THE WEEKLY GAZETTE. THE DAILY- TWO EDITIONS, GAZETTE satcidat, z FUBLISHXD IMOfiIDTO, _wKDnau)ATixb - THIKTY-SIX CScsdat* Axccnx*.) i Ur« oratafatair I’EMIJU * leading Editorials, **•**. ** T HEED CO, 1 Sad Msll, valuable Be»dtu» MStter ’ rc iprlotor»> rsmUy, sad fnlim and most rMla*.is rx , glv*» eta] sad Ooe»»erelol M»rkr*K«pcm _ — or L la the No Farfccr* t>ta«C 5 R ISSSSi*"^- ■■■■Ti iSS‘' say psner etty. -ms&s-jsst** Merehaat iboaldbe without IL O*X*TTt: :om cm, Gazette iUJILMKU, TUBES res THE WXIKtT Biagts t»uS»crU-er.— •'* Mom* T * UD m rnnrn street. Clo'wof Ftvs \,v Clubs fit Ten. *'7> hifia; el Veittn —ASdotn-topy of i-aper lo tbf nersoe rr‘tea* Jtyj Puwjhuii. up tbedab. Ad-’M«h-> C-diMtfUJ*«*• *-st say urns, steiubrates. ornoiiL PApEB of Pittsburgh up ~f year hones to ortsriue . doascatasm*.—la a 1 ALLEGHENY OUT. paper, be sere sad specify whet edition T* *©MT. anti TAMIL! u w« a Edition sab- - *IV CREAFKHT BEST wist, line Wednesday far *B4' jUMAEItCIfLl*Ai‘£Hla UttßlUeT having baton* mail wwsk* 07*intDAJLTt sertbers a TXfiilfl _ gy Myasyby Draft. ttnrMi. MoueT Cttb*»S, rtMntl* copy.TJceßU. ussybe«ent »»our d»U I>eli*erarbr o*rmr». p*rwe*t 15 •• orlaßeauteradheilers. AUli Habccrlbcn, per 4*,.00. AddMir .. MACETEI*, THREE CENTS iwxi, AddreM, VOLUME LXXXIL—NO. 168. PITTSBURGH, Fill DAY, JULY 12, 1567. PRICE mTt‘U"vmi. ; r*>tka. Rsoicmbtr the trr*t may ba Meeting. the name ofChestnut etree:, in the Filth ntch.—Jk dimci fr*ta America Ctoemell found in theßcotcb Marmalade, waste of Bo tor-as It concerned the pinto holla In. devOtedtotho . meetingof ward,to Jonlatastrees. war. and In the largeroomfrontlngou , A regular sembmoothlr AUe* Ur. Smith the following resole, punishment of tho person in tbo White j GlT\ ASD BUBCRBAH. hall cue thirty-twofeet wide Thursday offered House, usoemedto him that after having'! First etrout. ItI»some , pbeny city was held tion,which was adopted. aa-s-sra? £' length. Sixnew.rosewood t Connells Rrtolvtd, when tho laying or water destroyed him politically,the onlyquestlon • and most bv eightyin evening,July That FOUItTH rAGE.—77fcr Jidicit re- all ifi® • nth. be completed, thatthe now they should mangle tim ’ ble*,which combine dliw In Ohio Avenae was whether Oil and Re* th BBSSCH. Water bo Instructed to »ui> . S:tw - ~ should for UnbU'iConey, Product Market • ■BILKCT Eoraraiuwon - Toxviik At'Coioior.ATifix or Peosows leav- corpse. Be (Ur. Flko) not wait i ImproTemtinteadopU-d.willbjjfoond,best Brown, Hog* oftho actual expenseper lineal 111 Impeachment. - ports given by any payer infAa city, will be tbo truest ofball* and Of' Members present;—Messrs. nilta report fffilHtt 11l iir Cold tlio the j said ing the city duri'jp summer months may bo t?nter«dthrough rotundaor Mvler, McCor- font of laytogthe plpa. • HuerkllßC ® Mr. bTEVENS said. In his opinion the l fburth Page. street, room Hsh.Hali.lrwTn, Motheral, Sample'*, ho. JL* they to their of Ira- found on our from First Teo bar announced thefollowingStanil- Drug btoro* Federaiatreet,, can have tbr gazetts mailed FOUR O’CLOCK, A. M. j whole country believed the articles room or M», t» C., A., Th« Chair the ward: Allegheny. MIDNIGHT. should reported adjoins the billianl hall, and it. mick, Pace, Patterson J. Patterson log Committees for Herontb address, bvordo'iing tho mtne at thecftlce, I peachment have boeh. 1 b Wm., Henry Zoller,Jr. ago. He the wortbyof specisl attnmlcra.nia'n Smith A. D., . Smith C. C., Smith .“tree*#end Sewera—i Tne Fairien Princess, Joriltt«encents per veekfor-ono week or 1 long wished Honse'Vonld or- THE 3IUNON6ADELA DOUSE. fronting un Smltbficm ana | CUy Riabm. baldone.-The der the Judiciary Committee toreport at corner room ®*® Thomas and Hcßrlor, President. Property—Simon In tlio Fairy Tale, drop* pearls fr»m her mr/re. v . with Flr*t*trcets. itiso perfect l'* Poor Keller. whoever PROM THE PACIFIC. .this session, atleast partially, leave to l luxuriant Minotos preceding mooting read and Farm—Conrad Jr. mouth when »li.< opened It, but . CONGRESS. brake reports at, tho next session, so Completion or Improvemratf-be- way. being fitted uo In tbe most of Surveys—Henry 7.oiler, '' that talisman of science, Soeopnar, farther Imaginable. Itis nearly adopted, . - • Belter. uses TifE but'eUerics thatthe country might understand whether kcripilou—Bnwqaei. manner Anneals—Conrad will a mouthfulof thatwill nay. which tho Mexican Indian Troubles ta intbeconductor and theappolntmenisHrotatiie the Fire l^ttgas. havo pearls mwf. AflatiaiHr**!* there was anything the We thatnothingcontributes moro squire, alt style- ceilings Mr.lfyler, * wiod for grading of Engines—UenrvHenry Letggns. er dropout.darVen or decay.- , ' Xlberals ate commuting, in the of lag—Olalng flatten-iMtl«for New thatdeserved Impeachment. bellevo very ben andgrandest The street Wooden CntliMnas— name ' TorK. ■ - Id Extraordinary Session. President reputation beautllolly painted In orna- Jefferson street^ootween Federal Brabm. public : Mr. SPAULDING gave eoMcfttbatlftho to the character and ■of a and walls an» Common Gronnds—Simon 5n Place Mo iu«ue justice, arc condemned in Ibis ;Br TelegraphtothsPlttibnrgh ButtU.] •irevloae he than well condnctod and mental deslsttn In brUbtoil anil Beaver street. Referred to Committee lias—Slmonßrahm. cis>—Can bet^^tMid question .were voted .down, city abroad a en- with tbe finest of cut glass motion, or cheaper hoots, -anoee, BelinontU most Frlxcibco, an a forms his bar is brilliant on Kir** On CouucUadjoorned. In than cuontr.y t even by those who havo Sax July Uk-Late Arlaooaod* (ByTelegraph to the ihoald offer as amendment resolution ergetic press,' The stranger im- andother ornament*. range - • tlr. from the everything else Oil*line,he found l*Mlvbnrfh (Umte.J dmllor to that under-wbich tho present decanters, .A wall, Thotffs, a communication the honoredctoro of. James fidbb, vice*■ represent trouble* oftho Industry and of French mirrors occupy the Western &*B. C©.. complain- at time * loudly demanded that onr government that theIndiansare held, for Congress tomeet pression Importance, plate Pennsylvania ."> - WABUIMTOH, July It, 19G7. SBseionwae on which la of the water owing to va- Xbe t»»a«o Eoded-A Ko.<fi> Market street. some at EresoottandMayamburg,stooping tielothof October, thuru qoorums , a town or city, pern* against tho oar erected. ing scarcity of a from BW«r*> *hp\ald pursue .BUN * if -were enterprlaapf from the i'<>ltKrapiil« iMnpatatt- the same' policy. When ATE. > ' of Cannes, requesting that a pipe malls <and' running df snis burning U both booses. sol ofanovepaper way into Tar StCOSD FLOOD* riety and dr S#«i«. Deafness, Discharjps - from the Cara, siock. aECOVITRDCTIOX BBSOSSO. said question whichfinds It* tho be laid on Hope street, from Lacocktotbe VbUHenof see the very thing they have called stations. • The Indians attacked Beala Hr. I’IKE It' wu one hU possession. Next to the public press -Iteturfilhgtothe rotunda, wo ascend railroad. to Committee on BOBTOB, iloly 6,1867. Catarrh, Diseases of the Eye, amlTUl htfeo* The Reconstruction bill was taken up. uhetber u« President bad Ally discharged ai»lr*and arrive inapromenade hall Referred the provi- Pittsburgh'. tionsot uchronie andobstlnal« eharaoter ft >r, they stand appalled presence Springs Station, killingone man amt run* fce duties of his vul the A broao en- Water, wlib power to do the wort, C: C. iieUort Dr. lot In the Ur. HOWARD withdrew bis offlco. ft was quite enrno hotels. traveler or a visitor on tbn second floor, is laid with deduct each exactly equal, •ucctwsfully. treated .by - Abort), ixlng offstock. They were pursuedby a amendment Mother question whetbor Congress shonUl city is impressed favorably tiles,which.in tbo most beau* ded tho company do the work and Fire (5) Hold medals, or it. to the the ot his ofPresident entering the or caustic. ornamental thecost water taxes. nation*for tho Smltbflcld street. J company and Infantry. Tholn- sixth section,la coarse re* fitter on this game making, in designs. This Is seventy-flvofeot lone from their wore distributed among all of cavalry caused marks the he Ht willing to leave that totee otherwise Just proportiontothe charac- Hful Is la presented a petition ror the J. D. otthe Tomb wajd.w]H diansattacked thesoldiersand them oa sahloot saying might as was entirely by thirty-five feut, wide, and finished Mr. Mothoral streets. pianosatthe Paris Exhibition. All r©l, Kysu. tbatwould bo selected In a pro- terand style of tho hotels It contains. If water on Fayette aed Mann&'tan best WorkingMeaV can- STATE OF KANSAS. toretreat. They were followed *llnightand well leave the to de- convention a style ofart which could not well be sur- water. vote, ho the lien ihlinauanci firing. District Commanders per way, instead ofendeavoring toprecipi* managed window, or Referred to the Committee on . juries, by unanimous recommended Mayoralty. kept up alcoastast The troops wctO Vermlnethematter his Improperly and second-class In passed. Therel*a high,‘broad Mr. remonstrance against the dldatefor the what they . contalncdln amend- tale a movement here Infavor of one man, ol wttn Myler, a gold to the Colekorin* piano, Om ctftnpoUed to kill prisoners bad style, ho beoomes disgusted with tho placo rather a number wradow*conibln«<<l. paving Ridge at this time. Re- a medal *»«»<*• Water Kxcimton the Union Pacific part of their stock, to pro- ment. aal uwu that which-in'hi* judgment . panes ofelaborately stained K'a*«,culbe of street the grnnUd at Ool«l Nparallus at J. T. XbiiUajr,E.D. taken,- and also most Intense on the andneither argument nor elnquonen can U ferred tothe CuhimKteeon Streets. which ImperialCommission Drug Store, ho. 83 Federal street, vent falling intothe hands of the In* Mr.HOWK moved to amond the fourth un-ierllestbls action tnuid right side, tbroogh which the promonad-s signod.
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