Bibliography of Works Consulted DocuMENTs Keesing's Contemporary Archives. Monthly News Review on Pakistan/South Asia (New Delhi: Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, 1971). Pakistan Horizon - documentary and chronological appendices, Pakistan Institute of International Affairs, Karachi, XXIV, No. 2, second quarter 1971, No. 3, third quarter 1971, No. 4, fourth quarter 1971, XXV, No. 1, first quarter 1972. JouRNAL ARTICLES I have not listed newspapers consulted, to which full references are made in the footnotes to the text. Ahmad, Aziz. 'Pakistan faces Democracy: A Provisional Nationality.' The Round Table (London), April 1971. Berindranath, Dewan. 'Power Politics in Pakistan, One Year of the Yahya Regime.' Journal of the United Services Institution of India (New Delhi), Vol. C, No. 418 (January-March 1970). Canadian Department of External Affairs. 'The Indo-Pakistan Conflict.' International Perspectives (Ottawa), March/April 1972. Canadian Institute of International Affairs. 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Pacific Affairs (Vancouver), XLVIII, No. 3 (Fall 1970). -- 'The Awami League in the Political Development of Pakistan.' Asian Survey (Berkeley, Calif.) July 1970. -- 'The National Assembly of Pakistan under the 1962 Constitution.' Pacific Affairs (Vancouver), XLII, No. 4 (Winter 1969-70). The Round Table (London). Editorial: 'Mr Nixon's Philosophy of Foreign Policy', October 1972. Seth, S. P. 'China as a Factor in Indo-Pakistani politics.' The World Today (London), January 1969. Sharma, B. L. 'U.S. Arms for Pakistan.' Journal of the United Services Institution of India, January-March 1971. Sobham, Rahman. 'East Pakistan's revolt against Ayub.' The Round Table (London), July 1969. --'Pakistan's Political Crisis.' The Round Table (London), May 1969. Subrahmanyam, K. 'The Challenge of the Seventies to India's Security.' India Quarterly (New Delhi), XXIV, No. 2 (April/June 1970). Syed, Anwar. 'The Politics of Sino-Pakistan Agreements.' Orbis (Phila­ delphia), XI, No. 3 (Fall 1967). 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Gandhi, Indira. India and Bangia Desh: Selected Speeches and Statements March to December 1971 (New Delhi: Orient Longman, February 1972). Government of Pakistan. White Paper on the Crisis in East Pakistan (Islama­ bad, 5 August 1971). Government of Pakistan Planning Commission. Reports of the Advisory Panels of the Fourth Five Year Plan 1970-75 (Islamabad, July 1971). Habibullah, M. The Tea Industry of Pakistan (Dacca: 1964). Hodson, H. V. The Great Divide: Britain, India, Pakistan (London: Hutch­ inson, 1969). Indian Ministry of Defence. Annual Report, 1971-72 (New Delhi: Govern­ ment of India, 1972). International Institute for Strategic Studies. The Military Balance 1971- 1972 (London: IISS, 1971). International Journal. India, Pakistan, Bangia Desh, (Toronto: Canadian Institute of International Affairs, Summer 1972). Kamal, Kazi Ahmed. Politicians and Inside Stories: an Intimate Study main?J of Fazlul Haq, Suhrawardy and Maulana Bashani (Dacca: Kazi Giasuddin Ahmed, 1970). --Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Birth of Bangladesh (Dacca: Kazi Giasuddin Ahmed, 1972). Kadar, A. H. People's Commitment (Lahore: A. H. Kardar, 1971). Loshak, David. Pakistan Crisis (London: Heinemann, 1971). Luard, Evan (ed). The International Regulation of Civil Wars (London: Thames and Hudson, 1972). Mankekar, D. R. Pakistan Cut to Size (New Delhi: Indian Book Company, 1972). The Marketing of Jute in East Pakistan (Dacca: Dacca University Press, 1961). 164 BIBLIOGRAPHY Mascarenas, Anthony. The Rape of Bangla Desh (New Delhi: Vikas Publications, 1971). Menon, K. P. S. Many Worlds (Bombay: Oxford University Press, 1971). Mukerjee, Dilip. Yahya Khan's 'Final War' (New Delhi: Times of India, 1972). Naik, J. A. India, Russia, China and Bangla Desh (New Delhi: S. Chand, 1972). Nixon, Richard M. US Foreign Policy for the 1970s: The Emerging Struc­ ture of Peace. A Report to the Congress ... (Washington, 9 February 1972). Palit, Maj.-Gen. D. K. The Lightning Campaign, Indo-Pakistan War 1971 (New Delhi: Thomson Press (India) Ltd, January 1972). Pirzada, Syed Sharifuddin (ed). The Foundations of Pakistan (2 vols. Karachi: National Publishing House, 1969). Rushbrook-Williams, L. The East Pakistan Tragedy (London: Tom Stacey, 1972). Siddiqui, Kalim. Conflict, Crisis and War and Pakistan (London: Mac­ millan, 1972). Subrahmanyam, K. BanglaDesh and India's Security (Dehra Dun: Palit and Dutt, 1972). Wheeler, Richard S. The Politics of Pakistan (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1970). 165 Appendixes 1. The Awami League's Six Points EXTRACT FROM AWAMI LEAGUE MANIFESTO Pakistan shall be a Federation granting full autonomy on the basis of the six-point formula to each of the federating units: · Point No.1 The character of the government shall be federal and parliamentary, in which the election to the federal legislature and to the legislatures of the federating units shall be direct and on the basis of universal adult franchise. The representation in the federal legislature shall be on the basis of population. Point No.2: The federal government shall be responsible only for defence and foreign affairs and subject to the conditions provided in (3) below, currency. Point No.3: There shall be two separate currencies mutually or freely convertible in each wing for each region, or in the alternative a single currency, subject to the establishment of a federal reserve system in which there will be regional federal reserve banks which shall devise measures to prevent the transfer of resources and flight of capital from one region to another. Point No.4: Fiscal policy shall be the responsibility of the federating units. The federal government shall be provided with requisite revenue resources for meeting the requirements of defence and foreign affairs, which revenue resources would be automatically appropriable by the federal government in the manner provided and on the basis of the ratio to be determined by the procedure laid down in the constitution. Such constitutional provisions would ensure that federal government's revenue requirements are met consistently with the objective of ensuring control over the fiscal policy by the governments of the federating units. Point No.5: Constitutional provisions shall be made to enable separate accounts to be maintained of the foreign exchange earnings of each of the federating units, under the control of the respective governments of the federating units. The foreign exchange requirement of the federal government shall be met by the governments of the federating units on the basis of a ratio to be determined in accordance with the procedure laid down in the constitution. The regional governments shall have
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