An A ssociated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award Winner THE Up close and personal Vp close and personal with pumpkins, with YoVDee, Bl BS 250 University Center University of Delaware Newark, DE 19716 Tuesday & Friday • • FREE Volume 130, Issue 12 . · T www.revieu:udel.edu October 17, 2003 CNN correspondent shares tales of Iraq war BY COLRT'\f' ELKO administration came tv thc1r hotel room and demantkd Robenson said. '"All we can do i~ open the window and ai!O\\ a )t•mor \n1' E lito,· all their cameras. \ lo~t '' e,tern reponers returned home immedi­ clear vie\\ for people see:· Robertson 'aid. C"\i~ \\ar Correspondent :--;ic Robertson "\\'e ga\e them a fe\\ -;trll p1eturc eamcras and ate!\ afh;r the terrom.t attack-.. he said. and his transla­ Ralph Begleller. dl'>tmgu"hcd JOUrna!i-.t 111 re,J­ described his overseas experiences and the difficult) of tried to con\'incc them '' e didn"t hm c all\ other~. but tor abo lett him. dence. ·aid the uni\ er~ity asked Roben,on to ~peak so reporting under precarious conditions ro approximate­ they earched our room for an hour." he ,ald. '"Luckily. ··\\ e had a responsibilit~ to 1nfonn 'ie\\·ers ''hat ·tudents could broaden their' iC\\ s of countrie . ..tnlund ]) 100 people in .\1itchell Hall Wednesday night. they didn ·t find the camera on the balcoll\.·· ''as !loin!!. on ... he '<aid. "\\ e haYe a ~on of contract the world. The international reporter said when he was Robertson said "hen he later cros~ed the Iraqi '' ith the a-udience ... ··we like to bring people 111 that haYe an interna­ reporting from Iraq he had to deal with daily chal­ border, he hid the film 111 lm sock' and prayed Ira41 Robertson -;aid he ha~ to en!!a!le and entertain the tional perspectiw. and :\ic ha~ spent time reportmg 111 lenges po ed b) its admini tration. oldiers ''ould not strip search him. audience \\ hile gi\ mg a [lir and accurate account of manv different countnes." he said "\\'e would report from the rooftops of buildmgs "We \\'ere disappointed \\·e got expelled." he said. the nC\\'S. 'The L0:IDEL Foundation. the Office of the and we ne\ er knew \\hen \Ve came back down if we "but I felt we did a good job." The'' ay reporting is conducted changes everyday Prm ost and depanmenb of commumcanon and poln­ would be expelled from the count!):· he said. Robertson sa1d after C'\-:- left the count!"), the because of the continual ad\ ance~ in technology. he ical science and international relatiOlb -,pon,orcd the Robertson aid the Iraqi administration liked to Iraqi administration told reporters that anyone as~oci­ said. e' ent, Begleiter aid. keep the Cl\;\1 team off balance. ated with Ci\:\ would be treated as pies. "Three years ago we had the satellite phone. wda: He said the uni' ersit: does not "ant . peaker:-. to ·'They liked us to not know whether or not we "This ultimate!) meant the) ,,·ould be hanged:· \\C have the' ideo phone," Robertson said ··'..;e,, com­ address solei) American top1c~ bccau~e smdcnh need would be there the next da):· he said. he said. puter soff\\·are was updated just o\·er the summer. to learn about other countries·' ie\'. ~ c~~ \\ell. During the 1991 war \\·ith !rag, the country decid­ Robertson aid he had a colleague that was able to which makes ll easier to send stories ... ·'Student need exposure to opm1on and cul<ures ed it could use C:---1"\i to get its me sage to its own audi­ enter the country and pro' ide inf01mation to C'\X This creates a need for 1mmed1ate infonnation, he of other counrrie . especiall~ after the ept. II ence. Robert on said. "It wasn't the arne as being there," he said, "bUt ·aid. attacks." Begleiter said. Howe\ er. in the cu1Tent Iraqi war. the nation I tmsted the information I was giYen ... '"It's excinng, but n·s more pres ure at the same Senior Albert hields ~aid he attended the ~peech decided it did not need C\\' and expelled it from the In addit1on to his experience in Iraq. Robert on time," Robenson said. for a communication cla,s a ·s1gnment. country. bas al o reponed from Afghanistan. where he was There is a pressure for shorter storie becau e Shield said he expected the reporter to be more ··we were asked to leave that night. but we told inYestigating the Taliban ''hen the Sept. II. 200 I ter­ peopk have shorter attention pans. he said. and as a objective in his speech. them it was unsafe and they let us stay the night.'' he rorist attacks occun·ed. result the audience is less informed. "He seemed pretty slanted towards the U. and aid. The best part about being a journalist is the '·There is a daily pressure to gi'e a good. accurate Briti h side of the issues:· he -,ald. Robert on said a major bombing occurred on the chance to report on something important in your life. newsca t." Robertson said. "A stOI) can not be told in Sh1elds aid the storie Robertson told of h•-, night G\'\' was asked to leave. he said. a minute and 30 econds.'" experience as a reporter" ere the most mterestmg pan "We had a perfect view from our hotel room.·· he ··when you're working on a Stat)' you think is Journalists need to prO\ ide enough infonnation to of the speech. said. ··we put a camera on the balcony. hid it with a important like the Taliban. and it switches to the '~orld people o that the) are able to make their O\\n "Dealing "ith cnem~ gO\ emments and all their sheet and left it filming." thinking it's just as important. 1t's the greatest feeling:· infonned decisions about ne,,· . he said. restnctions must haYe been prett: e'\Citmg ... he said. Robertson said early into the bombing. the Iraqi Arts center to City preps cost $42M for weekend B\ K.UIE GRASSO box· productions."' he said, .JdmmistratiW! .\ews Editor "but wil l b~ able to expand the UniYcrsil) Pre~idcnt program to include full stage festivities Da' id P Roselle announced productions in the new facili­ Monda\ the uniwrsitv \\ill be tr .. buildin.g a Center -for the E\·en though these \enues Perfonmng Art~. a proJect that ''ill remain a\ ailable for per­ BY 'TEPHA '\IE \ '\ 0~ I~ Sf. \ ''ill cost :S42 million. fOJmances. Hollowell said ( 1\ \ I {: Da' 1d Ho!Jo,,dJ. 'icc some e\ ems currenth at Before studenh commence '' 11h keg> ,md eggs president of the Utll\ crsit). said Mitchell Hall \\ill be moved to parties this weekend. the) should be a'' arc of senlri­ confinnation of a S I 0 million the ne\\ facility to take ad\'an­ t) measures 111 place around the Cit). donation from <m unspecified tage of the larger performance When the Blue Hen, kick off the homecommg foundation "as recei\ ed space and technical amenities. football game Saturda\. uni' ersit\ and '\e\\ ark \1onda\. Roselle said discussion Poliee ,,·ill be read;. to t~ke action against tllllsC \\ hu The umYersit) ''ill not about the project has been act irrespon~ibl;. announce the name of the going on for se\'eral years. but :-\e\\'ark Pollee Lt. Thomas Le :\lin ,aid supple­ source. be >aid, until the\ dis­ serious plans began last year. mental forces "ill be brought 1n this ''eekend and cuss\\ ith the foundation ho\\ a Con nuction on a parking there'' ill be more pollee officers on dur;. than usual. formal announcement will be deck to replace the lost paces "Our goal is to pre\ ent k1ds fn1 m gettmg hun:· made. wi II begin this spring. he said. Without this donation. he and the center will probably he said. said. constrttction would not not be completed until 2006. Le .\lin said police are gomg to be on the look­ be able to begin until the uni­ Access to the center ,,·ill out for d1 order!;. conduct and underage drrnkmg ' er~ity bad more time to raise be off of Elkton Road and "\\e'll be concentraung large!;. on alcohol' IOia­ necessary funds. Amstel Avenue. tion,." he said. "and e-...cessl\ e use of alcohol. .. The center ,,·ill be located The parking deck will be Lc .\lin said the amount of off-campus dnnkmg next to Amy E. du Pont \1usic built on the field that is now ,,·as a problem police had to deal '' rrh last ~car dur­ Building, he said. and be built the marching band practice ing Homecomin!! '' eekend. on a lot where there arc cur­ field. The deck. he said. will - Besides mo~rroring the •;t adJUm. pnl1ce <He also rently 628 parking spaces. hold 750 cars and parking fees gomg to be -,crutiniZJng propert~ surround1ng the sta­ The center \\ill include a will be the same as other dium \\ ithin cit\ limih. he said. recital hall, a proscenium the­ garage on campus. Some bus1;1csses a!IO\\ patron' to park 111 their ater and a rehearsal studio. he The marching band will said. Dressing rooms and 32 nO\\ practice off of Academy lot·. Le \lin said. and some e\en permit tailgating. practice room~s will also occu­ Street in the field acros from \e,,·ark Polrce are re,ponding to the wncern~ of py the center. the Public Safety Building. pro pert;. O\\ ners. he said. and \1 ill be \lg1'ant It wi II CO\'er 90.000 Heidi San·er.
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