jlffilt I., unit i>Kt:h;MBEK »7V ina«. PAGE SEVEN' r-r s ts 'S TM A3 GIFTS FOR 1 I Toaster Gifts of Charm and Quality The switch in the plug Coffee Perculator and tho turnover feature. make it very convenient.. Delicious coffee quickly and Tin' Iirotdvfar.t tou::t will be Uniformly anpelixuig, "*i conveniently made. lilt'). <• ul.t '>•"•", -H -. •J '' :,'|.-: \ < lltllil 'H :; Shiuil 'Hill 00. Kv. -,,.y Coffee Urn Classic lines pf quiet red, $1.00, beauty makes it an appliance Wool Hose, that women will be proud iuid Wool to own. Its coffee is superb. 1 adies' Oolf Hose,. 50c to Chafing Dish and colored, Warming Pad jlain and fan- An. excellent present for the girl in school or -for - With its gentle, even your home. easily variable heat, the warming pad is a priceless boon to the ill and the aged. nd striped' YVool ,Ter Printed Silk. ilii't :ek and eol- "ool Gropes, Table Stove Amazingly versatile, it toasts broils, fries and- grills. Convenient for quick breakfast, light lunches and after-the-show repasts. ren's Kobes BO to 15.00. Iron ltubbcr Ap- C i z > Glow Ironing day is not dread­ , $1.00 to It directs a beam of cozy ed by owners of this iron. oO. Gents' warmth wherever desired Its comfortable handle, Suspenders Particularly valuable- -it^ the beveled edge, and balance, f eliminate fatigue. 50. Fancy homes where there are ''ba­ bies or old popple. 'ses, SOe^to- Owned or desired by every particular woman. roo Electrical Gifts are Lasting Reminders; of the Thoughtful Giver St. Lawrence County Utilities, Potsdam, New York $39.50 -i- J , 29.S0 22.50 teinoon Hev. Plumb preached at ihe 10th—Sunday. Morning, go to 4th—Battalion drill. 30th—Non- commissioned officers cents for the expenses of the fun Natural Pipe Line 5th—Friends from Mass-ena. drill. era!. Pay master comes. barnulw. Baptist church. Afternoon to Cat.i While some workmen in Satli, 6th—Called on corptoral of the 31st—March to the village. ISth—Regiment rieceives its, pay. iefs 14th—Common drill, olic. , " ' Maine, were quarrying stone they un­ guard. ' January 1, '1862—Called on cor­ Drew from the government ?25. D1AHYQF CIVIL lath—Second • election of our 11th—Rainy Lieut, jiopkins leav-s covered at a depth o£ ab&ut twenty Potsdam for the Wth Regiment. poral of the guard. Ladies from three commissioned officers, this_ tie 7th—Battalion drill. Father and 19th—Sunday. No preaching. feet u water conduit about three feet . Set up with ihe sick. the girls to Potsdam to see Us. Massena give us dinner and rapper. wide and (wn feet high. The conduit . fore the colonel. In ihe eveni.ig 20th>—Sent home 520. 12th—Common drill. 2nd—Dress parade. was In a Solid ledge and it is of mil--' watch with Andrew at ihe residence 8th—Sunday. Preaching in the Itt VEM 13th—Elect officers, second li?ut barracks. Go to prayer meeting in 1 3rd—Non- commissioned • officers 21st—^Dress parade. form diameter its full lvrigfch, 200 feet. • of Mr.. Fisher. UNEUR 1921 enant. live sirgoants and eight or the evening. drill. 22nd—Regiment march down The four sides are deeply, conjugated, ' RBLEWORKS 17th—Receive orders a> :vo to ;vlas porals'. 9th—Battalion drill. Secessionist 4th—Non -commissioned officers and heard Mrs. Little from Bosio.i slunving that at sdnw time'water ran , Practical THE LATE O. 1\ BENSON, A sena recruiting. Start from Pots­ on the ground by the name of Piide drill. sing. through it at great 'prc-'.sivre. It is" Monumental dam at 11:00 o'clock, get in Massona 1 l'.li—Commence to oiganize the MEMBER OF !>2ND company. Narrowly escape with a ride on a 6th—Sunday. Preaching /jn the 23rd—Very pleasant. one of the few of nature's -pii» lines ', N. V. at 5:00. Enlist one man. that have been 'exposed,—Scientific ' REGIMENT 15th—Whole regiment drill to­ rail. hail by chaplain.' designs and 18lh—Morning, at home. After­ 24th—March down town. Company American. • ' gether. Ctfe—Snow. Coromoft drili. door noon, get one man. 10th—Battalion march, down to A drilled by lieutenant-colonel. 16th—Arise at 6:00 o'clock. The 7th—Non -commissioned officers MCLEAN 10th—Cut two men. i ClarksohtC Distance of .lVi..mil<;3. v 25th—Very snows'. Called on cor The Massena Observer is p'lint whole regiment march down-to the 11th—Dress parade. drill. .„ •- ./, r 1 20th—Remain at home. poral of the guard. N. Y. wig excerpts from the dai.'y of th'. village. Two colonels come to i<ee 12th—Dress parade. Death of • 8th—Receive orders to' leave Pdts 21st— Get iwo men. 26th—Sunday. No preaching. lute O. P. Benson of that Village, the men from Virginia. _v_ young Wilkinson of Company F. dam. - • ..... •" Better Thaii^H lather of O. P. Benson df Potsdam. 22nd—Start from Massona to 2th—Lieutenant colonel has splen Potsdam wHh /our men. 17th—Regiment march down'town Sick.but 12 hours. 9th—Lieutenant-colonel shows me Mr. Benson enlisted here m the in- Presbyterian church: did horse presented him by the citi 23rd—Go back to Massena re­ 13th—Called on corporal of the regiment a 15 shooter, promising to for Liver fts*' •liiind Regiment", The Excelsior 1 8th—Practice in' forming the bat zens of Pptsdam cruiting. guai'd. Take five ' prisoners. give it to the best soldier between Rifles" which was organized hers in talion into line. Quickest time three •28th—Sign allotment roll to send, 24th—Gel one man. 14th—Dress parade. now and April the under- 1861 by Colonel donah' Sahford of minutes. yman, has » 25th—Get one man. 15th—Sunday. iPreaching' in Uw , 10th—Friends, from Stockholm to G. B., Andrews, of Massena, ?12 .Hopkinton. The regiment was Ifh- -Battalion drill. to tone anrj strengthen ikland 'Sedan of 20th - Start from . Massena to dining hall by Elder Gome. present a flag to Captain Newton, per-month of my wages. organised and went into camp 'in 20th—Leave Potsdam ' for Mas 16th—Receive one hundred stand tho oreans of digostion and Potsdam, N. V.. Potsdam with three vountters. Company F. Weather rainy. 29th—Fire in the "village. Comp­ elimination, improve appetite, the ground to the. north of Cottage sefiia.. i of guns to practice by companies. stop sick iiendjchco, rolic-.'O bil- ame from the - 27th—Go to church in .Uie fore lltfo—Father and mother up from any A marches down to help.) " iouanossy cori-cet consiipatJor). street between Leroy and Market. 21st—'At home. , . 17th—Practice with our gunij. nooni Afternoon preaching at the Massena. 30th—Start for home. ' Thtv act promptly, p!ca«inUy, 1923, to tht- The, first installment of the diary 22nd—At home. March down to the " village: ) mildly, yot thoroughly* oar will he barracks. 12th—Sunday. Pr-eaching in the 31 sb—At home. follows: 23 rd—-At home. 18th—Dress patade. Grand dis­ two o'clock 29th—Sworn in the United States hall by Universalist. (To be Continued.) • i Tomorrow Alriggh-i October 10th, 1861—Start :'i>m '21th—Sunday. At home. play. Many spectators. 1 the 18th day Massona for Potsdam. Arrived ther-i service. 25th—.At home, '~— 20th—Very cold. Brill but little. 15th—Rather cold . Bought a ftair the Charles 3rd—Sunday. The whole regi- of boots of supply company, S4.50. On the Contrary at 1:00 o'clock. Examined by .Dr. 26th—At home. E. Alton store 21st—Extremely cold. • Jlal«J (heiviy married)—Ton look Sheds, Ray- Hewitt and then returned to our mtnt march lo the Catholic church. burned. , 22nd—Sunday. No preaching. 14th—An immense crowd. Sword Andrew dies at 7:00 a. m. At !i:00 presented to Cap*. Knowles also »re very incliinclioly. xieorge; are you N. Y., J»y camp for dinner at 4:00. 27th—Flag presentation by the •23rd—No drill. Cold. mm* ig said lie". p. m. start for Massena to prepare to Lieut. Whitney, b&th of Company sorr.V' JMIU' maijrled a:e? 11th—Rainy. Chose three com­ ladies, 38 of the men Present. 24th—Very coW. George—N<i, 4cm; of emirse not. I t. missioned officers. Hiram Andei-sou for funeral. • 28—At home. 25th—'Christmas. .'' March to the D. Flag presented to Company JC. , Wymnn. 4th—Drive from Massena to Pots One to the regiment by Mr. Clark was only thliilving of all the nice girls for captain, R. F. Cleary .Cor first 29th—Start from - Massena to village, where ladies of Po'tsdam I crin't nmJT>v *%m•So* 27 wS dam. Andrew buried. son in behalf of his daughters. lieutenant, E. L. Hobbs for second Potsdam. treat us to'a dihn'er.. .••-'. ; , M^id^-Oii, ^Jforge, Iww horrid of 5th—Drill four hours. :i •:' l*tti^3»i>lti.:." ; AnfJsraon , receives-,, Cot a lieut'entant., " " \ 30th—Common drill. :. - 26th—LieutiCol. Bhighartr rna^es Jftiofiv I:'tti»'uglit xeu careO'fo'r noliody 25c= Box DrutgitS 1 • 6th—Common drill. froih the Ila'dles of'IVfessena nrricles December 1st—Sunday. Called en his appearance.'y.-. '' '* ' ; btrt'im'B. ; lath-T-March to Uie> ongino'.hous'j ; for/the hospital, ' Hard Brill* two 'hours. 7th—Common drill. corporal of the guard. Preaching in 27th—Common ' drill. "• ' ' George'—That is so, my fl*a", I is bard an- the haracks. ' . 17th—Hudson Clark dies at half THE KEtNOLDS PlfAKMACY ' ISth-^Sunday. Go to church in 8th—Common drill. Clothing "28th—Birthldayl.- Qo"mmon difl.. wasn't .tliin(;ing of myself, ba: of the In It.
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