174 Novon Excerptfrom: W. R.Anderson. 2006. EightSegregates from the NeotropicalGenus Masc ag n i a (Malpi g hi aceae) Novon16: 168-204. [Alicia on pages1 T4-1TO, 1771 III. Nicia W. R. Anderson, gen. nov. TYPE: ALicirt unisopetctLo(A. Jussieu in A. St.-Hilaire) W. R. Anclerson. Hirueu set'|. Hirueosl,uchysCrisel.rach, Linnaea 13: 242. 1839. LECTO'fyPE, tlesignatedby Morton (1968: l)20): Hiraea onisopetoLoA. Jussieuin A. St.-Hilaire l: Alicitt unisopetulo"(A. Jussieuin A. St.-Hilaire)W. R. r\nclersonl. lla.scugniusubsect. Serir:oltet.oLisNietlenzu, Arbeiten Bol. lnst. Kdnigl. Lyceum Hosianum Braunsberg3: 15. 1908. LECTOTYPE, clesignatedhere: Masr:agniu rtrti.;opeto,lu.(A. Jussieu in A. St.-Hilaire)Crisebach in Martius [: Alicia onisopeto,kt(A. Jurrieu in A. St.- Hilaire) W. R. Andersonl. Lianae lignosae; larnina in pagina abaxiali aliquot glarrcltLlisparvis impressisinstlucta; stipulae parvae epipe- tiolares prope basim petioli portatae; sepala valvata, 4 lateralia biglandulifera;petala alba, alba €rt rosea.rosea. vel lilacina. abaxialiler dense tomentosavel subsericea; starnina glabra. inter se similaria; styli recti, inler se similares.apic,e clorsaliter rotundati, tmncati. vel apic:ulatil samala alis lateralibus apice clistinctis,basi plerumque continuis. Woody vines. Petiole bearing 2-4(-B) small glanr,ls in 2 rorvs; lamina bearing I'ew to many small glands implessed in abaxial surlace in a rorv parallel to but set in from the margin; stipr-rlesminute, triangular, bome on petiole at or slightly above base. In- florescence a terminal ancl lateral panicle with the ilouers bome decussateor distally irregr-rlarlyin short to elor-rgatedpseudoracernes; flori{'erous peduncle lvell clevelopecl;bracteoles Lrornel.retlveen middle ancl apex o{ peduncle or neal' apex. Sepals valvate, completelv c'oncealing petals dLrring enlargement o{ bud, r'e- cLrrved in anthesis, the latertrl 4 biglantlular, the anterior usually eglandular; corolla bilaterally syrn- rnetrical to almost rar-lial:petals white. rvhite ancl pink. pink, or lilac, spatulatc, abaxially unlvinged anrl Volume16, Number 2 Anderson 175 2006 Segregatesfrom Mascagnia denselv tol'nentoseor subsericeous,arlariall-v glabrous cornpletelyconnate in ovary; styles straight or nearly or sparsely tonrentose, especiallv the lateral 4: so, subequal. laterally somewhat flattened tlistallr,, -starnens|0, all fertile, glabrous: filaments \13-213- clorsally rouncled. truncate, or apiculate at apex. the -+- connate, straight, alike; anthers alike; carpels stigmas internal. Fruit dry, breaking apilrl into 176 Novon selmaras separating Irorn a short pyramidal torus; 1. Alicia anisopetala (A. Jussieu in A. St.-Hilaire) samara suborbicular or transversely elliptical lvith W. R. Anderson, comb. nov. Basionym: Ilirueu latcral wings dominant, membranous or chartaceous nnisopetaLoA. Jussieuin A. St.-Hilaire, Fl. Bras. lvith distal looping anastomoses,cle{i to nut at apex, N{ericf. 3: 15. 1832 [1833]. Moscugnit urtis,4te- usr-rallycontinuous at base (rarely cle{i to nut at base), tuLo (A. Jussieu in A. St.-Hilaire) Crisebach in tl're rnargin usually entire <-rrundulate; dorsal wing Nfartius,FL Bras. 12(1): 95. 1858. TYPE: Brazil. srnall, clistinct at apex, rlistinc't at base ol' veq/ Near Sebastian6polis [Rio de Janeiro], A. St.- alrruptly conlluent with lateral wing; ventral areole HiLuire CataL. D no. 766 (IectoIype, designatecl ovate. Lornbello and Forni-Martins (2002: 246) here, P IMICH, WRA neg. 81-21-19]; isotypes. reprrrterl chromosome counts ol' n : 30 and 2n, : P). Figure 3. 60 lbr ALicin unisopet,aLa(as Mu.scttgniu ctrtisopetokt); I have not hatl the t-rpprortunityto veri{y the identili- Hiroeomecro(:ury)o Choclat, Arch. Sci. Phys.Nat. lll 24: 5(X). cation of their voucher. 1890. TYPE: Paraguay.Asrrncirin, IJ. Bo,lo.nsu2408 (holrtype,G ll' neg. 242851;isotypes, K. P). I happv Mo,st:ngrtitLnobilis C. V. Murton, Pror:. Biol. Soc. Wash. am to name this genus in honor of rrryf iend 'l'YPE: 45: 51. 1932. Penr. Loreto:Yurirnaguas, E. .P. Alicia Lor.rrleig (19f3-2003), co-author o{' the lirst Killip & A. C. Smith 27557 (holotype.US; isotvpe. account of tlre Malpighiaceae of'Argentina (O'Donell NY). & LoLrrteig,1943). During my 1981 visit to study the great wealth of Malpighiaceae in the herbariunr of' 2. Alicia rnacrodisca (Triana & Planchon) W. R. thc Mus6um National rl'Histoire Natr-rrelle in Paris, Anrlerson, comb. nov. Basionym: Hiroea m,ecro- Dr'. Lourteig was unlailingly help{Lrl anrl l-rospitable, djscrz Triana & Planchon, Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot., making mv stay in Paris both pleasarrt anrl pro{ital-rle. 56r. 4, lB: 326. 1,862. Mascugnia m,acrodisca In the rnolecular trees published to date (Cameron (Triana & Plancl-ron) Nicdenzu, Arbeiten Bot. et al., 2001; Davis et al., 2001, 2002). ALir:io was Inst. I(6nigl. Lyceum Hosianum Braunsberg 3: relrresetrteclby A. alLisopetoLct(as Mascugniu urtisolte- 16. 1908. Muscugn,io unisopetaLa var. m.ucro- tuln).The best-resolvedo{'those trees, that o{'Davis et discn (Triana & Planchon) Kostermans, Meclerl. al. (2002), places ALicia witli 90olobootstralr suppolt in Bot. Mus. Herb. Rijksuniv. Utrecht 25: 5. a r:latle tyith CnLLoeumand MuLpighiotlesNierlenzu (as 1936. TYPE: Colombia. Meta: Villavicencrio,./. Most:ogn.iulructeosu Crisebach in Martirrs). All three Trirna 5568-6 (holotype, COL; isotypes, BM, C, g€lnefa have lateral-wingecl samalas and epipetiolar K. MO). stipules. ALir:ia is distinguished from CuLLueum antl X[ulpighiotlc.s by the combination of' glancls in the al'raxial leal' sur{ace, flowers in pseucloracemes,and rlensel,v hairy white/pink/lilac petals that are com- pletel.vconcealecl by the sepals chrring enlargement oi' the lrucl. In A. uruisopet,aLaand some populations o{',4. mucrotlisca (Triana & Planchon) W. R. Anrlerson the petals are strongly tlimorphic, with the posterior petal much larger than the {bur lateral petals, wl-richmakes tltust'lrlitttts quite rlistinclive. ALicirt consists o{' two species r,videspreaclin South America. Kr;rt'rlt Ht: Spnctnsot' Aur-;tA Ia. Larnina abaxially denselv and persistently tornen- tose (rarelv glalrrescent in age), the hairs stalked, n'ith theil crosspieces non-parallel, strlight to trvisted; petals stronglv dimorphic. the postelior petal rnuch larger than the lateral pelals. often ttearly trvice us long anrl urur:h lrroacler; salnara lomcntose or loosely sericeous to glalx'ate. 2.8-5 ' '::-']':'l n i]f ::' "::'::"1':'l'l "l ; ,u,i,o1,"rntu lb. l-anrina abaxialll, sericeurrs to glalrrate. w'ith the hairs sessile, straight, ancl parallel; petals sulreclual to stronglv dimorphic'; samala tightlv serir:eous [o glalrrate. 4-7.5 crn ac:ross . 2. A. mocrorLi.scrt '177 Volume16. Number 2 Anderson tt, 2006 Segregatesfrom Mascagnia t Y( I 5 '"'r.1, !i:':.r fuoa ;,i,i" /r!t/t\\ ti '1,:-f,' ,. ':j'i. ,-- '.': ilrii.'' *i \;irii."' {,fl rll I Jf, tll ,rt il ll T iII {'I iln id i\ v , 1'b' [,., " ,.i \ Figure 3. Alicia anLsopetalo(A. Jr.rssieuin A. St.-Hilaire) W. R. Anderson. -A. F-loweringbranch. -8. Abaxial surfarreof larnina enlargerl to show tiny glands. -C. Arlaxial vierv of petiole to shorv small glanrls and basal stipules. -D. Flower bud. l-. Florver, posterior petal uppermost. --F. Abaxial viervs of lateral petal (left) ancl posterior petal (right). -C. Abaxial vierv of tn'o stamens. -l-1. Cynoeciunr. -I. Samar-a,ahaxial vierv (left) and arlaxial view (right). lJ mm: C, 5 mm; D-F, 4 rnm; G & H, 2 mm: I, 2.7 cn. A-D., nderson I0I Z6 (IVIICH);F,-1, Anderson 117,96(N{ICH). .
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