\. ,1'' • \ i. ->« • I I I . FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1969 Eu^ning ^ralb BloodmohUe Visits Center Church Moh4 ay^ 1 :4 5 to 6:mp.m. ths Probate Court, *1,950.20 from AUjf/john R. Mroeeh-of Man- Tfae W snther c h e r ^ and Richard D. OiChran, the' town clerk’s office. *1,770.6,7 About T o ^ Ver'non, are serving ts'ca1>>: Cervini Lists from the town court, and' *2,160 in ATcrag* Net Press Bun ForeoMt af D. S..Was1fear M m M ,»ins in the 1959 a s r k ITniversltv Statf-shared bus taxes. Far the Week Endtatg . Special Funds F a b n u u y WBIi.’ lfW n » tMcy Speawr G ^ p <rf ^ Alumni Piind Campaign. I>r. SanS- Fair liuid eiildar taulglit. ta id s f Second Ooa*»g«tlon«l C9>urch uel E. Pond. 63 AlS.xanden St , Is Tax Receipts .Under special funds, February jield * rumnioje sole Mwfch J ^serving as one of the workers in receipts amounting to *1,823.11 12,890 fair and littla 4*aaga la tMOpeta- the church, beftnning *t 9M «•»». the. campaign. In February were recorded for the town fire ture. The church w5l be open/r«e»djiy district, *165.47 for the dog. li­ MambMT o f tlia A udit \ nl*ht for the reception of »«">» The Gleaners Circle of the Smith cense fund, and *2,285.63 for the Borwu a t CIrooistloii. / Manche$ter-^A City of Village Charm \ the «le. Mr*. Ralph-Rockwell ie Methodiat WSCS will meet Monday A totsl of |30.0«3.86 was collected parking niet.cr fund. Total receipts \ chairman. y for the year up to Feb., 28 for these at 7:30 p.m. In the chapel. In property taxes during F'ebniRry. Classified Advertising on Page 6) PRICE FIVE CENTS according to the monthly report of three items were listed respective­ MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1939 Marine CplyAruce Tedford. eon ly as *298,807.66. *3,591.18, and This i* the Easter’to look romantic, femihine, elegant.. .to VOL. LXXVin, NO. 183 (TEN PAGES) Mrs. Frances Burke Redick of Paul Cervini, collector of reventic. *20,329.29. of Mr*. U m w Tedford, 4S Acad­ Newington, American Legton De­ emy St.. U U klnj part in an am- I Other sources, Cervini said, 'Phe paiking meter fund now choos6 fabulously flattering fashions from our breath* chlbloHar" exercise with the Second partment chairman of the Girls’ State' program, announces that (brought last month’s total receipts totals *138,777.96, according to taking collection of all that'* new tor spring! Here H ALE’S Marteh hJr Win* on Onslow Laurel Girts’ Stale, sponsored by itn $175,9R«.9P. the controller's office, with *94),- are sumptuous fabric* and color* .,. style* you II lose Top Hoods R ea^ at Camp Lejeune. N. C. the auxiliaries, will be held st the I Since July 1. the start of the fis­ 000 in investments. *8,443.41. in a your heart to, wear proudly again and again! D esperado Midwest Staggers Univei-stty of Connecticut the week cal year, the town has collected -checking account, and *40,334.65 / Maocheater Granjre conferred of June 21-27. The locsl unit will taxes. State aaaistonce, fees, snd in a savings accourit. the first and second decrees on sponsor two Junior girls from other receipts amounting to J.i,- February receipts for the Water Pushed into eilht candidates Wednesday nipht Manchester High School, Miss Bar­ 176,9ns.01 as of Feb. 28, counting a Department c-ame to *31,999.56. Shot Down in oramre Hall. The same dejrree bara Wallen la chairman of local balance from the previous year of bringing the total collected since now teams will go to Westfield Gran^je *227.943.76. July 1 to *302,660.45. on March 19. The home ^tconomics Girl Stale affairs. Black Days According to the report. *834,- A total of *128,339..55 remains to New Spring In Georgia committee will meet at the home be collected to meet the manager’s TH* ASSOCIATM* PB*8S ♦Michigan highways open during . of Nonnle Hildinp, SOI Main St.. Chapman Court. Order of 0,68.99 remaina to be collected be­ estimate for the year of *431.000. By Amaranth, will meet tonight at fore the fiacal y#ar ends Jiipc .30 A wild March snow storm the night. By JACK ADAMS Monday evenlnK to plan the har­ Sewer Department recelnts last TWO 300-foot radio towers were Washington, March 7 (JP)— vest aupper. 7:4.^ in the Manonic Temple. The to balance the general manager's month were *563.14, with the Trenton, Ga., March J W — tapered off and whipped biisine.ss wnll include the initia­ estimate of receipts for the fiscal COSTUME Alabama desperado William downed by 45 m.p.h. winds in Several of the nation’s top tion of candidates, A solcal time year. The e.stimatc was .*6.011.057. year's coller-Uon up to Feb. 28 st through the Northeast today Bowling Green, Ohio, and a house Manchester Assembly Order of *1,602,25. The report said a balance E. Smothers was shor down trailer was overturned while being hoodlums have run into black Rainbow for Girls, will hold a re­ will follow, snd refreshments will Inrhided among the. receipts of *74,247.75 must be collected to after leaving the upper Mid­ 1-e served hy .Mrs. Elizabeth Hea.i- JEWELRY and captured today as he a^ towed on a highway near Lancas­ days since the Justice Depart­ hearsal S\inday at 2 pm. in the : contrihiiting to last month's total meet the year's estimate of *75,- west strait*jacketed in the ter. Ohio. J .airtes and her committee. I were *109,376.92 In .Slate aa.aisl- Chonze from new pa.stel color* in tempted to sh<»t it out with worst late winter weather ment started a big push Masonic Tejnple. 8.50. 'Temperatures took a sharp skid against the underworld a >;ear lance for school constniction, *22,- lucite. al*o apring colors in stone a Georgia sheriff. ^ _ pounding in a decade. east of the Mississippi River, and 203.6.5 to the Board of Kducalion, act jewelry consisting of neck­ PoUca Chief H. H. Hutching* Numerous highways remained early morning readings were up to ago. Red Leader .*1,714.50 from the Building In­ laces, earrings, bracelets, pins, etc. felled the crafty, cigar-smoking blocked in snow-choked sections of 20 degrees colder than a day Moi-e are expected to topple-as spection department. *1.74 1.1.5 fugiO've with a single shot from federal aulliorities continue a his ,38-caliber pistol at Hooker Rd. Iowa. Minnesota, Wisconsin and earlier. from the librariss, *1,220.19 frOm THK OFFICK 01’ Michigan as high winds whipped Snowfall tapered off to flurries steady whittling out of cases Again Shifts CO RRECTION and U.S. Highway 11. snowfalls of up to. 22 inches into in most of the Northeast, although against underworld characters. DR. J. A. SEGAL »1.00-*2.00 Dade County Sheriff Allison Justice Department officials said t h e CORRECT AND IN’TENDED PRICES OF 20-foot drifts. locally heavy flurries depo.sited a Blevins and Hutchins had sur­ fresh'blanket near the lower Great today Atty. Gen. William P. Rog­ THESE TtVO ITEM.S IN 0 | R AD LAST 413 MAIN ST. •lEWELRY BAIl prised the 38-year-pld Smothers Deaths blamed on the storm ers' program for an unrelenting Nerve War NIGHT SHOI LO HAVE READ: JVrsoiial Notices Main Floor At F.ntrance standing by the road near a rail­ numbered. 33—12 In Iowa, 10 in long-term attack on the hoodlum MILL RE CLOSED road crossing, the latter related.- Indiana. 6 in Wisconsin. 2 in In New England, the preclpita- ______' ' ___________ ■ Michigan, 2- in New York and 1 in fion came as heavy rain in mild element is moving along just about Hale's invites you to “He threw his gun in the sher­ 50-degree temperatures. A rainfall as planned. Berlin, Germany, March 7 A LC O A WRAP In Memoriam THURSDAY iff's face,” Hutchings said. ‘‘I beat Pennsylvania. The pre-spring dose (jp)—Weat Berlin Mayor Willy SPAM of winter claimed its victims of 2.17 inches soaked Portland, Systematic Drive select yohr new him to it.’.’ Maine, halting air traffic and har- Brandt said today if the Rua- In iDvinic mpmni’y of I,nrry HAtflpM EVENINGS ’ITie police chief said Smothers through snow shoveling heart at­ Rogers announced the program who Aws*' Marrh fi, 1954, was identified by - a gray coat, tacks, traffic accidents and a .year ago as a systematic "non- aians aign a aeparate peace, 12 Oz. Cgn 2.S Ft. Roll 29c (Contlnueil on Page .\lnet sensalional” drive to combat or­ 45c »»'m1 fni’ifiva* il)p Rllonl |4'ar REGINNING MARCH 5 white shirt, blue trousers and red aaphyxiation. treaty with CornYpunist Eaat A fprvpnl wiAh m\' ^rm wri-t hf'rp. HANDBAG cap which he wore in a desperate Winds gusting up to 50 mlle.s ganized crime with a highly or­ Germany t h e y^ will ruin Thopp arp oihpn«. I knot* THRU APRIL 23 ganized series of prosecutions Blit h* wa«i mlnp and I lovpd him po. now from their large flight through Alabama and into an hour swept the, heavy snow chancea_of a German settle­ nearby Tennessee.
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