Police Reach The Weather Moatly cloudy throug'h Contract Accord Wednes^y^ scattered showers, thunder storms likely; low to­ Page 13 night near 60, high tomorrow Hancheater A City o f VUiage Charm about 75. VOL. x a , NO. 20S (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECmONB) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MAY 30, 1972 (CtaasUlsd Advertistiig on P a g e tl) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS ’ ^1 Revamp Balance Studied On Journey Home HARTBXJRD, Conn. (AP) — ™ e I>emocratlo party a fp M n TEHRAN (AP) — President Nixon told Lyashko’s wife ruid leaders reached no secret to have Buttered the most under Nixon arrived In Iran’s cairftal Mrs. Vladimir -ficherbltasky, agreements on Vietnam or any the latest reerporttomnent plan today, to a 21-gun salute, for an wife of the UkralniaiT Commu­ other controversial questions. Ibr the Oeneral Assembly, says overnight visit and talks with nist party chief, as they pre­ "This is not the way these * Democratic l^t*tatcr who the Shah on regional end worid pared to leave for the airport. things happen," the President's qMntf Memorial Day w eekead m atters. “Why not?" Mrs. Lyashko re­ assistant for national- security riudytng the plan. The President and (Mrs. Nix­ plied. affairs said. Rollln MetUer ot ‘ Ham ddn. on were greeted at Tehran’s "We’ll get fired," said Mrs. Questioned closely about Nix- chairm an ot the House Re^*- M ehrabad A irport b y d ie 82- Nixon with a smile. em’s extensive talks in Moscow PCrtlonment OommHtee said year-old monarch and Bmiuresa’ The President commented; about Vietnam, Kissinger said: Moaday night the Draiooimta Fhrah after a flight from IQev, “I think rd get In a little “ I Just do not want to speculate looa two ways under the “noa- the Nixona’ last stop in the So­ trouble at home if I didn’t go.” about what the results may viet. Union frilowlng a week of 3 poUtloel" plan drawn by Tale “It’s Just been fantastic," b e ." summit talks between the Pres­ Law Proteaaor Robert Boric, a said his wife. He said there had been too ident and Kremlin leaders. qieclal master for .the U.8. Dis­ A few hours after the arrival many predictions about the war Massive security precautions In Kiev, presldentlBl adviser trict'Court. in the past and he woUld prefer Ftrat, said MetUer, “We lose were taken against attacks by Henry A. Kissinger trid news- aaats In dttes," because the urban guerrillas and other dis­ .men that Nixon and the Soviet (See Page Eight) populaUca has been shlttli« to sident Iranians vdm were told the Republican suburtis, giving by . Baghdad broadcasts to dis­ m en legislaUve seats to thoae rupt the visit. Police lined the areas. President’s route into the ci^ Becond, regardless W popu­ and there were heavy guards ed lation moves the reduction ot all prints on his itinerary. Among the topics ekpeeted to Reds Pull Back Uw House from in tO(lM seats riaUstlcaWy reduces the margin be disoussed during the five that Democrats held. «A79 in hours of talks between the two the House, all else being equal, leaders were the future of the Indian Ocean and the Persian he said. (H tnld phftto i f f Bncslvlclei) From Offensive Gulf area, which holds 60 per “Under any plan, we’ll lose a Veteran leaders approach circle of flags at Center Piwk in Memorial Day service Monday' lo t ot seats," said the Demo- cent of the 'world’s known oU eraUo lawmaker. reserves. Boric drew his plan based on The Shah would like to see 86 flenata seats, each contain­ the United States and Soviet In An Loc Area ing four Hou;m seats, and all Union agree to. let Iran act as I the policeman of the area with­ wlOln a one per cent ixipu- Memorial Rites Darkened hy Death SAIGON (AP)—^The fimt withdrawal of North Viet­ out big power Interference, ladoo deviation. Bock said he pectod to seek assurance of un- namese troops from South Vietnam in their two-month gave “no consideration what- The Bdemnlty of Memorial Besides veterans organisa­ Park Services over to Lt. Ool. FhlUng that, the Shah was ex­ old offensive was reported today. aoever" to “the effect ot the Day took on a deeper meaning Pictures, story. Page 4 tions, sevend hundred young­ JamM C. Raylisa, USA (Ret.) pected to seek assurance of un- plan upon any political party or U.S. military sources said for thoae attending aervlcea In sters in the branches of boy and dimlnlriied U.S. support. The candidate." who gave the introducUona. elements of two North Vietnam- Center Psrit yesterday. girl scouting were in the pa­ Soviet government’s recent ICetUer said after his pceliml- Walter Vonifone, seerstaiy of The annual parads from Man- rade. The R e v . Joseph VUJs o f St. ese divteionB had puUed back to 10 miles south of An Loc. into Cambodia from An Loc, Twenty. South 'Vietnamese sol- naxy study, “It lodes like a the Permanent Memorial Day cheator’B South Bind to Muntoe A abort service at the World James Church gave the Invoca­ very fair plan." But be pointed Oominlttee, announced to the Paris and return to Omtor Park War n memorial In Munroe tion. the besieged provincial capital dlers were reported kUled, 109 60 miles north of Saigon. Both wounded and as many as 10 ar- out that a few Incumbent legls- WBveral hundred p e c ^ e gathei> was under ideal weather condl- Paric preceded the Center Park George Eimmerling, principal En Route lators might not think ao. ed there that Hennah Wagner, tlcns. Several thousand fleeter program. lUJor Lawrence J. were reported badly battered tlUery pieces damag^. of Manchester High School, by B62 bomb strikes. An ambush on the highway Ih at least one new House vriio was to have served as com­ ten lined the route of march. Beadle of the SalvaUon Army spoke on “Memorial Day—Past To America Troope of one of the divisions, 8% miles south of An Loc last district and one In the Senate, mittee chairman tor the event, Music was furnished in three gave the eulogy. and Present,,’’ and paused dur­ had died at his home earlier that the 9th, are believed rebuilding Friday destroyed B3 South Vlet- three Incunobento are thrown tempos the quick best of the The Manchester High School ing hla address while the m on iin g. friendship treaties 'with India and reoiganteing at rear bases namese armored personnel car- together. sobod bands, Uie statriy beat band gave ite rendition of “The band played appropriate selec- Senate M a jority L ead er Bid- A full Obituary Is osRtod on of the p ^ bands and the slow Star Spangled Barmer" and and the hostile regime In neigh­ in C3amhodla, sources said. The rlera, killed 42 trocqis and boring Iraq have tnoreased ward Caldwell, D-Bridgepwt, Fsge Blight. tempo 'Of cdonial Umas. VonHone turned the Canter (Bee Page Thirteen) other division, the 7th, “ may be wounded 189. would be in the same dlririct Iran’s sense of IsoiatloB, and It pulling back more to engage Elteewhere, fighting broke out with. Sen. Thomas Dosed,' R- Is suqiictous of Moscow's in- the Cambodtens Qian to refit, for the first time In several T rum bull and RepubUean tentlons In die Gulf. but we’re not sure,” said one weeks In southernmost Cam- The visit “is designed to re- Jam es M aeaulay J r. oC B ridge- ■J ■ource. bodla. Just across the border poct. B^te W ashing^'B,frtendriilp The enemy presoire on An from-the-westom-Mekong Delta fo r IriuB, Its 'Sbiah and.’ Hs House Mluority Inader WingollfiA Loo Itself has e'ased, but North in South Vietnam. South Vlet- Tpo op Cut Before NATO people," said an Amwlcan Ehn- Fhancis CbUins, R-Brookfleld, Vletnamese forces believed to namese rangers spearheaded (riatement finds hlmsrif sharing a seat Ends Attaclu be from the 6th Division have by an armored criiunn clashed BONN (AP) — Chsnoellor The West Oerinaa chancellor ters th at a “security conforenoe Squadsads o f piunic^poln WDriurs vrith another incumbent, Bilolse wniy Brandt told the U NATO addressed the openiiig of the Intenslfled sbeUlng alon<r High- with Ncntfi 'Vietnamese forces b e h a t a s t (AP) — ’ihe ofn- should serve to explore the were iMuy throuihout the night dre«n, a Southbuiy Republican, foreign ministers today that animal two-day qirlng meeting way 18 south of the devastated while on a drive to block Infll- oial wing of the Irish RepubU- paths of cooperadon between Btlekliig blue patchee on the 8,- MetUer said. any agiaemont with the Rus- of the North iUUndc nasly town and are keeping a relief tratton into the delta. The Sal- caa Army announced Monday Blast and West and in doing so OOO American flogs decorating MetUer gave other examdes: stans to raduee troop s in Bki- Organlsstiori’s foreign minis­ column from getting through. gon command claimed tfiat 76 night that It Is suspending ite should' not ignoin the mlUtery the streets of the eapltal. The Reps. David Lavlne, D-Dur- “should not brii« say inll- ters. Blariier In the day. Secre­ Field reports said the enemy enemy troops ivere killed, guerrilla attaeks Indefinitely, aspects.’’' But be warned that ftego, which.were made locally, ham; Robert Orcutt, R-Oufi- Itory dlaadrantage for odher tary of State William P. Rogers gunners on Monday slammed many of them by air. strikes, but the rival IRA PtVvtolonals any reduoUon of troope “riiould bmre 61 stars Instead o f 60, and ford, and (Philip OoatoHo Jr., R- sd e .’ ( met with Brandt and told him 2,400 rocket and mortar shells while the only South V^etnam- accused the OfflclalB ot surren­ meet the requirement of the al­ the patches Corrected the mis­ Madlsnn, are bundled togrihM’ Brandt.
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