TH E ISEW # Your want ad The Zip Code is easy to place for Linden is -Phone 686-7700 . which became o Suburban Publishing Corp. newspaper on July 2, 1964 An O fficial Newspaper For The City of Linden 07036 Eoch Thursday by Subvfkan PubliftKtng Corp. Subscription Roto $6.00 Yoocly VOL. 20 - NO. 7 LINDEN, N.J., THURSDAY. OCTOBER 11, 1973 20 Cents Per Copy Nortb ov*., t-lndan, H.J. 07034 Socond Class Postogo Pold at L indon, M.J. TOPICS REPORT Study lists traffic system improvements BY RAE HUTTON picked up the remainder of the 964,000 tab circle, all Stiles street intersections and a Wood through lanes for each approach and free street are not adequate to serve present and present three overpasses could be provided by Elimination of the Winfield circle, an ad­ Under stipulations of the TOPICS program, the avenue signal interconnect system. This wqaild right turn lanes for all four approaches. Also future traffic demands. a fourth railroad crossing. Although the Tint ditional railroad overpass and codification of state and federal government would pay for cost approximately 9674,100. Phase II, coMog proposed was the relocation to the west of the The consultants said that traffic relief to the choice would be at Roselle Street, the all traffic regulations are the major recom­ any recommendations implemented in the city about 9116,600, would involve remaining traffic present northbound Garden State Parkway exit consultants suggested the overpass could be mendations in the final report of the Unden The consultants who did the study, Wilbur signal modifications,a St.George avenu signal ramp nearer the existing Parkway overpass built at Cranford avenue. The construction of TOPICS Areawide Program. Smith and Associates of New York, said it interconnect, street lighting and miscellaneous with traffic signal control. another overpass would cost $1,877,000. In The final report on the study, which was would cost an estimated 93,514,700 to im­ improvements such .as bus shelters and street The consultants said in the report that TOPICS goal, addition, the consultants, noting the deteriora­ undertaken in February, 1972, was submitted to plement all of the recommendations contained signing. “ perhaps the greatest overall traffic and safety ting condition of the Park avenue bridge, city officials last week. About two years ago, in the report. “ This expenditure is warranted The improvement of the Park avenue bridge problem location in Linden is at the Winfield suggested that the city improve the bridge by Unden was deemed an urban area with based on an analysis indicating that an­ and construction of a fourth bridge over the circle. Centennial avenue, Stiles street and cost, proposals constructing a four-lane structure, which would measurable traffic problems and qualified for ticipated uaer benefits will substantially ex­ railroad, probably at Roselle street, comprise Raritan road, which converge at this point, meet the projected traffic demands for the The Linden TOPICS Study is a traffic state and federal funding through TOPICS, ceed the cost estimates,” the consultants noted Phase III and would cost 92.722.000 to lm provide the principal access between the future. operations program to increase capacity which is a traffic operations program to in The consultants anticipate a 50 percent in­ plement. Garden State Parkway and the areas to the and safety. crease capacity and safety. crease in traffice by i960 west with the residential and industrial areas of IN RECOMMENDING CODIFICATION, the The intent of the program, which was The City paid only one eighth, or 98,000, of the The report included a list of priorities. Phase FEATURES OF THE proposed changes Linden to the east. consultants noted that City of Linden traffic seven-eighths funded by the state and study, while the stgte and federal government I would involve improvements at the Winfield the circle are dual left-turn traffic lane*, two “ Heavy through and turning volumes on all laws are included in numerous individual and federal governments, was to improve four approaches coupled with lack of adequate unrelated ordinances and resolutions which traffic safety and capacity in Linden. capacity and vehicle control at the intersection, cause difficulty in providng efficient ad­ Wilbur Smith and Associates, a New contribute to the high number of accidents and ministration, legal interpretations and en­ York firm, conducted the study in Linden appreciable traffic congestion,” the report forcement of existing traffic laws. They during the past 18 months. If the stated According to the report, there are 2.2 suggested the rewriting, simplifying and recommendations were to be im­ accidents for every million vehicles which combining all Linden Traffic Regulations into plemented in Linden, it would cost travel through the intersection. one traffic ordinance. $3,514,700. The state and federal The proposed changes a t the Linden portion According to city officials, membeqp of the governments, under the TOPICS pro­ of the circle would cost an estimated 1500,000. police department have been working on gram. would absorb the cost. TOPICS REPORT details Any changes there would have to be approved The consultants’ major recom­ codification of all traffic regulations for several the recommended by Cranford and Winfield, since the circle is on mendations included the elimination of years. traffic signal system for property in these towns also. the Winfield circle; the construction of a Modest physical and signalization im­ Linden. Map shows The construction of an additional railroad fourth railroad overpass, probably at provements at Rt. l and Stiles street, which has signal displays, overpass in the city was recommended, the Roselle street or Cranford avenue; the the highest accident rate, (113 in three years) report states, because “ there is an obvious proposed signal codification of all Linden traffic of any location in Union County were recom­ need for increased roadway capacity through equipment and regulations; improved signal in­ mended. They proposed that the Stiles street an additional east-west corridor within the City interconnecting sys­ terconnect systems on Wood avenue and approaches be widened to provide additional of Linden.This deficiency is caused by a lack of tem*, both existing St. George avenue; improved lighting, capacity and safer separation of the various roadway crossings over the main railroad lines turning movement demands. and recommended. and the building of bus shelters at several of the Penn Central, which traverse the entire Noting that one of the two pedestal mounted length of the city. The three grade separated locations. (Continued on page 7) grossings at Park and Wood avenues and Stiles City Catholic schools seek to buy $17,000 in state aid By RAE HUTTON In the meantime, the schools are-using some total of 99,794-, St. Elisabeth's School has 91 917,MO worth of equipment in of the equtpnwnt hflhough it is available tor pieces of equipment valued at 96,680. and St ‘ "ith ollc schools in Linden will go to the Inspection by other prospective bidden - as Theresa’s School has five pieces of equipment bidder tomorrow when the slat* soils which it provided to the schools s year to Sister (Dveftn Y w H ter o f » . _____ . „ ______ > three L M * eeboois Elisabeth's School, no prospective bidders range from an automatic utexfihat screen have called for an appointment to examine the valued at 9984 to heed sets valued at M JS VIAB LE MATRIX The sale is being heid in compliance with a available equipment. Their condition, according to the catalog, LANE CONTROL federal court order directing New Jersey to TRAFFIC SIGNALS According to a catalog issued by the State ranges from used and no longer operable to remove from all non-public schools by Oct 31 Division of Purchase and Property, St. John's new and unused, though not in their original the equipment which it made available to them School has 221 pieces of equipment valued at a cartons; some of the items are described as for the first time last year either used but hi fully operable condition or Involved are some 20,000 separate pieces, used and in fully operable condition but with mostly of audio-visual equipment, which were some defects. purchased with 92 9 million in public funds for Most of the equipment at St. John's and St. CXItnfM MTtIKONMCCT SYSTEM Auto Accident Table 706 private and parochial schools throughout Theresa s schoirfs falls into the audio-visual 1972 accidents to Oct. 7 M9 RCCOMMCNDtO NEW INTCWCONNCCT SYSTEM the state. aides category; filmstrips, overhead and 1973 accidents to Oct. 7 954 All three Linden parochial schools which opaque projectors, record players, tape received items is planning to submit bids in the recorders ami cassette equipment, listening 611 hope that they might be able to retain the 1972 Injuries to Oct. 7 centers, projection screens and other teaching City to receive Bicycle traffic increase quipment A spokesman for the Linden school 1973 injuries to Oct. 7 ,613 aides system said the public schools in the city will St. Elizabeth’s also has a quantity of visual 6 not bid on any of the equipment. 1972 fatalities to Oct. 7 aide equipment, but much of the material there 4 $9,353 to aid At St. John’s School, funds making a sealed 1973 fatalities to Oct. 7 is science equipment, used to furnish its newly brings safety reminders bid possible are being supplied by the Parent- installed science laboratory. Faculty Guild, while several school and church 1972 Rt. 1 accidents to Oct. 7 269 The Rev. Kenneth Mayer, pastor of St. 299 Linden Police Chief Domenic Lello this week In 1969, the Linden City Council adopted a organisations at St.
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