Fantasy World Adventure The Fate of istus CREDITS Table of Contents Authors: Nigel Findley, Dan introduction 2 Salas, Stephen inniss, Robert J. Kuntz Ye Olde City scroll #1: Rookroost 3 Coordinators: Bruce Heard, Adventure #1: The Sage's Tower 6 Karen S. Boomgarden by Nigel Findley Editor: Kim Mohan Ye Olde City Scroll #2: Rel Mord 14 Typography: Betty Elmore Adventure #2: Swords for Hire 17 Cartography: Diesel by Dan salas Cover Art: Daniel Home interior Art: Karl waller Ye Olde City Scroll #3: Jurnre 25 Adventure #3: countdown in Jurnre 28 by Stephen inniss Distributed to the book trade In the united states by Ye Olde City Scroll #4: Elredd 37 Random House inc., and In Canada by Random House of Adventure #4: Diambeth's Delving 40 Canada, Ltd. Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors. Distributed In the united King- by Nigel Findley dom by TSR UK Ltd. These adventures are protected under the copyright Ye Olde City Scroll #5: wintershiven 47 laws of the united States of America. Any reproduc- Sample file tion or unauthorized use of the material or artwork Adventure #5: Service for the Dead 50 printed herein is prohibited without the express writ- by Nigel Findley ten permission of TSR inc. Ye Olde City Scroll #6: Leuklsh 58 ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, AD&D, WORLD OF GREYHAWK, PRODUCTS OF YOUR IMAGINATION, and the Adventure #6: The Garden of Evil 62 TSR logo are trademarks owned by TSR, inc. by Dan Salas 1989 TSR, inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. Ye Olde City Scroll #7: Rauxes 69 TSR, inc. TSR Ltd. Adventure #7: Down with the Wizard 72 POB756 120 Church End, Cherry Hlnton Lake Geneva, Cambridge C81 3LB by Robert J. Kuntz Wl 53147 USA united Kingdom Ye Olde City Scroll #8: Chendl 83 Adventure #8: At the Kings Right Hand 85 by Nigel Findley Ye Olde City Scroll #9: verbobonc 93 Adventure #9: luz's Gambit 95 by Robert J. Kuntz TSR. Inc. Ye Olde City Scroll #10: Hesuel llshar 105 PRODUCTS OF VOUH IMAGINATION" Adventure #10: The Scarlet Masque 108 by Stephen inniss The Mirrors of Fate NPC #1: Cymbelllne (by Nigel Findley) 120 NPC #2: Alaric (by Dan salas) 122 ISBN 0-088038-712-2 NPC #3: Beastman Avatar (by Stephen inniss) 124 9253 NPC #4: Arlina (by Nigel Findley) 126 NPC #5: Narlond and the Prophet (by Robert J. Kuntz).. 127 INTRODUCTION Sages of the future on the world of Oerth will be the most perilous and taxing of all. city maps will give you some idea of how each look back on the events described in this book The Lady of Fate must have a hand in designer's approach to the project varied. In and say to themselves (sagely, of course) that things, of course. But instead of intervening the process of playing any or all of these they had to happen sooner or later. In fact, herself, she creates an entity whom she adventures, you'll get insights into the histo- they were Fated to happen. names Morgorath. This character appears to ry, culture, and geography of the Greyhawk The Fate of Istus, in addition to being the the PCs in various guises and incarnations milieu that will bring the environment to life latest playing aid related to the WORLD OF throughout the course of the campaign—each like never before. GREYHAWK® setting, is a milestone manifestation so different from the others that No matter what kind of adventure you or achievement—both in terms of what it will do only the most perceptive player character your players prefer, you'll find it represented for you, the DM, and your players, and what it would even dream that they are actually all the here. Battling a warrior with nothing but bare will do to the world itself. same "person." Morgorath's role differs from hands and quick reflexes; racing through a for- Not too much will be said about the story one test to another; sometimes he (she?) is an est to foil an assassination plot; breaking into a line here, so that you can be surprised and active assistant, sometimes a more passive mausoleum to put a beleaguered soul to rest; excited by this book as you read it—just as provider of clues and information . and coping with a benevolent but insensitive your players will be surprised and excited as sometimes an adversary—as if the PCs didn't bureaucracy; treading lightly through a laby- their characters proceed through each adven- have enough problems already! rinth of dungeon corridors—all these chal- ture to the cataclysmic conclusion. These adventures can be played indepen- lenges and more await the characters who are dent of one another by making only minor put to the test, over and over again, in The How to Use This Book alterations. And, of course, the information on Fate of Istus. the cities (and even the NPCs) can be put to The Fate of Istus is a package of ten adven- good use for purposes that have nothing to do Game Mechanics tures . and more. Along with each adven- with Istus. But the best way to get the most ture is a map and description of the city in out of The Fate of Istus is to get the group Anyone who's familiar with the terminology which it takes place. At the end of the book, in together, roll up a few brand-new characters, and rules of the AD&D® game should have no the section entitled The Mirrors of Fate, are and plunk them down just outside the walls of trouble understanding or interpreting any of descriptions of the five new non-player char- Rookroost—on the verge of beginning the the information in this book. Only a couple of acters who play pivotal roles in the campaign adventure of their lives. points are worth special mention. as it unfolds. Some of the adventures call for characters to attempt Ability Checks—a concept that was The overall scenario is the brainchild of About the Product Istus, the Goddess of Fate in the Greyhawk introduced in Dungeoneer's Survival Guide. milieu, who has—in her nearly infinite If you've looked over the Table of Contents The procedure works as follows: Roll the indi- wisdom—decided that it's time to make some already, you know that The Fate of Istus is not cated die or dice and compare the result to the changes in the way of the world. But she the creation of a single person—and that's designated ability score of the character mak- doesn't simply make the changes, because she what makes it such an exciting and interesting ing the attempt. If the roll is equal to or less believes in the right of mortals to have an package. Four accomplished designers were than the character's ability score, the check is opportunity to influence their own Fate. So she each given the same background information successful. sets up a series of tests, each one designed to and thenSample handed specific assignment file s to be Also, note that the THACO statistic given assess the skills and the worthiness of a certain accomplished within that framework. As for any NPC fighter with an even-numbered class of character. Next, she needs some sub- you'll see, the framework was rigid in some experience level assumes the use of "per jects to perform the tests—and that's where respects and flexible in others. The adven- level combat advancement," as described in the player characters come in. tures have the continuity that's needed to the note on page 74 of the Dungeon Masters The heroes of the campaign begin as incon- make them playable in succession—but Guide, so that (for instance) a 10th level fight- spicuous novices, but by the time they reach there's also a tremendous amount of variety er has a better (lower) THACO number than a the climactic confrontation in Adventure from one section to the next. 9th level fighter. If you elect not to use this #10—if they get that far!—they will be adven- Perhaps nowhere is the variety more obvi- optional rule, simply add 1 to the THACO turers of great skill. However, the tests that ous than in the sections entitled Ye Olde City number for such characters. are set for them in each adventure grow in dif- Scroll. Essentially, each designer was told to ficulty while the PCs are growing in power. write about the city in which the adventure Now, direct your eyes to the top of the next They will indeed be tested every step of the takes place, and provide a map as well. Just page—and, on behalf of Istus, welcome to way, and the final episode of the campaign will leafing through the book and glancing at the Rookroost. guild for help, and guild members sometimes features decline in appearance and quality the Rookroost serve him—when it suits Elara—as his secret farther they are from The Peak. Prices at inns police. Despite the arrangement he has made and taverns vary according to their location; Like most petty holdings in the Bandit King- with the guild, The General would very much the cost of a drink at the Drunken Dragon, for doms, Rookroost (the name is shared by the like to see his own rule unchallenged. Very instance, is somewhat less than at the Palace territory and the city) traces its origins back carefully, he's sounding out the assassins Guard Inn.
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