November 14, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7413 Campaign Medal, Global War on Ter- Matthew Morris joined the Army im- SERGEANT ANGEL MENDEZ POST rorism Service Medal, Army Service mediately after high school and was as- OFFICE Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon, and signed to the 2nd Squadron of the 3rd Mr. FARENTHOLD. Mr. Speaker, I Combat Action Ribbon. Armored Cavalry Regiment based in move to suspend the rules and pass the Matthew Troy Morris was killed on Fort Hood, Texas. While serving in bill (H.R. 2422) to designate the facility April 6, 2008, when his vehicle encoun- Iraq, he earned the Bronze Star, the of the United States Postal Service lo- tered a makeshift bomb in Balad, Iraq. Purple Heart, the National Service De- cated at 45 Bay Street, Suite 2, in Stat- Matthew was only 23 years old. He is fense Medal, and several other decora- en Island, New York, as the ‘‘Sergeant the oldest of four children, leaving be- tions for heroism. Specialist Morris Angel Mendez Post Office’’. hind Cory, Katie and Sam. Matthew’s was a talented young man whose cour- The Clerk read the title of the bill. parents are Lisa and Glenn Morris of age and sacrifice will forever be re- The text of the bill is as follows: Cedar Park, Texas. His father, Glenn, membered. H.R. 2422 served our country in the Vietnam war, Mr. Speaker, I ask that we pass the Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- and we should thank him for his serv- underlying bill to recognize Specialist resentatives of the United States of America in ice. Morris’ valor. Congress assembled, Matthew was engaged to be married Having no requests for time, Mr. SECTION 1. SERGEANT ANGEL MENDEZ POST OF- to Ms. Julia Richardson. He is survived FICE. Speaker, I yield back the balance of by his grandparents, Nancy Jackson (a) DESIGNATION.—The facility of the my time. and Joane Walters; his aunt, Diane United States Postal Service located at 45 Afflerbach; and uncles John and Brian Mr. FARENTHOLD. Mr. Speaker, I Bay Street, Suite 2, in Staten Island, New York, shall be known and designated as the Walters. The sacrifice our military yield myself such time as I may con- sume. ‘‘Sergeant Angel Mendez Post Office’’. families make often goes unnoticed, (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, and I would like the entire Morris fam- I am truly grateful for the brave and map, regulation, document, paper, or other ily to know that we will never forget heroic service of Specialist Morris and record of the United States to the facility re- Matthew and the pain that they have the countless other veterans who sac- ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to endured at his loss. Our country and rifice their time, the families that sac- be a reference to the ‘‘Sergeant Angel this House have not forgotten Mat- rifice their time, and the bravery and Mendez Post Office’’. thew, and we are proud to celebrate his courage of all our veterans in serving The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- life on this day. our country and protecting our free- ant to the rule, the gentleman from Matthew Morris exemplified the dom. It is true that freedom is not free; Texas (Mr. FARENTHOLD) and the gen- highest ideals of the United States and veterans like Specialist Matthew tleman from Maryland (Mr. CUMMINGS) Armed Forces. And although his pass- Troy Morris, whom we’re proposing to each will control 20 minutes. ing left a void in the lives of those who name this post office after, are perfect The Chair recognizes the gentleman were fortunate enough to know him, examples of the bravery and courage of from Texas. they will forever carry the memories of the American military. GENERAL LEAVE this heroic young man close to their Specialist Morris was born on July Mr. FARENTHOLD. Mr. Speaker, I hearts. 16, 1984, in Fairfax, Virginia. He later ask unanimous consent that all Mem- Mr. Speaker, I urge the passage of attended Cedar Park High School in bers may have 5 legislative days within H.R. 298 and ask my colleagues to join Cedar Park, Texas. which to revise and extend their re- in honoring an American patriot and Specialist Morris was in Iraq, serving marks and include extraneous material hero, Army Specialist Matthew Troy as part of the Army’s 2nd Squadron, 3rd on the bill under consideration. Morris of Cedar Park, Texas. Armored Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cav- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there On Saturday, I was at the dedication alry Division based out of Fort Hood. objection to the request of the gen- of the Veterans Memorial in Cedar Tragically, on April 6, 2008, at just 23 tleman from Texas? Park, which holds the likeness of this years of age, Specialist Morris was There was no objection. young specialist, and there were hun- killed when the vehicle he was riding Mr. FARENTHOLD. Mr. Speaker, I dreds of citizens—probably 500 people— in hit an improvised makeshift bomb. yield such time as he may consume to there to celebrate that memorial. Specialist Morris left behind his par- the gentleman from New York (Mr. Mr. CUMMINGS. Mr. Speaker, I yield ents, three siblings, a fiancee, and doz- GRIMM). Mr. GRIMM. Mr. Speaker, I rise myself such time as I may consume. ens of other family and friends. For the today to honor a brother, a member of I rise in support of H.R. 298, a bill to bravery, courage, and heroism he dis- the United States Marine Corps. He designate the facility of the United played, Specialist Morris was awarded gave his life for his country and fellow States Postal Service located at 500 the Bronze Star, Purple Heart, and Na- marines during the Vietnam war. East Whitestone Boulevard in Cedar tional Service Defense Medal. Park, Texas, as the ‘‘Army Specialist Sergeant Angel Mendez was born to Matthew Troy Morris Post Office Mr. Speaker, our Nation is eternally Puerto Rican American parents but Building.’’ grateful for his sacrifice, and I urge all was raised in the Mission of the Im- The measure before us was intro- Members to join me in strong support maculate Virgin, an orphanage located duced by Congressman JOHN CARTER. In of this bill. in Mount Loretto, in my hometown in accordance with our committee re- I yield back the balance of my time. Staten Island, New York. quirements, H.R. 298 has been cospon- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. When Angel graduated from high sored by all the members of the Texas WESTMORELAND). The question is on school in 1964, he volunteered to join delegation. It was reported favorably the motion offered by the gentleman the United States Marine Corps. Angel by the House Oversight and Govern- from Texas (Mr. FARENTHOLD) that the Mendez was assigned to Company Fox- ment Reform Committee on November House suspend the rules and pass the trot, 2nd Battalion, 7th Marines, 1st 3, 2011. bill, H.R. 298. Marine Division as a corporal and often Army Specialist Matthew Troy Mor- The question was taken. said he found a family in the United ris was born on July 16, 1984, just The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the States Marine Corps. His company par- across the Potomac River in Fairfax, opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being ticipated in Operation DeSoto in Duc Virginia. He was killed while serving in in the affirmative, the ayes have it. Pho, Vietnam. Balad, Iraq, on Sunday, April 6, 2008, During a search and destroy mission after only 23 short years of life. Mr. FARENTHOLD. Mr. Speaker, on on March 16, 1967, Mendez and his com- Specialist Morris was a loving son to that I demand the yeas and nays. pany were taken under intense Viet his parents, Lisa and Glenn Morris, and The yeas and nays were ordered. Cong fire. Half of the company sat a caring brother to his siblings Cory, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- across an open rice paddy separated by Katie and Sam. Friends and family de- ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- enemy fire. Among them was the pla- scribe him as a dedicated soldier and ceedings on this question will be post- toon commander, Lieutenant Ronald an energetic and inspiring young man. poned. Castille, who had been shot in his right VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:49 Nov 15, 2011 Jkt 019006 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14NO7.020 H14NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H7414 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 14, 2011 leg; and without hesitation, Sergeant moved by the description just made by I urge all of my colleagues to pass this leg- Mendez volunteered to lead a small Congressman GRIMM about his valor in islation. squad to help his fellow marines and Vietnam. But on that day in 1967 when Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance move Lieutenant Castille to safety. he was mortally wounded on a battle- of my time. Castille remembers Mendez shouting, field thousands of miles from Staten Is- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ‘‘I’m coming, Lieutenant, I’m coming,’’ land, this New York son of Puerto question is on the motion offered by as he crossed the open paddy, providing Rican heritage became an American the gentleman from Texas (Mr. cover fire for the platoon commander hero. Today, thanks to Congressman FARENTHOLD) that the House suspend and other wounded marines. Mendez GRIMM, we pay tribute to his strength the rules and pass the bill, H.R. 2422.
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