'c (Slhtuortl) metrical!. ™ ]yy.s,“ I ellsworth, Maine, Wednesday afternoon, September n, 1918. No. 37. acibfTti*nnmt«. LOCAL AFFAIRS one should be able to lend tbe government the price of one War Savings stamp, which is |4.20 this week, and for which SCHEDULE OF MAILS they will receive ?5 in 192:}. AT V LLP WORTH rOSTOFFICB. The Baptist Sunday school will have a In effect, June "24, 1918. picnic Saturday, Sept. 14, at Contention MAILS RBCBIVED. Cove, leaving the Baptist church at 8.30 Week Day. a. m. A hayrack will take children of From Wbst—6.55 a m; 4.21, 7.08 pm. the school under fifteen years free, and From To Third Loan Eart— 12.23, 5.42,10.87 p m. (10.37 mall these over for 25 cents the round trip. Liberty not distributed until following morning.) Automobiles will be provided for all .Sundays. those who wish to go, fot 75 cents. Those Coupon Bond Subscribers From Wbpt—6.55 a m. who wish may find their own conveyance. No mail from east Sunday. If the weather is unfavorable, tbe picnic When pay day comes—do you put a portion of mails closb at postofficb will be postponed. We are now in the Bank? making deliveries of Week your wages Coupon dayn. H. B. Moor and Martin L. Adams have of Going Wept—11.40 a m; 4.50 and 9pm Bonds the Third Loan to Gov- been chosen as delegates from the Ells- You can a Account here with Liberty Going East—6.30 a m: 3.40 p m. open Savings Oue worth board of trade. to the State board ernment plan of payment subscribers. Sunday*. '! Dollar—or more. meeting at Bar Harbor Sept. 24 and 25. C. * or Going W»pt— £.10 and 9 p m. Please call write us as to whether we L. Morang and George P. Smith are alter- No mail east Sunday. Make the start on next nates. It is expected that many other your pay day* shall hold or forward bonds. I your members from here will go, and the man- Registered mail should be at postofflce half Bank with us. at Bar Harbor desires an esti- au agement j hour before mail closes. mate of tbe number, in order that proper arrangement can be made for the WRATH KK IN ELLSWORTH. banquet. AU who intend to go are requested to For Week Ending at Midnight Tuesday, notify the secretary of the Ellsworth Sept. 10. 1018. board, O. W. Tapley. Union Iter Company | From observations taken at the powri station of the bar Harbor A Union Rivei Staples & Allen, who have purchased q/'Ellsworth.Maine J Prices Are Lowest Power Co., in Ellsworth. Precipitation is the Gaspar lumber mill ou Patten pond given in inches for the hours Haynes’ twenty-four with also ending at midnight.] stream, fiowage rights, large Weather Precip- tracts of tirabertahd west of Patten pond, -■ -... i1 Temperature conditional itatiou Brookfield Cheese, lb, 30c Barbados are planning operations on an extensive 1 Fancy Molasses, 4am 12 in forenoon afternoon jeale. The dam at the mill is being re- the Tbt* l* new and finest Buy libera!'y as we — -I Wed 62- 70- fair fair and made on the flavored cheese we ever will not paired, improvements have this kind Thors 60 — 62— cut. all winter. cloudy cloudy mill. Two staves saws are to be added to Fri 65— 71— rain rain .62 :be mill equipment. Tbe dam at the foot Sat 62 69- cloudy fair j bf Lower Patten is also to be Sun 59— 68— fair fair,rain .05 pond and m dam on Climax Coffee, lb, 22c Climax Tea, lb, 40c Mon 58 — 87— raiu, cloudy cloudy .49 :h<broughly repaired, the brook This is the b*st coflee You can pay more, but you Tues 56— 88— fair fair between the upper and lower ponds, trade we know of. won't get better flavored [or water storage purposes, is contem- tea than this. Mrs. O. P. Dutton is the guest of Mrs. plated. A. P. Witwell. The annual race of the Union River Bon 10c R 34c Ami, bar, Circle! (Substitute, lb. Miss Frances Malone returned Monday pacht club will tie held next Monday, 30% lower than yon psy Takes the place of Cream to Orooo to teach. weather permitting. The race is called at other stores. of Tartar that cos s »5c. for 11 a. m., and the stake-boat will be at Miss Paulene Foster returned Monday Jonteution Cove. Tbe course will be a to her school at Hull, Mass. Brooms, each $1 Paraffine Wax Candles, ;riangular one of twelve to fifteen miles, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Burrill are guests Better a few is there will be five starters. Light weight and good keep in tt expected You Should Have a Fire OOp of Mrs.*BurritPa mother, Mrs. J. T. G iles Suppose To-Night? quality. • the house, they are UUZ, LL\s Interest, of course, centers in the race ban uy. Mibs Mary McDonald of Boston is the between Rev. R. B. Mathews’ sloop Sul- o. w. TAPEEY guest of Misses Kstherine ana Mary an and Dr. E. H. Baker’s Tiger, Brady. rhese sloops are well matched, and the Insurance and Real Estate Rolled 6c Byron Nash will leave to-day for Au- rivalry between them is intense, but Oats, lb, Tapley Building, 69 Main St. Telephones: Office 14, Residence 41-3 where he will be as a and With fair They have to be good or wt would not sell them. gusta, employed friendly sportsmanlike. tel -grapher. weather and a good breeze, an interesting race is looked and it is that Willis M. Foster, who is seriously ill of for, probable MR. FETERS HOMK. FOLLOWED many will go from Ellsworth to see it. BROTHER. I A UAVMITC "CASH AND CARRY” GROCER typhoid fever, is reported as slightly im- i J. A. nAintO, ELLSWORTH proved to-day. Fifty-six descendants of John Fullerton Arrived this Morning From Trip to Moutelle W. Abbott, Formerly of Charles F. Fuller has to Bath to one of the early settlers of Ellsworth, gone the Fighting Front. Ellsworth, Ends His Life. work through the winter. His store here inet at the grange ball, Bayside, Saturday, Congressman John A. Peters arrived Friends in Ellsworth were aho..h.ed to w ill not be dosed. for their annual reunion. After dinner, a home this morning irom bis official tiip learn of the death by suicide sometime pleasant social hour, and an interesting abroad with other members of tbe House Mr. and Mrs. George Harriman, with night of Montelle W. the business was held. Saturday Aboott,for little are program, meeting Naval Affairs committee. He regrets his daughter Margaret, visiting several a resident THEATRE A. E. years of Ellsworth, BIJOU in Mass. Officers elected: President, Jones; to reach Lome for election day. relatives Springfield, inability where he was in the Hancock E. L. employed vice-president, Capt. Fullerton; He left Brest on an army transport on ODD F-fcL-LOWS BOIl_DlfNJO Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Achorn, with county savings bank. Mr. Abbott’s body Mrs. Carrie Pratt; treasurer, a • secretary, August 30, expecting to go to North their two sous, Harry and Hubert, have was found in Turtle Head brook at East Mrs. Delia Clough. It was decided to Atlantic port and reach home before elec- returned to Brookline, Mass. Hampden. He had shot himself in the meet at the same place the first Saturday tion day. A few days off the American the 6-*ct “The Mrs. C. Austin left for temple with a revolver. Wednesday, Bept. 11—Fox Film Co. present* pity, Moral Law.” Harry yesterday in September, 1919. All were pleased to the received orders wireless coast, ship by His death followed a visit w ith her sisters, Mrs. John A. Scott and by just a week 12-Jane Klvidge in the 5-tct pity, “Hrokeu Ties.” have present Capt. E. L. Fullerton to change her course, on ac- Thursday, Hept. presumably that of his Prof. Herbert L. in Corinna and Mrs. William Moore in wife from Mass., the oldest brother. 13-Little 7am Kay in the 5-act play, “The Magic Eye.” Heading, count of the presence of submarines, and Friday, Sept. Gardiner. Abbott, who shot himself at the home of member of the Fullerton family. Others instead of a North Atlantic port, Mr. Saturday, Sept. U—Gold win Film Co. present* Mae Marsh in Ibe H-aet play, his sister in Bucksport. Mental de- Tbe Woman's Alliance of the Uuilariau from out of town were A. E. Jones, South Peters found himself in a southern alto War New*. Admission to this IO-I'Oj. port caused his brother’s death “lbe Cinderella Man,” picture and five chil- pression by church will resume meetings for the Brewer; Clarence Hodgkins on and unable to reach hgre be- Sunday, and his own illness is the cause at- General admission, d and 15 cents season Wednesday afternoon of next week dren, Holden; Harry Alley, Trenton. fore to-day. tributed for the suicide, in his pocket at 2.30, at the vestry parlor. of his Mr. Peters said the The Hancock county Red Cross has Speaking trip, was found a letter showing that he had Louise E. Wilbur of East brook is in i party visited the principal naval estab- received an allotment of 6,800 front recently been in correspondence with a Ellsworth to take tbe commercial course lishments in Scotland, Ireland, Englmd, tine packets in addition to over 1,000 sanitarium for the treatment of nervous and to continue her France and “We visited tbe tight- at the high school, hospital and refugee garments, the Italy.
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