Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange Kenyon College Course Catalogs Archives 1924 Kenyon College Bulletin No. 90 - The olC lege Catalogue 1924-1925 Follow this and additional works at: https://digital.kenyon.edu/coursecatalogs Recommended Citation "Kenyon College Bulletin No. 90 - The oC llege Catalogue 1924-1925" (1924). Kenyon College Course Catalogs. 114. https://digital.kenyon.edu/coursecatalogs/114 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives at Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kenyon College Course Catalogs by an authorized administrator of Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange. For more information, please contact [email protected]. KENYON COLLEGE BULLETIN NUMBER 90 THE COLLEGE CATALOGUE 1924 -:- 1925 KENYON COLLEGE BULLETIN NUMBER 90 KENYON COLLEGE CATALOGUE 1924 - 1925 GA~fBIER , OHIO PUBLISHED BY THE COLLEGE 192S 4 KENYON COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF KENYON COLLEGE E X-OFFICIO THE RT. REI'. W I LLI AM A. LEONARll, DD. Bis/lop of Ohio PrtS1°dt11/ for tire Yeor THE RT. REV. Bovo VINCENT, D. D. Bishop of Southern Ohio Tm; REV. W1LLIAM FosTER I'..:111cr, L.H.D. D.O., LLD. P1esidr11t of Kn1yo11 Col/rg1• ELECTE D BY T HE BOARD OF TRUSTEES UNDER ARTICLE IV TY.RM &:\ PlllES l:RANc•~ 1'. A. JUNKIN, LI-D., Chicagl', 111 -· ___.1 925 H&1'RY S. G11txx:, A.B., :\Jinncapoli•, ;\I inn _ ··--·--.-1!l25 C11A1u.1:s J. l.dVtNGOOD, Cincinnati -· ..... ·---192;, 0AVID 7- XoRToN, A.M., Cleveland ___ -···· __ .. 1~26 CuARU.S R. RA\ MDl'D, Akron _ ·-- -····-19.!i A1.11El!T A. Aucusrus, A. f., Oc\dand --·--____192!\ II. G. DAI.TON, Clcvdand -· -· ----- 1~ 26 Tm~ RT•• Rr.v. FR\Nlt J) ·Mour.ur, n n., Oc\clanrl -- 1927 RALrtr K1Nc, Oe\·cland Ho1o1a J>. KNAPP, Painesville_ \V11.1.1AM G. M \TffEll, ClcHland T11£ Rr. Ri:v. Tuc:ooo..& I. Rr.r."" D 0 Co-I b u... 1• ~... · ·• um us ""'" •· Gt. N, Ph.B., Cleveland •· Tm; II • A DoUGl.AS!I LL..D W h. SAJ.!t:J:l. (Ant"' Ll..D a' I d. A tngton. C .-.. ~ C\C an HAJU:S C. Bol.To • AM, Cle, clan J Eow •n Goon, Pb B., Akron IOlln!ON R. W in:. Cincinnati BOARD OF TRUSTEES 6 ELECTED BY THE ALUMNI UNDER ARTICLE V TERM EXrlRES ERNEST C. DEMPSEY, A.B., Qeveland........................................... ......... 1925 THE RT. RE\. ROBERT L. llARRts, D.D., :\Iarquette, Mich ............... 1925 THE HoN. T. P. LINN, LL.D., Columbus............................................ 1926 DR. FRANCIS W. BLAKE, A.ii[., Gambier ............................................ 11126 THE REv. DR. ]AMES TOIVNSENO RUSSELL, Washington, D. c ....... 1927 ,\J.ONZO M. SNYOF.R, A B., Cleveland ......, ............................................. 1927 SECRETARY DR. F. W. BLAKE, Gambier TREASURER TRU"T Durr., 1 HE GUARUl.\N SAVINGS AND TRUST Co., Cleveland, Ohio Assistant Treasurer in charge of Gambier Office P. H TAYLOR 6 KENYON COLLEGE STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES E LECTED UNDER THE CONST ITUTION E xecutive Committee \!R. L1sN DR. BLAKE :\IR. K N \PP ilJSHOI' REESE PRESIDE'IT PEIRCE On the Theological School TuE BrsHoP oF Omo T11E B1s11or OF Sourm:.11N Omo THE B1snor COADJUTOR Tm. B1snor Co.,o;uroR ov Omo OF SournERN Omo PRf SIDF.N r PE111cE B1sHOP H ~RRIS \!R. S.\\ft:U. \[ATllER APPOINTED COMMITTEES On Finance :\IR. LINN i\IR. \\'11.J.I \M G. :\JATllfR :\111. GtxN MR. RAYMO:-il) :\h. WAITE On Investments \fR S \ I CEL \I.\ TH F.K ~IR. DALT(I:'>; :\IR. ~ORTON l\111. KING .\IR. AUGUSTUS On L ibraries PRFSlflDiT Pf'.IRCE H1~11op DuMou11:-1 DR. 81.\KF. :\!R. Goon On Buildings and Grounds PRF.!':lllENT T'EIRCE :\IR. DE~PSEY FACUL T Y 7 FACULTY T H E REV. WILLIAM FOSTER PEIRCE, M.A., (Amher..t), L.H.D. (Hobart), D.D. (Western Reserve, University of the South), LL.D. (Kenyon), PRESl!IEJST SPENCER ;\ND \\'oLn.:. PROFESSl1R OF ~fENTAL ANU ~fORAL PHlLOSOPHY HENRY TITUS WEST, ).f.A. (Oberlin), PROFESSOR o•· GER~!AN W ILLIA~f PETERS REEVES, B.,\., P H.D. (Johns Hopkins), SECRET,\RY ] AMES H. DEMPSE\' PROFES~OR Qt' ENGLISH LEE BARKER WALlON, i\I.A. (Brown), P11.D. (Cornell), PROFESSOR OF BIOLOGY RICHARD CLARKE ~lA XXl:\'G, B.A., PH.D. (HarYard), Br.NSON ~lEMORl.\L PROFEs~oR or L.\TIN REGINALD BR\A1':T ALLE:\, ~f.S. (Rutger~). Pn.D. (Clark), P EADODY PRorESSOR OF ~lATHEMArrcs AND C 1nL E:-;c;1NEERISG E LBE H ERBERT JOHXSOX, B.A., :\I.A. (Olivet), PROFESroR OF PHYSICS RA Y:\IOXD DU BOIS C \ HALL, P u.B (Kcmon), Pn.D. {Columbia), PRon:.ssoR m H1sToRY CHARLES LACY LOCKERT. JR., B.A., .\I.\. (Southwc.•tcrn Presbyterian Unh.), P11.D. (Princeton), MdL\0 AISE AsstSTAST PROFE,.!'OR OP Eso.1s11 THE REV. llOR \CE WYXDO~rE WOOD. R. \. c Ken) on}. C1111rLA1x DAVID I. GREE:'\. B.S., M... \. (1\lircd), P11.D. (John HopJ..;ns}. PROFESSOR OF EcoN OMH.S .1x11 Soooux;' oN I:nw1s M. STANTOS FoUNDATIOS 8 KENYON COLLEGE JUDGE ULYSSES L. MARVIN, LL.D (Kenyon), LECTURER ON (OM}IEROAL LAW THE REV. ORVILLE E. WATSON, M.A., D.D., BEDELL PllOFESSOR OF NEW TEST\MKNT INSTRUCTION IN BEXLEY HALL LECTURER ON THE BIBLE WlLLlA:\! IJOWARD WAL'I FR, fl.A, :\1A, LL.B. (Toronto), A<;s1sTANT PROFESSOR OF Eco:-;o,11ts \Sil Bus1st:ss \nMt:SJSTR\TIO="' RICll.\RD COLLINS LORD, B.A., ~IA, Pu D. (Wash­ ington and Lee), REGISTRAR ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF PHVSltS AND CHEMISTll.V WALTER DENSTON, B.A. (Cambridge), ASSISTANT PROH.SSOR OF :\IATllEMATIC~ FRANCIS A. WATERHOUSE, :\I.A., Pe.D. (Harvard), SA\lUEL MATllfR PRorEssoR or ROMANCE L\NGUAGES MELVIN GILLISON RIGG, B.A. (Baker), M.A., Pu.D. (Univ. of Penna.), A SSISTANT PROFEs<;oR Of PsYCllOLOGV AND EDUCATION GEORGE WHITING IIIBBITT, B.A. (Ohio State"), M.A. (Yale), Ass1stANT PROF£.<:<:oR or ENGLISH 'I HE REV. FREDERICK CLlFTO~ GR.\NT, S.T.D. (Westem ThC"ol . SC"m .), D1tAN OF Bt.xu;v HALL LKCTL'RFR ON RELIGION WALTER llATHERAL COOLIDGE, Pu.B. (Kenyon), PH.D. (John' Hopkins), Bowu:.1. PROnssoR OF P!iYStcs AND CmtMISTRV ROBERT SOMERVILLE RADl·ORD, ~I.A. (Univ. of Virginia) . Ptt.D. (Johns Hopkins), PRon-ssoR OF GR.KEK 9 FACULTY WILLIA ~! RAY ASHFORD, AB. (Harvard ), Ass1sTANl PRoF&S~OR 01 RoAJ .\ NCE LANGUAGES HAROLD A. W IPER, B.A. (Ohio State) , ATHLETIC D I RECTOR FRE DERICK LEWIS WHITE, B.S., M.,\ . (Kenyon), Suruv1s1NG ENGINED ELEANOR MAUDE HICKI~ . B.A. ()fichigan}, Ltniv.Rt.'\I' ST ANDING COMMITTEES OF THE F ACULTY Athletics PllQFES~OR \VALTOl'\ PROFF.SSO!l Al.LE:> Discipline l'ROH~SO!l \ V&ST l'JOfK,.~OR }OH ?'SON Paonssoa ALL&:S Lanrill Lectureship Pu: II P· RCE P aon;ssoa \V t.TPHOUS& Library P11&SID&.'JT P&111CE Paonssoa Ru\&S 10 KENYON COLLEGE ST UDE NT ASSISTANTS Biological Laboratory H.\ROLD EDWARD H YOf TIARRTSON HA\'LLAND Hou: Chemical Lab orat ory ALFIU<:Jl ANTHONY Di:.CATO MAYNARD CLARK WELLER \V11.LJA\I EDWARD McQuows Physical Laboratory ELtJ.111 HENRY BROWN \VALTER KENNETH \VtLSON l10~1EK Co1.D1.\:s \VmTE Mathematics P.\UL 11. SuTHrRLAND Library ST.\'.';L!;Y MEREDITH FULLWOOD B URTON PAUL LEWIS \\'tLLJ.\M llERnERT R u~K Co:-;:>T,\;>;Tt;>; f. ~- :\I. :\ll::sso1,oxc111TES L "' R•::>:rn \\'11.!'os :\!tLLS R egistrar's Office G 0 HrRBF:l<T n :SOLKt;N Assistant Treasurer 's Office STA:-il.LV :\IFRf'fllTIJ r Ll.l woon ORGANIZATION 11 ORGANIZATION The insti tution now known as Kenyon College wa.> incorporated December 29, 1824, under the title of "The Theological Seminary of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Ohio." By a supplementary act of the Legislature, the pre~ident and professors of the seminary were empowered to act as the faculty of the college and confer degrees in the arts and sciences. The original funds for the institution were secured in England in 1823-24 by the Right Rev. Philander Chase, first Bishop of the Episcopal Church in the Northwest territory, two of the principal donors heing Lord Kenyon and Lord Gambier. The first students were received at the Bishop's house in Worthington, Ohio, in 1824, and the first constitution was approved by the Convention of the Diocese of Ohio on November 27 of the same year. In 1826, two quarter sections of the Cnited States military lands were secured in Knox County. Building- was begun in the fol­ lowing year. The first degrees were conferred under date of September 9, 1829. In 1891 the corporate title was changed to Kenyon College, the name by which the instituti0n had always been known. The Bishops of Ohio and Southern Ohio preside over the Doard of Trustee:; in alternate years. SITE Gambier, the ~eat of Kenyon College. i~ a village of about five hundred inhabitant!', on the Cleveland. Akron and Columbus Railroacl, a little ca't of the C'Cntcr of the State of Ohio, fifty miks from Columbu~. five mite~ from Mt. Vernon and one hundred and t\\.·enty miles from Cleve­ land. The altitude is nearly eleven hundred feet and the site 12 K J:NYON CoLl.l:IC.: was chosen by Bishop Chase after careful investigation for natural beauty and healthfulne s of climate. The plateau on which the College and village arc si tuated ri es about two hundred feet ahove the valley of the Kokosing river, which flo\\ s around it on three sides. GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS The original dom.un of th1. lollcr.-1. 111dudl I about four thousand acres, being a quarter township of the United Stalls M1htary Reservation of 1795 in Cl·ntral and Eastern Ohio.
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