived there was a name WILL RE-OPEN THIS SUMMER of a I lower pinned to her back and she iWJpSAKtS, IT5 THEVO?/ was requested to guess the same by same fAT THAT ne/omM PROGRAM APRIL 6 hints furnished her, before she could MISUNDERSTANDING CAUSES partake of the potluck dinner. peekinv WCE -I'M so / MANY MOTORISTS TO FAIL TO GET HALF-PRICE PERMITS With art" the subject for consider- «»• Jan* HarrLse Mnv Jessie Krey Many Farmers in This ation a most worth-while program was and Mrs. -fanet Stock dale gave several eihv i ' % Because of lack of information, many presented by Mrs. Charles Colts when useful suggestions on how to construct ILL WEAK IT : d lanl M 1,na motorists have tailed lo take advantage j tne Ladies' Literary Club met on "' P ^ K " ^. of the half-price permit, allowing use Territory Have Con- Wednesday at the home ol Mrs. Hazel Morton sang Biossoriis by the Way- HEXT sondav of l'J32 automobile plates until August' N'oms %ide Mrs. Ethel Osborn received a i. This shown by thc inquiries that' Mrs. Dora Clute under thc topic, ^ple plant for guewtag tte names ol are being received by the Department tracted Acreage "Chautauqua Artists.' told in an in- flowers represented oy pictures. Mrs ol State regarding tlie new law. teresting way. something of the people Augusta Feters received a garden note- In many communities the belief is who make up the programs there, giv- book for naming the plants ir. the prevalent that the half-price permits According to a news item sent to us ing also an outline of the many things *»_, nad to be secured before April 1. The by William C. Vandenfcurg. who was one is privileged If enjoy. Mrs. Clute Mrs. Ethel Osborn and Mrs. Harri- appointed some lime ago to make an son joined the club. The club now has law provides lhat the permits can be read a poem for which she was award- secured at any time prior to August endeavor to have the Holland Sugar ed a red ribbon during her ,'ast visit 26 members. The next meetuig will factory re-opened, the venture hp- be held at Mrs. Nina Muma's May 4. l. the day upon winch they cease to to Chautauqua. oe effective. After August, motorists, been a success. Mrs. J. Harry Brace spoke capably il they continue to use their vehicles. Sufficient acreage lias been contract- on The Value of Manual Arts." speak- MOTHER AND DAUGHTER BAN- *iil be required to pay the second halt ed and the large plant, which has lain ing generally from a standpoint of the QUET AT BAPTIST CHURCH of the weight tax and after lhat pay- dormant for several years will again work in elementary grades. ment, wQ receive 1933 license plates hum with activity. Mrs. Thomas Chapman. Mrs Ed An- The Mother and Daughter Banquet Many letters received by the depart- The seed for beets has been ordered • i derson. Mrs. Fred Clark and Mrs. H will be held Wednesday evening. April ment show that many motorists be- and all legal procedure has been ar- E. Engstrom in discussing "Important 19. at the Baptist Church. The presi- lieve that the half-price permits can ranged for. Things in Education." "Values of Home dents of the various giris" organizations be received only in Lansing. The per- Mr. Vandenburg, in his report com- Economics in the Community," Mis- in Sparta are cooperating to have an mits are on sale at all of the depart- ments in part, as follows: "All with cellaueous Facts' and "Appreciation of interesting program. It will be a varied ment branch officcs and it is not nec- whom I had dealings in connection Art." left no doubt 111 the minds of program and will be of interest to essary lo make application in Lansing. the women as lo the importance of the mothers as well as the daughters. The with the re-opening of the null were One of the most frequent questions cordial and friendly and the reception, teaching of art in our schools, l he price of 25 cents is very low and the asked of the department is whether a value was further demonstrated by a purpose ni this is to permit everyone interest and response at >ur meetings half-pnce permit can be obtained for with the farmers were all that could line collection loaned for the occasion lo go. The proceeds gc to the mission- an automobile without a 1932 license, be expected. by O. E. Belyeat and Miss Kathleen ary societies of the Baptist and Metho- rne new law does permit this, anu Oliddon. dist Churches. several hundred permits already have " I want lo go on record in publicly Mrs J. E. Lillie of Casnovia. accom- The women are urged to participate vn i sued for automobiles which were expressing my appreciation to the panied by Mrs. Harold Saur of Kent in this event as it has a value to the not operated in 1932. county agricultural agents for 100 per cent cooperation. I am impressed thai c.ty. sang delightfully, "Brown Bird life of the community and this year The !aw requires that the permit be ..iiese men know their business and are bulging" by Wood. "An April Girl" by more stress needs to be laid on such fastened lo the lower right hand cor- experts in their line and thc farmers 1-airlamb and "Open the Gales of the things. Get in touch with the ticket ner of the windshield of the auto- need them because ol the help and Temple" by Knapp. Mrs. Lillie has a committees. Mrs. E. Phil Bradstrum. mobile for which it is issued. Yet many advance they are able to lender and lovely lyric soprano voice with a wide chairman; Mrs. Saur. Mrs. L. W reports arc being received slating thai ue city folks need them because range and sang with the finish of an Shears. Mrs. M. At beam for the Meih- the permits are being enclosed in a through their work we are getting bet- arlist. Her interpretation of her music odist society; Mrs Fred Clark. Mrs corner ol the windshield. It is neces- ter farm products. was most pleasing, as was the piano Barth Carlson and Mrs. Tom Chapman sary that the permits be fastened so work of Mrs. Eaur. for the Baptist society. CASNOVIA L. L. C. LUNCHEON firmly that they cannot be transferred 1 also ret lived whole-hearted sup- Mrs. A. O. Odegard portrayed the MEETING IS MOST SUCCESSFUL M. E. Church Choir irom one automobile to another. The port irom the farmers' cooperative ->s- loveliness of the season in the rendi- 4-11 AND SCHOOL PLAY Proposed Legislation Department ol State has no authority s^cialions, giangcs. creameries, boos- tion ol Mendelssohn's "Spring Song" * SOON TO BE PRESENTED One of the most delightful affairs of to extend the use of 1932 plates with- ter clubs and chambers of commerce. and the loyalty of home life in "A the year was thc luncheon given by the out windshield-sticker permits beyond I also wish to give public expres- Scandinavian Lullaby." The 4-H and-school play, "Sound Discussed at C. of C. Social Committee, honoring Miss Es- to Present Cantata April I. sion to the newspapers ior publishing ther Booth of Grand Rapids. Tuesday.! Leroy Martin, accompanied by Mrs Your Horn." will start out next week. schedules of meetings and giving free- D. J. Moore entertained with Mozart's ly of their space and to all those who April 18. and wl!' continue with its April 11. at the home of Mrs. B. W.l SPARTA FI.\ CO. TO HAVE FLY ' Concerto" on the bassoon, prelacing made il possible for us to use schools, 14 performances through the first week Several obnoxious legislative pro- Chase. Twenty-four reservations were a musical treat is in store for Sparta DISPLAY IN GRAND It APIDS the playing with an interesting bit ol lown hails, and other places in which of May. posals. some of which are ridiculous made. The guests were seated at two j;i the form of an Easter cantata. "Re- history ol the development of the in- 1 This is a three-act comedy, sparkling to the exlreme are now being con-| long_ tables, which were prettily decor- demption'. s Song._ " by Fred B. Molton Thn ri1e Sparta ..Fl.y Company. Grove have held our meetings. strument. with wit and humor. A well-trained sidered at Lansing. Many of these | uted with spring bouquets and candles J it is a production of rare beauty and street, under the management ol W "I «ni pleased lo announce that we 1 During the business session at which cast under expert direction. Brinn the measures are detrimental io the etfi- | to match. j strength; and has become Increasingly J. Stuart, will have a fly display in have signed up approximately 5.000 the president, Mrs. VanWiltenbcrg. i^ily Local talent will furnish en- dent operation of both manufacture The members and guests adjourned j popular through the years, having the windows ol Herpolshelmer'e.' acres and in view ol the lact that presided, the club voted to make the tertainment between acts.
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