PLAN FOR ROAD METAL BUILDINGSTONE,BALLAST&BOULDERS 2018 MINING Extent:2.428 Hectares MINING PLAN INCLUDING PROGRESSIVE MINE CLOSURE PLAN FOR ROAD METAL, BUILDING STONE, BALLAST & BOULDERS (Under Rule 7 A of APMMC Rules ‘1966 & Rule 23 (B) of MCDR 1988) (FOR THE PLAN PERIOD 2018-19 TO 2019-20) Over an extent of 2.428 Hectares in Sy. No. 801 of For M/s SRINIVASA GRANITE METAL INDUSTRIES Prop : Sri V.V SRINIVASA RAO Mulapadu Village Ibrahimpatnam Mandal Krishna District Andhra Pradesh State By P.V. SATYANARAYANA Consultant Geologist & RQP INTRODUCTION M/S SRINIVASA GRANITE METAL INDUSTRIES, Prop: Sri V.V. Srinivasa Rao, was granted a quarry lease for Road Metal, Building Stone, Ballast and Boulders over an extent of 2.428 Hectares in Sy. No. 801 of Paritala (V), Kanchikacherla (M), Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh State, for a period of 15 years by the Deputy Director of Mines & Geology, Kakinada vide Proceedings No. 677 / Q4 / 2005 dated 10-02-2005. The quarry lease deed was executed on 23-02-2005 by the Asst. Director of Mines & Geology, Nandigama vide Proceedings No. 105 / Q / 2005 dated 23-02-2005 for a period of 15 years w.e.f. 23-02-2005 to 22-02-2020 (Annexure – I). M/S SRINIVASA GRANITE METAL INDUSTRIES, Prop: Sri V.V. Srinivasa Rao, approached P.V.SATYANARAYANA , Consultant Geologist and RQP (RQP / DMG / AP / 34 / 2015) for preparation of Mining Plan in the above mentioned area. Accordingly this Mining Plan is prepared as per guidelines issued in Form-T in G.O.Ms.No.56, Industries & Commerce (M.II) Department dated 30-04-2016 under Rule 7 A of APMMC Rules ‘1966 and Progressive Mine Closure Plan under Rule 23 (B) of MCDR 1988 for the plan period 2018-19 TO 2019-20. Prepared By : P. V. SATYANARAYANA RQP / DMG / AP / 34 / 2017 Page – 1 9966120830 PLAN FOR ROAD METAL BUILDINGSTONE,BALLAST&BOULDERS 2018 MINING Extent:2.428 Hectares proposals are made for ensuing last 2 years period i.e. 2018-19 TO 2019-20 up to end of lease period i.e. 22-02-2020 and submitted to the Deputy Director of Mines & Geology, Kakinada, for approval. Prepared By : P. V. SATYANARAYANA RQP / DMG / AP / 34 / 2017 Page – 2 9966120830 PLAN FOR ROAD METAL BUILDINGSTONE,BALLAST&BOULDERS 2018 MINING Extent:2.428 Hectares 1.0 GENERAL M/s SRINIVASA GRANITE METAL INDUSTRIES Prop : Sri V.V SRINIVASA RAO 1.1 Name and Address of the lessee Mulapadu Village Ibrahimpatnam Mandal Krishna District Andhra Pradesh State 1.2 Status of the lessee Private Firm ROAD METAL, BUILDING STONE, 1.3 Mineral for which lessee intends to mine BALLAST & BOULDERS P.V. SATYANARAYANA Lattice It, Door No: 406, Name and Address of the RQP who 1.4 Green Avenue, prepared the Mining Plan Opp Anil Castle, Gollapudi, Vijayawada- 521225 Ph No-8610692941 RQP/ DMG / AP / 34 / 2017 RQP Registration No. & Validity (Valid Upto 25th March ‘2027) Prepared By : P. V. SATYANARAYANA RQP / DMG / AP / 34 / 2017 Page – 3 9966120830 PLAN FOR ROAD METAL BUILDINGSTONE,BALLAST&BOULDERS 2018 MINING Extent:2.428 Hectares 1.5 LOCATION AND ACCESSIBILITY 1. Applied Area / Lease Details 1 Village Paritala 2 Mandal Kanchikacherla 3 District Krishna 4 State Andhra Pradesh 5 Survey No. 801 6 Extent 2.428 Hectares (6.00 Acres) 7 Ownership of Occupancy Govt. Land The quarry lease area falls in the Survey of India, Toposheet No. 65 D / 6 (Scale 1 : 50,000) and is bounded B.P LATITUDE LONGITUDE No. 1. N16°39'42.61" E080°26'38.19" 2. N16°39'43.94" E080°26'35.48" 8 Geo Co-ordinates 3. N16°39'47.82" E080°26'37.97" 4. N16°39'49.54" E080°26'42.34" 5. N16°39'45.84" E080°26'42.58" 6. N16°39'44.71" E080°26'39.41" The quarry lease area is located at the distance of 7.8 Km due NE of Paritala village. The Mandal Head Quarters Kanchikacherla is located at the Location of the area and distance of 11 Km due NE of the quarry lease 9 approach area. The quarry lease area can be approached from National Highway – 221. The location of the area is indicated in Key - Cum - Location Map (Plate - I). Prepared By : P. V. SATYANARAYANA RQP / DMG / AP / 34 / 2017 Page – 4 9966120830 PLAN FOR ROAD METAL BUILDINGSTONE,BALLAST&BOULDERS 2018 MINING Extent:2.428 Hectares The Cadastral Map certified by the Asst. Director of Mines & Geology, Vijayawada, in favour of M/s SRINIVASA GRANITE METAL INDUSTRIES, is given as Plate No. II. 2. Period of Quarry Lease granted = 15 years (23-03-2005 to 22-02-2020) 3. Infrastructure and Communication The ground water level is about 15 – 45 M BGL at the foot hill. The Availability of Water agricultural fields in the surrounds of the quarry lease area are irrigated by ground water. Electricity is available in all the villages and in the nearby agricultural Availability of Electricity lands for borewells. Communication Network Tele Communications facility is available at the Paritala Village. State Transport Bus Services ply from Hyderabad, Vijayawada & Road Network Intermitted towns pass through National Highway – 9. Kondapalli Railway Station is 20.00 Km and Vijayawada Railway Nearest Rail Head Station is 30.00 Km from the Site. Port Facility Kakinada Port is about 251 Km from the Site. Primary School Education is available at Paritala Village. Higher School Education is available at Vijayawada Town. Registered Medical Practioner is available at Paritala Village. Medical Facility Vijayawada Town is well placed for Doctors, Nursing Homes & Hospitals. BOUNDARIES North Quarries & Crusher South Quarry East Quarry West Barren Lands Further good potential exists for the employment of unskilled labour in the existing Granite Quarries and Allied Small-Scale Industries. The area experiences Semi - Arid Climatic Conditions with an average annual rainfall of 1000 mm. The local day temperature varies Prepared By : P. V. SATYANARAYANA RQP / DMG / AP / 34 / 2017 Page – 5 9966120830 PLAN FOR ROAD METAL BUILDINGSTONE,BALLAST&BOULDERS 2018 MINING Extent:2.428 Hectares from 25 C in November to 48 C in April & May Months. The general wind direction reported is SW to NE and SE to NW PART – A 1.0 GENERAL DETAILS OF THE APPLIED AREA / QUARRY LEASE The quarry lease area is located on a part of hill with a maximum elevation of 30 M above ground level within the quarry lease area with 1 Topography topo relief in NW direction. The lowest contour is 60 M and highest contour is 90 M in topo plan. 2 Drainage Sub-Dendritic Pattern in E – W direction Sparse with thorny bushes in the interstices of joints where soil is 3 Vegetation existing, areas around the barren rocky land are cultivation lands Semi-Arid. The area is falling under semi-arid tropical zone. The area is having dry climate. The temperature recorded in this area is 25°C in 4 Climate winter and about 48°C in summer seasons. The wind direction is in SW to NE. 5 Rainfall The average annual rainfall of the area is 1,000 mm. 6 Soil Type Red Soil 7 Land Use Pattern Agriculture and Cultivated lands Prepared By : P. V. SATYANARAYANA RQP / DMG / AP / 34 / 2017 Page – 6 9966120830 PLAN FOR ROAD METAL BUILDINGSTONE,BALLAST&BOULDERS 2018 MINING Extent:2.428 Hectares 2.0 GEOLOGY AND EXPLORATION a) Brief description of Regional Geology with reference to location of lease / applied area Regional Geology The area constitutes southernmost part of Eastern Ghat Mobile Belt (EGMB), where the belt is tapering to less than 20 km width. EGMB is trending in NNE – SSW in the area. This area EGMB mainly represented by Western zone. The succession of EsternGhat Super Group is as follws: Intrusives Layered Anorthosites and associated Mafics and Chromiferrous Ultra Mafics. Charnockite Group Charnockites with Mega Crystic K-Feldspar Charnockite, Two Pyroxene Granulite/ Amphibolites Khondalite Cacl – Silicate – Granulites 6 Group Garnet – Silliminite – Quartz – Biotite – K- Feldspar Graphite Gneiss (Khondalite) Quartzite – Ganet - Silliminite Granitoid Suite Granitoid with Mega Crystic K- Feldspar Undifferentiated (with MigmatiticDiaTectile, Augen) Porphyroblastic Granite and Gneisses Garnet – BiotiteHomophanus Granite/Gneiss Leptinite, Local CharnockiteNeosomes and Relics The Eastern Ghat Mobile Belt is fold thrust teraain, the margins defined by westerly. b) Detailed description of Geology of the lease area Present area constitutes part of Western Charnockite zone represented mainly of Charnockite and basic granulite with minor banded iron formation. Lithologically the lease area is underlain by Charnockite, which is fresh looking, greasy, dark coloured with domination of hypersthenes, blue quartz minerals in it. The Charnockite in the area forms dome shaped, steepy sloping hills. The rock is medium to coarse grained texture composed of gresy quartz, hypersthene, orthoclase and plagioclase with or without garnet. The rock is massive, with widely spaced vertical to sub vertical joints trending in NE-SW direction. It is observed that sheet joints are absent. Owing to its compact and hardness charnockite with stand to weathering and form huge, steepy sloping dome shaped hills in the area b) Detailed description of geology of lease area The Quarry Lease Area is fallen Flancks of the hill with topo relief of 30 M above the ground level consisting of Chevrolet rock under lied by Granite Gneiss with average of archean period. It is holo crystalline texture to coarse grained texture exhibited on the rock is with very strong and compacted. Hence, it has been used for civil purpose, not for decorative purpose because of presence of numerous joints and shears in the rocks. Prepared By : P. V. SATYANARAYANA RQP / DMG / AP / 34 / 2017 Page – 7 9966120830 PLAN FOR ROAD METAL BUILDINGSTONE,BALLAST&BOULDERS 2018 MINING Extent:2.428 Hectares c) Details of Quarry Lease holder M/s SRINIVASA GRANITE METAL INDUSTRIES, Prop : Sri V.V SRINIVASA RAO, Mulapadu Village, Ibrahimpatnam Mandal, Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh State.
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