fall & winter 2010 The biannual newsmagazine of the OSCO Construction Group OSCO construction Irving Oil Refinery group Dehexanizer Project Casino New Brunswick • Picadilly Potash Mine Update • Lake Utopia Paper • Cellular & Pervious Concrete • Strescon Seminars pg.18 pg.30 pg.34 What’s Inside... fall & winter 2010 3 Message from the President 25 Lake Utopia Paper 26 Pouring it On: Ready Mix Project Updates PEI Potato Storage; Canadian Coast Guard; Masstown Market; NS Nurs- priorities ing Home 4 Safety: OSCO Group Introduces New Hazard 27 OSCO Concrete Helps Introduce Innovative New Identification Process for Field Operations Ready-Mix Technologies Cellular Concrete & Pervious Concrete 5 Safety News 28 York Miscellaneous Metals Updates 6 Safety Poster Contest 6 Quality Control Updates profiles 36 OSCO Group Develops Environment Policy 20 Customer Profile: CEMENTATION 36 Strescon Bedford Recognized for Recycling Efforts public & community projects 29 Strescon to Offer Continuing Education Seminars 8 Irving Oil Refinery Dehexanizer Project 29 Strescon Project Wins PCI Design Award 10 Bridging the Distance Halifax International Airport Parking Garage Takes Home Prize Penniac Bridge & Princess Margaret Bridge 30 Haiti Relief 11 Casino New Brunswick 30 OSCO Bursary Winners 12 Fredericton East End Development Parking Garage 30 OSCO Excellence Award 13 FCC “Upcycles” Old Strescon Office 31 National Precast Week & CISC SteelDay Tours 13 Dalhousie Correctional Facility 14 Projects in the Precast Pipeline people East Bound Pipeline Headwalls; Welsford, NB Bypass; Auburn, Maine 32 Group Retirees 16 FCC Helps Bring New Life to Heritage Building Restoring one of the oldest British Naval facilities in Canada 34 OSCORS Employee Recognition Dinner 17 A New Landmark for an Old City 37 OSCO Golf Tournament Commercial Properties donates clock to the City of Saint John 37 Strescon Golf Tournament 18 Picadilly Potash Project Update 38 OSCO Picnic 22 Rebar Project Updates Misc. Projects; Saint John Law Courts; Kings Wharf, Dartmouth, NS 39 Fresh Faces 24 MSD Upgrades 39 Congratulations 40 Our Locations OSCO 24 Marque Industrial Updates construction IOR Fuel Gas Containment Project; Irving Paper; North Satellite Electri- cal Substation; Picadilly Potash Mine group CONNECTIONS is the biannual magazine of the OSCO on the cover... Construction Group, published every Spring and Fall to share news and information with our valued customers & employees OSCO Group members continue work on the IOR Dehexanizer Project. See page 8 for an update on Comments and submissions are greatly appreciated and may be sent to the editor: Tammy Legacy, c/o OSCO Construction Group • 400 the work being done by Ocean Steel, Strescon, Chesley Drive, Saint John, NB • Canada • E2K 5L6 • email: legacy.tammy@ Borcherdt and Marque. oceansteel.com 2 CONNECTIONS • Fall & Winter 2010 www.oscoconstructiongroup.com Message from the President As the American and Canadian our operating business units. In addition, ment has been reconfigured to allow economies continue towards recov- as described in this issue, our environ- us perform more valued-added work in ery, we are working hard to prepare mental and safety programs continue the future; we are configured to crush ourselves for the next expansion in the to be enhanced with new field hazard our own pit run materials as opposed to business cycle. Although this may be identification processes. sub-letting this work to others. a few years away, now is a good time to evaluate our processes, plant and ...our Saint John precast operation has purchased a equipment to ensure we can remain competitive in our various businesses. state-of-the-art architectural batch plant from Italy... We We believe the time to invest and re- believe that after this system is commissioned and fully- juvenate a business is during business “down cycles”. Our conservative capital operational, we will have the most productive and highest base allows us to make any required quality plant available anywhere in North America. significant capital investments during this time. In the concrete At OSCO Concrete, we have con- At head office, we are Concrete Sector: Head Office: sector, our Saint John precast opera- tinued to: (i) upgrade our batch plants to once again working on a major upgrade tion has purchased a state-of-the-art increase hourly peak production; (ii) buy to our Oracle One World software. Our architectural batch plant from Italy. larger ready mix trucks to allow us to current version has been re-written us- Having received proposals from vendors haul more concrete per trip; (iii) upgrade ing the latest internet-based program- based in Germany, USA, Finland, Canada our concrete pumping fleet with newer, ming technology and we need to move and Italy, we chose the Italian offer after more modern booms and trucks; and, onto this new platform to prevent being seeing the level of sophistication that (iv) optimize our concrete mix designs stranded on an old system that will no was possible with respect to batching of using better quality control and testing longer be supported. As part of this up- architectural and structural mixes. We procedures. grade we are reviewing all of our finan- believe that after this system is com- cial and production reports to eliminate In the steel sector, missioned and fully-operational, we will Steel Sector: those that are no longer relevant and we have completed our new ISO-based have the most productive and high- to fix any formatting or other problems quality control system for our rebar steel est quality plant available anywhere in with those we plan to keep. Many of the business. We have also upgraded our North America. Installation of the plant systems are also being reconfigured; in rebar software between the Halifax and will start in late-2010 and we expect to particular the human resources module, Saint John branches to ensure both op- start using the plant in early 2011. We to take advantage of the benefits man- erations are using identical procedures also have completed our renovations agement functionality which now exists. when preparing shop drawings and to the lunchroom, washrooms, locker- At the same time, we are modernizing fabricating & installing rebar. room and production offices in Saint our hardware platforms to be more fault For our structural steel opera- John. tolerant preventing extended shutdowns tions, we are in the midst of a complete At OSCO Aggregates in Glenholme, and improve response time for all users, re-evaluation of our equipment and N.S., we have relocated the screener/ both at head office and in our branches. material routing processes in our plants. classifier equipment from our north pit, We are also reorganizing some We have decided to place more em- which has been depleted, to our south of the accounting and administration phasis on the steel bridge market sector pit, which has material to be extracted departments to offer better service to while at the same time maintaining our for the next 15-20 years. This equip- continued on page 38... www.oscoconstructiongroup.com CONNECTIONS • Fall & Winter 2010 3 priorities: safety & quality Editor’s Note: In the last issue of Connections, President Hans O Klohn identified the importance of adhering to our Group’s priorities when working. Above all else, Safety should always come first, followed by Quality, Schedule and Cost. To better reflect the importance of Safety and Quality to the OSCO Construction Group, we are intro- ducing a new format for how the maga- zine is organized. Connections articles will now be classified under one of the following categories: Priorities; Projects; Profiles; Public/ Community; and People. Our Safety and Quality news will now be where they belong - under “Priorities”. For those of you who may have missed it, below is an excerpt from last issue’s “Mes- sage from the President” “To ensure that we always follow the right OSCO Group Introduces New path, we should prioritize our work as fol- lows: 1st – HEalth & Safety: Never endanger Hazard Identification Process yourself, any other employee nor any other parties under any circumstance 2nd – Q u a l it y : Do the work as designed for Field Operations and/or specified so that quality is contributed by ROB FELTUS never compromised! We take great pride in doing a quality job. Health and Safety legislation Francophone crews. Some of our major requires employers and employees to clients have indicated that we can use 3rd – SCHEDULE: We work very hard keep identify hazards, assess the risks associ- our own task hazard assessment cards our promised delivery dates; but ated with them, and use appropriate instead of the site-mandated forms. never at the expense of taking safety methods to eliminate or control them. The card provides some flexibility shortcuts or doing a poor-quality The legislation, however, does not pre- so it can be used in different situations. job. scribe how this is to be done. Conse- It can be used by individuals or collec- 4th – COSTS: We all have cost budgets to quently, industry has developed various tively by a crew; for a day’s assignment meet; but our budgets are meant to generally-accepted methods to fulfill or for each individual task. Consider- allow for our employees to perform these requirements. In recent years, ing that the main contributing factor to their work in a safe manner, in a 1st particularly on large projects, there have most accidents is “lack of awareness”, class fashion and within the sched- emerged many variations on a general these cards are designed with the ob- uled time frame as agreed to. theme – i.e. a foldable card with check- jective of instilling awareness as well as The above priorities are extremely lists and questions. These have ranged the philosophy of being proactive with important to remember when performing from recipe-sized cards with 5 to 15 one’s health and safety.
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